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Vaccination against canine bordetellosis: protection from contact challenge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight collie-cross pups, eight weeks old, were inoculated intramuscularly with an aluminum hydroxide adjuvanted preparation of killed Bordetella bronchiseptica; the inoculation was repeated after two weeks. Two weeks after the second inoculation, the vaccinated dogs and a control group of four unvaccinated animals were placed in contact with a group of five pups of similar age which had been experimentally infected with a pathogenic strain of B bronchiseptica by an aerosol method. All four unvaccinated control dogs as well as all five experimentally infected dogs developed a respiratory disease characterised by persistent coughing. Six of the vaccinated dogs remained free from clinical respiratory disease while disease was less severe and of shorter duration in the remaining two than in controls. Only slight changes were found in the lungs of vaccinated animals at necropsy while in the controls there was a severe tracheobronchitis. There was a marked reduction in the numbers of B bronchiseptica isolated from the respiratory tract of vaccinated animals when compared with controls. An aluminium hydroxide adjuvanted vaccine may be of value in controlling naturally occurring canine respiratory disease in which B bronchiseptica is involved.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus of turkeys, a highly effective vaccine against Marek's disease (MD) in chickens, was ineffective in protecting turkeys against MD. Another tissue-culture attenuated vaccine virus also protected chickens, but not turkeys, from MD. Intact and immunosuppressed turkey poults inoculated with herpesvirus of turkey developed a persistent viremia, but did not have detectable gross or microscopic lesions.  相似文献   

An avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) virosome vaccine was prepared and tested for protection of turkeys by aMPV challenge. The vaccine was produced using a detergent-based (Triton X-100) extraction of aMPV subtype C followed by detergent removal with SM2 Bio-Beads. Western blot and virus-neutralization analysis confirmed that the aMPV virosomes contained both the fusion and attachment glycoproteins. Specific-pathogen-free turkeys were immunized either intranasally (i.n.) or intramuscularly (i.m.) with two doses of the aMPV virosome vaccine. Vaccination decreased clinical signs of disease following virulent challenge, and IN vaccination was superior to i.m. vaccination in reducing clinical signs. Decreases in viral load in the respiratory tract were observed in turkeys receiving i.n. vaccination with aMPV virosomes compared to unvaccinated poults. Increased virus-neutralizing antibody levels against aMPV were observed in birds vaccinated with virosomes. These results demonstrate that immunization of turkeys with aMPV virosomes can be an effective strategy for control of disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the effects of varying the doses of turkey herpesvirus (HVT) vaccine and Marek's disease virus (MDV) challenge at two intervals after vaccination on the protection of chickens against challenge with MDV. DESIGN AND PROCEDURE: Experiment 1, a dose response study, consisted of 11 doses of HVT vaccine administered at hatch followed by challenge with 100 plaque forming units (pfu) of MDV 5 days post vaccination. Experiment 2, a 2 x 6 x 2 factorial design, included two HVT vaccine types, six different doses of HVT vaccine and 50 pfu and 200 pfu of MDV challenge 2 days post vaccination. All chickens were reared up to day 56 post challenge when all survivors were killed humanely. Dead and killed chickens were examined for gross MD tumours. RESULTS: Experiment 1 showed a significant positive linear relationship between dose of HVT vaccine and protective index in chickens challenged 5 days post vaccination. However the range of protective index observed was limited. In Experiment 2 neither HVT vaccine provided significant protection at any dose. There was no significant effect of vaccine type or MDV challenge dose on overall protection against challenge. Chickens challenged with 200 pfu of MDV had significantly higher mortality and MD incidence than those with 50 pfu. CONCLUSIONS: HVT vaccine dose had a significant impact on protective index, but vaccination to challenge interval appeared to have greater impact on the protective efficacy of vaccination. A fourfold increase in challenge dose increased mortality rate and incidence of MD.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is an important foodborne pathogen in both humans and animals. In addition, murine listeriosis is a widely used model for studying the molecular pathogenesis of an intracellular pathogen, and the regulation of protective cellular immunity. Little attention has been paid to protective immunity against L. monocytogenes in the gastrointestinal tract, where a secretory immune response might prevent attachment of the bacteria to the intestinal epithelium. In this study we found that neither opsonization of L. monocytogenes with immune serum, nor repeated oral administration of killed L. monocytogenes, protected mice against gastrointestinal challenge with L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Six hundred fifty-five male and female turkeys representing four genetic lines were challenged in 10 experiments over a 3-year period with a field isolate of Pasteurella multocida. Poults were challenged at 45 days of age with 1 ml of an inoculum containing 1.2 x 10(7) bacteria per ml. The lines of turkeys included two randombred control lines (RBC1 and RBC2), a subline (E) of RBC1 selected for increased egg production, and a subline (F) of RBC2 selected for increased 16-week body weight. The number of days from exposure to severe clinical signs or death for Line F (5.8 days) differed significantly from that of Line E (8.2 days), Line RBC1 (8.0 days), and Line RBC2 (8.2 days). There were no significant differences due to sex of poult for number of days from exposure to severe clinical signs or death. Overall mortality observed was 51.2%. Mortality was highest for Line F (72.1%) and differed significantly from that of the other lines. Mortality among male poults did not differ significantly from mortality among female poults.  相似文献   

