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A previous study of Mississippi broiler complexes indicated a significant increase (0.640 to 1.77%) of embryonic total gross anatomical anomalies (TA) in the hatch residue. A separate field study in a single broiler complex of 8 breeder flocks, each hatching in 2 machines on the same day, illustrated a positive correlation between TA and total late stage embryo loss (TLEL; 16 to 21 d of incubation). The current study examined egg hatch residue from 92 selected breeder flocks that were hatched in each of 2 machines on the same date, with each respective machine being identified during egg residue analysis as having either low or high TLEL. Five makes of multistage incubational units were utilized within 10 different hatcheries in 7 states. The eggs were from breeders that comprised 32 weekly age groups (wk 27 to 61) and 5 separate strain crosses. When the egg residue results from the 92 flocks (hatching in 184 machines) were placed into 1 of 2 groups according to level (low and high) of TLEL, the high TLEL group showed a significantly lower estimated hatching efficiency (EHF) and significantly higher levels of TA and embryo head misorientations toward the small end of the egg than did the low TLEL group. The percentage change in EHF was 1.28% between eggs belonging to low (93.8%) and high (92.6%) TLEL groups. Also, TLEL in both low and high groups was significantly (P ≤ 0.0001) correlated with EHF, TA, total cracked or crushed eggs, and with eggs having embryo heads misoriented toward the small end. These results strongly suggest that TA plays a minor role, if at all, as a cause of lower EHF and that TA incidence may serve as a biomarker for hatching efficiency.  相似文献   

This study comprised 48,931 litters in 89 sow herds. During the study (1976-82) weaning age decreased from approx. 42 days to approx. 30 days. The mean incidence of post-weaning diarrhoea was 6.0% of litters weaned, with little variation by year but with considerable variation among herds. Within the individual herd increased incidence occurred over limited periods, probably associated with specific infections. Litters with diarrhoea during the suckling period had increased risk of post-weaning diarrhoea. The incidence of post-weaning diarrhoea increased with litter size at weaning. Thus, a litter of 11-12 piglets at weaning had 1.2 times higher risk than litters with 8-10 piglets. In contrast to pre-weaning diarrhoea, there was no association between parity of the sow and diarrhoea in the litter after weaning. Litters weaned below 2 weeks of age had a 2-fold risk of developing diarrhoea after weaning and a 2.4-fold higher mortality rate than did litters weaned at 6-7 weeks. Similarly, litters weaned at an individual piglet weight below 3 kg bodyweight had a 3-fold higher risk of developing diarrhoea after weaning and a 5-fold higher mortality rate than did pigs from litters weaned at a bodyweight of 7-8 kg. The incidence of post-weaning diarrhoea decreased with increasing herd size. Piglets from litters with post-weaning diarrhoea had reduced weight gains after weaning and were 2.3 days older at 25 kg bodyweight than piglets from non-diarrhoeic litters. Likewise, diarrhoea after weaning was associated with an increased incidence of diseases of the skin and respiratory tract. Thus the risk of contracting respiratory disease was 4 times greater in diarrhoeic litters.  相似文献   

