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人工圈养珍稀野生动物在温度、环境等应激源下更能引发野生动物的应激性,致使野生动物患有应激性疾病。我国国宝大熊猫以及珍稀野生动物金丝猴等在人工圈养环境下的应急刺激更能引发大肠埃希菌肠炎和传染性的应激性疾病。对于这些珍贵的野生动物来说是致命的。野生动物生性凶猛,更加不便于人工对其的诊断和治疗。所以对于人工圈养条件下野生珍稀动物的应激性疾病如何更好地预防和治疗,成为圈养珍稀野生动物的重要部分。  相似文献   

应激本质上是一种生理反应,其目的在于维持正常的生命活动和保证机体在遭受损伤或功能障碍之后恢复正常。但是,当引起应激反应的应激原超过动物的生理调节限度时,强烈的应激反应就可能引发疾病。如捕捉和运输所引发猪白肌病;犬进食时经常受到不良刺激可引发胃溃疡;产仔后受到惊扰的猫科动物可能出现食仔等。应激性疾病,在野生动物驯养繁殖过程中,是特别值得关注的问题,因为野生动物与家畜、家禽相比,它们对应激原的耐受程度更低。现将本园东北虎应激性疾病1例,报道如下。  相似文献   

临床上常发生野生动物因高温、寒冷、人工保定、驯化、麻醉、运输、密集饲养、手术等强烈刺激而引起应激反应,轻者呈现惊恐、骚动、体温升高或降低、呼吸及心跳频率改变、四肢无力或僵直、体质下降、抗病力降低等类似酸中毒的征候群,重者直接造成动物死亡。认识应激原在机体所产生的非特异性反应状况,可为我们研究应激性疾病治疗提供具体的方法。  相似文献   

王靖元 《兽医导刊》2020,(2):110-110
动物园作为休闲娱乐、科普宣传教育、野生动物异地保护和科学研究四大功能为社会服务.珍稀野生动物异地保护工作尤为重要,因其对栖息地依赖性较强,圈养条件下对环境、温度、饲料等改变适应能力较差,极易发生应激性疾病.此文就珍稀野生动物在人工圈养的过程中发生的应激性疾病展开叙述,并提出相应的防治措施.  相似文献   

应激是机体受到各种强烈的或有害刺激后出现的非特异性防御反应.生理情况下,应激反应持续时间短,有利于提高机体对外界环境的适应能力和维持内环境的相对稳定.在病理情况时,由于应激反应过强和持续时间过久,则可给机体造成病理性损害.由应激引起的以非特异性损害为主的疾病,称为应激性疾病.羊因运输应激诱发的主要疾病为感冒、支气管炎、腹泻、流行性眼炎、口疮等.  相似文献   

<正>应激综合征是动物遭受各种不良因素或应激原的刺激时表现出生长发育缓慢、生产性能和产品质量降低、免疫力下降,严重者引起死亡的一种非特异性反应。各种动物(包括野生动物)均可发生,常见于猪和牛。  相似文献   

应激反应是动物机体对外界或内部的刺激产生的各种反应总和,野生动物的串笼、保定、惊吓、运输、治疗等过程中,以及在温度、湿度、光照、声音等条件刺激下,都会引起动物的应激反应,而动物在持续应激条件下,会导致促肾上腺皮质激素和皮质醇水平升高,使动物机体免疫力下降,最终导致疾病发生,甚至死亡.因此,在野生动物的日常饲养管理的各个环节中,减少动物的应激反应,对野生动物的的保护有着非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

鸡的应激性疾病及其综合防制连京华山东农科院家禽所250023鸡的应激或应激反应是指机体因受到某种不利因素的刺激而产生的各种非特异性反应的总和。引起应激反应的因素称为应激原或应激因子,包括来自周围环境的、生理的和心理的等方面的诸多因素。应激发生的机制是...  相似文献   

