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Fires have important ecological and socioeconomic effects in fire-prone regions globally. Human-caused wildfires often pose considerable safety and environmental hazards, and can result in sizeable economic losses. This study analyzed the relative importance of temporal, spatial, and socioeconomic factors on occurrence of 52,532 human-caused wildfires in Mississippi that burned during 1991–2005. The probability of human-caused wildfires was modeled using a multinomial logit regression for unordered nominal outcomes. Results indicated that in comparison to incendiary wildfires, other types of human-caused wildfires were most likely to occur in summer. Wildfires caused by equipment use, children, and debris burning were more likely than incendiary wildfires to occur in close proximity to primary roads and railroad tracks, whereas close proximity to population centers increased the relative likelihood of wildfires caused by debris burning. Socioeconomic characteristics also influenced occurrence of many human-caused wildfires. Wildfires caused by children and debris burning were more likely than incendiary wildfires to occur in densely populated areas, whereas wildfires caused by debris burning, equipment use, and related to smoking were more likely in areas with high unemployment rates and large proportions of people below the poverty level. Wildfires related to smoking were also more likely than incendiary wildfires to occur in areas with higher median income. These findings will be helpful in predicting wildfire occurrence as well as developing new wildfire awareness and prevention strategies, allocating resources, and reducing wildfire damage costs in Mississippi and other fire-prone regions.  相似文献   

Wildfires present a growing risk to many countries, and climate change is likely to exacerbate this risk. This study analyzes how people directly affected by a wildfire understand its causes and consequences, as well as the future risk of wildfires. The point of departure is that social understanding of wildfires has an important influence on the consequences that emerge in the wake of a wildfire. The empirical case analyzed here is the largest forest fire in modern Swedish history, and the material basis of the study is a postal survey to all individuals directly affected by the fire. The results revealed a complex picture of the respondents’ understanding of the wildfire. Even if the fire was human caused, there was little blame toward forest companies and fire departments. Many positive consequences, such as a long-term increase in biodiversity, were attached to the disaster, and there was a belief that organizations will learn from it and take action to limit wildfires in the future. Simultaneously, the majority of the respondents believed that climate change may lead to an increased risk of forest fires in the future. These findings illustrate the complexity of people's perceptions of the fire and its aftermath.  相似文献   


Colorado has long been known for its scenic vistas and majestic mountains. Wildfires which are common in the summer months can significantly impact scenic environments close to the wildfire location. There are also concern as to the health impact to people in towns and cities located on the urban/wildland interfaces where the impact can also include loss of life and property. For these and other reasons, a concerted effort is underway to better understand the implications of these wildfires on areas potentially impacted by smoke.

This study created a methodology for evaluating air quality impacts on both a statewide and regional basis using a state-of-the-art meso-scale meteorological model to simulate the meteorological conditions which correlate with prescribed fire and wildfire activity. These meteorological fields are input into an air quality model which simulates transport and secondary aerosol formation for certain pollutants. This modeling effort makes use of climatological analyses derived from observational data provided by the Grand Canyon Visibility Transport Commission (GCVTC). Locally, the model examines impacts within the urban/wildland interface to the extent possible. The regional analysis evaluates the impact of long range transport on neighboring states and the relative impacts on states downwind from areas with the potential for extreme wildfire events.  相似文献   

This paper explains the conceptual framework of ecosystem based multiple use forest management (ETÇAP) approach and its implementation in a case study area. The new management philosophy has four important pillars; integration of biodiversity conservation into forest management process, characterization and accommodation of multiple forest values, effective participation of stakeholders and the use of advanced information technologies and management science techniques. These components comprise a sound framework of a forest management planning system in Turkey as the ownership, land use policy, social structure and forest ecosystems are unique to the country. Among few implementation sites, some experiences from the case study area of Yanlızçam planning unit were documented to realize the performance of the concept. The liaison between the government institutions and major stakeholders is found necessary, and the effective use of geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) have been realized critically important to better communicate among stakeholders and generate precise database and the plan. The case study indicated that structured participation is an effective communication tool and has a better possibly to promote multiple use forest management rather than using participation as solo information gathering process. Primary challenges relate to the effectiveness of national conservation program, availability of coherent biodiversity data and adequacy of institutional capacity that involve awareness, training and common understanding of biodiversity and protected area concept; coordination among the related institutions and stakeholders, and willingness and enthusiasm of authorities to accept and implement the concept.  相似文献   