Groups of five pigs were vaccinated at three to four weeks old with either formolised Treponema hyodysenteriae in oil adjuvant alone, formolised T hyodysenteriae in oil adjuvant plus formolised Campylobacter coli in oil adjuvant, or sterile medium in oil adjuvant (as a control). Each group was challenged four weeks after vaccination by oral dosing on two consecutive occasions with pure cultures of the homologous strain of T hyodysenteriae plus direct contact with two pigs exhibiting severe swine dysentery. The disease was observed in two of five pigs immunised with T hyodysenteriae alone, three of five pigs immunised with T hyodysenteriae plus C coli and all five controls; haemorrhagic diarrhoea was exhibited only by the control group. Each pig immunised with T hyodysenteriae (alone or with C coli) recovered spontaneously, whereas four controls died. Vaccination with T hyodysenteriae also markedly reduced the severity and duration of clinical signs and of weight loss. No differences were observed in response to challenge between pigs immunised with T hyodysenteriae alone and pigs immunised with T hyodysenteriae plus C coli.  相似文献   

Calicivirus infection of adult rabbits induces the so-called rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) that kills 90% or more of the infected animals; in contrast, young rabbits (up to 8-week-old animals) are resistant to the same infectious agent. We report that calicivirus inoculation of young rabbits induced moderate titres of antiviral antibodies. When these rabbits reached adulthood, a second calicivirus inoculation resulted in resistance to RHD and boosting of antibody titres in half of the rabbits. Adoptive transfer of sera from calicivirus-infected young rabbits to na?ve adult rabbits conferred resistance to RHD. We conclude that calicivirus infection of young rabbits induces specific anti-calicivirus antibodies that will protect them from RHD when they reach adulthood.  相似文献   

A stable recombinant fowl poxvirus (rFPV) expressing the C-terminal region (119 amino acids) of the nucleocapsid (N) protein of an infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain Ch3 was constructed by inserting the coding sequence within the thymidine kinase gene of fowl poxvirus (FPV) by homologous recombination. The N protein was expressed under control of the vaccinia virus promoter P7.5 in chicken embryo fibroblast cell cultures as seen in immunofluorescence assay and in rFPV-inoculated specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens by detecting antibodies with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A homologous IBV strain (Ch3) and two heterologous IBV strains (Ch5 and H4) were used to inoculate SPF chickens in a challenge to examine the protective efficacy of the rFPV. When the chickens were challenged with IBV Ch3 or Ch5, the control birds had respiratory signs of infections bronchitis, whereas all the vaccinated birds were clinically normal although low levels of the IBV infection were detected by a differential ELISA. In contrast, in the chickens challenged with IBV H4, all control birds and vaccinated birds suffered from the highly lethal IBV H4 infection. Our results suggest that the C-terminal 119 amino acid of the nucleocapsid expressed by FPV is a host-protective antigen and may induce cross-protective immunity against illness among some IBV strains.  相似文献   

Six calves inoculated intranasally with a vaccinal strain of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus and 6 control calves were given a placebo. All calves were subsequently challenge exposed (by aerosol) with rhinovirus--3 of the calves from each group at 2 days after they were inoculated with IBR virus or with placebo and the remaining calves at 6 days. Nasal excretion of viruses, interferon (IFN) concentrations in nasal secretions (NS), and neutralizing antibody in sera and NS were determined. All calves given the vaccinal IBR virus subsequently had IFN in their NS. Interferon was detected as early as 1 day, reached maximal titers at 2 to 4 days, and persisted in individual calves for 5 to 10 days after inoculation. Rhinovirus shedding was not detected from IBR virus-inoculated calves whose NS contained both rhinovirus antibody and IFN at the time of challenge exposure; such calves were protected at either 2 or 6 days after IBR virus inoculation. The outcome of rhinovirus challenge exposure of calves whose NS contained IFN, but not rhinovirus antibody, varied with the day of challenge exposure. Rhinovirus excretion was detected from 2 of these calves challenge exposed 2 days after IBR virus inoculation, but was not detected from a calf challenge exposed 6 days after inoculation. However, while IFN was present in NS from the former 2 calves, rhinovirus shedding was markedly reduced as compared with that from control calves without IFN or NS antibody at the time of challenge exposure. Consistent relationship was not observed between the rhinovirus neutralizing antibody titer of calves' sera and NS. The antibody titer of NS more closely correlated with protective immunity to rhinovirus infection than did the serum antibody titer.  相似文献   

