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Background:TNBC is determined by the absence of ERBB2, estrogen and progesterone receptors’ expression. Cancer vaccines, as the novel immunotherapy strategies, have emerged as promising tools for treating the advanced stage of TNBC. The aim of this study was to evaluate CEA, MTDH, and MUC-1 proteins as vaccine candidates against TNBC. Methods:In this research, a novel vaccine was designed against TNBC by using different immunoinformatics and bioinformatics approaches. Effective immunodominant epitopes were chosen from three antigenic proteins, namely CEA, MTDH, and MUC-1. Recombinant TLR4 agonists were utilized as an adjuvant to stimulate immune responses. Following the selection of antigens and adjuvants, appropriate linkers were chosen to generate the final recombinant protein. To achieve an excellent 3D model, the best predicted 3D model was required to be refined and validated. To demonstrate whether the vaccine/TLR4 complex is stable or not, we performed docking analysis and dynamic molecular simulation. Result:Immunoinformatics and bioinformatics evaluations of the designed construct demonstrated that this vaccine candidate could effectively be used as a therapeutic armament against TNBC. Conclusion:Bioinformatics studies revealed that the designed vaccine has an acceptable quality. Investigating the effectiveness of this vaccine can be confirmed by supplementary in vitro and in vivo studies.Key Words: Adjuvants, Triple-negative breast cancer, Vaccine  相似文献   

Background: Infections due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa are among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in patients who suffer from impaired immune responses and chronic diseases such as cystic fibrosis. At present, aggressive antibiotic therapy is the only choice for management of P. aeruginosa infections, but emergence of highly resistant strains necessitated the development of novel alternative therapeutics including an effective vaccine. Several P. aeruginosa antigens have been tested for vaccine development, including lipopolysaccharide alone, polysaccharides alginate, extracellular proteins, exotoxin A (exo A) and killed whole cell. However, none of them are currently available clinically. Methods: In this research, recombinant exoA-flagellin (fliC) fusion protein as a cocktail antigen was expressed and purified and its antigenic characteristics were evaluated. Results: Expression of recombinant fusion protein by E. coli using pET22b vector resulted in production of exoA-fliC fusion protein in high concentration. Based on Western-blotting results, recombinant fusion protein showed a good antigenic interaction with sera from patients with various P. aeruginosa infections. Conclusion: These results suggested that recombinant exoA-fliC fusion protein can be produced in the laboratory, and tested as a candidate vaccine in P. aeruginosa infections. Key Words: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Exotoxin A (exoA), Flagellin (fliC), Vaccines  相似文献   

1 前 言米拉是我省和西南地区长期以来的主栽品种 ,至今仍有大面积种植 ,没有一个品种能够取代它。主要原因就是西南地区气候类型复杂 ,而该品种适应性极强 ,在不同的气候类型、不同地点、不同年份、不同季节均能获得一定的产量 ,且食味极好 ,很受当地农户的喜爱。中甸红眼是迪庆州农科所从当地农家种中优选单株培育而成 ,后经云南省农业科学院生物技术研究所脱毒筛选。该品种适应性极强 ,在春、秋、冬作均可获得高产。近十几年来 ,每年从中甸外调的中甸红眼种薯有 5万多t ,分布在全省 14个地州 ,各季作均有一定的面积 ;已成为我省进行炸…  相似文献   

针对作物种质资源保存工作中存在的库存材料同名问题,以国家种质库中10份不同来源的大豆同名品种满仓金种子为试验材料,使用电子鼻对其挥发物进行检测,通过主成分分析(PCA)及线性判别分析(LDA)对其进行区分鉴别,并对其目录性状进行分析。目录性状聚类分析结果表明:利用13个目录性状,只能将10个品种中的6个品种区分开来,其遗传距离较远;ZDD604和ZDD607,ZDD605和ZDD606则聚在一起,无法有效区分,其目录性状中分别有8个和10个性状完全一致,因此单纯依据目录性状进行品种鉴别存在一定的局限性。对电子鼻采集到的信号,利用LDA分析方法只能将10个品种区分成6类;而利用PCA分析,则能够将10个品种很好地区分开来。为验证该技术对大豆品种鉴别的有效性,使用电子鼻-PCA分析随机选取其中的2份种子进行回判,其回判准确率较高,表明电子鼻-PCA分析技术对同名大豆品种的鉴别效果是可靠的。  相似文献   

