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Despite decades of research, there is an intense debate about the consistency of the hump-shaped pattern describing the relationship between diversity and disturbance as predicted by the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH). Previous meta-analyses have not explicitly considered interactive effects of disturbance frequency and intensity of disturbance on plant species diversity in terrestrial landscapes.


We conducted meta-analyses to test the applicability of IDH by simultaneously examining the relationship between species richness, disturbance frequency (quantified as time since last disturbance as originally proposed) and intensity of disturbance in forest landscapes.


The effects of disturbance frequency, intensity, and their interaction on species richness was evaluated using a mixed-effects model.


We found that species richness peaks at intermediate frequency after both high and intermediate disturbance intensities, but the richness-frequency relationship differed between intensity classes.


Our study highlights the need to measure multiple disturbance components that could help reconcile conflicting empirical results on the effect of disturbance on plant species diversity.

Quantifying remaining forest cover and understanding how thefragmentation process operates with respect to the various land-use practicesare important steps when working to preserve the biodiversity associated withwoodlots in agricultural landscapes. We used LANDSAT satellite imagery, soiltypes, and boundaries of regional county municipalities (RCM) as the samplingunit of a 6 million-ha territory located in southern Québec (Canada), to provide a picture of the forest situation in the St. Lawrence Valley.We assessed the effect of human population densities and various types ofagricultural production on the fragmentation process. On average, 45% of thetotal land area of RCMs is forested. However, in 8 of the 59 RCMs studied 20%orless of the total area is still forest habitat. As agricultural use of landincreased, the density of woodlots also increased but their average sizedecreased. An overall fragmentation effect seems to occur where less than 50%ofthe territory is forested, as it is the case for 31 of the 59 studied RCMs.Fragmentation increased along a gradient from traditional dairyagriculture to more intensive cash crop agriculture. Finally, we foundthat the forest discontinuity index, mean woodlot area, and woodlot densitywerethe best indicators of the ongoing forest fragmentation process, but overallhuman population density is the most useful predictive variable.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Treelines and forest lines (TFLs) have received growing interest in recent decades, due to their potential role as indicators of climate change. However, the understanding of TFL dynamics is challenged by the complex interactions of factors that control TFLs. The review aims to provide an overview over the trends in the elevational dynamics of TFLs in Norway since the beginning of the 20th century, to identify main challenges to explain temporal and spatial patterns in TFL dynamics, and to identify important domains for future research.


A systematic search was performed using international and Norwegian search engines for peer-reviewed articles, scientific reports, and MA and PhD theses concerning TFL changes.


Most articles indicate TFL rise, but with high variability. Single factors that have an impact on TFL dynamics are well understood, but knowledge gaps exist with regard to interactions and feedbacks, especially those leading to distributional time lags. Extracting the most relevant factors for TFL changes, especially with regard to climate versus land-use changes, requires more research.


Existing data on TFL dynamics provide a broad overview of past and current changes, but estimations of reliable TFL changes for Norway as a whole is impossible. The main challenges in future empirically-based predictions of TFLs are to understand causes of time lags, separate effects of contemporary processes, and make progress on the impacts of feedback and interactions. Remapping needs to be continued, but combined with both the establishment of representative TFL monitoring sites and field experiments.

Ecological corridors are frequently suggested to increase connectivity in fragmented landscapes even though the empirical evidence for this is still limited. Here, we studied whether corridors, in the form of linear grass strips promote the dispersal of three grassland butterflies, using mark-recapture technique in an agricultural landscape in southern Sweden. We found no effects of the presence of corridors or of corridor length on inter-patch dispersal probabilities. Instead, dispersal probabilities appeared to be related to the quality, areas and population densities of the source and recipient patches. For two of the species, the density of captured individuals along corridors was better predicted by the corridor length than by the straight-line distance from a pasture, suggesting that short-distance movements within habitat patches result in a diffusion of individuals along corridors. A literature review revealed that only 16 published studies had explicitly studied the effect of corridors on insect movement. The context in which studies were performed appeared to affect whether corridors facilitated dispersal or not. All seven studies where the corridors consisted of open areas surrounded by forest showed positive effects, while only two out of six studies where corridors consisted of grassland surrounded by other open habitats showed positive effects of corridors. Our results clearly demonstrate that corridors do not always have positive effects on insect dispersal and that the effect seems to depend on the quality of the surrounding matrix, on the spatial scale in which the study is performed and on whether true dispersal or routine movements are considered. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - The Canadian boreal forest provides valuable ecosystem services that are regionally and globally significant. Despite its importance, the future of the Canadian boreal forest is...  相似文献   

