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随着我国经济发展水平的不断提高,养殖业日渐兴起,规模化养殖逐渐增多,对带动我国经济增长,实现区域经济增长有显著意义。文章主要针对家庭式奶牛养殖场的特点及与其他奶牛养殖模式的不同进行探究,体现出这一养殖模式的先进性与优势。  相似文献   

我国的奶牛养殖发展日新月异,朝气蓬勃,现在已成为农民主要的收入来源之一,但是农户在养殖过程中,尽管对养殖品种、防疫以及环境的问题中不叫重视,但是一些日常管理却被农户忽略。文章中介绍了一些养殖奶牛应注意的管理措施,让农户可以借此加以改进,提高养殖水平,增加养殖收益。  相似文献   

介绍了养殖奶牛应注意的一些常规管理措施,以期引导农户加以改进,以提高科学养殖水平,增加养殖收益。  相似文献   

随着我国畜牧业的快速发展,禽畜养殖规模越来越大,养殖场的数量也日趋增加。但由于大多数养殖场缺少禽畜疫病的专业知识和技术,不能对发病动物合理用药,致使不能有效治疗动物疫病,造成畜产品药物残留及有害物质超标。因此,在畜禽养殖中合理使用兽药非常重要。  相似文献   

养殖环节是乳制品供应链的源头,为了促进乳制品行业的健康发展,对养殖环节进行信息追溯对整个乳制品追溯体系的建立起到至关重要的作用。在分析整条乳制品供应链的基础上,对其中的奶牛养殖环节进行详细分析,从中提取出追溯系统所需要记录的信息,并设计出乳制品供应链的信息追溯过程图和系统功能图,同时立足于企业的实际需求,从供应链的角度袁提出基于DHI系统、Alpro系统和ERP系统的追溯模式。  相似文献   

李文 《中国畜禽种业》2013,(12):131-131
目前.绝大多数养鸡户对养殖技术、鸡病预防和诊断较为重视.却忽略了在养殖过程中科学使用兽药的重要性。下面探讨一下兽药使用过程中应注意的一些问题。1明确用药目的,避免盲目用药药物作用具有双重性,既可产生防治疾病的作用,也会产生与用药目的无关甚至对机体有毒性的不良反应。临床用药只有目的明确,才能有效的防治各种疾病。  相似文献   

近年来,随着乳品行业的不断发展,农民养殖奶牛的积极性也日益提高,奶牛产业的发展是农民增收的主要渠道之一。目前农户在养殖奶牛过程中,对品种、疫病防治以及棚舍方面均比较重视,但往往会忽视日常管理,以下本文从养殖技术与饲养管理的各方面引导农户加以改进,以提高科学养殖水平,增加养殖收益。  相似文献   

基于奶牛养殖周期,建立一套自适应的标准化体系,将奶牛养殖、配种、妊检、防疫免疫、疾病诊断、饲草饲料优质配方的调整等过程进行线上标准化管理,通过科学饲养与现代化的管理模式,提高奶牛活体质量、单产与产奶品质,提高养殖专业技术水平和养殖效能,从整体上提高鲜奶的品质和单产,促使我省奶牛养殖向高产、优质、高效的方向发展。  相似文献   

随着我国农业经济的迅速发展.畜牧业经济也在不断发展,人民生活水平和健康意识的不断提高,对牛奶等奶制品的需求量快速增加.温家宝总理说过“每天一斤奶,强壮中国人”.因此牛奶对于人们的重要性随之提高。如何引导养殖户改进传统的养殖方法。不断提高养殖管理水平,进行科学的养殖和管理.不断提升畜牧业的竞争力,大力发展畜牧养殖业,使养殖户的收入不断增加,促进社会经济良好有序的发展。  相似文献   

动物医学专业生产实习的教学改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析动物医学本科专业传统生产实习中出现的问题,介绍深化生产实习教学改革的措施,以进一步提高该专业的生产实习效果。  相似文献   

在兽用生物制品生产过程中,偏差不可避免,而偏差的发生则会为产品质量埋下了某种程度的隐患(质量风险).如果不进行偏差管理,就会使得实际生产过程越来越偏离预先批准的程序,甚至发生重大质量问题.为了保证产品的质量,进行严格有效的偏差管理是兽用生物制品生产质量管理的重要内容.文章从偏差识别、偏差分类、偏差调查、纠正和预防措施等...  相似文献   