Wildfires represent a threat to forests and society and the risk of wildfires is expected to increase with global change. How should wildfires be tackled in the future? A paradigm shift is needed from the current focus on fire suppression to the management of forests, accompanied by the improved understanding that forests are a valuable resource and provide many benefits to society. Through the development of high value-added products, materials, fuels and chemicals, a forest-based bio-economy could provide the necessary investments and incentives to ensure sustainable, integrated forest and fire management strategies and thereby reduce fuel loads and fuel continuity, while at the same time revealing that forests are a valuable resource and provide many benefits to society.  相似文献   

Natural disturbances including wildfire, insects and disease are a growing threat to the remaining late successional forests in the Pacific Northwest, USA. These forests are a cornerstone of the region's ecological diversity and provide essential habitat to a number of rare terrestrial and aquatic species including the endangered northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). Wildfires in particular have reduced the amount of late successional forests over the past decade, prompting land managers to expand investments in forest management in an attempt to slow losses and mitigate wildfire risk. Much of the emphasis is focused specifically on late successional reserves established under the Northwest Forest Plan to provide habitat for spotted owls. In this paper, we demonstrate a probabilistic risk analysis system for quantifying wildfire threats to spotted owl habitat and comparing the efficacy of fuel treatment scenarios. We used wildfire simulation methods to calculate spatially explicit probabilities of habitat loss for fuel treatment scenarios on a 70,245 ha study area in Central Oregon, USA. We simulated 1000 wildfires with randomly located ignitions and weather conditions that replicated a recent large fire within the study area. A flame length threshold for each spotted owl habitat stand was determined using the forest vegetation simulator and used to predict the proportion of fires that resulted in habitat loss. Wildfire modeling revealed a strong spatial pattern in burn probability created by natural fuel breaks (lakes and lava flows). We observed a non-linear decrease in the probability of habitat loss with increasing treatment area. Fuels treatments on a relatively minor percentage of the forested landscape (20%) resulted in a 44% decrease in the probability of spotted owl habitat loss averaged over all habitat stands. The modeling system advances the application of quantitative and probabilistic risk assessment for habitat and species conservation planning.  相似文献   

