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As important freshwater resources in alpine basins, glaciers and snow cover tend to decline due to climate warming, thus affecting the amount of water available downstream and even regional economic development. However, impact assessments of the economic losses caused by reductions in freshwater supply are quite limited. This study aims to project changes in glacier meltwater and snowmelt of the Urumqi River in the Tianshan Mountains under future climate change scenarios (RCP2.6 (RCP, Representative Concentration Pathway), RCP4.5, and RCP8.5) by applying a hydrological model and estimate the economic losses from future meltwater reduction for industrial, agricultural, service, and domestic water uses combined with the present value method for the 2030s, 2050s, 2070s, and 2090s. The results indicate that total annual glacier meltwater and snowmelt will decrease by 65.6% and 74.5% under the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios by the 2090s relative to the baseline period (1980-2010), respectively. Compared to the RCP2.6 scenario, the projected economic loss values of total water use from reduced glacier meltwater and snowmelt under the RCP8.5 scenario will increase by 435.10×106 and 537.20×106 CNY in the 2050s and 2090s, respectively, and the cumulative economic loss value for 2099 is approximately 2124.00×106 CNY. We also find that the industrial and agricultural sectors would likely face the largest and smallest economic losses, respectively. The economic loss value of snowmelt in different sectorial sectors is greater than that of glacier meltwater. These findings highlight the need for climate mitigation actions, industrial transformation, and rational water allocation to be considered in decision-making in the Tianshan Mountains in the future.  相似文献   

天山乌鲁木齐河源区空冰斗积雪特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2006年12月至2007年4月天山乌鲁木齐河源区空冰斗季节性积雪的观测资料,分析了该区域积雪厚度、积雪温度及积雪储水量的变化特征。结果表明:空冰斗积雪在观测初期比较稳定,随着降水量增加,积雪厚度也随之增加,4月中旬达到最大值,季节性积雪的持续时间约为7个月;积雪厚度最大值一般出现在海拔3830m附近,这一高度以下积雪厚度随海拔升高呈现增加的趋势,而在这一高度以上则呈相反趋势;积雪温度受气温影响明显,在观测期内随着气温的升高积雪温度也逐渐上升;研究期内积雪储水量高于上世纪90年代初的同期观测值。  相似文献   

天山乌鲁木齐河源区高山带植被及其生物多样性初步研究   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:11  
本文以天山乌鲁木齐河源区为研究范围,对其植物种类组成,植被类型,物种的多样性等进行了初步探讨。结果表明,该区域共有高等植物17种41属57种其中以禾本科(8种),菊科(7种),毛莨科(7种),莎草科(5种)和十字花科(5种)占优势,该区域植被包含了两个垂直带;高山草甸和高山垫状植被,另外在高山流石滩上也出现了处于演替早期阶段的高山植物群聚,根据中国植被的植被分类原则,共划分出了苔草群系(Form.Carexsp)。嵩草群系(Form.Kobresia sp),高山莓群系(Form.Sibbaldia terandra),高山红景天群系(Form.Rhodiola coccinea),柔子草群系(Form.Thylacospermum caespitosum)等5个群系18类植物群落,利用Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数所作的生物多样性分析表明,高山流石滩植被的多样性最低,而以垫状植被的生物多样性最高;同时,在研究区300m的海拔高程范围内,其多样性指数呈现出随海拔高度增加而递减的变化趋势。  相似文献   

基于天山乌鲁木齐河源区1959-2009年的径流与气象记录,采用线性回归、M-K突变检验法和水量平衡模型分析了河源区气候、冰川及融水量的变化特征。研究发现:河源区冰川径流量与冰川物质平衡成负相关关系,过去51a间河源1号冰川融水径流共增加157.48×104m3,冰川融水径流量增加主要是由冰川退缩和降水量增加造成的。自20世纪90年代以后,冰川融水径流量增加显著,但整个河源区径流量却在减少,与气温升高导致蒸散能力增强、地下冰结构变化及冰川融水补给能力下降等有关。  相似文献   

The mountainous forests in arid regions, being sensitive to climate change, are one of the key research topics related to the mechanism of interaction between climate and the terrestrial ecosystem. In this study, the spatial distribution of a mid-mountain forest and its environmental factors were investigated by using a combination of remote sensing technology, field survey, climate indices and soil nutrient analysis in the Sangong River watershed of the northern Tianshan Mountains. The forest(Picea schrenkiana) was distributed between 1,510 and 2,720 m asl. Tree height and diameter at breast height(DBH) exhibited a bi-modal pattern with increasing elevation, and rested at 2,450 and 2,250 m asl, respectively. The two maxima of DBH appeared at 2,000 and 2,550 m asl, and the taller trees were observed at 2,100 and 2,600 m asl. For the annual mean temperature, the difference was approximately 5.8°C between the lowest and the highest limits of the forest, and the average decreasing rates per hundred meters were 0.49°C and 0.55°C with increasing altitude between 1,500 and 2,000 m asl and above 2,000 m asl, respectively. The annual precipitation in the forest zone first increased and then decreased with the increase of altitude, and the maximum value was at 2,000 m asl. For per hundred meters, the annual precipitation increased with the rate of 31 mm between 1,500 and 2,000 m asl and decreased by 7.8 mm above 2,000 m asl. The SOM, TN and TP were high between 2,000 and 2,700 m asl and low at the lower and upper forest limits. The minimum Ca CO3 concentration, p H value and EC coincided with the maximum precipitation belt at 2,000 m asl. The SOM, TN and TP were high in the topsoil(0–10 cm) and differed significantly from the values observed in the deep soil layers(10 cm). The soil nutrients exhibited spatial heterogeneity and higher aggregation in the topsoil. In conclusion, soil and climate are closely related to each other, working synergistically to determine the development and spatial distribution of the mid-mountain forest in the study area. The order of the importance of environmental factors to forest development in this study is as follows: soil nutrientsprecipitationelevationtemperature.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Coconut is recognized for its popularity in contributing to food and nutritional security. It generates income and helps to improve rural livelihood....  相似文献   

