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大型海藻在海水养殖系统中的生物净化作用   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:13  
大型藻类可以有效吸收、利用养殖环境中的营养盐,从而减轻养殖自身污染对环境的负荷,提高养殖系统的经济效益。因此,大藻广泛应用于各类养殖系统中,控制水域的富营养化。而大藻对赤潮藻的抑制尚处于实验研究阶段。  相似文献   

流沙湾养殖结构优化与生态环境生物修复技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了一种贝-鱼-藻养殖结构优化与生态环境生物修复系统,该系统通过网栏设置33.3hm2半封闭的养殖海区进行试验研究,在示范海区内设置3个功能不同的养殖区,贝类养殖与珍珠培育区、鱼类网箱养殖区、大型海藻栽培区,进行鱼类与大型海藻间养和珍珠培育。经过10个月的结构优化养殖和生态环境生物修复控制,示范海区水域水质和生物环境得以明显改善。示范海区透明度显著高于毗邻海区(P<0.05),悬浮物含量显著低于毗邻海区(P<0.05);示范海区总氮、总磷营养盐浓度随养殖期的延长逐渐升高,到9月份达到最高值,以后则逐渐下降;示范海区水域浮游生物数量随养殖时间的延长逐渐升高,浮游生物量明显高于毗邻海区(P<0.05)。示范海区养殖生物生长良好,共收获鱼类21365kg、大型海藻3091.3kg、珍珠33.5kg。育珠贝存活率为73.9%、育珠贝留核率为49.9%,优质珠比率13.7%、珠层厚度平均472μm,珍珠质量明显提高。示范海区光能利用率为0.20%,总能量转化效率为34.58%,单位净产量耗总能为2.8919MJ/kg。  相似文献   

菌藻系统处理养虾海水效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于水产养殖自身的生态结构和养殖方法的缺陷,营养盐污染、沉积环境变化、药物使用污染等对养殖环境产生了一系列的严重影响;同时养殖生命的脆弱,易遭病虫侵害。因此,净化水质进一步发展养殖业的任务越来越迫切。菌藻系统由可被鱼类食用的藻类和复合细菌组成。藻类在利用氨氮、硝酸盐氮、活性磷酸盐等的同时向水体富氧,然后通过生态食物链逐级被降解。复合菌主要包括硝化细菌、亚硝化细菌、芽孢杆菌、反硝化细菌等,这些细菌能够降解水体中的有机胺、氨氮、COD等。本文通过菌藻系统处理养虾海水,以对水产养殖环境水质调控途径探究一种有效方法。  相似文献   

微生物制剂在水产养殖中应用的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
实验研究了2种微生物制剂对养殖水体的理化指标、藻类和浮游动物的种群结构等生态因子的影响。结果表明,微生物制剂不仅能够提高鱼的抗病能力,防治鱼病,而且能够促进鱼的生长发育,提高饵料的效率。微生物制剂影响藻类种群的组成、数量和生物量,不仅能够使藻相比较复杂,而且使鱼类易于消化吸收的藻类增加,而使代表水体富营养化的藻类降低;微生物制剂还具有影响养殖水的理化环境,改善池塘底泥等作用。  相似文献   

山东省龙口市水产技术站与乡城镇渔业公司协作,于1998年通过省科委立课题,进行围堰刺参养殖技术开发试验,经过3年的科学养殖,精心管理,完成了各项经济技术指标,课题试验获得成功,现将围堰刺参养殖技术及管理措施介绍如下:一、海区条件根据剌参生活习性,我们把实验海区选择在龙口市桑岛以东近海。此海区水深为3~4米,常年水温变化在3~28℃,海区底质以泥沙为主,伴有星罗棋布的礁石。海区还自然生有石花菜和鼠尾藻等藻类,饵料丰富,是刺参栖息生存的良好场所。二、围堰海区实验养殖海区以投石围堰组礁方式营造320亩…  相似文献   

六线鱼(Hexagrammosotakii)俗称黄鱼。分布于我国黄、渤海及东海,其肉质细嫩鲜美,营养丰富,是深受国内外广大消费者青睐的名贵海产经济鱼类。该鱼适应性、抗病力较强,在我国北方沿海可自然越冬,是增养殖的品种之一。一、养殖区选择1.水质条件以水质清澈、风浪较小、无污染的内湾为宜。在大潮流速0.12~0.31米/秒的养殖海区鱼生长良好。2.海区水温该鱼为冷水性鱼类。据观察适宜生长水温9~22℃,在表层水温0.3~29.6℃的海区鱼生存正常。3.水深条件该鱼常年栖息于水深四五十米以内的近海,养殖鱼则在水深4…  相似文献   