王佳琪  刘彦  郑琛  冯涛 《畜牧兽医学报》2022,53(12):4138-4147
母胎对话是母体与胎儿在妊娠过程中建立的一种复杂对话关系,是成功附植和妊娠的必要条件,这一对话关系受到众多因素的调控。母胎对话异常会导致胚胎附植及妊娠的失败,并影响妊娠期胎儿的正常发育,因此妊娠期的母胎对话对于提高繁殖效率意义重大。本文主要以猪为模式动物综述了母体与胎儿从妊娠识别(妊娠前)、胚胎附植(妊娠中)到胎儿发育(妊娠后)过程中影响母胎对话的因素,包括激素、细胞因子、黏附因子、基因和蛋白质等,以期为猪母胎对话的研究和产仔数提高提供参考。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨PGI2类似物iloprost对猪胚胎体外发育的影响。试验以IVF胚胎为研究对象,分别在不同时期(0、24、48、72h)将不同浓度(0、0.2、0.5、1.0、2.0、5.0、10.0μmol.L-1)iloprost加入到猪胚胎培养液中,于156h时记录囊胚发育率和囊胚细胞数,筛选获得最佳添加方案,检测胚胎脂肪代谢速度和代谢相关基因(cox2、creb、pparδ、pdk、cpt2)的表达水平,分析iloprost影响胚胎发育的机制。结果显示,最佳的添加方案为,在受精后48h加入2.0μmol.L-1 iloprost,胚胎囊胚发育率(28%)和囊胚细胞数(49.42)显著高于(P<0.05)对照组的囊胚发育率(16%)和囊胚细胞数(28.22);添加iloprost后,胚胎脂肪酸降解速度也显著加快(P<0.05),脂肪酸代谢相关基因cox2、creb、pparδ、cpt2的表达量上升,糖代谢相关基因pdk表达量无显著变化。结果表明,PGI2类似物iloprost可以促进胚胎降解脂肪酸,为胚胎发育提供能量,提高了胚胎体外发育能力。  相似文献   

南京某地犬场爆发一起尿石症,其发病率为34.44%(62/180),致死率为45.16%(28/62),且发病持续时间较长。B超探查病犬肾脏和膀胱内出现点状或团块状强回声,表明有晶体存在;组织学检查,肾脏沉积的结晶体导致肾组织变性;患病犬的尿液和生化指标显示肾功能障碍;对结石成分进行扫描电镜观察,结晶体多呈球状,表明为黄嘌呤结石。  相似文献   

辽宁绒山羊胎儿发育的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解辽宁绒山羊胎儿期的发育过程对于指导其妊娠期和出生后饲养管理及培育具有重要意义。本研究分别对妊娠后45、60、75、90、105、135 d的辽宁绒山羊胎儿外形、体尺、体重及部分器官发育速度进行了测定,结果表明:辽宁绒山羊的胎儿在45日龄时已经具备其固有体型;135日龄时其形态、机体的所有器官均已发育完全;135日龄的胎儿体重、体尺已经接近出生羔羊;胎儿在90 d胎龄前,绝对增重不大,但相对体重增长快速;90 d胎龄后绝对增重加快,尤其是120d胎龄后,日增重可达40~80 g,说明辽宁绒山羊与其他羊一样,胎儿发育主要以后3个月为主;胎儿器官的发育速度与相应器官的生理机能是密切相关的,凡是代谢旺盛的器官均优先发育;胎儿的粗毛在105d时已全部生长于皮肤之外,而胎儿绒则是在120 d开始出现,在135 d时能够覆盖全身。  相似文献   

Recent systematic reviews have highlighted the lack of quality information with respect to the epidemiology of equine laminitis. The objectives of this study were to identify in Denmark, the risk factors for new (i.e., not believed to have suffered from laminitis previously) cases of laminitis (NL) and to look at the outcome and incidence of repeated episodes of laminitis in these animals as well as those which had previously suffered an episode of laminitis (i.e., chronic cases) over the following 12 months. Information was obtained from 110 veterinary diagnosed cases of laminitis (69 new and 41 chronic) and 80 control animals (the next nonlaminitic horse/pony seen by that participating practice). All animals were followed for up to 1 year. Univariable and multivariable conditional logistic regression was conducted for the NL case-control pairs. Variables were retained within the final multivariable models if the likelihood ratio P value was <.05. There was no association between sex or gender and laminitis. A recent change of grass, being on what was considered high-quality grass and being a cold-blooded type, <149 cm (i.e., Shetland, Fell, Welsh, or Dartmoor pony, Icelandic horse, Norwegian fjords, or a mix of these breeds) were all significant risk factors for laminitis. Although cresty neck score and body condition score were significantly associated with NL at the univariable screening stage, they were found to be confounders of breed and each other during the multivariable model building process. Other factors such as weight and estimated starch intake were not found to be significant. Thirty-three percent of all the laminitis cases had been humanely destroyed within 12 months of diagnosis, mainly for laminitis-associated reasons, compared with only 7.5% of the controls (none for laminitis associated reasons). This study confirms the importance of grass turnout and breed on laminitis risk. Horses in work at the time of diagnosis as well as those diagnosed in the winter and spring were more likely to be humanely destroyed within the next 12 months than those not in work or diagnosed in the autumn and summer.  相似文献   

