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The effect of applying 100kg P ha-1 per year in the form of triple superphosphate to mixed swards of perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) and white clover ( Trifolium repens ) was examined on a soil of low P status.
The dry matter yield of total herbage was increased by 10'/i by added P. In the year of sowing the ryegrass benefited more than the clover from added P: in the subsequent four years the two species benefited equally. Both species responded 10 added P to a similar extent in terms of leaf size; the clover responded less well than the ryegrass in terms of rate of leaf emergence. However, clover responded positively to added P in terms of stolon internode length, length of stolon per m2 and number of growing points per m2. It is suggested that the application of P may promote the spread of white clover within an open sward, but that its application may not enhance the competitive power of white clover when growing with vigorous grasses.  相似文献   

Data are presented for the fourth (1979) and fifth (1980) harvest years of a trial in which four levels of N fertilizer (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha−1) were applied each spring to swards with grass (perennial ryegrass cv. Barlenna) and each one of four cultivars of while clover (Blanca, Sabeda, Olwen and S100) or grass alone. Results from the first three years have been published.
Dry matter (DM) harvested dropped from the fourth to fifth years over all swards by 1 −5 to 2 0 t ha−1 but response to N was maintained (17.4 and 24.4 kg DM (kgN)−l in response to 90 kg N ha−1 in 1979 and 1980 respectively) despite reductions in summer yields relative to unfertilized swards. Blanca swards produced significantly less DM harvested than all other cultivars in 1979 and all cultivars in 1980 except for Olwen. Clover DM harvested continued to fall from 1977, the mean for the unfertilized treatment in 1980 being 55% of that in 1979. Up to 1980 Sabeda swards produced more clover DM harvested than Blanca swards. Linear regressions between annual clover content at zero N and at each spring N level for each sward type over 5 harvest years were very highly significant. It is concluded that all cultivars used responded similarly to spring N. Further work to develop a method for predicting the effect of spring N on clover content of given swards is required.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to compare the effects of two compressed sward height treatments, each at two fertilizer nitrogen (N) treatments (0 and 50 kg ha−1 in spring), on the date of turnout and liveweight gain of steers grazing a perennial ryegrass/white clover ( Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens ) sward sited on clay loam in south-west England. The sward height treatments were 6 cm all season, and 4 cm in the spring rising to 6 cm in June; these were maintained using continuously variable stocking with Hereford × Friesian steers. Cattle were turned out on average 11·5 days earlier on the 4-cm sward height compared with the 6-cm sward height treatment. Liveweight gain early in the season was lower on the 4-cm swards than on the 6-cm swards. Liveweight gain ha−1 over the whole season was similar for the two sward height treatments. Fertilizer N did not affect turnout date or liveweight gain.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to examine the changes in clover content of three mixed perennial ryegrass/white cover swards of differing initial clover contents subjected to different grazing height management regimes and their effect on lactation performance of 48 Friesian dairy cows and heifers. Two paddocks were established for each treatment and grazed on alternate days. Treatments T17 and Tl3 consisted of swards with initial clover contents of 0·17 and 0·13 of the dry matter (DM) mass, respectively, grazed to maintain compressed sward heights of 6 cm throughout the season. A third treatment, SI5, consisted of a sward with an initial clover content of 0·15 grazed to maintain a compressed sward height of 4·5 cm for the first 78 days of the grazing season (period 1). Throughout period 1, half the animals on each treatment each received 4 kg of a concentrate supplement daily, while the others remained unsupplemented. From days 79 to 90, the cattle on treatment S15 grazed a similar sward, while the compressed sward height of the S15 paddocks was allowed to increase to 6 cm before re introduction of the animals. The three swards were then grazed for a further 47 days (period 2) before the animals were housed and milk yield recorded for a further 63 days (period 3). While sward T17 showed little change in clover content over the first 29 days of grazing, remaining at just below 0·18 of DM mass, swards T13 and S15 showed a marked decline in clover content to 0·05 and 0·07 of DM mass respectively. However, by the end of period 1 the clover content of all three swards had increased markedly (0·25, 0·15 and 0·15 of DM mass respectively). By the end of period 2, clover proportions were slightly higher than initial values (0·19. 0·15 and 0·15 of DM mass for treatments T17, T13 and S15, respectively). Owing to the relatively small differences in clover content of swards TI7 and T13, there were no significant effects of these two treatments on milk yield or composition in any period. Supplementation had no effect on milk composition and had little effect on milk yield, except when sward height was maintained at 4·5 cm. There was no carryover effect of supplementation on milk yield or composition in periods 2 or 3.  相似文献   