正应激(stress)是指动物机体对各种强烈的或有害刺激产主的非特异性防御反应。当应激反应过强或持续时间过久,则可给动物机体造成损害而发生应激性疾病。急性应激综合征就是一种类似休克的暴发性恶性应激性疾病。猪最常发生,其他家畜如马、犬、猫、鹿、兔、牛和家禽也可发生。野生动物中的抓捕性肌病可能也是一种急性应激综合征。猪的急性应激综合征称为猪应激综合征,因剖检时臀肌、股二头肌和背最长肌苍白、柔软并渗水,又称白色柔软渗水肉、背肌坏  相似文献   

猪应激综合症是猪受到各种不良因素或应激原的刺激(如装卸和运输过程中的刺激等)引发的非特异性反应,而不是一种独立的疾病.本文对其病因及防治措施进行介绍,以供参考.  相似文献   

刘道强 《野生动物》2012,33(1):8-10
记录了南昌动物园l雄1雌2只扭角羚的发情、交配、分娩、哺育等一系列繁殖行为,并与其栖息地野外行为习性进行了比较,为动物园在扭角羚的异地保护中制定科学的管理、营养及展出策略提供了必要的依据。观察结果显示:与野生扭角羚的行为相比,一方面圈养扭角羚基本保持了其野生状态下的繁殖行为习性,如雌性表现出较强的母性行为。但另一方面,圈养扭角羚的群体行为比较单调、呆板,如雄性常有强制性的交配行为发生:圈养扭角羚的觅食行为受到动物园食谱的限制,在营养失衡时容易产生异食癖行为;圈养扭角羚在缺少自然隐蔽空间时,容易产生应激而引发亚健康状态,可导致雌性的繁殖失败。  相似文献   

陕西牛背梁国家级自然保护区是中国目前唯一以羚牛及其栖息地为主要保护对象的森林和野生动物类型自然保护区。调查表明,保护区内分布有羚牛206~224头,呈片段化分布在6个生境斑块内,以210国道为界,保护区内羚牛的分布格局为西多东少。虽然保护区内羚牛种群数量和分布区均呈缓慢增长的趋势,但频繁的人为干扰,尤其是保护区内公路、铁路建设和由此导致的生境分割,仍威胁着保护区内羚牛种群的持续生存。  相似文献   

There is no doubt that nutrient deficiencies and excesses can influence immune responses. Despite advances in the development of therapeutic agents, a competent immune system is crucial for prevention and resolution of disease. Leukocytes are some of the most metabolically active cells in animals. We know that growing animals require nutrients to sustain growth and reach their full potential, whether that is size, strength, speed, or agility. We do not expect kittens to grow or greyhounds to run without provision of adequate nutrients. To expect the immune system to function in the face of nutrient deficiency neglects our knowledge of the physiological needs of metabolically active tissues. Immune responses may be modified through dietary manipulations. However, the clinician must answer the question "to what end or consequence will the response be changed?" No "golden" nutrient ensures an appropriate immune response in all conditions, just as no "golden" drug heals all diseases. Our knowledge of nutrient-immune system interactions is increasing. Yet, for all of the current knowledge of nutrient effects on immunity, the words of Dr R.K. Chandra hold sterling advice, "Moderation is a good dictum in biology and medicine, and it applies equally to nutritional immunology."  相似文献   

根据牛的Sry基因核心序列设计合成1对引物F1、R1。应用PCR技术对羚牛(TAKIN)Sry基因进行扩增,结果在羚牛雄性样本扩增出1条带(230 bp),而在雌性样本未见扩增带,显示了Sry基因的性别特异性,应用这1对引物对60只未知性别的羚牛组织样本进行了性别鉴定,结果雄性14个,雌性46个。该试验为羚牛种群性别比率及其种群动态变化机制研究提供了资料。  相似文献   

