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丛枝菌根真菌对黄花蒿生长和根系分泌物化学组成的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究盆栽条件下,接种与未接种丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)对黄花蒿(Artemisia annua L.)生长和根系分泌物化学组成的影响。结果表明,接种AMF黄花蒿的株高、苗干重和根干重均显著增加,增幅均达到20%以上;接种AMF也改善了黄花蒿的根系形态,除了根系半径以外,根长增加了87.0%、根表面积增加了97.0%、根体积增加了10.7%、根尖数增加了38.4%、根分叉数增加了75.6%、根系活力提高了19.6%,差异均达到极显著水平;与未接种AMF的黄花蒿基质中的根系分泌物(NM-S)相比,接种AMF下黄花蒿基质中的根系分泌物(AM-S)可溶性蛋白含量增加了74.38%,可溶性糖含量增加了16.13%,游离氨基酸含量增加了203%,有机酸的种类增多且含量显著提高;但接种AMF对黄花蒿水培液中根系分泌物含量的影响却呈现出了相反的作用。说明接种AMF有助于改善黄花蒿的根系形态,提高根系活力,在基质中促进根系分泌物的分泌,从而使黄花蒿汲取更多养分、提高生物量。 相似文献
Menşure Özgüven Bilge Şener Ilkay Orhan Nazım Şekeroğlu Muzaffer Kirpik Murat Kartal Ipek Peşin Zülküf Kaya 《Industrial Crops and Products》2008,27(1):60-64
Artemisia annua L. is an aromatic-antibacterial herb that destroys malarial parasites, lowers fevers and checks bleeding, and of which the secondary compound of interest is artemisinin. The objective of the present study was to determine yield, yield components and artemisinin content of A. annua L. grown under four nitrogen applications (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha−1) in the Çukurova region of Turkey in 2004 and 2005. Field trials were conducted at Çukurova University, Agricultural Faculty Field Crops Department. In the study, plant height, number of branches, fresh herbage yield, dry herbage yield, fresh leaf yield, dry leaf yield, essential oil content and artemisinin content (by high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC) were examined. By analysis of variance, nitrogen doses had no any statistical effect on the traits investigated except for artemisinin content. Artemisinin content of the dried leaves were significantly affected by nitrogen applications, which varied from 6.32 to 27.50 mg 100 g−1. Contents were from 120 and 80 kg ha−1 nitrogen for the years of 2004 and 2005, respectively. 相似文献
苏彩杂1号于2002年杂交配组,2006~2007年参加江苏省棉花品种区试.表现为生育期134 d;出苗较好,长势较强,整齐度好,株型较紧凑,株高105.5 cm,果枝较长,平展;茎秆茸毛偏多,叶片较小,叶色中等,单株结铃27个,铃长卵圆形,吐絮畅,不早衰;单铃重5.25 g,衣分34.3%,籽指10.48 g,霜前花率88.4%,僵瓣率6.98%;纤维品质测试结果:HVICC纤维上半部平均长度29.8 mm,断裂比强度30.4 cN/tex,马克隆值4.3,伸长率6.7%,反射率75.6%,黄色深度7.9,整齐度83.9%,纺纱均匀性指数147;籽、皮棉产量分别为3 108 kg/hm2、1 063.5 kg/hm2,是高产白棉对照品种"泗杂3号"的104.1%和86.0%.苏彩杂1号是目前江苏省唯一一个参加棉花品种区试的彩色杂交棉品种,已推荐参加2008年江苏省棉花生产试验.并经无锡市第一棉纺厂成功纯纺了60支高品质棉纱,又经无锡市长新纺织有限公司以100%纯彩棉纱试纺60支精梳提花格仔布获得成功;开创了用彩棉纯纺60支优质棉纱与棉布成功的先例,为我国未来高档彩棉终端服饰产品的开发奠定了坚实基础. 相似文献