本研究采用关系型数据库管理系统C—dBASEⅢ编制,数理统计程序采用BASIC语言编制,在IBM PC/XT(系统内存640KB以上)计算机上实现。奶牛生产综合信息电脑管理系统的功能包括:数据管理、信息查询、日常管理、报表打印、饲料配方、种公牛育种值估计、数理统计分析和奶量预测等。经运行证明,该系统的功能符合我国奶牛生产实际情况,适合在我国大、中、小型奶牛场推广应用。  相似文献   

草地奶牛业标准化饲养管理及经济效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李秀富 《贵州农业科学》2006,34(3):65-66,69
奶牛饲养管理分为传统舍饲的饲养管理和现代草地奶牛业标准化饲养管理两种模式,从贵州草种场及周边农户草地奶牛业标准化饲养管理所取得的经济、社会、生态效益来突显草地奶牛业标准化饲养管理的优点及效益。  相似文献   

欧美兽药质量管理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国兽药产业较欧美等发达国家起步晚,质量水平和管理水平有待进一步提高。为有效提高我国兽药质量和管理水平,发达国家成熟的管理经验值得学习和借鉴。本文分别从法律体系、管理体系及企业现状三个方面介绍了美国和欧盟的兽药质量管理现状,以供业内人士参考。  相似文献   

分析推进标准化生产的深远意义.阐述实施热作标准化生产的基本内涵和要求,提出推进热作标准化生产的有关建议:完善标准,为实施标准化生产提供依据和指导;创新机制,提升标准化生产组织化水平;加强指导和服务,推进标准化生产水平;重视培训,建设标准化生产队伍;标准化生产与热作产品的品牌化经营相结合;建立农业标准化信息网络;深入推进标准化生产示范园建设。  相似文献   

Dairy industry is the pillar of Heilongjiang Province. The contractual relationship of the dairy supply chain played a vital role in the dairy industry for development. The contractual relationship between the main dairy farming body and the dairy processing enterprise, as well as the impact of this contractual relationship on their cooperation in dairy supply chain were studied. Taking 366 dairy farming bodies in Heilongjiang Province as the main research objects, Likert scale was used to measure the factors affecting the contractual relationship and applied these factors to the correlation construction of dairy farming body and processing enterprise. Then, confirmatory factor analysis was used to collect data and made the conclusion that once dairy farming body perceived the opportunistic behavior and lacking of cooperation, the trust of dairy processing enterprise would be lost. Additionally, the satisfaction of dairy farming body on partnership also had a positive effect on the level of trust and commitment, the relative dependence and the perception of the partnerships, which made it possible to analyze how to strengthen the contractual relationship and provide theoretical basis for dairy industry development in Heilongjiang Province.  相似文献   

This study was to supply the systemic and full milking process data to support the implementation of both dairy herd improvement (DHI) and digital feeding of dairy cattle. This study designed the relational structured database and developed a set of digital management information system on milking process of intensive dairy farm using Visual Basic 6.0, Access databases, and Crystal report combining the milking characteristics of a grown cow, such as quality and sanitation testing indexes of raw milk. The system supplies a series of convenient, intelligent input interfaces of crude datum, and can count, analyze, and graphically show milking datum based on different types and different parities of cows or herds in a specific duration, and can dynamically produce some important derived data, such as days of grown cow, daily average of milk production of grown cow, days of cow milk production, and daily average of milking cow production; and can carry out all-pervasive data mining. With the help of system analysis and software design techniques, it is possible to realize precision farming for a dairy cattle herd based on whole digital management of milking process and realtime prediction on nutrient requirements and ration of dairy cattle, as well as dairy herd improvement.  相似文献   

核桃乳饮料生产工艺研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对影响核桃饮料生产的几个主要问题进行了研究。结果表明:核桃仁用3%的NaOH溶液去皮后,在0.5%的NaCl和0.02%的Na2SO3溶液中护色漂白4h,用85℃以上热磨的方法可明显改善饮料的色泽和风味。用HLB值在11-12范围内的复合乳化稳定剂和硬度低于4度的软水在40MPa压力下高压均质2次物料,可得到组织状态稳定的核桃乳饮料。  相似文献   

Applying dairy cow behavior in management practice is an effective way of improving cow health, welfare and performance. This paper first reviewed daily time budget and normal patterns of dairy cow behavior, and then discussed the influence of major management conditions and practices (such as competitive environments, stocking density, grouping strategies) on cow's feeding, lying and social behavior. Finally, new findings of using feeding behavior to predict disorders in transition period were addressed. It was suggested that dairy researchers and farmers should take advantage of related knowledge of dairy cow behavior to improve dairy cow health and welfare. More research is required to further study dairy cow behavior so as to better apply it in practical management and meet the needs of production.  相似文献   

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