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菠菜是不喜强光的蔬菜,耐寒性强,气温超过25℃即生长不良,大多在秋、冬、春季栽培。夏季由于雨水多、气温高,越夏菠菜的种植容易发生先期抽薹,其品质和产量不太理想,若采用耐热菠菜品种,科学栽培,利用冬暖式大棚在夏季的歇茬期进行越夏菠菜种植,在6-7月份种植,8-9份上市,可获得较高经济效益。  相似文献   

在高温、多雨、病虫害发生严重的炎夏时节,性喜冷凉的菠菜生长困难,因此7~9月市场上菠菜紧缺,价格居高。近几年笔者对如何利用夏季休闲期大棚种好夏菠菜进行了专门研究,两茬夏菠菜每667m2产量1800kg左右,7~8月菠菜市场价格约为每千克5元,经济收入9000元左右。下面将其技术要点进行简要概括,供农民朋友参考。1设施要求大棚必须覆盖完整的塑料薄膜,以防雨水渗漏棚内。顶部薄膜应固定牢固,棚底角薄膜全部掀起,以利通风降温。在薄膜上再盖上遮光率80%以上的黑色遮阳网,长度要比棚体长2m左右,面积要占薄膜面积的70%以上。覆盖薄膜和遮阳网可以…  相似文献   

夏莴笋栽培为句东农场在本系统参展的成果之一。由于夏莴笋在8月中旬蔬菜秋淡时节应市,颇受消费者欢迎。栽培夏莴笋经济效益较高,据测产,单株重约250克,亩产约650公斤,亩产值700元左右。夏莴笋生长期正值高温多雨季节,其栽培要点如下: 1、选用良种,适期播种夏莴笋选用耐高温、高湿、抗病、生育期短、长势好的白皮二号品种,于4月初把种子浸泡24小时后.放在  相似文献   

李修燕 《中国蔬菜》2001,1(4):46-46
近几年,山东省鄄城县秋菠菜生产发展迅速,面积达1 500 hm2,产量高达0.67亿kg。鄄城县地处鲁西平原,土壤肥沃,是全国农业生态示范县,所产菠菜新鲜嫩绿,安全、卫生、优质、无污染,属于无公害产品。秋菠菜经速冻加工后大量出口日本、韩国,成为主要出口蔬菜种类之一。1 品种选择出口菠菜特别要求漂烫后不变黑,色泽翠绿。目前表现优良的品种是香港多利牌全能菠菜,该品种适应性广,生长快,高产,具有株型直立、叶片肥厚、色泽浓绿等特点,非常受日本客商欢迎。另外,可选用的优良品种还有东湖、急先锋等。2 选地施肥宜选用有机质丰…  相似文献   

菠菜耐寒不耐热,一般品种生长期间温度超过25℃时就会生长不良,品质差。夏季选用耐热品种及配套的栽培技术,6—7月播种,7—9月即可上市,既解决了菠菜在炎夏淡季的供应,也可获得可观的收入。1保护设施因菠菜生长不耐强光、高温,所以夏季生产为了防高温,必须遮阴降温,防止强光照射。可采用覆盖遮阳网的办法及微喷降温技术,还可在大面积苦  相似文献   

王彬  郑伟 《西南园艺》2004,32(1):13-14
毛豆(Glycinemax Merr.)为一年生草本蔬菜,含有丰富的碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质、粗纤维、维生素和铁、磷、钙等矿物质,营养全面,味道鲜美,越来越受消费者的欢迎。笔者现将夏毛豆栽培技术简介如下。1选择优良品种目前生产上用的毛豆品种基本上都是春用品种,夏季栽培表现耐热性差,生长势弱,产量降低。因地制宜选用优良品种,如低洼地应选择耐涝性强的品种,土质肥沃的地块应选择喜肥、耐肥品种。总的原则是选择丰产、优质、抗病虫、抗逆性强的品种,但更重要的是选择适销对路、适宜本地种植的品种。2整地作畦种夏毛豆应选择排灌方便、土质疏松…  相似文献   