To facilate breeding process of Brassica napus, a microspore culture and molecular marker-assisted screening combined system were proposed in this research. At early flowering stage, F1 offspring of hybridized combination HY15A × HF06 was used as donor for microspore culture to analyze effects of colchicine concentration on embryogenic and diploid rates of microspore. Treatment with 50 mg/L colchicine resulted in embryogenic rate of 3.56 embryos/bud, which was substantially higher than control (0.78 embryos/bud). A total of 1,387 embryos and 862 single plants were obtained after induction culture. Ploidy detection was performed for the regenerated plants by flow cytometry. Diploid rates of microspores treated with 50 mg/L and 70 mg/L colchicine were 17.2% and 21.0% respectively, which was significantly higher than control (10.5%). Totally 108 single plants that doubled successfully were randomly selected and screened using molecular marker BE10. Approximately 54 of 108 plants generated a 305 bp amplification product, whereas the other 54 plants showed a 398 bp band, thereby satisfying 1:1 separation ratio (x20.05 = 0.0093). These coincided with field identification results. Findings of this study indicated that homozygous breeding material could be obtained by microspore culture in a short time, thereby remarkably accelerate breeding. 相似文献
引进我国长江流域甘蓝型半冬性双低品种(系),在陕西关中生态条件下连续多年进行适应性选择,选育出适宜关中的双低自交系;用这类自交系与不育株测交和回交,育成不育株率100%、不育度95%以上的不育系212A、218A、159A等。用多亲本复合杂交改良的单、双低恢复系116C、1102C与不育系测交,育成了陕油6号、陕油8号等品种。2000年陕油6号通过陕西省农作物品种审定委员会审定,2001年陕油8号通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定。 相似文献
甘蓝型油菜胞质雄性不育系212A的选育与研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
在Ledos字兴?号后代材料中发现5株雄性不育株,经与中双2号自交系212B保持,育成了细胞质雄性不育系212A和保持系212B.通过人工套袋自交、剥蕾授粉自交及镜检观察,认为不育系212A属稳定型细胞质雄性不育系,产生的原因可能与低温时期的死蕾现象有关.恢保关系的研究表明,212A胞质雄性不育系与pol CMS、陕2A CMS恢保关系相同.遗传研究表明,测交F2育性为可育与不育3∶1分离;用恢复系回交(BC1)后代全可育,无育性分离;用保持系回交,后代育性为可育与不育1∶1分离.初步认为控制不育系的基因为S(rr),保持系基因为N(rr),恢复系基因为N(RR)或S(RR),属1对核基因控制的细胞质雄性不育系. 相似文献
沪油16是通过品种间杂交育成的甘蓝型双低油菜新品种,种子含油率为41.22%、芥酸含量为0.74%、硫苷含量为21.20μmoL/g.沪油16在上海市油菜区域试验中,平均产量2 583.0kg/hm2,比对照双低油菜品种沪油12增产12.0%;在国家油菜区域试验中,平均产量1 956.0kg/hm2,比对照双高品种中油821增产10.1%. 相似文献
Jatropha is a non-edible, important bioenergy plant, which can grow in marginalized land. The seeds possess about 36% oil and this would be converted into biodiesel or biojet-fuel. Jatropha provides an option for sustainable feed and fuel production due to its inherent qualities including hardy nature, drought tolerance and surviving with limited amount of water, tolerance to unfavorable conditions and excessive moisture. However, heterozygosity, low productivity and poor understanding of its genome are the major impediments to elite line development. Further, classical breeding and advanced technological investments remain limited owing to long juvenile phase and breeding cycles. Scientific technologies that lead to identification of elite genotypes and development of high yielding elite Jatropha lines and effective methods of detoxification of seeds needs immediate priority. Efficient tissue culture system, doubled haploids (DH) and genomic tools are increasingly made available to improve