This paper explores how arborists negotiate their work environment, including the pressures of policies, the labour market, technologies, government regulations and lack thereof, and the non-human agencies with which they are confronted. The political climate surrounding urban forestry in Southern Ontario influences and governs operations and physical labour. There are many (f)actors and conditions (both external and internal) surrounding fieldwork in urban forestry and that these affect work and personal lives. The questions guiding this paper include: (a) How do various political and labour conditions impact arborists’ sense of pride, independence and skill?; (b) What are the social and labour divisions within the culture of arboriculture?; and (c) What is the lived experience of urban forest workers, their employment, and what is it like to be a frontline worker? This paper provides a closer look at licensing, work conditions, subcultures and social dynamics in urban arboriculture. Using accounts from semi-structured interviews with arborists across Southern Ontario and by examining field arborists’ activities, relationships with co-workers and working conditions through participant observation and ethnographic field notes, I explore and reveal how arborists feel about their working environment and the labour processes and people who oversee and surround them. Findings reveal that despite dehumanizing (f)actors within the field, there are elements of resistance and negotiation, and potential for an alternative future.  相似文献   

Soil managment in a ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ orchard, established in a system of herbicide treated tree rows and mown grass alleys, was changed to provide three treatments: complete grass cover, overall herbicide and a continuation of the existing system. Differential rates of N fertilizer (nil, 62.5 kg ha-1) were applied to each soil management regime. In comparison with herbicide strips, complete grass was intensely competitive, particularly with nil application of N fertilizer, reducing tree growth and yield and greatly decreasing leaf N. Leaves from trees in complete grass (nil N) plots contained higher concentrations of P, K and B but lower ones of Ca, Mn and Cu. Compared with the change from herbicide strip to complete grass management, effects of changing to overall herbicide were smaller. There were slight increases in leaf N concentration but no increases in tree growth or fruit yield. Leaf Mn concentration was increased in overall herbicide. Although application of N fertilizer to grass plots increased leaf N concentration by 0.4% and the three-year girth increment, yield was less than that of trees in herbicide strips. Nitrogen fertilizer applied to herbicide strips or overall herbicide plots slightly increased leaf N content but there was no effect on yield or girth increase. Applying N fertilizer to complete grass plots reduced the concentration of P, K and B in leaves but increased leaf Ca, Mn and Cu.  相似文献   

Two ecological models have been put forward to explain the dynamics of fire-promoting and fire-sensitive vegetation in southwest Tasmania: the alternative stable states model of Jackson (in Proc Ecol Soc Aust 3:9–16, 1968) and the sharpening switch model of Mount (in Search 10:180–186, 1979). Assessing the efficacy of these models requires high resolution spatio-temporal data on whether vegetation patterns are stable or dynamic across landscapes. We analysed ortho-rectified sequences of aerial photography and satellite imagery from 1948, 1988 and 2010 to detect decadal scale changes in forest and non-forest vegetation cover in southwest Tasmania. There was negligible change from forest to non-forest (<0.05%) and only a modest change from non-forest to forest over the study period. Forest cover increased by 4.1% between 1948 and 1988, apparently due to the recovery of forest vegetation following stand-replacing fire prior to 1948. Forest cover increased by 0.8% between 1988 and 2010, reflecting the limited ability of forest to invade treeless areas. The two models include interactions between vegetation, fire and soil, which we investigated by analysing the chemical (phosphorus, nitrogen) and physical properties (clay, silt) of 128 soil samples collected across 34 forest–non-forest boundaries. Phosphorus in the upper horizon was typically lower in non-forest vegetation compared to forest vegetation, which is consistent with proposed fire–vegetation–soil feedbacks. Mineral horizons were dominated by sand, with low levels of clay under all vegetation types. Available field evidence lends support to the Jackson (1968) alternative stable states model as the most suitable model of vegetation dynamics on nutrient poor substrates in southwest Tasmania although modifications of the timeframes for transitions toward rainforest are required.  相似文献   