Polysaccharides from marine clams perform various biological activities, whereas information on structure is scarce. Here, a water-soluble polysaccharide MMPX-B2 was isolated from Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus. The proposed structure was deduced through characterization and its immunological activity was investigated. MMPX-B2 consisted of d-glucose and d-galctose residues at a molar ratio of 3.51:1.00. The average molecular weight of MMPX-B2 was 510 kDa. This polysaccharide possessed a main chain of (1→4)-linked-α-d-glucopyranosyl residues, partially substituted at the C-6 position by a few terminal β-d-galactose residues or branched chains consisting of (1→3)-linked β-d-galactose residues. Preliminary immunological tests in vitro showed that MMPX-B2 could stimulate the murine macrophages to release various cytokines, and the structure-activity relationship was then established. The present study demonstrated the potential immunological activity of MMPX-B2, and provided references for studying the active ingredients in M. meretrix.  相似文献   

The global spread of the metabolic syndrome, oncological and viral diseases forces researchers to pay increased attention to the secondary metabolites of marine hydrobionts, which often have a high therapeutic potential in the treatment of these pathologies and are effective components of functional food. The flavone luteolin (LT), as one of the most widely distributed and studied plant metabolites, is distinguished by a diverse spectrum of biological activity and a pleiotropic nature of the mechanism of action at the molecular, cellular and organismal levels. However, there is still practically no information on the spectrum of biological activity of its sulfated derivatives, which are widely represented in seagrasses of the genus Zostera. In the present work, a comparative study of the pharmacological properties of LT and its 7,3′-disulfate was carried out with a brief analysis of the special role of sulfation in the pharmacological activity of flavonoids.  相似文献   

小麦遗传型与生理型雄性不育花药同工酶的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了研究小麦遗传型和生理型雄性不育生化机制上的异同,以遗传型(S型不育系)和生理型雄性不育小麦(高温诱导和化学杀雄剂SQ-1诱导)为材料,分别取其小孢子处于单核早期的幼穗,单核后期、二核期、三核期的花药进行了过氧化物酶(POD)、细胞色素氧化酶(COD)同工酶的比较研究。结果表明,S型雄性不育系和经杀雄剂SQ-1处理后诱导出的生理型雄性不育,其POD、COD同工酶的活性比对照材料弱,且条带少;经高温诱导出的生理型雄性不育,其同工酶活性比对照强,且条带多。三者比较后可知,经SQ-1诱导的材料及S型不育系抑制了某些酶带有关基因的表达,使物质能量代谢受阻,造成雄性不育的发生;经高温诱导的材料在高温逆境中其活性氧自由基含量高,发生剧烈的膜脂过氧化作用,导致雄性不育的发生。  相似文献   

本研究以海南植物鹧鸪茶为研究对象,比较了鹧鸪粗粉(D50为120.45 mm)、细粉(D50为65.86 mm)、超微粉Ⅰ、超微粉Ⅱ和超微粉Ⅲ5种粉体的表征与理化特性。通过色度测定、粒径测定、电镜扫描分析、红外光谱分析,探究5种不同粒径鹧鸪粉体的加工特性、流动性,以及5种粉体茶多糖和皂苷含量的变化规律。结果表明:随着粉体粒径逐渐减小,其溶解度、润湿性、流动性均增大,膨胀度、持水力减小;鹧鸪茶超微粉的茶多糖、皂苷含量明显高于粗粉、细粉;随着超微粉碎时间的延长,茶多糖含量逐渐增大,皂苷含量各不相同。不同粒径鹧鸪茶粉体的特性各不相同,综合比较得出,超微粉的溶解度、茶多糖、皂苷含量较高,更容易被人体吸收,生物利用度高,加工方便。因此,鹧鸪茶超微粉具有较好的开发前景。  相似文献   

莽山茶区引种的乌龙茶品种特性及其制茶品质比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭振华 《茶叶通讯》2006,33(1):21-24
在湖南宜章县莽山茶区对引种的乌龙茶品种的制茶品质进行了研究,结果表明:莽山利用现有3种茶树品种,不仅可生产乌龙茶,而且可以根据不同品种,采用不同的加工工艺,生产出品质较好的乌龙茶。福云六号可作为生产绿茶的品种,不适宜生产乌龙茶,其他适制乌龙茶的品种,应该分别加工,不宜混合生产乌龙茶。  相似文献   