the seed yield and its oil quantity through the development of geminivirus disease resistant lines. The application of advanced, sequencing technologies has presented a repertoire of genomic information for this important yet orphan crop. In the present investigation, we highlight the achievements made in Jatropha towards development of high yielding, virus resistant elite lines and hybrids with yield potential ranging from 3 to 5 tons per hectare in a year, which is a first ever report in the world. We also developed potential biotechnological tools such as genetic transformation, genome editing and next generation genomics tools including linkage maps and QTLs for accelerating breeding efforts through marker assisted selection. Because of our concerted and continuous efforts during the past 15 years, we have overcome all the obstacles and developed high yielding, disease resistant hybrids/lines, advanced cultivation technologies with thorough knowledge on Agronomy of the Jatropha crop. The Jatropha cultivation technology developed for the first time in the world, could open up new avenues for higher yield productivity of commercial viability. 相似文献
甘蓝型油菜双低杂交种云油杂2号的选育 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
云油杂2号是利用甘蓝型隐性核不育两用系99F121AB与恢复系99F1549C杂交筛选出的优势组合,表 现杂交优势强,植株繁茂,根系发达,早熟,适应性广,高产稳产,芥酸含量0. 16% ,硫甙含量22. 86μmol/g,含油量 45. 53% ,恢复株率95%以上。2003—2004年云南省秋播油菜区试中平均产量3 570. 9kg/hm2 ,比对照品种花油3 号增产29. 13%。最高单产达到5 944. 5kg/hm2。 相似文献
甘蓝型双低杂交油菜新品种苏优3号的选育 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
苏优3号为甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育(CMS)杂交新品种,不育系为宁A3(MI CMS),恢复系为3075R。苏优3号综合性状好,抗(耐)病性强,成熟期早,品质优良,在1996-1998年度江苏省油菜新品种区域试验中,平均产量2553.30kg/hm^2,比对照秦油2号增产16.81%,在1999-2001年度国家油菜品种区域试验中,平均产量2686.80kg/hm^2,比对照中油821增产11.6%,苏优3号芥酸含量0.42%,硫甙含量25.87umol/g,种子含油率43.46%。 相似文献
双低甘蓝型油菜新品种苏油1号种子含油率41.37%,芥酸含量0.30%,硫甙含量27.4μmol/g,,苏州市油菜区域试验平均产量2814.15kg/hm^2,比对照荣选和汇油50分别增产10.87%与13.63%。江苏省油菜区域试验平均产量2418.15kg/hm^2,比对照荣选和秦油2号分别增产19.40%与10.62%。江苏省油菜生产试验平均产量2383.20kg/hm^2,比对照荣选增产7.24%。全国油菜区域试验平均产量2008.95kg/hm^2,比对照中油821增产7.84%。苏油1号适于我国长江下游冬油菜区种植。 相似文献
甘蓝型双低油菜品种沪油15的选育 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
甘蓝型双低油菜品种沪油15系采用品种(系)间的双方方法育成,种子含油量42.43%,芥酸含量0.38%,硫甙含量19.01μmol/g。上海市油菜区域试验平均产量2147.3kg/hm^2,比对照汇油50增产31.3%,上海市油菜生产试验平均产量2700.0kg/hm^2,比对照汇油50增产12.6%。沪油15适于我国长江下游冬油菜区种植。 相似文献
甘蓝型油菜黄籽双低自交不亲和系的选育 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以甘蓝型油菜黄籽自交不亲和系184和黄籽双低常规油菜品系878-8-1、737、3231、408等为材料,经过5年8代连续定向培育,育成了黄籽高油分双低自交不亲和系SI975002、SI975113、SI975218和SI975230等,具有自交不亲和性基本稳定,黄籽率90%以上,芥酸<1%、硫甙<25.0μmol/g,含油量44%左右等特点,并作为重要的基础材料用于黄籽双低杂交汪菜新组合的组配及筛选。 相似文献
利用国外向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)杂交种及我国自交系作为基本育种材料,通过回交与自交的方法,选育出含油率高、自花结实性好、产量高的油葵新品种陕葵杂l号,陕西省油葵品种区域试验平均产量2400kg/hm^2,生产试验平均产量3450kg/hm^2,含油量47%,出仁率75%。 相似文献