Puyu WANG 《干旱区科学》2017,9(6):900-910
Urumqi Glacier No. 1 is a representative glacier in the inland areas of Central Asia and is the only Chinese reference glacier in the World Glacier Monitoring Service. In this study, we explored multi-decadal variations in the flow velocity of the glacier and the influencing factors based on continuous field observations and path coefficient analysis. Results show that the glacier flow velocity decreased from 5.5 m/a in 1980/1981 to 3.3 m/a in 2010/2011. The annual variation in the direction of glacier flow velocity in the western branch and eastern branch was less than 1°–3°, and the change of glacier flow velocity in the western branch was more dramatic than that in the eastern branch. Glacier flow velocity was influenced by glacier morphology(including glacier area, glacier length, and ice thickness), glacier mass balance and local climate conditions(air temperature and precipitation), the glacier morphology being the leading factor. The long-term flow velocity data set of Urumqi Glacier No. 1 contributes to a better understanding of glacier dynamics within the context of climatic warming.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of paleovegetation and paleoclimate requires an understanding of the relationships between surface pollen assemblages and modern vegetation and climate. Here, we analyzed the characteristics of surface pollen assemblages across different vegetation zones in the Tianshan Mountains. Using surface pollen analysis and vegetation sample surveys at 75 sites on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains, we determined the correlation between the percentage of dominant pollen types...  相似文献   

中亚地区是落实我国"一带一路"发展倡议的关键地区,雨养农业区作为中亚重要粮食主产区,对世界和区域粮食安全具有重要意义.本文基于参与耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)的7个全球气候模式(GCM),分析了未来30 a(2021—2050年)气候变化情景下中亚雨养农业区降水量的空间分布及其变化趋势;然后根据适宜农作物种植...  相似文献   

LI Xuemei 《干旱区科学》2020,12(3):374-396
Short-term climate reconstruction, i.e., the reproduction of short-term(several decades) historical climatic time series based on the relationship between observed data and available longer-term reference data in a certain area, can extend the length of climatic time series and offset the shortage of observations. This can be used to assess regional climate change over a much longer time scale. Based on monthly grid climate data from a Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project phase 5(CMIP5) dataset for the period of 1850–2000, the Climatic Research Unit(CRU) dataset for the period of 1901–2000 and the observed data from 53 meteorological stations located in the Tianshan Mountains region(TMR) of China during the period of 1961–2011, we calibrated and validated monthly average temperature(MAT) and monthly accumulated precipitation(MAP) in the TMR using the delta, physical scaling(SP) and artificial neural network(ANN) methods. Performance and uncertainty during the calibration(1971–1999) and verification(1961–1970) periods were assessed and compared using traditional performance indices and a revised set pair analysis(RSPA) method. The calibration and verification processes were subjected to various sources of uncertainty due to the influence of different reconstructed variables, different data sources, and/or different methods used. According to traditional performance indices, both the CRU and CMIP5 datasets resulted in satisfactory calibrated and verified MAT time series at 53 meteorological stations and MAP time series at 20 meteorological stations using the delta and SP methods for the period of 1961–1999. However, the results differed from those obtained by the RSPA method. This showed that the CRU dataset produced a low degree of uncertainty(positive connection degree) during the calibration and verification of MAT using the delta and SP methods compared to the CMIP5 dataset. Overall, the calibrated and verified MAP had a high degree of uncertainty(negative connection degree) regardless of the dataset or reconstruction method used. Therefore, the reconstructed time series of MAT for the period of 1850(or 1901)–1960 based on the CRU and CMIP5 datasets using the delta and SP methods could be used for further study. The results of this study will be useful for short-term(several decades) regional climate reconstruction and longer-term(100 a or more) assessments of regional climate change.  相似文献   