实验用TYH、T6两种培养液做为精子获能培养液和受精培养液进行了金黄地鼠的体外受精。用经获能培养的精子分别与具卵丘和去卵丘的卵子进行受精培养。结果在TYH中分别得到了27.5%和33.3%的受精率。在T6中得到了47.2%和26.3%的受精率;用未经获能培养的精子分别与具卵丘和不具卵丘卵子进行受精培养,结果在TYH中得到了41.8%和7.1%的受精,在T6中得到了48.5%和57.7%的受精率。实验结果说明:(1)适用于小鼠体外受精的培养液T6和TYH并不适合于金黄地鼠,其主要原因是不能使精子有效获能;(2)卵丘细胞的存在有使受精率提高的趋势;(3)来自不同公鼠的精子的受精能力差异很大,进行体外受精时必须严格挑选公鼠  相似文献   

我国很多养猪场的妊娠母猪采取群养方式,群养模式具有节约空间和提高福利水平的优点,但与单体栏饲养模式相比,人们可能还会考虑群养模式下的妊娠母猪生产性能、争斗和健康等方面,此外,我们也发现在母猪生产力、肢蹄问题、和福利等方面得出决定性结论的文献也比较少,因此,本文主要描述了群养模式下不同给料方式、地面质量和垫料等因素对妊娠母猪行为、生理、损伤、免疫和繁殖性能等方面的影响并结合我们多年的生产实践经验,提出了一系列实践性的建议,目的是提高当前我国群养模式下的妊娠母猪生产力和福利水平。  相似文献   

Four farms that group-housed sows from 2 weeks of lactation until weaning (G-farms) and 3 farms that kept the sows individually penned throughout the 5 to 6-week-long lactation period (C-farms), were compared in terms of sow health. All sows were crossbred Swedish Yorkshire × Swedish Landrace. The daily food ration was similar on all farms except during the group-housing period, when G-farm sows were fed ad libitum. Sows were grouped in the breeding section and kept grouped on deep litter in the dry sow section on all farms. Individual health examinations were performed at the time of weaning (±4 days) on 179 G-farm sows and on 167 C-farm sows. Teat- and udder skin wounds occurred less frequently (p<0.001) in G-farm sows than in C-farm sows. In addition, preweaning atrophy of all mammary glands occurred in 6.6% of the G-farm-sows but not in a single C-farm sow (p<0.001). This indicates that sow-piglet interactions decrease when sows are group housed. However, these differences did not occur in primiparous sows, suggesting that the relation between the primiparous sow and her litter is not affected. Mastitis frequency was the same in the 2 systems. Moreover, the frequency of locomotor disorders was the same in the 2 groups, and hoof overgrowth was common in both systems. These similarities could be due to the fact that all farms group housed dry sows on deep litter. A strong relation (p<0.001) between hoof overgrowth and locomotor disorders was evident. Low access to food due to low rank among primiparous group-housed sows was indicated by a lower (p<0.05) backfat thickness compared with multiparous sows, and a higher (p<0.001) frequency of skin wounds compared with individually housed primiparous sows.  相似文献   