With a predicted rise in average global surface temperature at an unprecedented rate, as well as changes in precipitation and disturbance regimes, climate change will bring forth new challenges for nature conservation in forest ecosystems. Species and habitats to be protected will be affected as well as related concepts and area specific objectives. Climate change impacts are likely to be aggravated by other anthropogenic stresses such as fragmentation, deposition or habitat destruction. To be reliable and effective, current objectives and guidelines of forest conservation need to be reassessed and improved. Our study analyses possible impacts of climate change on forests and identifies key future challenges for nature conservation in forests and ecosystem research. We reviewed 130 papers on climate change impacts on forest ecosystems and species published between 1995 and 2010. The geographical focus of the study is Central Europe. Papers were analysed accounting for direct and indirect impacts of gradual changes as well as stochastic disturbance events in forest ecosystems and their possible consequences for nature conservation.Even though broader aspects of nature conservation (protected areas, biodiversity) are frequently mentioned, little attention is given to forest-specific nature conservation. Particular aspects are insufficiently represented, such as the influence of climate change on different forest succession stages, the development of dead wood volume and quality, responses of secondary broadleaved species, azonal or extrazonal forests as well as ancient woodlands or remnants of historical silvicultural systems. Challenges arise in the context of great uncertainties about future developments. Nature conservation concepts and objectives in forests need to be adapted either within a permanent evaluation process or through the inclusion of further changes a priori, even if they are to some extent unpredictable. In some cases adaptation measures within nature conservation (e.g. adjusting protected areas) may conflict with interests of other stakeholders. Further research, particularly on interrelations between different impacts and the adaptive capacity of current forest ecosystems, associated species and existing genotypes is urgently needed. The scale and complexity of the task at hand calls for the establishment and further strengthening of international research networks.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen a global surge in forest management certification, with over 200 million hectares of the world's forest now certified as sustainably harvested. Because forests are some of the most species-rich environments on earth and more than 90% of the world's forests occur outside formal protected area systems, forest management certification will be one of the pervasive influences on global biodiversity for the foreseeable future. We find that current forest certification schemes are largely deficient because they fail to demand: (i) measurable management objectives for biodiversity, (ii) formal risk assessment of competing management options that integrate impacts on biodiversity, (iii) monitoring that directly addresses management performance requirements and a clear plan for how monitoring information will be used to make better management decisions, and (iv) ongoing research targeted toward practices that enhance biodiversity in managed landscapes. We argue that the credibility of certification schemes hinges on their ability to dictate scientifically defensible management systems for biodiversity conservation. We present a framework for adaptive risk management (ARM) of biodiversity that is both responsibly proactive and diligently reactive and recommend its incorporation in all certification schemes. We highlight the need for substantial government and agency investment in fostering ARM.  相似文献   

Most forestry property in Andalusia is privately held. One of the most important possibilities for economic development of rural areas is the use of pasture lands (dehesa in Spanish). During the spring–summer season, swine grazing takes advantage of grasses between the trees, and during winter (harsher times), they use Quercus tree fruit. Swine production has a direct economic impact on the rural areas' activities. Wildfires are the most significant disturbance in the Mediterranean ecosystems therefore; it is important to study the potential negative impact of wildfires on the swine resource. The public sector is responsible for the application and valuation of policies or activities creating wealth in forest areas while protecting the environment and preventing greater impacts and damages.  相似文献   

The expansion of industrial oil palm cultivation threatens tropical biodiversity globally, especially in developing countries. Driven by plans to generate economic revenue, large-scale plantations are emerging in Southeast Asia, Africa and Brazilian Amazon. However, the ecological impacts of the sector are poorly studied with respect to oil palm management system, and recommended conservation measures are based on limited data. We studied avifauna in oil palm landscapes in Peninsular Malaysia under different management systems (large plantation estates versus smallholdings) and age classes (uniform age versus mixed-age stands). We sampled 41 large plantation estates and 14 smallholdings, as well as 20 sites in an extensively logged peat swamp forest, the type of natural forest prior to conversion to oil palms. Compared with logged peat swamp forest, our results showed that forest conversion to oil palm cultivation may have eliminated 48-60% of bird species. We also found: (i) plantation estates and smallholdings supported similar bird assemblages but the latter supported significantly more species (P = 0.007); and (ii) despite reduced species richness in oil palm landscapes, we found high abundance of some individual bird species in specific types of stands including some forest, migratory, and wetland species. Conversion of natural forest to oil palm landscapes should not occur in the future through clearing of primary or secondary native forests. To complement conventional conservation approaches (e.g. the establishment of protected areas) in palm oil-producing countries, existing plantation estates and smallholdings should be managed in ways to promote improved conservation outcomes, although oil palm landscapes maintained a fraction of the original forest biodiversity. Managing habitat heterogeneity at both a local and a landscape-level is highly recommended in oil palm landscapes to maintain and/or enhance avian biodiversity.  相似文献   

Small-scale Forestry - Although protected areas are central to global biodiversity conservation, most land lies within unprotected areas. In the developing world forest habitats have received...  相似文献   