许立成 《科学养鱼》1999,(11):34-34
在养殖池塘中,往往产生大量的有害藻类,造成水质恶化,影响鱼的生长,甚至引起中毒死亡,现将池塘中易蔓生的几种有害藻防除技术简介如下:一、害藻危害及防除1-水绵、双星藻、转板藻俗称青泥苔。多在春季天气转暖后,在鱼池浅水处萌发,长成缕缕细丝,底端扎在池底,上端直立在水中,故也称沉水性丝状植物。当其衰老时断离池底,漂浮水中,形成团团乱丝,鱼苗鱼种误入其中后往往被缠绕而死。另外,大量的乱丝漂浮在水中,严重影响浮游植物对光能的吸收和水温的提高,阻碍氧气的溶解,并且大量消耗水中的养分,使池水变瘦,影响鱼类的生…  相似文献   

齐口裂腹鱼人工养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti),俗称雅鱼、齐口、细甲鱼、齐口细鳞鱼,为四川省级保护动物,是我国特有的重要名优经济鱼类。由于其品质优良,肉嫩鲜美,营养丰富,颇受广大消费者喜爱。目前,齐口裂腹鱼作为一种新的名优养殖鱼类,其引种驯化、规模化养殖与人工繁殖越来越受到广大水产科技人员及养殖者的重视。本文就齐口裂腹鱼人工养殖技术进行阐述,以期为齐口裂腹鱼的驯养提供依据,促进该鱼产业化养殖的发展。  相似文献   

针对桑沟湾养殖海区海带(Laminaria japonica)的超容量养殖现象,研究了该海区中标准化养殖模式和传统养殖模式的海带生长差异。结果显示,在标准化养殖模式下,海带长、宽、平均厚度、湿重、投影面积和特定生长率均高于传统养殖模式,单棵海带重量显著提高,且海带的碳、氮和蛋白质含量明显高于传统养殖模式,海带品质大大提升。养殖后期,标准化养殖海区养殖海带垂直投影面积之和与对应养殖海区面积之比为6.33,而传统养殖模式的比值为9.15;标准化养殖海区海带所处水层下方的光照强度显著高于传统养殖区,海带所处水层的海流流速也高于传统养殖区。研究表明,桑沟湾海带标准化养殖模式使海带养殖密度降低,海带生长速度和品质均得以提高;在标准化养殖模式下,海带重叠较小,接受的光照比传统养殖模式充足;较快的海流使标准化养殖海区营养盐更新速度更快,这两方面可能是导致2种养殖模式下海带生长和品质产生差异的原因。  相似文献   

南澳县近年来通过发展海水生态养殖的途径,利用栽培大型海藻(龙须菜)与鱼、贝类混养、间养,形成多元生态养殖模式,使养殖环境得到初步改善。本文就该岛海水养殖现状及各海区环境状况进行分析,研究探讨如何调整养殖品种结构和布局,加强养殖海区容量的研究,完善生态养殖模式,提高综合效益,以促进海水养殖业可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

Three Brazilian and 9 French agricultural fertilizers were compared with Conway mixture, as nutrient enrichment for supporting the growth of 16 marine algae. Fertilizers containing only nitrogen and phosphorus appeared to be suitable. However, a few algae grew better in all-nutrient-enriched Conway medium. Addition of chelators did not generate better growth. Matrix-free fertilizers were found more convenient in use. A table is given to show the cheapest and/or best nutrient enrichment for each algal strain tested.  相似文献   

大型海藻吸收氮磷营养盐能力的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
将日本马泽藻Mazzaella japonica、孔石莼Ulva pertusa、鼠尾藻Sargassum thunbergii、红毛菜Bangia fusco-purpurea、蠕枝藻Helminthocladia australis、扇形拟伊藻Ahnfeltiopsis fla-belliformis6种大型海藻培养在富含氮磷海水中72 h,分析海水中氨氮、硝氮和活性磷浓度的变化,目的在于比较它们对营养盐去除效果。实验结果表明,6种海藻对氮磷都有明显的去除作用,日本马泽藻和孔石莼对氨氮、硝氮和活性磷的去除效果最好,分别吸收了培养水体中氨氮初始总量的98.0%和97.1%、硝氮初始总量的76.9%和82.0%、活性磷初始总量的90.8%和86.9%。  相似文献   