Li  Li  Fassnacht  Fabian Ewald  Bürgi  Matthias 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(8):2277-2293
Landscape Ecology - Landscape ecology thinking and social–ecological system (SES) thinking investigate human–environment relationships from the perspective of ‘space’ and...  相似文献   



Mountainous landscapes are characterized by strong spatial heterogeneity, leading to increasing geographical isolation and decreasing area with elevation. Consequently, the colonization rate decreases from the low to high elevation zone, while the extinction rate shows the opposite.


Due to such changes, we test whether (1) species occur at a declining number of sites (mountains) and have a less positive abundance–occupancy relationship (AOR) in a higher elevation zone; (2) a lower proportion of rare large-bodied species (less resistant to extinction) and a more positive abundance–body mass relationship (ABR) emerge in a higher elevation zone.


Using the data of small mammals from 20 elevational gradients in the Mountainous Region of Southwest China, we compared the AORs and ABRs among the low, middle and high elevation zones. The AOR and ABR were fitted with linear and polynomial regression models. We compared endemic ratios among the different elevation zones.


The AOR was best characterized by a linear model and positive in all elevation zones. Its slope decreased from the low to high elevation zone. The quadratic model performed the best in fitting the ABR in each zone. When fitted with linear models, both the R2 and slope of the ABR increased towards the high elevation zone. The endemic ratios were significantly higher in the middle and high elevation zones.


Both the AOR and ABR in mountainous landscapes are strongly elevation-dependent. The increasing geographical isolation and decreasing area with elevation can have a high impact on macroecological patterns and processes.

The increase in the speed of land-cover change experienced worldwide is becoming a growing concern. Major socio-economic transitions, such as the breakdown of socialism in Europe, may lead to particularly high rates of landscape transformations. In this paper we examined the loss of semi-natural grasslands in Hungary between 1987 and 1999. We studied the relationship between 9 potential driving forces and the fate of grasslands using logistic GLMs. Grassland loss was found to be very high (1.31 % per year), which is far higher than either before or after this period. The most influential predictors of grassland loss were environmental and landscape characteristics (soil type, area of remnant grassland patches), and the socio-economic context (distance to paved road, and nearest settlement, human population density). Several processes and relationships can only be understood from a historical perspective (e.g. large extent of afforestation, strong decrease of soil water table). Grassland loss during the study period emerged as a consequence of survival strategies of individual farmers seeking adaptation to the changing environmental and socio-economic conditions, and not urbanization and agricultural intensification which are the main underlying drivers for the ongoing landscape transformations in most parts of the developed world. Though globalization increasingly influences local land use decisions, reconstructing and modelling recent landscape changes cannot be done without a proper understanding of local history and culture. Our analysis shows the importance of large-area yet high resolution landscape change research, which may reveal unexpected patterns of land cover change, undetected at coarser scales.  相似文献   

