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指出了文件管理是实验室质量管理体系有效运行并持续改进的基础,对环境监测机构质量管理体系内部受控文件的相关要素进行了剖析,归纳阐述了文件管理的具体要求,为进一步规范环境监测机构内部受控文件管理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

苏艳  温丰功 《绿色科技》2021,(6):116-117
由于随着社会经济的迅速发展,企业数量激增引发各类环境问题,对环境监测的需求量越来越大,社会化检测机构应运而生。但社会化监测机构数量激增,监管存在困难,且存在分析不规范、数据质量存疑、质量管理确实等问题。基于此,从加强制度化约束严把准入门槛、完善监管机制加强监测过程的质量监管、鼓励群众监督加强事后防御三个方面提出了全方位提升社会化环境监测质量的对策和建议。  相似文献   

阐述了当前第三方社会环境监测在发展中面临的主要问题,从对社会环境监测机构认知、管理制度、监督管理、监测业务市场等方面进行了深入剖析。在社会环境监测机构与公益环境监测机构职能职责定位、风险控制和环境监测行业发展等方面提出了解决对策,为社会化环境监测机构又快又好地发展提供基础参考资料。  相似文献   

以广西壮族自治区社会环境监测机构的实际开展情况为基础,指出了社会环境监测机构存在的问题,并对该工作提出了几点建议,以期促使该工作的开展更规范、高效、高质量。  相似文献   

指出了省以下监测机构作为环境监测体系的前沿与岗哨,为环境管理与决策提供基础、原始性数据,是环境监测体系最重要的组成部分。对省以下环境监测机构垂直管理改革中存在的问题进行了分析和思考,并就垂直管理下如何加强省以下监测机构能力建设提出了建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

指出了我国环境问题日益突出,而环境监测是整个环保工作的前提和基础,在环境保护体系中有着其不可替代的作用,环境可持续发展的关键是要将环境监测工作落实到实处,制定配套的环境综合评价体系,从根本上将环境监测和环境影响评价联动起来,建立健全可持续环境发展管理体系,促进环境监测工作质量的全面提高。主要从环境监测在环境评价体系中存在的问题出发,探讨了环境监测在环境评价体系中的影响,从而分析了环境监测的重要性,提出了相应的改善措施,以期为我国环境保护工程的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

指出了证据收集是解决复杂环境污染和破坏问题、环境纠纷案件的关键,也是保证环境监测与执法工作及时、顺利进行的必要条件,分析了环境法律责任的特点,探讨了环境监测活动和执法过程中的证据收集。  相似文献   

指出了新形势下,面对严峻的环境问题,提高环境监测质量是首要任务。2015年1月1日,修订后的《环境保护法》正式实施,其中对环境监测机构和监测数据质量都给出了更为严格的规定。相比西方发达国家较为完善的环境监测管理体系,我国这方面工作起步较晚,经过30多年的建设,现已建成了从中央到地方省、市和部分县的四级环境监测网络体系,但监测工作仍存在一些不足。努力提高环境监测数据质量,提升环境监测工作质量,保证监测在环境管理中的准确性,可以使环境监测更好地服务于各项环境保护工作,能够更好地为环境保护决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

指出了自改革开放以来,许多先进的生产技术源源不断流入中国,人们的生活水平发生了巨大的改变,人们的活动范围也日益增加。但为了个人的利益破坏生态环境的事件比比皆是,造成人与环境的矛盾与日俱增,环境污染问题越来越严重。当前国家已经意识到了问题的严重性,并设立了环境监测部门,但由于我国地域辽阔,实际情况相当复杂,环境检测部门的检测技术和监督体系还存在很多问题。为此,着重分析了当前存在的问题,并提出了完善环境监督体系的有效性策略。  相似文献   

指出了随着社会经济水平的不断提高,海洋环境监测的工作要求越来越高,面临的工作难度也越来越大。从我国海洋环境检测当前的工作形势出发,具体分析了我国海洋环境监测工作的现状及存在的问题,并在此基础上就如何提高我国海洋环境检测工作的成效提出了相关对策,以期能为我国的海洋环境监测事业的发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   


One of the major global trends linked to the process of globalization is the expansion of agro-industry into the humid tropics. Although agro-industry is an important source of income for Brazil, it is also leading to the displacement of local populations and extensive clearing of native vegetation. In this context, we focus on a second trend resulting from globalization in which financial institutions have demonstrated increasing concern with environmental and social responsibility, notably through the inclusion of environmental and social conditions in loans to the agricultural sector. In this article, we provide an assessment of the potential for this type of economic instrument to help reduce the negative impacts of agro-industrial expansion, and how the different actors who are shaping this debate (non-governmental organizations, industries, the finance sector, government) can best help to realize this potential. We evaluate this broader question through the lens of two International Finance Corporation loans to Brazil's Grupo Maggi, the world's largest independently-held soybean exporter. We identify four areas in which private sector self-regulation can improve to realize environmental and social performance goals: (a) Financial institutions and firms can increase the clarity, quality, timeliness, and regularity of monitoring and reporting; (b) Civil society can develop a more sophisticated approach to distinguishing between companies and initiatives that essentially maintain the status quo and those that are trying to improve; (c) Civil society can help to develop simple, standard measures of environmental and social performance of agricultural lands for use by financial institutions and firms in establishing environmental and social management systems; and (d) Governments can develop strong regulations that capitalize on voluntary regulation mechanisms' flexibility and efficiency, as well as developing incentive systems for producers and firms that demonstrate high social and environmental performance in their operations.  相似文献   

