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2009年12月25日,辽宁省政府召开无规定动物疫病区砰估认证动员电视电话会议,会议全面部署了辽宁省无规定动物疫病区评估认证各项准备工作。辽宁省政府王世伟副秘书长主持电视电话会,陈海波副省长作了动员讲话。  相似文献   

1999~2002年,我省在5个地州市、20个县建设无规定疫病区(这是农业部下达我省在兽医方面投资最大的项目)。通过近三年的建设,省、地、县、乡兽医防检站面貌焕然一新,控制疫病手段,能力大大增强,动物防疫工作的总体水平得到了提高,缩短了与国际接轨的距离,促进了养殖业发展,保障了畜产品安全和人民身体健康。1提高防疫意识,认真建设无规定疫病区动物防疫关系到畜牧业快速发展,保护人民身体健康。我省动物防疫工作,虽然消灭了牛瘟、马传贫,一些重大疫病得到了控制,但防疫工作的形势仍然严峻。老病未除,新病在增加…  相似文献   

建立无规定疫病区是一个系统工程,牵涉面广,工作量大,要求高,需要采取行政、法律、经济、技术等综合措施才能实现目标.  相似文献   

本刊讯:据合肥市畜牧水产局饶东平报道,在3月20日召开的2006年合肥市动物防疫工作会议上,合肥市确定从今年起率先在全省启动建设国家无规定动物疫病区建设项目,确保重大动物疫病防控工作能力和水平的进一步提升。  相似文献   

为促进我国畜牧生产的持续发展,扩大畜禽及其产品的出口,保证肉食品的卫生和人民的健康,农业部已决定率先在部分省区建立无规定动物疫病区.该项目实施方案要求各省区针对自然条件和疫病流行情况的不尽相同的特点,因地制宜地集中人力、物力和财力,加强动物防疫的基础设施建设,采用包括行政、法律、经济和技术等手段在内的综合性防制措施,有计划、有重点、有目标地扑灭和控制约19种规定的动物疫病,降低发病率和死亡率,进而提高畜牧业的生产水平,增加数量,提高质量.这对我国兽医技术水平的提高,兽医设施设备的改善,兽医有关法规的健全,无疑是一个新的机遇和推动.笔者长期从事畜牧兽医技术和管理工作,闻后甚感鼓舞.  相似文献   

2001年11月威海市被农业部列为无规定动物疫病区示范区建设项目以来,我们按照无规定动物疫病区建设条件的要求,严格执行《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》和《中华人民共和国畜牧法》,加强了动物检疫工作力度,规范畜禽屠宰检疫、商品检  相似文献   

我国已规划五片无规定动物疫病区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日前,我国无规定动物疫病区建设全面启动。所谓的无规定动物疫病区,是指按照国际惯例建立起来的不能发生疯牛病、口蹄疫、禽流感等规定疫病的特定区域。目前,我国已经在海南岛、辽东半岛、胶东半岛、嫩江平原、四川盆地规划了5片无规定动物疫病区,涉及182个县。国家首席兽医师贾幼陵:“这些无疫区经受住了禽流感的考验,同时国际上规定的(动物)A类病都没有发生,其他疫病也大幅度下降,已经符合了国际(动物产品)贸易的规定。”联合国粮农组织官员米切尔·雷格斯:“中国政府建立无规定动物疫病区是非常及时和英明的,不仅是对中国,而且对亚洲和…  相似文献   

我国无规定动物疫病区建设现已全面启动。所谓的无规定动物疫病区,是指按照国家惯例建立起来的不能发生疯牛病、口蹄病、禽流感等规定疫病的特定区域。目前,我国已经在海南岛、辽东半岛、胶东半岛、嫩江平原、四川盆地规划了5片无规定动物疫病区,涉及182个县。据专家介绍,这些无疫区经受住了禽流感的考验,同时国际上规定的(动物)A类病都没有发生,其他疫病也大幅度下降,已经符合了国际(动物产品)贸易的规定。(摘自中国畜牧兽医信息网)我国已规划五片无规定动物疫病区  相似文献   

中国加入WTO在即,面对竞争激烈的国际市场,中国畜牧业如何发展,中国的畜产品如何才能占领国际市场,这是摆在我们每个畜牧兽医工作者面前的一个新课题,我们必须认真地分析、研究,找出一条适合中国畜牧业发展的路子.   ……  相似文献   

口蹄疫、疯牛病风卷残云般的在欧洲大陆肆掠,英国畜牧业遭受重创,整个欧洲经济受到影响,欧洲人惶惶不安,谁敢断然预测,这两病不会光临到自己国家呢,各国纷纷采取相应措施,禁止从英国输入偶蹄动物及其产品,为了不让两个不速之客威胁本国的养殖业,宁可采取外交措施.面对加入WTO的中国,如何从英国吸取其教训,保证我国畜牧业健康持续发展呢,本人谈谈自己肤浅的认识.  相似文献   