为评价不同品种芒果块液氮速冻后的品质特性,以桂热、金煌、凯特、紫花、红象牙等10个广西芒果品种为对象,对其速冻-解冻前后样品的开裂率、感观品质、色度以及硬度、凝聚性、弹性、咀嚼性等质构特性进行测试。结果表明,经液氮速冻后,10个品种芒果块的感官品质均有所下降,90%芒果品种出现开裂现象,硬度、咀嚼性下降幅度较大,色度、凝聚性、弹性下降幅度相对较小;其中桂热10号、金煌芒、紫花芒3个品种在液氮速冻-解冻后保持相对较高的品质。说明液氮速冻对不同品种芒果块品质的影响不同,本研究为液氮速冻应用于速冻芒果的加工提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

以参加2015年辽宁省水稻区域试验的早熟组、中熟组和中晚熟组品种(系)为材料,研究了不同熟期水稻品种的株型特征关系。结果表明,早熟品种主要是弯穗型、轻穗型,中熟品种多为直立穗型、重穗型品种,晚熟品种以半直立穗型、重穗型品种为主;不同熟期品种叶长差异不显著,叶宽表现为中晚熟品种中熟品种早熟品种,但叶基角正好相反;二次枝梗结实率表现为早熟品种中晚熟品种中熟品种,二次枝梗贡献率表现为中晚熟品种中熟品种早熟品种;穗型指数均以下部优势粒为主。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate for the first time the phenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin content and the antioxidant and hypoglycemic properties of Capsicum annuum var. acuminatum small and C. annuum var. cerasiferum air-dried fruits. The ethanol extract of C. annuum var. acuminatum small, characterized by the major content of total poliphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids and capsaicinoids, showed the highest radical scavenging activity (IC50 of 152.9 μg/ml). On the contrary, C. annuum var. cerasiferum showed a significant antioxidant activity evaluated by the β-carotene bleaching test (IC50 of 3.1 μg/ml). The lipophilic fraction of both C. annuum var. acuminatum and C. annuum var. cerasiferum exhibited an interesting and selective inhibitory activity against α-amylase (IC50 of 6.9 and 20.1 μg/ml, respectively).  相似文献   

简要综述了大豆分离蛋白、大豆伴球蛋白及大豆球蛋白的结构、营养价值及功能等方面的研究进展,对大豆蛋白在食品体系中的广泛应用提供参考。  相似文献   

两种密度下不同玉米品种的高产稳产及适应性分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
运用变异系数法、回归系数法、高稳系数法、非参数度量法、AMMI模型等分析方法,以产量为指标,在两种密度下,对7个玉米品种在7个地点的产量特征及适应性进行分析。结果表明,郑单958、CX712和陕单609在低密度和高密度条件下均表现出较高的生产潜力和较强的稳定性,具有良好的适应性,适合在西北地区推广种植。以丰产指数Pi和P′i等多个参数为指标,进行类平均法(UPGMA)系统聚类分析,7个品种可被划分为四类,Ⅰ类为CX712、陕单609和郑单958;Ⅱ类为农华101;Ⅲ类为先玉335;Ⅳ类为陇单9号和真金8号。  相似文献   


A quantitative trait locus (QTL) for waterlogging tolerance has been identified in a northern cultivar Archer. In the current study, Archer was crossed with two southern elite soybean cultivars A5403 and P9641 to investigate the efficiency of marker-assisted selection and phenotypic selection for waterlogging tolerance and to assess the value of waterlogging tolerance for soybean yield improvement. Near-isogenic lines (NILs) were created using the linked simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker Sat_064 for the waterlogging tolerance QTL from each of the F6-derived populations. Concurrently, 103 and 67 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were also generated from Archer × A5403 and Archer × P9641, respectively. Significant variations in seed yield or plant injury were observed among the NILs and RILs under waterlogging stress. The 29 most tolerant and 29 most sensitive NILs and RILs were selected on the basis of waterlogging injury ratings and evaluated under irrigated and waterlogged conditions in Arkansas and Missouri in 2002 and 2003. The most tolerant lines produced an average of 60.9% of their irrigated yield, as compared with only 32.6% and 53.9% by the most sensitive lines and the commercial checks, respectively. Waterlogging injury scores for the tolerant lines, checks, and sensitive lines were 3.6,4.3, and 6.6, respectively, following the same trend as their yield reductions. A genotype-by-environment interaction (G × E) analysis showed that some of the selected lines were highly stable in response to waterlogging stress across environments. Breeding selection for the waterlogging tolerance can be performed in the field based on seed yield and plant injury scores.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine molecular weight subunit distributions of soy protein isolate (SPI) by SDS-PAGE and gel size exclusion chromatography, and further to investigate the differences of thixotropy, viscosity, in vitro digestibility and immunoreactivity of SPI for infant formula produced in Chinese domestic companies and world famous SPI manufacturers such as Dupont and Fuji. The molecular subunit distributions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and gel size exclusion chromatography, indicating that Solae and Fuji were hydrolyzed by proteolytic enzymes. The thixotropy of Fuji and Solae significantly reduced around by 95 %, compared with those of Mantianxue and Dupont Zhengzhou. The allergen contents of Fuji and Solae strikingly decreased by 60 and 84 % respectively, in contrast to that of Mantianxue. The in vitro protein digestibility of Solae at the end of pepsin and trypsin digestion markedly increased by 11.7 and 11.3 %, respectively, in comparison to those of Mantianxue. Suitable enzymatic hydrolyzed SPIs showed lower thixotropy, viscosity, immunoreactivity and higher in vitro protein digestibility than those from the other SPIs. The lower thixotropy indicates low difficulty or shear stress in swallowing for infants. The lower immunoreactivity will improve the safety of SPI for cow milk allergic babies.  相似文献   