Two species of macroscopic marine algae (Rhodophyceae) were grown and harvested continuously during 1974 in Fort Pierce, Florida. The seaweeds Gracilaria sp. and Hypnea musciformis were grown in both 600-l and 350-l tanks in the third stage of a nutrient removalaquaculture process that included microscopic marine algae and oysters in the first two stages. Mixtures of secondary-treated waste water and sea water constituted the initial nutrient source, with the seaweeds utilizing nutrients not assimilated by the microscopic algae and/or generated by the oysters. Standing crops of up to 7 900 g wet weight of Hypnea and 9 000 g Gracilaria were maintained. The Hypnea cultures could not be maintained in summer when tank temperatures reached 30°C, but Gracilaria grew during the entire year. On the basis of periodic harvesting, yields were consistently between 12 and 17 g dry weight per m2 per day for both species. These yields are as high as those achieved by mass cultures of microscopic marine algae, or by fast growing commercial crops such as sugar and rice.  相似文献   

光养生物膜是河流生态系统中重要的初级生产者,在河流生物地球化学循环中扮演重要角色。然而,河流水文状态及营养盐差异引起的生境异质性对光养生物膜藻类的影响未知。本研究在微型跑道池模拟流水(0.5 m/s)和静水(0 m/s)条件的基础上,通过设置不同浓度氮(1.51, 2.51和5.51 mg/L)、磷(0.1, 0.2和0.4 mg/L)及氮磷比(8, 16和32)条件培养野外采集的原位生物膜及人工基质,探究水文分异和营养变化对河流光养生物膜藻类物种组成及密度的影响。非度量多维排序(NMDS)分析结果表明,差异水文条件下,原位和建群生物膜藻类群落在梯度氮、磷和氮磷比环境中均呈现明显分离(PERMANOVA,P < 0.001),且建群生物膜中各分组藻类群落具有更明显的差异。双因素方差分析结果表明,生物膜中硅藻、蓝藻和绿藻的生长对营养盐与水文变化的响应并不一致,其中磷处理中,磷与流速单一及其交互效应显著影响了大多数藻类的生长及建群(P < 0.001);而氮处理中,氮与流速的交互效应仅对建群生物膜藻类影响显著(P < 0.001)。研究结果也发现,藻类在静水环境更有利于建群生物膜的形成,且静水-高营养盐环境更有利于蓝藻和绿藻的生长。这些结果说明,生物膜建群初期易受到水文扰动的影响,且水文分异和氮、磷影响了光养生物膜藻类的响应模式,研究为河流生态保护提供了新视角。  相似文献   

  • 1. Rapid assessment protocols for determining and monitoring the status of any given coral reef are provided and include measuring: (a) standing stocks of functional indicator groups, (b) herbivore populations, (c) water‐column nutrient levels, (d) tissue C:N:P ratios, (e) algal physiological‐response assays, and (f) herbivory assays. These measurements can reveal quantitative tipping‐point levels beyond which resilience to undesirable phase shifts begins to become critically reduced. Universal tipping‐point approximations are reviewed for inorganic nutrients, and posited for the first time for herbivory.
  • 2. The relative roles of top‐down and bottom‐up controls in determining benthic community structure and the health of coral reefs are especially important management concerns. This paper specifically addresses the top‐down effects of herbivory and bottom‐up effects of nutrient enrichment on critical indicator groups, i.e. reef‐building corals, crustose coralline algae, dense turf algae and frondose macroalgae.
  • 3. A predominance of (a) massive corals and calcareous coralline algae relative to frondose macroalgae and algal turfs indicates a healthy spatially heterogeneous condition reflecting low nutrients and high herbivory. An abundance of (b) frondose macroalgae illustrates the least desirable condition of elevated nutrient levels and reduced herbivory, possibly reflecting pollution in concert with destructive herbivore fishing practices. High coverage of (c) coralline algae suggests healthy high herbivory levels, but problems with elevated nutrients that are inhibitory to some corals. Domination by (d) dense turf algae indicates desirably low nutrient levels, but an inadequate herbivory component.
  • 4. The fast growth and turnover rates of fleshy algae compared to other reef organisms highlight their value as early warning indicators of reef degradation.
  • 5. From a management perspective, levels of herbivory and nutrients rank among the most useful quantitative indicators of coral reef resilience; whereas, the degree of degradation and mortality are inferred from the above functional indicator groups of benthic primary producers.
Published in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