We evaluated the accuracy and efficiency of airborne (ALS), terrestrial (TLS) and mobile laser-scanning (MLS) methods that can be utilized in urban tree mapping and monitoring. In the field, 438 urban trees located in park and forested environments were measured and mapped from our study area located in Seurasaari, Helsinki, Finland. A field reference was collected, using a tree map created manually from TLS data. The tree detection rate and location accuracy were evaluated, using automatic or semiautomatic ALS individual tree detection (ALSITDauto or ALSITDvisual) and manual or automatic measurements of TLS and MLS (TLSauto, MLSauto, MLSmanual, MLSsemi). Our results showed that the best methods for tree detection were TLSauto and MLSmanual, which detected 73.29% and 79.22% of the reference trees, respectively. The location accuracies (RMSE) varied between 0.44 m and 1.57 m; the methods listed from the most accurate to most inaccurate were MLSsemi, TLSauto, MLSmanual, MLSauto, ALSITDauto and ALSITDvisual. We conclude that the accuracies of TLS and ALS were applicable for operational urban tree mapping in heterogeneous park forests. MLSmanual shows high potential but manual measurements are not feasible in operational tree mapping. Challenges that should be solved in further studies include ALSITDauto oversegmentation as well as MLSauto processing methodologies and data collection for tree detection.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of altered source/sink ratio by leaf or fruit pruning on leaf photosynthetic characteristics and whole-plant growth of ‘Momotaro York’, a Japanese cultivar, and ‘Dundee’, a Dutch cultivar and verified a hypothesis for sink-limitation of plant growth proposed by Tanaka and Fujita (1974). Plants were grown hydroponically with a high-wire system in a greenhouse for 11 weeks. Light-saturated photosynthesis of young, fully expanded leaves measured at atmospheric CO2 partial pressure of 37 Pa and at an intercellular CO2 partial pressure of 20 Pa was not influenced by alteration of source/sink ratio for either cultivar. Although soluble sugars were accumulated in leaves under high source/sink conditions, the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, a rate-limiting factor for CO2-limited photosynthesis, was not affected by the altered source–sink balance. Net assimilation rate of a whole plant increased with decreasing source/sink ratio, but this can be accounted for by the changes in light interception per unit leaf area, without taking the source–sink relationship into consideration. It was concluded that the altered source/sink ratio did not change leaf photosynthetic capacity and the sink-limitation hypothesis cannot be applied to either cultivar under the conditions of the present study.  相似文献   

Predators can create a “landscape of fear” that influences the spatial distribution of their prey. Understanding whether human activity similarly affects the distribution of species beyond habitat suitability is crucial but difficult to assess for conservation managers. Here, we assessed the effect of recreation and forestry activity on a threatened forest-dwelling umbrella species, the Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). We followed the citizen science approach on the landscape scale in the Bohemian Forest. We analyzed species data non-invasively collected through intensive fieldwork by volunteers and assessed human activity in the entire study area by analyzing expert questionnaires. The study area extends over 119,000 ha and harbors one of the largest relict populations of this grouse species in Central European low mountain ranges. Our statistical models revealed a negative impact of recreational activities on the intensity of habitat use of the birds within suitable habitats, thereby pointing toward a landscape of fear. The influence of forestry activity, in contrast, was not clear. In comparison to existing regional tourism impact studies, we were able to elevate the examination to the landscape scale. Our results underlined the relevance of recreation in limiting the species’ habitat on an entire landscape and allow us to conclude that habitat managers should set aside well-defined zones without recreational activities to preserve the refuge of this umbrella species.  相似文献   

There are sporadic reports on urban forests in Indian cities. Nagpur is one of the greenest cities of India with 18 per cent of its area under forests and plantations, 17 per cent under cultivation and 2 per cent under water bodies. The present study showed that natural vegetation of the city is very well diversified with a representation of 59 per cent vegetation including 124 trees species belonging to 38 families as compared with the overall district vegetation statistics. Air quality in the city is relatively better with lower SO2 (6 μg/m3), NO2 (18 μg/m3) and Respirable Suspended Particulate Matters (RSPM, 53 μg/m3) as against National Ambient Air Quality Standards (2009) for cities in India of 80, 80 and 100 μg/m3, respectively. It was also noted that the diversity in natural forests which are being protected is greater than the plantations undertaken by the civic authorities and private sector efforts. The study thus demonstrated the positive relationship of the city with diversified vegetation cover for cleaner environment. The analysis is expected to guide formulation of strategies for maintaining green space in the city.  相似文献   



Urbanization has altered many landscapes around the world and created novel contexts and interactions, such as the rural–urban interface.


We sought to address how a forest patch’s location in the rural–urban interface influences which avian species choose to occur within the patch. We predicted a negative relationship between forest bird richness and urbanization surrounding the patch, but that it would be ameliorated by the area of tree cover in the patch and matrix, and that total tree-cover area would be more influential on forest bird species richness than area of tree cover in the focal patch alone.