Four varieties of white clover (small-leaved cv. Aberystwyth S184. medium-leaved cv. Grasslands Huia and large-leaved cvs Linda and Olwen) were sown at 3 kg ha-1 together with 10 kg ha-1 perennial ryegrass cv. Talbot. Herbage productivity was measured for three harvest years, 1979-81, over four annual rates of fertilizer N (0,120,240 and 360 kg ha-1) and two closeness of cutting treatments (80 and 40 mm from ground level). A simulated grazing regime of six cuts per year at 3- to 6-week intervals was used.
Production of total herbage DM was increased by increasing N rate; mean annual DM production ranged from 783 1 ha-1 with no N to 11701 ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N. Mean herbage response to N (kg DM per kg N applied) was 73,90 and 108 for the three successive N increments relative to no N. Mean white clover DM production was reduced from 4 14t ha-1 with no N to 051 t ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N.
The large-leaved clover varieties were more productive than the small- or medium-leaved varieties at all N rates. Close cutting increased total herbage and white clover by a mean annual 16% and 31%. respectively. White clover varieties did not interact with either N rate or closeness of cutting.
It is concluded that repetitive N application over the growing season is incompatible with white clover persistence and production, even with large-leaved clover varieties or with close cutting, two factors which improved clover performance in the experimental swards.  相似文献   

Twelve plots were laid down on an existing perennial ryegrass/white clover sward, one plot in each of six replicated blocks receiving 100 kg  N ha−1 (100N) and one plot receiving no N (0N). Biomass, canopy development (stratified cuts and point quadrat records at 2–4-week intervals) and changes in stolon population density were recorded during one 8-week regrowth period (25 July–23 September) to investigate the likely causes of N effects on white clover in mixed swards.
Over the period, N fertilizer resulted in an increase of 74% in perennial ryegrass biomass and a reduction of 24% in white clover biomass. There was also a reduction of 44% in stolon growing point density, mainly due to lower density of younger stolon branches. White clover's contribution to the upper three leaf area index (LAI) units (taken as an estimate of the proportion of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted) was, on average, 70% at 0N producing 74% of the sward biomass, compared with 46% contribution to interception and 37% contribution to biomass at 100N.
While there was no evidence of overtopping, it is concluded that N fertilizer application increased the LAI of perennial ryegrass in the upper layers of the canopy thereby reducing the share of available PAR to white clover. This, coupled with a lower radiation use efficiency at high N and lower population density, results in white clover's reduced performance in mixed swards receiving N fertilizer.  相似文献   

Small swards of white clover and perennial ryegrass were established in Perlite in a heated glasshouse, as either monocultures or mixtures of equal plant numbers. On 26th March, 1984 the swards were moved outside and their growth studied over the period to 29th May. All swards received a basal level of nitrate N to simulate soil mineralization and two-thirds received additionally the equivalent of 80 kg N ha−1. Over the experimental period (26th March-29th May) clover maintained its proportion of total mixture dry weight In swards given 'fertilizer'-N and increased its proportion in those given only 'basal' N, However, clover declined as a percentage of total mixture dry weight during the first period of the experiment when total leaf area index (LAI) and ambient temperatures were low, and increased its percentage later when temperature and LAI had risen. Changes in tiller and stolon growing point numbers were not good indicators of changes in dry weight. Relative yields and relative replacement rates also were not good indicators of relative performance in mixture. Where 'fertilizer'-N was applied, clover derived less of its nitrogen from that source than grass although their uptakes per unit shoot dry weight were similar.  相似文献   