A cell-culture-propagated (CC) live-virus hemorrhagic enteritis (HE) vaccine was evaluated for efficacy and safety in two field trials conducted in North Carolina (NC) and Minnesota (MN). At 4 or 5 1/2 weeks of age, 9,839 poults in NC and 15,857 poults in MN were vaccinated with a CC HE vaccine administered via the drinking water. A comparable number of poults were maintained as unvaccinated controls. Vaccinated and unvaccinated poults were compared for seroconversion, response to laboratory challenge with a virulent HE virus at 3 weeks postvaccination, livability, percentage graded A, and average weight at marketing. In both trials, vaccination with the CC HE vaccine resulted in immunity against HE as indicated by seroconversion and by resistance to HE lesions following laboratory challenge with virulent HE virus. Compared with unvaccinated groups, vaccinated groups had a significantly higher percentage of turkeys graded A in the NC trial and in two of three flocks in the MN trial (P less than 0.005). Further, in the NC trial, livability was significantly higher (P less than 0.005) in vaccinated turkeys than in unvaccinated turkeys. These data indicate that the CC HE vaccine is efficacious and safe to use in the field.  相似文献   

Avian aspergillosis, most often caused by Aspergillus fumigatus, is a common and devastating disease affecting a range of bird species. Early diagnosis is difficult and often unreliable. The current study evaluated the utility of measuring (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan (BG) concentrations in avian plasma samples to aid in the diagnosis of aspergillosis. We evaluated a commercially available BG assay (Fungitell, Beacon Diagnostics) using 178 plasma samples from naturally infected, experimentally infected, and aspergillosis-free birds. Although there was variation in BG concentration, as reflected by high standard deviations, seabirds with confirmed aspergillosis had the highest mean BG concentrations (M = 3098.7 pg/dl, SD = 5022.6, n = 22) followed by companion avian species and raptors with confirmed aspergillosis (M = 1033.8 pg/dl, SD = 1531.6, n = 19) and experimentally infected Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica; M = 1066.5 pg/dl, SD = 1348.2, n = 17). Variation in severity of disease, differences among species of birds with and without disease, and also different levels in environmental exposure likely contribute to the differences among avian groups. The overall sensitivity and specificity of the BG test for diagnosis of aspergillosis in birds was 60.0 and 92.7%, respectively, with an overall optimized avian cut-offvalue of > or = 461 pg/dl for positive disease. Our findings suggest that, although BG concentrations are highly variable between and within different avian groups, it could serve as a useful adjunctive diagnostic test for aspergillosis that is applicable to multiple avian species in some settings, particularly as a negative predictor of infection.  相似文献   

To determine whether northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) could be immunized against Eimeria lettyae by a low-dose inoculation of oocysts, we inoculated 30 birds each with either 100 or 1000 oocysts at 2 days of age (given orally by pipette). Four weeks after immunization, the immunized birds and unimmunized controls were challenged with 1 x 10(6) E. lettyae oocysts. Eight days after challenge, birds were killed and weighed, and their intestines examined for gross lesions. Effectiveness of the immunization was measured by analyzing weight gain, intestinal lesions, severity of diarrhea, feed conversion ratio, and oocyst production. After challenge, birds immunized with 100 or 1000 oocysts gained an average of 33.3 g and 28.9 g, respectively, whereas unimmunized challenged birds gained an average of 11.5 g. Immunized quail produced approximately 99.7% fewer oocysts, had minimal gross intestinal and cecal lesions, had minimal diarrhea, and had a 50% lower feed conversion ratio compared to unimmunized challenged controls. These findings indicate that vaccination is a viable option for controlling coccidiosis in quail and that further research into vaccination is warranted.  相似文献   

本实验室前期构建了腺病毒/甲病毒复制子嵌合载体猪瘟疫苗rAdV-SFV-E2,其免疫效力与商品化猪瘟C株疫苗相同,并具有鉴别检测特性.为进一步确定该嵌合载体猪瘟疫苗最早提供完全攻毒保护的时间,本研究将rAdV-SFV-E2免疫健康仔猪(n=5),免疫后于不同时间点采用猪瘟病毒(CSFV)强毒石门株进行攻毒,并检测其抗体应答、临床症状、病毒血症、病理学及组织病理学变化等.结果显示,rAdV-SFV-E2免疫后1周和2周,分别能对致死性CSFV强毒的攻击提供部分保护(3/5存活)和不完全保护(全部存活,但出现了短暂的发热和低水平的病毒血症);免疫后3周和4周,能够完全抵抗致死性CSFV强毒的攻击,表现为无病毒血症,无临床症状,无病理变化和组织病理学变化.该研究进一步证实rAdV-SFV-E2能够作为一种新型猪瘟标记疫苗,在猪瘟的紧急防控中能够起到一定的作用.  相似文献   

Turkeys were vaccinated with temperature-sensitive (TS) mutants of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) to determine pathogenicity and immunogenicity. TS 37 was apathogenic yet immunogenic to turkeys, TS 100 was highly pathogenic, and TS 102 was slightly pathogenic and nonimmunogenic. Five or 7 weeks after intranasal vaccination of turkeys with the TS 37 mutant, a highly statistically significant resistance against intra-air-sac challenge with the S6 strain of MG was observed.  相似文献   

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