We conducted bird surveys in 44 forest patches over 2 years in Southeast Michigan and evaluated bird presence and richness relative to patch and matrix tree cover and development density.


We observed 43 species, comprised of 21 Neotropical migrants, 19 residents, and three short-distance migrants. Focal-patch tree-cover area and the matrix tree-cover area were the predominant contributors to a site’s overall forest-bird species richness at the rural–urban interface, but the addition of percent of over-story vegetation and percentage of deciduous tree cover influenced the ability of the patches to support forest species, especially Neotropical migrants. Development intensity in the matrix was unrelated to species richness and only had an effect in four species models.


Although small forest patches remain an important conservation strategy in developed environments, the influence of matrix tree cover suggests that landscape design decisions in surrounding matrix can contribute conservation value at the rural–urban interface.

Understanding how organisms respond to landscape heterogeneity is foundational to landscape ecology. We characterized seasonal scales of movement of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus viginianus) in an agricultural–forest matrix using first-passage time analysis (FPT) for 62 GPS-collared individuals. We investigated whether those scales were driven by demographic or landscape features. We found FPT for each individual across all seasons was typically dominated by a peak in variance of FPT/area at scales (radii) from 425 to 1,675 m. These peaks occurred at scales consistent with seasonal space use. We observed additional lower magnitude peaks at larger scales (3,000–6,000 m) and small scales (25–150 m). Peaks at larger scales were associated with seasonal migrations and dispersal events. Small scale peaks may represent resting or foraging behavior. Female movements were organized at smaller scales than males in the spring/summer season. Models relating landscape features to movement scales suggest that deer perceive and move within the landscape differently as the roles of dominant land-cover types shift seasonally. During winter, configuration (interspersion/juxtaposition) of land-cover types is more important to deer than during spring/summer and fall. During spring/summer and fall, movement behavior may be dictated by reproductive and harvest activities.  相似文献   

Past land use is an important factor determining vegetation in temperate deciduous forests. Little is known about the long-term persistence of these impacts on vegetation but especially on the seed bank. This study assessed whether soil characteristics remain altered 1,600 years after human occupation and if this yielded persistent differences in forest plant communities and their seed bank in particular. Compiègne forest is located in northern-France and has a history of continuous forest cover since the end of Roman times. Twenty-four Gallo-Roman and 24 unoccupied sites were sampled and data were analysed using paired sample tests to investigate whether soil, vegetation and seed bank still differed significantly. The soil was persistently altered on the Gallo-Roman sites resulting in elevated phosphorus levels and pH (dependent on initial soil conditions) which translated into increased vegetation and seed bank species richness. Though spatially isolated, Gallo-Roman sites supported both a homogenized vegetation and seed bank. Vegetation differences were not the only driver behind seed bank differences. Similarity between vegetation and seed bank was low and the possibility existed that agricultural ruderals were introduced via the former land use. Ancient human occupation leaves a persistent trace on forest soil, vegetation and seed bank and appears to do so at least 1,600 years after the former occupation. The geochemical alterations created an entirely different habitat causing not only vegetation but also the seed bank to have altered and homogenized composition and characteristics. Seed bank differences likely persisted by the traditional forest management and altered forest environment.  相似文献   

Differences in trail preferences for social conditions of visitors to forests in Vienna and Sapporo were investigated in 2006 using a standardised image-based stated choice approach. On-site visitors to two comparable peri-urban forests – the Lobau Forest in Vienna, Austria (n=373), and the Nopporo Forest in Sapporo, Japan (n=256) – evaluated the same sets of computer manipulated images depicting 128 trail scenarios with different levels of social stimulation. Latent class segmentations, in three sub-segments of similar sizes, differentiated by partly opposite preferences for social conditions, were derived for both samples. A positive contribution of social stimulation to preferences was found for about 17% of Nopporo and 9% of Lobau respondents, while for close to 50% of Lobau respondents and 38% of Nopporo respondents very low levels of social stimulation were preferred. The results indicate that urban forests should be managed for users with a desire for low social densities as well as a denser social setting providing some levels of social stimulation.  相似文献   

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