The annual contribution of clover to a mixed sward for 5 years was compared for a range of cultivars, viz. S1OO, Sabeda, Blanca and Olwen, in order of increasing leaf size. The contribution referred to as'clover-derived nitrogen N', was measured as the difference between N harvested in mixed swards and that in similarly treated swards devoid of clover. The swards were harvested four or five times each year and received N fertilizer, annually, at 0, 30, 60 or 90 kg N ha−1 in March.
Blanca swards had the highest clover-derived N yield in the second year and lowest in the fourth year. By the fifth year Sabeda and S100 (medium leaved cultivars) were contributing more N than the other two cultivars. When related to the amount of clover harvested, S100 had the highest value in the second year and S100 and Sabeda in the third year. Relating the total lover-derived N harvested over the 5 years to the amount of clover harvested, S100 had an efficiency of contribution of 54-3 kg N t−1 dry matter (DM) compared to a mean of 49 0 kg N t−1 clover DM for the other three cultivars. Nitrogen fertilizer reduced the contribution of clover N in the first 3 years owing to a reduction in clover yield, but it did not affect clover's efficiency to contribute N.
It is concluded that although the smallest leaved type of the four (S100) made the most efficient N contribution to the sward more information is required to relate morphology of clover to its capability to contribute N directly or indirectly to the sward.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of white clover and perennial ryegrass were examined in sown perennial ryegrass/white clover swards subject to a 2 × 2 factorial treatment combination of defoliation (rotational grazing by sheep and cutting) and nitrogen fertilizer application (0 and 40 kg N ha–1 year–1) in NW Greece. Sward surface height and percentage cover were measured before and after five defoliation periods in 1996 within permanent microplots (30 × 30 cm, divided into nine cells) in which white clover was either initially present or absent. Both white clover and perennial ryegrass achieved maximum height and cover in April–May. Defoliation treatment and whether white clover was present initially significantly affected height and cover of both species. Total plant cover was similar prior to all defoliation periods except in July, a time of drought. Cover of perennial ryegrass was greater where white clover was initially absent, but total plant cover was greater in microplots containing white clover and the extent of the differences varied during the year. In contrast, N fertilizer application had little effect on species cover, other than small reductions in white clover cover. When white clover was present in April, it was found in virtually every microplot cell until July, but if it was absent in April there was little colonization of the microplot.  相似文献   

The productivity of a mixed sward, comprising perennial ryegrass cvs Barlano and Bastion and white clover cvs Donna and Aran, was measured under sixteen fertilizer N treatments. These involved 0.25, 50 and 75 kg N ha-1 in spring only, in autumn only and in all combinations of spring N and autumn N. A simulated grazing regime of six cuts annually at 3- to 6-week intervals was imposed. Increasing rates of total N application increased total herbage DM regardless of application pattern. Yield response was greater with N applied in the spring, and total herbage DM was higher with high spring N-low autumn N than the reverse. Mean yield responses at the first harvest to 25, 50 and 75 kg ha-1 N in spring were 13.6, 10.8 and 11.6 kg DM per kg N. Corresponding responses at the final harvest to N rates in the autumn were 7.2, 5.8 and 6.8 kg DM per kg N. Responses were similar at these times for treatments receiving combined spring and autumn N. Over all treatments, mean annual production of total herbage was between 7.08 t ha-1 DM with no N and 8.19 t ha-1 with 75 kg ha-1 N in both spring and autumn. Owing to drought, mean production in year 2 fell by 32% compared with year 1. White clover production fell progressively with increasing N application. Treatments with spring-applied N gave the most marked decrease. White clover was more markedly depressed than the associated grass by the drought in the second year. The mean reductions in white clover content were 0.17, 0.07 and 0.12 percentage units per kg applied N for spring N, autumn N and combinations. Autumn N use depressed white clover less than spring N but the yield response of grass was less. It is concluded that any applied N adversely affects white clover performance to some degree. Where management factors are unfavourable to white clover even strategic N use may not be wise. Instead, it is suggested that a ‘dual-sward’ approach be adopted in practice, namely, grass/white clover swards with no N. and complementary grass swards receiving optimum applied N to give better production at times when grass/white clover swards are relatively less productive.  相似文献   