自然保护地是保护生物多样性最有效途径,区域范围内划定、建设和布局自然保护地是关键.文章以云南省11类373处自然保护地为研究对象,采用GIS与数据库空间建模工具分析其空间格局,结果认为,云南省各自然保护地之间交叉重叠情况较为突出,而保护空缺情况也同时存在;全省目前保存较好的原始林为224.5万hm2,但受保护率仅为64...  相似文献   

Prescribed burning is advocated for the sustainable management of fire-prone ecosystems for its capacity to reduce fuel loads and mitigate large high-intensity wildfires. However, there is a lack of comprehensive field evidence on which to base predictions of the benefits of prescribed burning for meeting either wildfire hazard reduction or conservation goals. Australian eucalypt forests are among the very few forest types in the world where prescribed burning has been practised long enough and at a large enough spatial scale to quantify its effect on the incidence and extent of unplanned fires. Nevertheless even for Australian forests evidence of the effectiveness of prescribed burning remains fragmented and largely unpublished in the scientific literature.  相似文献   

我国社会经济正处于高速发展阶段,公路建设呈现出向自然保护区等环境敏感地带拓展的趋势,严重影响到我国自然保护区内的生物多样性保护。本文主要分析了涉及自然保护区的公路建设管理中存在的问题,有针对性地提出了加强法规建设、规范环境影响评价和管理、引导公众积极参与、建立公路建设项目环境影响后评价制度和生态补偿制度、提高人员素质等对策。  相似文献   


We utilized the Boise National Forest's Hazard/Risk model, along with fire history records and fire behavior models, to estimate the current and anticipated levels of large wildfires and associated greenhouse gas and particulate emissions based on the forest condition and wildfire regime on the BNF. The model indicated that the forests at greatest risk of large, intense wildfires are the dense pondero-sa pine-Douglas-fir forests that make up over 1.1 million acres on the forest. We conclude that without an aggressive treatment program to reduce large areas of contiguous heavy fuel loadings the forest will be burned at an annual average rate of about 7.5% of the remaining at-risk forest. Using recent fire data to develop average patterns of intensity in wildfires within this forest type, we estimate that emissions will average around 1 million tons of carbon (C) per year over the next 20 years as the bulk of the ponderosa pine forests are burned. An aggressive treatment program featuring the removal of fuels where necessary, and prescribed fire as a means of re-introducing fire to these ecosystems, would result in a 30-50 percent reduction in the average annual wildfire experienced in the dense ponderosa pine forests, a 14-35% decrease in the average annual C emissions, and a 10-31% decrease in particulate emissions. We argue that the most effective way to curb emissions is with an aggressive treatment program linked to a landscape-based ecosystem management plan. This would have the effect of breaking up large contiguous landscape patterns so that fires become more patchy and diverse in their environmental impact, resulting in significantly reduced emissions as well as improved landscape diversity.  相似文献   

We focused on key aspects of forest governance for biodiver- sity conservation in implementing new climate change policies. The national forest institutions must be adaptive to identify the existing pitfalls of prior conservation policies to take advantage of new climate change policies. Strengthening roles and technical capacity of national institutions for systematic biodiversity monitoring and carbon stock assessment is required in developing and least developed countries. Community participation needs careful analysis to ensure equitable ac- cess of particular social groups to local decision-making processes and to sustain optional livelihoods. The livelihood options around forest reserves or protected areas must be taken into account to enhance forest-based adaptation.  相似文献   