王进  李兴波 《蔬菜》1999,(7):7-7
菠菜属耐寒不耐热蔬菜,气温超过25℃即生长不良,品质较差,若利用夏季菠菜高效栽培技术,6~7月份也可种植,8~9月份即可上市供应,经济效益极高。一、品种选择常规品种如日本大叶菠菜等超过25℃即生长不良,而选用荷兰必久公司生产的CH1098和CH1100两个耐热品种,可在30℃左右的高温下正常生长,不受明显阻碍,并且667m~2产量可达1500kg以上。二、浸种催芽若在6月上中旬种植,因气温还不很高可不催芽,直接播种即可。7月份种植,气温已明显升高,出苗较困难,可用井水催芽。方法:先用深井水浸泡种…  相似文献   

陈菊妹  黄品仁 《蔬菜》2005,(2):13-14
莱豆在本地又叫状元豆,是我区与花生并驾齐驱的拳头产品,是农民增收的主要经济作物之一。它具有丰富的营养,是一种深受国内外消费者青睐的豆类蔬菜。近年来随着种植业结构的调整,我区状元豆种植面积和范围逐年扩大,其在栽培上对土质要求不严,易栽培,适应性广,只要光温条件适宜,水肥管理得当,病虫防治措施有效,一般每  相似文献   

李海兵  马友发 《蔬菜》2002,(6):14-14
日本大叶菠菜适应种植的范围比较广,引进我国种植后,它的长势仍然很强。植株半直立,叶簇生,叶片长椭圆形,颜色嫩绿,叶片肥厚,味美,品质佳,适合于速冻出口。目前国际市场一直货紧价昂,特别是在日本市场,大叶菠菜一直供不应求。在国内市场也深受广大消费者的欢迎。种植日本大叶菠菜具有生长期短、费工少、产量高、效益好等特点。其栽培技术要点如下:一、适期播种在江苏南通地区适宜的播种期为9月中旬~10月上旬,一般在播后80天左右开始采收。二、基地选择对土地要求比较高,要选择肥沃疏松、排水良好的沙质土壤。前茬以玉米、黄…  相似文献   

茶树短穗扦插育苗技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍茶树短穗扦插育苗技术要点,包括品种选择,采穗圃母树的施肥,修剪和病虫害防治;苗圃地选择、建棚、作畦、扦插时间、插穗的剪取和处理、扦插方法、扦插苗的肥水管理、病虫害防治及防寒保苗措施等。  相似文献   

The response of animal communities to habitat quality and fragmentation may vary depending on microhabitat associations of species. For example, sensitivity of species to woody habitat fragmentation should increase with their degree of association with woody plants. We investigated effects of local and landscape factors on spider communities in different microhabitats within Swiss apple orchards. We expected a stronger negative effect of woody habitat fragmentation on spiders inhabiting tree canopies compared to spiders living in the meadow. The 30 orchards that we sampled varied in woody habitat amount and isolation at landscape and patch scales. Local factors included management intensity and plant diversity. Spiders associated with meadow were affected by plant diversity, but not by fragmentation. In contrast, spiders associated with canopies responded to isolation from other woody habitats. Surprisingly, we found both positive and negative effects of habitat isolation on local abundance. This indicates that differences in dispersal and/or biotic interactions shape the specific response to habitat isolation. The relative importance of local and landscape factors was in accordance with the microhabitat of the spiders. Thus, considering microhabitat associations can be important for identifying processes that would be overlooked if sampling were pooled for the whole habitat.  相似文献   

在银杏嫩枝扦插育苗中进行了ABT生根粉应用试验。结果表明,除了用ABT8号20mg/kg浓度处理的扦插成活率低于对照外,其余各处理均明显高于对照,其中6号生根粉100mg/kg处理的扦插成活率高达91.3%,比对照提高52.5个百分点。ABT生根粉6号的20、50和100mg/kg的处理扦插成活率为61.3%~91.3%,平均为76.3%,高于7号和8号,且效果稳定,可在生产中试用。试验结果还表明,带顶芽的、粗壮的插条扦插成活率高。ABT生根粉处理可增加扦插苗生根数量,最长根长度与对照差异不大。  相似文献   