Interactions between perennial ryegrass (grass) and white clover (clover) cultivars were investigated at the seedling stage in two experiments: (a) a field experiment in which two clovers, AberHerald and Grasslands Huia, were grown in binary mixture with two grasses, Preference and Ba 10761; (b) a glasshouse experiment in which the same clover/grass combinations were grown in low-N soil either with (+ N) or without (-N) added N. In the field experiment both clovers produced larger and more complex seedlings with Preference, and this was particularly evident in Huia. In the glasshouse experiment grass dry-matter yield was greater in the +N treatment, and this effect increased with time. Clover seedling density and development were suppressed in the +N treatment, and the development of AberHerald was affected more than Huia. Morphological measurements of the clovers showed interactions between clover, grass and N level. In the -N treatment Huia plants were larger and more complex than those of AberHerald, but in +N conditions there was little difference between them. Grass cultivar had an effect on clover via N-level interactions: in +N plants there was no grass effect, but -N plants were significantly larger with Preference. Comparison of the root and shoot morphology of the two grasses revealed no obvious differences that would account for these effects.  相似文献   

A small‐plot experiment was conducted in south‐west Ireland to investigate (i) the effects of pre‐closing regrowth interval and closing date on dry‐matter (DM) yield and sward structural and composition characteristics, during the autumn–winter and spring opening periods, and (ii) subsequent carryover effects. The study used a randomized block design with a factorial arrangement of treatments (4 closing dates × 2 opening dates) with a split plot (two pre‐closing regrowth intervals). The long pre‐closing (LPC) interval began on 9 August, and the short pre‐closing interval (SPC) started on 15 September. The autumn closing dates were as follows: 1 October (CD1), 15 October (CD2), 1 November (CD3) and 14 November (CD4). Plots were defoliated again on 1 February (EOD) or 1 March (LOD). On the LPC treatment, herbage yield increased from CD1 (2463 kg DM ha?1) to CD3 (3185 kg DM ha?1). On the SPC treatment, herbage yield was similar for CD3 and CD4, indicating a ceiling in herbage accumulation. For each 1‐d delay in closing date between CD1 and CD4, the opening herbage yield was reduced by 10 kg DM ha?1. Herbage quality decreased as the closing date was delayed; DMD and CP decreased by 0·06 and 12 g kg DM?1, respectively, between CD1 and CD4. The EOD resulted in increased leaf and decreased dead proportions over the LOD treatments. A balance between autumn CD and spring OD needs to be achieved to ensure a sufficient supply of high‐quality grass in spring.  相似文献   

During an experiment in which the height of mixed perennial ryegrass/while clover swards was maintained throughout the season at 3 or 7 cm (S and T, respectively), or were maintained al those heights until 30 June then changed (ST and TS), a limited study was made of the effects on the population densities and masses of the two species. During the earlier part of the season the short swards (S and ST) developed higher tiller and stolon growing point (sgp) densities, but with a reduced mass of ryegrass, principally of the pseudostem fraction, than the tail swards (T and TS). Thiere was little effect of sward height on the mass of clover. Whilst there was a general tendency for tiller and sgp densities to increase during the latter part of the season, tiller density increased greatly where sward height was reduced (TS) and both tiller and sgp densities were reduced where sward height was allowed to increase (ST). Changing sward height, whilst limiting the accumulation of dead grass material (TS), allowed grass leaf and dead masses to increase (ST), and adversely affected the increase in the clover component, principally of stolon material, in both ST and TS.  相似文献   

An examination was made of the effects of different spring treatments on the growth of white clover in a ryegrass/white clover sward. Plots were either cut once (in February, March or April) or twice (in February and April) or left uncut. Nitrogen was applied to half of the plots in each instance. The clover was sampled at intervals of approximately 3 weeks from February to June to determine numbers of leaves and growing points and weights of plant parts. Rates of leaf appearance were also observed and estimates were made of total herbage mass from ground-level cuts.
Percentages of white clover in the herbage were higher in unfertilized than in fertilized plots and in defoliated than in undefoliated plots. The percentage increases that followed defoliation were usually maintained into later regrowth, showing that clover content was not automatically reduced as herbage mass increased. Increases in growing points were recorded after the beginning of April in defoliated unfertilized plots but not in undefoliated fertilized plots or in plots fertilized and defoliated twice during the spring period, in which numbers fell substantially.
Inverse relationships were found between rates of leaf appearance, or the number of green leaves retained per stolon, and herbage mass, whereas heights of clover and grass leaves and the percentage of dry matter allocated to petiole rather than leaf in the clover increased with increasing herbage mass.
We suggest that the observed differences between spring treatments in clover percentage result primarily from their differential effects on the formation and death of tillers and growing points in the early stages of regrowth.  相似文献   