The agreement on the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS agreement) was one of the major products of the GATT's Uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations, signed in Marrakesh on 15 April 1994. This agreement and others are part of the treaty that established the World Trade Organization (WTO). The WTO superseded the GATT as the umbrella organization for international trade (WTO, 1998a). The SPS agreement's main intent is to provide guidelines and provisions to member countries to facilitate trade while taking measures to protect human, animal or plant life or health. The agreement dictates that all sanitary measures must be scientifically based and not more restrictive than required to avoid the risk identified. The agreement recommends the use of international standards from the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), Codex Alimentarius (CAC) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) as the basis for import requirements. If a country chooses to apply more restrictive measures than those in the international standards, it has to justify its position through a risk analysis, thus avoiding the use of sanitary and phytosanitary measures as unjustified barriers to trade. More than ever, veterinary services worldwide are faced with having to fulfill a crucial role in protecting their country's animal health status, provide sound surveillance information on the occurrence of diseases within their territories, and conduct scientifically valid risk analyses to establish justified import requirements. During the past two decades, most countries have experienced resource reduction in their veterinary services. The effect of these policies has been severe, in many cases leading to an inability of veterinary services to conduct their disease prevention and control duties. There is a clear inconsistency between the demands placed on veterinary services and the current level of funding and support they are receiving, particularly in the developing world. This paper analyzes the implications in complying with the SPS agreement and explores the role of veterinary epidemiology in developing viable alternatives that can enhance the veterinary services' ability to perform under the current economic reality. The key provisions of the SPS agreement are regionalization, risk analysis, harmonization, equivalence and transparency. The paper focuses on the contribution of epidemiology in each of these areas in the effective implementation of the SPS agreement.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate early medical and behavioral effects of deployment to the World Trade Center, Fresh Kills Landfill, or the Pentagon on responding search-and-rescue (SAR) dogs. DESIGN: Prospective double cohort study. ANIMALS: The first cohort included SAR dogs responding to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (deployed), and the second cohort included SAR dogs trained in a similar manner but not deployed (controls). Enrollment occurred from October 2001 to June 2002. PROCEDURE: Dogs were examined by their local veterinarians; thoracic radiographs and blood samples were shipped to the University of Pennsylvania for analysis. Handlers completed medical and training histories and a canine behavioral survey. RESULTS: Deployed dogs were older and had more search experience than control dogs. Serum concentrations of globulin and bilirubin and activity of alkaline phosphatase were significantly higher in deployed dogs, independent of age and training. Despite significant differences in several blood parameters, values for both groups were within reference ranges. No pulmonary abnormalities were detected on radiographs, and no significant differences in behavior or medical history were detected between groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Within the first year following the September 11 attacks, there was no evidence that responding dogs developed adverse effects related to their work. Mild but significantly higher serum concentrations of globulin and bilirubin and activity of alkaline phosphatase in deployed dogs suggested higher antigen or toxin exposure. These dogs will be monitored for delayed effects for at least 3 years.  相似文献   

Between 1991 and mid 2000, the surveillance of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in France was based solely on clinical surveillance through a Mandatory Reporting System. Since 2000, the implementation of active surveillance programmes using rapid tests, as a complementary tool targeted at dead and slaughtered cattle has shown that part of the BSE cases were not detected with the clinical surveillance. In order to obtain a better knowledge of the strength of the clinical surveillance, we analysed a vigilance index defined as the ratio of negative clinical suspicions to the cattle population in the region and period of interest. The temporal analysis of the vigilance index showed that it did not vary much between 1991 and 1999, increased sharply since 2000, and then decreased partly in 2001. The geographical analysis of the variations of the vigilance index was performed at the department level by comparing the observed number of negative clinical suspicions per department to the expected number, computed on the basis of the national average index and standardised on the production type of the cattle - dairy versus beef suckling cattle. As assumed, the data followed a Poisson distribution. We observed a high geographical variation of the vigilance index: ten departments out of 91 presented a significantly higher vigilance index than the national one, and four a significantly lower vigilance index. The vigilance index showed that the clinical surveillance was heterogeneous during the past twelve years, both in time and geographic location, in a range of one to ten. So the apparent trend in the BSE epidemic during this period as well as the differences in the spatial incidence of BSE have to be analysed with caution.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine deployment logistics of New York Police Department (NYPD) working dogs that assisted in relief efforts at the World Trade Center (WTC) site following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack; establish types and rates of related acute injuries and illnesses; identify environmental toxin exposures; and determine long-term (ie, 5-year) health effects of deployment. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. ANIMALS: 27 working dogs. PROCEDURES: Deployment logistics for the period from September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002, were determined, and acute health disorders were identified by means of physical examination; a questionnaire; interviews with dog handlers; and toxicologic (blood and hair samples), clinicopathologic, microbiologic (nasal swab specimens submitted for Bacillus anthracis culture), and radiographic methods. Long-term health surveillance ended September 21, 2006. RESULTS: Dogs worked a total of 1,428 days (15,148 hours) at the site. Seventeen of the 27 (62.9%) dogs had health disorders during the first week. Specific conditions included fatigue (incidence rate [events/1,000 active deployment hours], 13.1), conjunctival irritation (13.1), respiratory tract problems (12.4), decreased appetite (10.8), dehydration (10), and cuts (9.3). Only minor hematologic and serum biochemical abnormalities were identified. Bacterial culture of nasal swab specimens did not yield B anthracis. Only mild and infrequent health conditions were identified during the 5-year follow-up period. None of the dogs were identified as having chronic respiratory tract disease. Six dogs died of various causes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that acute injuries and illnesses were common among NYPD working dogs deployed to the WTC disaster site, but that longterm health complications were minimal.  相似文献   