家蚕性连锁平衡致死系雌性胚胎的组织形态学初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了调查家蚕性连锁平衡致死系中Z染色体携带致死基因l2的雌性胚子(简称l2胚子)致死的时间和原因,收集家蚕性连锁平衡致死系品种平2不同胚胎发育时期的雌性黑卵,解剖获取胚胎后用光学显微镜对不同发育时期的l2胚子进行组织形态学观察。形态观察可见l2胚子在胚胎发育早期和能正常发育的雌性胚子没有区别,但l2胚子发育至晚期的己2期,约有一半胚子的体表未能正常着色,因此推断那些仍没有正常着色的胚子即为致死的l2胚子。通过胚胎的半薄切片观察发现,己2期l2胚子的组织器官结构完整,与正常发育的雌性胚子之间无明显的差异。观察结果提示:l2胚子死亡可能不是由于胚胎组织结构异常造成的,有可能是在己2期胚子停滞发育致死。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and inbreeding effect on the fertility, embryo mortality and hatchability traits in the Zatorska goose covered by the animal genetic resources conservation program. The material for this study contains information about results of hatching of 18 863 eggs from 721 dams and 168 sires, laid between 1998–2015. Genetic parameters were estimated based on the threshold animal model by the use of Restricted Maximum Likelihood and Gibbs sampling. The percentage of fertilized eggs ranged yearly between 37–80%. The percentage of embryo mortality was very low, ranging between 4.63–23.73%. The percentage of the hatched goslings from the total number of analyzed eggs was on average 33.18%, and 53.72% from fertilized eggs. On average based on both methods, the heritability estimates of the fertility, embryo mortality and hatchability reached 0.36, 0.07, 0.24 for males and 0.44, 0.11, 0.32 for females. The genetic trend had increasing tendency for fertility and hatchability and was stable for embryo mortality for both sexes. The obtained result shows that the Zatorska goose can be still maintained in the reserves of the local gene pool according to current rules and use in the local market as a breed with good reproductive potential.  相似文献   

合作猪异地生长性能的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对异地饲养合作猪不同阶段体重的测定分析结果表明,合作猪体重的增长与月龄呈线性生长模式,绝对生长曲线呈钟状对称分布,在3~4月龄达到最大值242.563 g;相对生长曲线随月龄呈下降趋势,符合生物生长机理,其生长发育表现出良好的异地适应性和生长潜能。  相似文献   

主要探讨无卵丘水牛卵母细胞体外成熟的可行性,以便为研究卵母细胞成熟机理提供模型。无卵丘的水牛卵母细胞随机分为5组,然后分别进行直接成熟培养(M1),与卵丘细胞单层共培养(M2),用未扩展的卵丘细胞块包围培养(M3),与扩展的卵丘细胞团共培养(M4)和用卵巢组织包围培养(M5)。无卵丘的水牛卵母细胞体外成熟培养24 h后检查第一极体(PB1)排出率,随后对这些卵母细胞进行孤雌激活,评定其成熟质量。结果发现,M4组的第一极体排出率明显高于M1组和M5组,其它各组间没有显著差异(P〉0.05);M5组的孤雌激活卵裂率显著低于M1组和M4组(P〈0.05),而与M2组和M3组没有显著差异(P〉0.05),但M3和M4两组的囊胚发育率显著高于M1组和M5组(P〈0.05)。这些研究结果表明:(1)未扩展卵丘细胞包围法和扩展卵丘细胞团支撑法可促进无卵丘水牛卵母细胞的体外成熟,但与卵丘细胞单层共培养没有作用;(2)卵巢组织包围培养不利于水牛卵母细胞的体外成熟。  相似文献   

为探究母猪窝产仔数与胎次关系及降低断奶前仔猪死亡率,对江苏某规模猪场2020年2—5月分娩母猪的胎次结构、产仔情况和断奶前仔猪的死亡情况进行初步统计分析.结果表明,疾病引起的仔猪死亡数占总死亡数的21.5%,管理不善引起的仔猪死亡数占9.87%,断奶前仔猪死亡率随胎次增加呈上升趋势,第3胎次仔猪与第6、7和8胎次仔猪的...  相似文献   