The period of leaf expansion in white clover ( Trifolium repens ) grown with perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) in mixed swards and the relationship between the period of leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate were examined in a field experiment in The Netherlands in which two cutting frequencies (low and high) and three white clover cultivars (Alice, Retor and Gwenda) were used. A significant positive correlation existed between the period of leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate under a low frequency of cutting, indicating that a longer cutting interval might allow the expression of cultivar and environmental differences in both leaf expansion and leaf appearance rate. In most cases, frequent cutting tended to shorten the period of leaf expansion, which may be an important cause of lower dry-matter yield in the high frequency of cutting treatment. The large-leaved cv. Alice had a significantly longer period of leaf expansion than the other cultivars under frequent cutting in autumn. This might partly account for the mixtures with Alice having a greater proportion of white clover than the mixtures with Retor and Gwenda in autumn. Some of the variation between low- and high-frequency cutting treatments in the period of leaf expansion could be explained by mean and minimum temperatures (38% and 15% respectively).  相似文献   

The influence of sward height at the time of slurry application on sward responses to slurry was investigated using perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne )/white clover ( Trifolium repens ) mini-swards under greenhouse conditions. Pig slurry, cattle slurry and a fertilizer control were applied either to: swards cut 1 d before slurry application to heights of 2, 4 or 8 cm (CH2, CH4 or CH8); or to swards cut to 4 cm with regrowth intervals of 1, 4 or 8 d before slurry application (RI1, RI4 and RI8). Scorch, smother and growth of marked clover stolons and grass tillers were monitored after slurry application. Dry-matter yields of both species were recorded over two harvests. Electrolyte leakage from leaves was used to assess leaf damage. Both slurries increased leakage, which was greatest from clover leaves, with biggest increases caused by pig slurry. Yield responses to slurry application varied with plant species and sward height. Reduced grass growth after slurry application to long swards (CH8, RI4, RI8) was probably caused by greater smother. In short swards (CH2), grass leaf growth was not depressed following slurry application but grass yields were reduced. Ammonia volatilization losses may have been greater in both long and short swards, contributing to yield reductions. Yield responses to slurry were greatest in swards cut to 4 cm, 1 d before application.  相似文献   

A series of twenty-four swards containing different proportions of white clover (0·20-0·25) and perennial ryegrass were created by using different seed mixtures, herbicide applications and previous cutting Frequencies. These swards were used to study the diet of oesophageally-fistulated wether sheep which grazed the various swards for a 30-min period after 1, 2 and 3 weeks of regrowth.
The proportion of white clover in the diet was generally greater than that in the sward. Fifty-seven percent of the variation in the proportion of white clover in the diet could be attributed to the proportion of white clover in the sward. White clover and perennial ryegrass leaf and stem were grazed to the same height and the proportion of white clover in the grazed horizon of the sward explained 83% of the variation in the proportion of white clover in the diet. The proportion of white clover in the diet was greater than the proportion in the grazed horizon of the sward in week 3 of regrowth, but not in weeks 1 and 2, and greater when the proportion of white clover in the grazed horizon was lower than 0·20. Both these observations were interpreted as indicating selection for white clover by the sheep within the grazed horizon.
There was a positive and linear relationship between the depth of the grazed horizon and sward height which, together with the relationship between the proportion of white clover in the grazed horizon and in the diet, would allow the prediction of the proportion of white clover of the diet from the height and the white clover content of the grazed horizon of the sward.  相似文献   