Wildfires are an increasingly common disturbance influencing wood recruitment to streams, and thereby affecting their physical and biological condition. Mediterranean countries such as Portugal, where more than 25% of the land area has burned since 1990, are ideal areas to study impacts of wildfire effects on streams. We evaluated the physical structure of 2206 downed wood pieces (DWP) across 27 first- to third-order streams in central Portugal, all of which had experienced recent wildfires. The streams flowed through monospecific upland forests of Eucalyptus, Maritime pines, or Cork oaks and were fringed by a mixture of riparian tree species. DWP structure differed between tree types and between burned and unburned pieces. Post-fire timber-production forests (Maritime pines and Eucalyptus) contributed a higher quantity of thinner, longer and straighter DWP to streams than Cork oak stands. Pieces from Maritime pines had more rootwads and branches than DWP from the other tree types. Pieces from Cork oak and riparian species generally had a bent form, were shorter and had no rootwads. Burned DWP in streams were often from riparian trees. Relative to unburned DWP, the burned DWP occurred more frequently, were larger and straighter, had branches less often, and were more decayed. With more complex branches, rootwads, and a larger diameter, inputs from burned Maritime pine forests are more likely to change stream hydraulics and habitat complexity, relative to inputs from Eucalyptus forests with their simpler structure. This study shows that, less than a decade after wildfires, structure of downed wood in and near streams is strongly influenced by wildfire, but also still reflects intrinsic species characteristics and respective silviculture practices, even after the effects of fire have been accounted for. Under an anticipated shift in landscape cover with higher shrubland proportions and more mixing of Maritime pine and Eucalyptus forests, our results suggest that instream large wood will become scarcer and more structurally homogeneous.  相似文献   

As in many parts of the world, rural and forest-dependent communities in Ontario are struggling with a variety of economic and demographic challenges. Ontario government ministries are seeking to enhance rural sustainable development while at the same time maintaining forest habitat and preventing forest biodiversity decline. Commercial maple sugar bushes, which in Eastern Ontario are typically family owned and operated, have the potential to play an important role in biodiversity conservation and habitat protection, while at the same time contributing to sustainable development. Existing research has shown the social and economic benefits of small scale maple sugar bushes, but room remains for greater study of the environmental impacts, particularly in terms of forest biodiversity. In this study, woodlot management practices on twenty-two sugar bushes in Eastern Ontario were compared against established forest biodiversity conservation guidelines, using information obtained through detailed interviews with operators. Sugar bush operators reported the presence of many important habitats on their properties. The interview results show that many standard sugar bush management practices are consistent with biodiversity conservation principles. Operators were found to be receptive to biodiversity conservation ideals, and could enhance their contribution to the provincial government’s official biodiversity strategy with additional guidance, incentives, and formal planning. The findings suggest that through sound management and planning, small scale commercial sugar bush operations generally can be made environmentally sustainable, and become important components in broader rural development strategies.  相似文献   

Community forestry is expanding in developing countries but there is limited knowledge of, and contradictory findings about, its contribution to biodiversity conservation. This study aims at increasing the understanding of tree species diversity in community forests compared to National Parks. A forest inventory was carried out in four community forests and one National Park in the mid-hills of central Nepal. The study found that community forestry has contributed to high tree species diversity where forest management communities have interests in multiple species, but most community forests are moving toward promoting limited timber yielding species that have high economic value. Linking community forestry with economic incentives for conserving multiple tree species could therefore be a strategy to conserve biodiversity outside of protected areas.  相似文献   

Fire is an important ecological process in many western U.S. coniferous forests, yet high fuel loads, rural home construction and other factors have encouraged the suppression of most wildfires. Using mechanical thinning and prescribed burning, land managers often try to reduce fuels in strategic areas with the highest fuel loads. Riparian forests, however, are often designated as areas where only limited management action can take place within a fixed-width zone. These highly productive forests have developed heavy fuel loads capable of supporting stand-replacing crown fires that can alter wildlife habitat and ecosystem function, and contribute to stream channel erosion. Objectives of this study were to determine whether adjacent coniferous riparian and upland forests burned historically with different frequencies and seasonalities, and whether these relationships varied by forest, site, and stream characteristics. We measured dendrochronological fire records in adjacent riparian and upland areas across a variety of forest, site and stream conditions at 36 sites in three sampling areas in the northern Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

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