The functional and rheological properties of amaranth albumins isolates extracted from two new Mexican varieties were determined. Functional properties tested were protein solubility, foaming, water and oil absorption capacities, emulsifying activity, and emulsion stability. The maximum solubility values for both amaranth albumins were found above pH 6 and values were compared to the solubility of egg albumins. Albumins from amaranth showed excellent foaming capacity and foaming stability at pH 5, suggesting that this protein could be used as whipping agents as egg albumins, also the water and oil absorption capacities reached their maximum values at acidic pH, suggesting that amaranth albumins could be appropriate in preparation of acidic foods. The rheological test based on farinograms and alveograms showed that wheat flour supplemented with 1% amaranth albumins improves the dough properties due to higher mixing stability and the bread had better crumb characteristics. In addition of the known high nutritional values of amaranth albumins, our results indicate the high potential for use of these proteins as an ingredient in food preparations.  相似文献   

A novel sulfated xylogalactan (JASX) was extracted and purified from the rhodophyceae Jania adhaerens. JASX was characterized by chromatography (GC/MS-EI and SEC/MALLS) and spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR and 1H/13C NMR) techniques. Results showed that JASX was constituted by repeating units of (→3)-β-d-Galp-(1,4)-3,6-α-l-AnGalp-(1→)n and (→3)-β-d-Galp-(1,4)-α-l-Galp-(1→)n substituted on O-2 and O-3 of the α-(1,4)-l-Galp units by methoxy and/or sulfate groups but also on O-6 of the β-(1,3)-d-Galp mainly by β-xylosyl side chains and less by methoxy and/or sulfate groups. The Mw, Mn, Đ, [η] and C* of JASX were respectively 600 and 160 kDa, 3.7, 102 mL.g−1 and 7.0 g.L−1. JASX exhibited pseudoplastic behavior influenced by temperature and monovalent salts and highly correlated to the power-law model and the Arrhenius relationship. JASX presented thixotropic characteristics, a gel-like viscoelastic behavior and a great viscoelasticity character. JASX showed important antioxidant activities, outlining its potential as a natural additive to produce functional foods.  相似文献   

Electro-spun silk web has attracted attention for biomedical applications because of its excellent bio-compatibility and facile fabrication method. Because biomedical applications require various performances of silk web, many studies have been conducted on the effect of the variables associated with their preparation on the structure and properties of silk web. In the present study, the effect of residual sericin content on the morphology, structural characteristics, and properties of electrospun regenerated silk web was examined. The regenerated silk without sericin (i.e., silk with 100 wt% fibroin) did not show good electro-spinnability. However, the electro-spinnability improved remarkably above a sericin content of 0.6 wt%. The crystallinity index of the electro-spun silk increased at 0.6 wt% sericin content and decreased above 8.2 wt% sericin. The mechanical properties of the electro-spun silk webs showed a similar trend as their crystallinity indices. The breaking strength and elongation improved significantly at 0.6 wt% sericin content and both parameters gradually decreased above this value. The thermal stability of the silk web decreased slightly upon increasing the sericin content.  相似文献   

正Rice(Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important cereal crops and the staple food for over half of the world's population. Under the efforts of breeders, the quality of rice has been becoming better in recent years, and basically meets the growing life requirements of people. However, the major micronutrients in seeds are gradually decreasing in many rice  相似文献   

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