当前梨树生产中存在“老、低、差”问题,即品种老、档次低、品质差,不能适应市场需要。梨的品种结构也不合理,早熟梨少,市场紧俏;中晚熟品种太多,成熟季节造成滞销。因此需要调整品种结构,运用高接换种的方法改造劣质梨园。夏季高接换种的优点在于容易区别品种。因不同品种的形态各异,如叶片形状和大小、枝条长势、树姿特征、果实形状等。已结果树还可以品评品质好坏。对确定为劣质品种的树株即可进行高接换种。生长季节嫁接易成活,一般比冬季嫁接成活率高,可操作时间长,从新梢成熟到停止生长前均可嫁接,便于当年补接,一般6月…  相似文献   

本试验以国内普遍应用的美国泛美公司矮牵牛品种为材料,通过对比美国维生基质与国产草炭的栽培效果,阶段性记录矮牵牛穴盘苗的生长状况。结果表明,维生模式下的矮牵牛生物量累积、干物质累积与根冠比变化都显著优于国产模式,可以作为优质穴盘苗的标准。  相似文献   


Two experiments were conducted with the early summer cauliflower cvs Perfection and Gypsy. The first was in controlled environment cabinets with nine temperatures ranging from 6.3 to 22.88C. The second was in the field with three planting dates and plants grown with and without fleece cover. The experiment in controlled environments enabled a model to be developed which predicted changes in apex development through both the juvenile and curd induction phases. Both the end of juvenility and curd initiation were defined in terms of apex diameter. For cv. Perfection these were respectively 0.25 and 0.55.mm while with cv. Gypsy they were respectively 0.27 and 0.51.mm. The number of leaves produced at the end of juvenility was very different in the two experiments. When applied to the field temperatures from planting, the model predicted the end of juvenility early and therefore estimates of curd initiation were inaccurate. However, when the model was started, with the recorded apex diameter exceeding that at the end of juvenility, it predicted the day of curd initiation well. The temperatures representing the lower limit, optimum and upper limit of curd induction, were estimated to be 2.2, 9.4 and 248C for cv. Perfection and 2.9, 13.0 and 23.18C for cv. Gypsy. The results suggest that juvenility is not adequately described by number of leaves and varies considerably with growing conditions. They indicate that, under optimum conditions, curd induction only takes about six days and that the critical difference between crops is the duration of juvenility.  相似文献   

树冠直接覆膜对清见橘橙树冠内环境因子的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以清见橘橙(Citrus sinensis*Citrus unshiu Marc)为材料,研究了果实越冬期间直接覆盖薄膜的树冠内环境因子的变化.结果表明,覆膜可显著提高树冠内温度,2007-2008年试验期间的日平均温度在覆膜树冠上部为11.5℃,中部为10,5℃,下部为9.0℃,对照为8.3℃;2008-2009年试...  相似文献   

云和县地处浙西南山区,在海拔800m以上的耕地面积约1500hm^2。山区农民为寻求脱贫致富的路子,早在1976年就开始进行高山蔬菜栽培,并于l980年获得浙江省科技进步二等奖。但是,由于我县山区农民信息不灵,文通条件差等诸多因素的影响,夏季蔬菜栽培一直停留在原有水平,面积较少,品种单一,产业化,集约化经营水平较低,经济效益差。为充分利用我县高山地区气候凉爽,适宜于夏季蔬菜栽培的资源优势,2004年在省农业厅的支持下,  相似文献   

1.沙司 男士多食用西红柿,沙司或比萨等食物有助于防止前列腺癌,如番茄大蒜调味什、意大利式饺子配沙司等。  相似文献   

Freshly harvested vine-ripened tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Neang Pich) were stored at low pressure (4 kPa) at 10°C for 11 days with 100% RH. Fruit quality was examined upon removal and after being transferred to normal atmosphere (101 kPa) at 20°C for 3 days. Weight loss was significantly lower in fruits which were stored at low pressure (4 kPa) than in fruits that were stored at regular atmosphere (101 kPa) at 10°C. Fruits that were stored at low pressure (4 kPa) reduced calyx browning by 12.5%, and calyx rots by 16%, compared to fruits that were stored at regular atmosphere (101 kPa) at 10°C. Fruit firmness was not significantly different between fruits stored at low pressures (4 kPa) and the normal atmosphere (101 kPa), with an average firmness of 14 N after fruits were stored at 10°C for 11 days. There was no difference in the SSC/TA ratio. The results suggest that a low pressure of 4 kPa at 10°C has potential as an alternative, non-chemical postharvest treatment to improve tomato quality during storage.  相似文献   

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