SU Yuan 《干旱区科学》2022,14(6):691-703
Litter decomposition is an important component of the nutrient recycling process and is highly sensitive to climate change. However, the impacts of warming and increased precipitation on litter decomposition have not been well studied, especially in the alpine grassland of Tianshan Mountains. We conducted a manipulative warming and increased precipitation experiment combined with different grassland types to examine the impact of litter quality and climate change on the litter decomposition rate based on three dominant species (Astragalus mongholicus, Potentilla anserina, and Festuca ovina) in Tianshan Mountains from 2019 to 2021. The results of this study indicated there were significant differences in litter quality, specific leaf area, and leaf dry matter content. In addition, litter quality exerted significant effects on litter decomposition, and the litter decomposition rate varied in different grassland types. Increased precipitation significantly accelerated the litter decomposition of P. anserina; however, it had no significant effect on the litter decomposition of A. mongholicus and F. ovina. However, warming consistently decreased the litter decomposition rate, with the strongest impact on the litter decomposition of F. ovina. There was a significant interaction between increased precipitation and litter type, but there was no significant interaction between warming and litter type. These results indicated that warming and increased precipitation significantly influenced litter decomposition; however, the strength was dependent on litter quality. In addition, soil water content played a crucial role in regulating litter decomposition in different grassland types. Moreover, we found that the litter decomposition rate exhibited a hump-shaped or linear response to the increase of soil water content. Our study emphasizes that ongoing climate change significantly altered litter decomposition in the alpine grassland, which is of great significance for understanding the nutrient supply and turnover of litter.  相似文献   

黄河上游流域近49a气候变化特征和未来变化趋势分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
利用25个气象站近49a月气温、降水资料,运用气候线性趋势分析、滑动平均、距平和R/S分析等方法对黄河上游流域气候变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明:1)近49a黄河上游流域年、季均温呈现逐年上升趋势,其中20世纪90年代以来上升趋势更为明显,且以冬季增温最为突出;2)20世纪60年代降水量较多,之后逐渐减少,2000a以来又显著的增多,且四季变化趋势存在明显差异;3)在此基础上,进行了趋势预测,结果表明:气温、降水量表现出明显的Hurst现象,并且未来气候变化趋势与过去49a气候变化趋势相同。  相似文献   

天山三工河地区地貌及其过程对生态环境的影响   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4  
天山三工河地区山地、平原、湖泊、沙漠俱全,自然带图谱完整。文章论述了该区地貌的形成和特征,地貌类型及生态环境特点,探讨地貌过程对生态环境的作用和影响,并提出防治因灾害性地貌过程加剧引起生态环境退化的措施。  相似文献   

新疆霍城地区树轮年表的建立及气候意义   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对霍城地区5个树轮年表多项统计特征参数的对比,表明差值树轮年表对气候变化研究具有应用潜力.在5个差值树轮年表中,阿里比萨依和霍尔果斯年表包含了较多的气候信息.将5个差值树轮年表与附近的霍城和霍尔果斯气象站1960-2005年逐月降水和气温资料进行相关普查.结果发现:2个低海拔树轮差值年表的平均年表与2站当年5月降水呈正相关,且相关性好;而3个上树线树轮差值年表的平均年表与2站上年12月的平均气温呈正相关,且相关性好,其正相关均具有明显的树木生理学意义.对代表性较好的阿里比萨依差值树轮年表进行31年滑动平均发现,其年轮指数具有6高5低的阶段性变化,其变化与伊犁河1818-1990年的丰枯变化具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

This paper discusses oasis stability at regional scale with a case study in the northern slope areas of the Tianshan Mountains (NSTM). The results showed certain significant aspects. (1) As long as water resources in the oasis keep stable and their utilization efficiency can be maintained or gradually increased, the primary productivity could be continuously increased and the natural primary productivity keeped relatively stable. In this case, it is considered that the oasis is stable and its sustainable development can be achieved at regional scale. (2) Considering the availability of water resources in the oases, the oases on the alluvial-diluvial fans are highly stable. In the alluvial plain downstream of the groundwater overflowing zones the oases are moderately stable and in the lacustrine deltas or dry lacustrine deltas the oases are lowly stable. (3) Enlargement of oases and the increase of water resources and vegetation coverage in the oasis will certainly enhance the "cold-island effect" of the oasis and increase the stability of oases.  相似文献   

孙屹  杨俊孝  刘凯辉 《干旱区研究》2014,31(6):1170-1175
实现农业现代化,本质上是要提高土地的生产效率。选取土地产出率和劳动生产率两个指标来表征农户土地生产效率,从农地流转的视角出发,利用新疆天山北坡经济带具代表性的玛纳斯县327户农户的实地入户调查数据,运用多元线性回归模型将农地流转、土地细碎化等因素对农户土地生产效率的影响进行了实证分析。结果表明:农户转入土地对提高劳动生产率产生了显著影响,农户转出土地与土地产出率存在显著正相关关系,土地细碎化对土地产出率显著负相关,建议农地流转过程中要引导农户通过多种方式实现土地的集中连片经营,降低土地细碎化程度,提高土地生产效率,促进农业适度规模化经营。  相似文献   

气候变化及景观格局与生态系统的结构、功能及动态变化密切相关.祁连山生态系统(QLME)是中国重要的生态功能区,基于多元数据,运用遥感及GIS技术,结合InVEST及GeoSOS-FLUS模型,探索CSET与方法,实现对QLME碳储存的估算.定量估算及分析表明:(1)不同景观类型背景下QLME碳储存具有明显的时空差异性,...  相似文献   

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