In a field experiment carried out over 3 years, the nitrate content of herbage from perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) swards increased exponentially with nitrogen application rate, but herbage nitrate content appeared to reach potentially dangerous concentrations only when nitrogen application rates were greater than those needed to stimulate dry-matter production. Thus, on average over all the harvests, maximum yield could be obtained with annual application rates of 400 kg N ha–1 (six applications of 67 kg N ha–1) for perennial ryegrass and 300 kg N ha–1 (six applications of 50 kg N ha–1) for perennial ryegrass/white clover (Trifolium repens) swards, whereas the mean nitrate concentrations were 3340 and 2929 mg NO3 kg–1 dry matter (DM) respectively. Nitrate content, however, varied considerably from harvest to harvest, reaching maxima of 9345 mg NO3 kg–1 DM at 400 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass and 6255 mg NO3 kg–1 DM at 300 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass/white clover. The nitrate content of herbage from perennial ryegrass/white clover swards was always greater than that of perennial ryegrass swards receiving the same rate of nitrogen application, even though in the herbage from the mixed sward the nitrate content of white clover was usually less than half that of the perennial ryegrass component. The physical environment did not have a clearly interpretable effect on nitrate content, although herbage harvested in May had a much lower nitrate content than that harvested at any other time of the season. It was not possible to find a single multiple regression equation relating herbage nitrate content to nitrogen application and to other environmental variables that explained more than 60% of the variance in herbage nitrate, but it is suggested that, by reducing the later-season nitrogen applications from 67 to 50 and finally to 33 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass and from 50 to 33 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass/white clover, it would be possible to achieve over 90% of the maximum yield while reducing average nitrate content to <40% of that at maximum yield, with no samples containing more than 2300 mg NO3 kg –1 DM.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in 1992 and 1993 to examine the effect of white clover content of perennial ryegrass/white clover swards on the performance of Limousin × Friesian heifers. Swards with low (L), medium (M) and high (H) white clover contents were established and managed by continuous variable stocking. A compressed sward height of 5·5 cm was maintained using a buffer fence to vary plot areas, with herbage surplus to grazing requirements cut, removed and yields measured. The mean white clover proportions for treatments L, M and H were 0·02, 0·19 and 0·18 in 1992 and 0·13, 0·16 and 0·31 in 1993 respectively. White clover contents of the swards reached a maximum in August and September, and differences between treatments diminished. There was no significant difference between treatments in the content of white clover in the swards in autumn 1993.
Liveweight gains of heifers increased asymptotically with increasing white clover content of the sward. Below a white clover herbage mass of 300 kg DM ha–1, there was little effect on liveweight gain, which was 0·70 kg day–1 over the grazing season. Between 400 and 450 kg DM ha–1 white clover, liveweight gains were 0·85–0·90 kg day–1. While clover content of the sward did not significantly affect utilized metabolizable energy output; the mean output over the grazing season in the two years from liveweight gain and herbage yield was 78 GJ ha–1. It is suggested that, using this grazing system, white clover reached an equilibrium with a mean herbage mass of about 400 kg DM ha–1 over the grazing season.  相似文献   

Three experiments designed to investigate different facets of autumn management on white clover stolon development are described. The effects of defoliation interval (2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks during 16 weeks from 27 July) were investigated. The shortest interval resulted in the shortest length of stolon material per unit area but cutting interval had no effect on growing point density nor on hardiness of stolon tips evaluated in October, December and January.
Chemical grass suppressants were employed to reduce grass biomass during winter in two experiments to evaluate the influence of grass on white clover development. One experiment involved varying grass tiller density by spraying a perennial ryegrass/white clover sward in October with three rates of three chemical suppressants (Clout, Kerb and Checkmate). Although tiller and clover growing point density were inversely related in January, the overall relationship was not strong.
Clout at l·5kg a.i. ha−1 was sprayed in October on one of two subplots in each of twelve grazed grass/white clover plots that had been maintained at 7 or 9 cm from July to October then grazed to 3–4 cm with sheep. Sward height had no effect on clover population density but the shorter sward had a greater mean node number per secondary stolon branch. By March, suppressing grass resulted in more than double the stolon population density, a higher proportion of plants with tertiary and quaternary branches, and on marked stolons, five times more branches and 60% higher dry matter (DM) produced during winter but with shorter petioles compared with clover in untreated plots.
It is concluded that white clover has the capacity to branch during a mild winter and as stolon branch numbers can suffer a net loss as a result of the presence of the grass canopy, management that controls grass growth during winter should aid over-wintering and improve persistence of white clover.  相似文献   

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