郭文利 《野生动物》2011,32(1):18-19,35
对上海动物园笼养羚牛种群20 a间的繁殖记录进行了统计分析,并将笼养羚牛和野生羚牛的各项繁殖指标进行了比较分析。结果表明:笼养条件下出生的雌性和雄性羚牛个体的首次成功繁殖年龄分别为4岁和5岁;笼养条件下出生的羚牛包括26只雌性和11只雄性,雌雄性比为2.36:1;羚牛的出生主要集中在1~4月,3月出生的个体最多;笼养羚牛首次繁殖年龄和幼仔出生季节与野生羚牛不存在显著差异。上述研究结果表明,影响羚牛繁殖的因素主要包括气候、环境、温度和湿度等。  相似文献   

The efficacy of Leishmania donovani-derived lipophosphoglycan (LPG) plus Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) as a vaccine candidate against visceral leishmaniosis in susceptible BALB/c mouse and Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) models was investigated. Following a triple vaccination with a total dose of 150 microl BCG plus 60 microg or 30 microg of LPG for hamsters and BALB/c mice respectively, there were no noticeable side effects both locally and systemically; implying that the molecule was safe at this dosage level. Vaccinated animals demonstrated an activation of both the humoral as well as cell-mediated responses to LPG, which correlated with resistance against the disease. Protection by LPG plus BCG, was however, poor as the remaining immunized animals showed disease progression leading to severity of the disease as illustrated by emaciation, mass loss and heavy splenic parasitaemia in hamsters. These data nevertheless suggest that it may be rewarding to further evaluate the potential of LPG as a vaccine candidate in leishmaniosis using other adjuvants, which may enhance its immunogenicity.  相似文献   

Traumatic unilateral sciatic neuropathy secondary to a gunshot wound was diagnosed in a seven-month-old, intact male golden retriever. Findings on neurological assessment, performed after cardiovascular stabilisation, were incompatible with a return to normal limb function. An ankle-foot orthosis was used to correct excessive flexion of the digits and tarsus. This device greatly improved the dog's willingness to ambulate and could serve as an alternative to amputation in companion animals with severe sciatic axonotmesis or neurotmesis. Complications associated with chronic tibiotarsal hyperflexion necessitated a pantarsal arthrodesis one year after initial presentation; the dog also developed cranial cruciate disease in the affected limb three years after the gunshot injury.  相似文献   

Although stress reactions are organized to protect the homeostatic state of animals, they contain elements that may either enhance or diminish susceptibility to disease processes; in many instances, however, stress reactions themselves may induce pathologic change. It is important, therefore, that the veterinary clinician recognize the elements of a stress reaction and understand the mechanisms of disease with which they interact. This article provides a classification of stress stimuli that can be applied when considering interactions between stress reactions and disease processes.  相似文献   

To investigate the early host defense function in aquatic animals, the respiratory burst activity of bottlenose dolphin neutrophils against soluble and particulate stimulants was measured by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assays and compared with those of bovine and human. Dolphin neutrophils generated the respiratory burst in response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), concanavalinA (ConA), heated-plasma (HP), and homologous-plasma opsonized zymosan except N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP). However, the respiratory burst of dolphin neutrophils stimulated by lipopolysaccharide and Staphylococcus aureus was inferior to those of bovine and human. Furthermore, DP-OZ also induced the respiratory burst of bovine and human neutrophils. In conclusion, dolphin neutrophils responded to several soluble and particulate stimulants as well as human neutrophils, but were refractory or slightly responded to bacterial agents.  相似文献   

近年来,内质网应激参与动物炎症性肠病发病机制的研究引起了广泛关注,未折叠或错误折叠的蛋白质在内质网腔中过量积累而引发内质网应激,持续的内质网应激则会导致动物肠黏膜屏障损伤并诱发肠道炎症。本文就内质网应激发生机制、未折叠蛋白质反应及内质网应激与肠道炎症互作机制进行了综述,旨在为防治动物肠道炎症提出新的治疗策略。  相似文献   

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