以添加抗菌素的mCZB液为对照组,筛选比较了中药有效成分小檗碱不同浓度对小鼠2-细胞胚胎体外培养效果的影响,并计数所培养的孵化胚胎细胞数目,观察中药有效成分对胚胎细胞数目增殖的作用;通过将体外培养发育的囊胚进行移植,进一步验证其对小鼠胚胎移植效果和产仔发育的影响。结果表明:小檗碱最佳浓度为0.10μg/mL,120h孵化胚胎发育率和孵化胚胎细胞数目(89.9%,83.7±9.10)极显著高于对照组(50.7%,69.5±7.14)(P<0.01);小檗碱组培养囊胚移植妊娠率(66.7%)和离窝成活率(55.8%)均显著高于对照组(50.0%,45.2%)(P<0.05),其组间产仔率、初产仔鼠平均体重、离窝小鼠平均体重无显著差异(P>0.05)。其结果说明,小檗碱对体外胚胎生长发育和细胞增殖有促进作用,对胚胎附植及初生仔鼠无不良影响。  相似文献   

应用红细胞C_3b受体(RBC-C_3bR)花环和红细胞免疫复合物(RBC-IC)花环试验对西宁地区饲养的35例黑白花奶牛,20例80日龄左右的荣昌猪及6例藏犬的红细胞免疫功能,分别进行了检测。结果证明被测三种动物的红细胞膜上均具有C_3bR,并测得RBC-C_3bR及RBC-IC的花环百分率分别为:牛9.34±6.14%及6.49±3.14%,猪4.35±1.08%及2.35±1.1%,藏犬3.59±0.48%及1.34±0.33%。从而证明红细胞免疫系统(RCIS)亦适用于黑白花奶牛、荣昌猪及藏犬等动物。文中还对黑白花奶牛血清中红细胞免疫粘附(RCIA)促进因子和抑制因子进行了探讨。  相似文献   

赖草属几种植物幼胚离体培养研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
以大赖草、欧滨麦、野麦、窄颖赖草、赖草和羊草为材料,在离体培养条件下对幼胚的发育进行了研究.结果表明,6种赖草属植物的幼胚在不含任何激素的培养基上能够直接发育成完整小植株,幼胚发芽率因物种而异,其中羊草最高,发芽率达到98.8%.当幼胚被培养在减半的N6培养基上时,发芽率普遍降低.在N6培养基或在减半的N6培养基上,幼胚均没有发生脱分化现象.相反,在含有2,4-D的培养基上,91.7%~93.5%的羊草幼胚发生了脱分化,从脱分化的愈伤组织里出现了少量再生芽.这些结果对禾本科牧草幼胚的发育研究具有重要参考价值,对羊草等多年生牧草的杂交育种具有潜在利用价值.  相似文献   

为建立稳定高效的活体采卵-体外受精技术体系,提高体外胚胎生产效率,本研究先利用屠宰场采集的新鲜卵巢卵母细胞进行体外受精,通过胚胎发育潜力来筛选最佳的体外胚胎培养液;再进一步研究不同种公牛精液和供卵母牛对活体采卵-体外受精效率的影响。结果显示,CR1aa培养液和mCR1aa培养液卵裂率差异不显著(P>0.05),但mCR1aa组的囊胚发育率显著提高(28.1% vs 20.6%,P<0.05);选取的3头荷斯坦种公牛精液的活体采卵-体外受精胚胎的卵裂率差异不显著(P>0.05),但1号种公牛精液体外受精后囊胚率(38.7%)显著高于2号和3号(23.8%&22.9%)(P<0.05);随机选择的3头活体采卵供体母牛(H1、H2、H3)获得的头均可用卵母细胞数无显著差异,但H1和H2供体母牛体外受精胚胎的卵裂率和囊胚率均显著高于H3供体牛(P<0.05),且H1供体牛体外受精囊胚率显著高于H2供体牛(P<0.05)。结果表明,mCR1aa培养液能显著提高体外受精囊胚发育率,适用于体外胚胎生产;种公牛精液和供体母牛个体差异会直接影响活体采卵-体外受精胚胎的生产效率,为奶牛活体采卵-体外受精生产技术体系的优化提供参考。  相似文献   

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