Brain tissue from a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) from Alberta was subjected to a Western immunoblotting technique to ascertain the molecular profile of any disease-specific, abnormal prion protein, that is, prion protein that is protease-resistant (PrP(res)). This technique can discriminate between isolates from BSE, ovine scrapie, and sheep experimentally infected with BSE. Isolates of brain tissue from the BSE case in Alberta, 3 farmed elk with chronic wasting disease (CWD) from different parts of Saskatchewan, and 1 farmed white-tailed deer with CWD from Edmonton, Alberta, were examined alongside isolates of brain tissue from BSE, ovine scrapie, and sheep experimentally infected with BSE from the United Kingdom (UK). The molecular weights of PrP(res) and the cross reactions to 2 specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were determined for each sample. The BSE isolates from Canada and the UK had very similar PrP(res) molecular weights and reacted with only 1 of the 2 mAbs. The PrP(res) isolated from both elk and white-tailed deer with CWD had a higher molecular weight profile than did the corresponding PrP(res) from the scrapie and BSE isolates. The PrP(res) from CWD cases cross reacted with both mAbs, a property shared with PrP(res) in isolates from scrapie but not with PrP(res) isolates from BSE or sheep experimentally infected with BSE. The results from this study seem to confirm that the PrP(res) isolated from the BSE case in Alberta has similar molecular properties to the PrP(res) isolated from a BSE case in the UK, and that it differs in its molecular and immunological characteristics from the CWD and scrapie cases studied.  相似文献   

牧民的减畜行为是遏制草原生态环境退化最有效的方法之一.本研究基于巴音布鲁克世界自然遗产地187户牧民的实地调查数据,运用有序Probit回归模型分析了牧民的资本禀赋与政策感知对减畜意愿的影响.研究发现:牧民的金融资本、物质资本、自然资本和人力资本对其减畜意愿的影响不显著,文化资本对牧民的减畜意愿具有正向影响,社会资本对...  相似文献   

Background: Anecdotal beliefs and limited research suggest variable patterns of mortality in age, size, and breed cohorts of dogs. Detailed knowledge of mortality patterns would facilitate development of tailored health‐maintenance practices and contribute to the understanding of the genetic basis of disease. Hypothesis/Objectives: To describe breed‐specific causes of death in all instances of canine mortality recorded in the Veterinary Medical Database (VMDB) 1 between 1984 and 2004. We hypothesized that causes of death, categorized by organ system (OS) or pathophysiologic process (PP), would segregate by age, body mass, and breed. Animals: 74,556 dogs from the VMDB for which death was the outcome of the recorded hospital visit. Methods: Retrospective study. Causes of death from abstracted VMDB medical records were categorized by OS and PP and analyzed by age, breed, and breed‐standard mass of dog. Results: Causes of death, categorized by OS or PP, segregated by age, breed, and breed‐standard mass. Young dogs died more commonly of gastrointestinal and infectious causes whereas older dogs died of neurologic and neoplastic causes. Increasing age was associated with an increasing risk of death because of cardiovascular, endocrine, and urogenital causes, but not because of hematopoietic or musculoskeletal causes. Dogs of larger breeds died more commonly of musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal causes whereas dogs of smaller breeds died more commonly of endocrine causes. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Not all causes of death contribute equally to mortality within age, size, or breed cohorts. Documented patterns now provide multiple targets for clinical research and intervention.  相似文献   

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