探究光照强度对小球藻生长的影响,为香溪河水华预测提供理论依据。小球藻藻种为香溪河河水中平板分裂后逐步纯化所得。培养箱为40 L的方形塑料箱,四周用遮光布严实包裹。培养液30 L。培养液为用放置24 h后的自来水稀释25倍后的BG-11标准培养基,磷浓度0.285 mg/L,氮浓度9.48 mg/L,p H值7.3~7.8。恒温加热棒控制水温24℃。以平行布置的8根日光灯管作为光源,开关不同数量的日光灯管设定光强梯度,光照梯度为0、800、1 500、2 400、3 200、4 500、6 000 lx。采用电磁式真空泵曝气,曝气比率设置为10%。设置2组平行实验,每个培养箱中加入处理后的藻液10 m L。实验过程为期12d,每天上午8∶00取样,监测指标为光密度、叶绿素a、溶解性总磷、溶解性总氮。结果表明,光照强度在800~1 500 lx时易发生长周期的绿藻水华,绿藻水华转变为蓝藻水华的可能性低;3 200~4 500 lx时易发生短周期的绿藻水华;6 000 lx时发生蓝藻水华的风险很大。香溪河在光照强度小于3 200 lx时不必做蓝藻水华防御措施;光照强度大于4 500 lx时,需提前做适当的蓝藻水华防御措施。  相似文献   

A combined aquaculture-algae system was developed for the purification and reuse of effluent water from intensive fish production in a combination of a high-rate algal pond and extensive fishpond. The integrated system was operated as a closed system, thus the water demand was reduced through the recirculation of the treated water. The pilot-scale experimental system consisted of three different compartments: tanks for intensive fish production, an algal pond where the excess nutrients are removed by algae uptake and a fishpond where the produced algae biomass was consumed by fish. The objective of this study was to describe and evaluate the nutrient transformation efficiency of the combined system through the analysis of the organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus budgets.  相似文献   

The variable quality and high price of Artemia (Leach 1819) cyst products, used worldwide as live food, motivate aquaculturists to find an appropriate alternative, especially for fresh/brackish water organisms. In this study, Branchinecta orientalis (G. O. Sars 1901), a common fairy shrimp in north‐western Iran, was reared for 15 days using effluent from trout ponds enriched with effluent filtrate as sole feed, or co‐fed with microalgae (Scenedesmus sp.). The effluent filtrate was replaced by algae at different ratios (25% and 50%), and feeding experiments were designed at densities of 100, 200 and 400 individuals/L in 3‐L containers and at 100 individuals/L in 20‐L containers. The results indicated that, at a certain density, the final length and survival were not significantly affected by different feeding regimes (p > .05). In 3‐L containers, the highest length and survival were observed at the lowest density. B. orientalis contained the highest amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, though, when co‐fed algae, although the differences with the treatment fed solely effluent filtrate were often limited. Inclusion of algae in the diet also resulted in higher levels of a number of PUFAs. Our study proves that B. orientalis can be mass‐cultured successfully using trout effluent as culture medium without additional microalgae. Fish pond effluent is massively available as a cheap food source. Recycling aquaculture effluent for this type of live food production contributes to lowering the use of natural resources and to less discharge of nutrient loads into natural water bodies.  相似文献   

崔力拓  李志伟 《河北渔业》2006,(5):12-14,53
应用室内培养实验方法研究了不同组成氮盐(TN)和磷盐(TP)对铜绿微囊藻生长的影响。结果表明,铜绿微囊藻的生长状况很好地符合Logistic生长模型,进一步研究表明,铜绿微囊藻存在营养盐生长阈值CTP、CTN,分别为1.8mg/L和25.0mg/L,当TP、TN的初始浓度分别小于CTP和CTN时,随其初始浓度的增加会促进铜绿微囊藻的生长,但当初始浓度大于营养盐生长阈值时,随营养盐初始浓度的增加反而会逐渐限制其生长,表明铜绿微囊藻存在一个适宜生长的(TN∶TP)最佳值,为TN/TP=14∶1。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the suitability of hydraulic jet cavitation as a method for cyanobacterial water-bloom management. Effects of cavitation were studied on laboratory culture of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa, on a culture of a green alga Chlorella kessleri (as a non-target species) as well as on a real cyanobacterial biomass with Microcystis sp. as a dominant species. Our results suggested that the cavitation treatment of cyanobacteria is capable of causing the disintegration of their gas vesicles. Using this treatment, up to 99 % removal efficiency of cyanobacteria was achieved. Moreover, no effect on cyanobacterial membrane integrity or metabolic activity was detected by flow cytometry; thus, hydraulic cavitation seems to be harmless from the viewpoint of possible release of cyanotoxins into the water column. The green algae (here C. kessleri) were not affected negatively by the cavitation, and thus, they may still act as the natural nutrient competitors of cyanobacteria in lakes, ponds or reservoirs treated by cavitation.  相似文献   

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