刘建福 《绿色科技》2014,(9):202-204
指出了当前我国的环境问题形势严峻环境污染、环境冲突事件数量不断上升,环境质量没有明显改善。因此,切实提高环境保护效果,依法有效制止企事业单位的环境违法行为成为环保部门急需解决的课题。提出了从加强环保部门自身建设、优化制度设计,提高企业保护环境积极性、强化各部门联动机制、改变现有工作思路、提高公众环保意识等5个方面来解决当前环境执法难、环境保护不力问题,以促使环境保护工作顺利有效开展,使环境质量根本好转,真正实现人与自然和谐发展。  相似文献   

国际金融机构普遍制定了较为完善的林业投融资活动环境和社会风险管理政策。作为支持中国境外林业投资合作的重要主体之一,中资银行业金融机构近年来不断提高对境外项目的环境和社会风险管理意识与水平。文中介绍国际开发性和商业性金融机构涉及林业投融资活动的环境和社会风险管理政策与实践;在此基础上,为进一步完善中资银行业金融机构境外林业投融资活动的环境和社会风险管理框架,从总体要求、组织架构、政策制度和管理流程4个方面提出具有参考性的建议。  相似文献   


Markets for ecosystem services are receiving ever-increasing attention from the global environmental community as a mechanism to conserve and protect environmental resources. Formal markets for the selling and buying of ecosystem services emerge as institutions and regulatory frameworks are developed and legitimized. For a small country with relatively abundant natural resources, such as Panama, ecosystem service markets have significant potential to provide landowners with a sustainable stream of income while facilitating national environmental protection goals. This paper takes one ecosystem service in Panama-water supply-and assesses a host of policy alternatives to improve markets for water in Panama. The analysis suggests that secured long-term financing mechanisms and strengthened institutional roles are important elements in shaping stakeholder behavior and advancing water markets in Panama.  相似文献   

刍议萧山区“花园式单位”创建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
从萧山区争创"花园式单位"活动的实践表明:创建活动的开展,能增强人们绿化意识、提升单位绿化品位、增加单位绿化面积、提高社会经济效益;为使争创"花园式单位"活动向更好、更广泛、更规范的方向发展,提出5个方面的对策和措施。    相似文献   

Partnerships for sustainable development are the Type II outcomes that emerged out of the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, 2002. These new mechanisms of environmental governance were an intersection point of three significant discourses in global politics: those of participatory democracy, private governance, and sustainable development. By analysing these three discourses around partnerships for sustainable development, this paper aims at revealing the larger frames of reference and the meta-narratives that explain why and how institutions like partnerships for sustainable development have emerged and how they have actualised. Using key concepts from and discourse theoretical approaches of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, the paper focuses on the negotiations of formal international organisations as a practice of discourse institutionalisation. By recognising that the international negotiations can result in these institutions to carry contestations and conflicts, it traces the dilemmas inherent in partnerships, that reflect shifts in the discourses of environment and development.  相似文献   

Scholars, policy-makers and advocates have, in the last decade, recommended greater involvement by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in community forest management in developing countries. Behind these recommendations lies a notion that NGOs are a sound complement to formal governments and that NGOs can improve communities’ abilities to manage their own forests. There is limited empirical work, however, testing how NGO activity affects local forest governance and deforestation. This paper reports the results of quantitative statistical tests on the effects of local NGO importance—as measured by local forest users’ reports of NGO importance—on deforestation in a sample of 200 rural Bolivian communities. In addition, it examines the effect of NGO importance on community forestry institutions—specifically, the presence of institutions for rule-making, forest monitoring, sanctioning, and enforcement of rules. Contrary to earlier research, these results suggest that NGOs have no discernible effect on community forestry institutions, though other external actors—most notably, municipal governments—seem to have a positive effect. The paper also reports a negative correlation of NGO importance on deforestation. Although these quantitative results are in part supported by qualitative field observations in selected Bolivian communities, care is needed in drawing generalized causal inferences from this evidence.  相似文献   

沈隽  李爽  类成帅 《木材工业》2012,26(3):15-18
为了降低人造板释放挥发性有机化合物(VOC)的检测成本,设计并制作了15L小型环境舱,进行中密度纤维板VOC的主要成分及其释放趋势的检测和考察,并与1m3环境舱检测数据进行对比。结果表明:芳香烃、烷烃和烯烃是中纤板的主要挥发性有机化合物,小型环境舱检测TVOC和芳香烃类的质量浓度值略高于大型环境舱,小型环境舱性能符合要求,可用于人造板释放VOC的检测。  相似文献   

森林休闲概念辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着社会经济的发展、闲暇时间的增加和人们环境意识的增强, 社会对森林休闲的需求日显旺盛。然而, 目前无论是理论研究还是政府管理都还是主要关注森林公园与自然保护区的发展, 对于城市居民参与性更强的森林休闲的研究却还很少。文中在借鉴休闲概念的基础上, 提出了森林休闲的概念并分析其内涵, 讨论了森林休闲、森林旅游、森林游憩三者的关系。  相似文献   

古鸣  吴静霞  龚青  武博 《林产工业》2019,46(7):30-34
对国内外建材及家具中VOCs检测标准、木家具中VOCs的来源和组分、木家具表面VOCs典型释放源、VOCs气体采集方法、VOCs的现场快速分析等进行了研究,提出了木家具VOCs现场快速检测方法,这对于提升家具产品环保质量,回应和解决社会民生关切问题,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

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