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中棉所88(原代号中292185)是由中国农业科学院棉花研究所以品系293为母本、以奥3503为父本培育的杂交组合。该组合2010—2011年参加甘肃省早熟棉品种区域试验,2012年参加甘肃省早熟棉生产试验,2013年1月通过甘肃省农作物品种审定委员会审定并命名为中棉所88,审定编号为甘审棉2013003。  相似文献   

中棉所29自1997年开始在浙西黄土丘陵进行试种示范,表现为抗棉铃虫红铃虫性能强。抗病性好,产量高。纤维品质优,经济效苴显著,是丘陵棉区推广的理想品种。2000年种植面积520hm^2,现中棉所29已成为该地主栽品种之一。  相似文献   

在中棉所30苗期、蕾期分两次喷施细胞分裂素,能明显加快棉花前期营养生长,增大叶片面积,增加果枝数、单株结桃数及铃重,增产幅度达17.28%。  相似文献   

介绍中棉所96B的特征特性、产量表现、纤维品质、抗病性等及主要栽培技术措施.  相似文献   

介绍优质、丰产、转抗虫基因常规棉新品种中棉所119的选育过程、特征特性、适宜种植区域及栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

为了充分发挥中棉所74在甘肃棉区的增产潜力,通过2011~2013年在甘肃棉区试验示范的基础上,于2014年继续开展了密度及配套化控措施的试验研究。结果表明:在165000株/hm2密度水平下,采取前期不化控,打顶后喷施缩节胺75 g/hm2,其皮棉产量最高,达2413.5 kg/hm2,并总结出中棉所74在甘肃棉区的高产栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

总结了优质抗虫棉中棉所76在鲁西南地区与大蒜套作种植技术,包括种植模式、播种、肥水管理、病虫害防治等关键技术。  相似文献   

介绍优质、丰产、转抗虫基因常规棉新品种中棉所119的选育过程、特征特性、适宜种植区域及栽培技术要点。  相似文献   

中棉所72(原代号中696)为中国农业科学院棉花研究所和生物技术研究所共同培育的双价转基因抗虫杂交棉新品种,2009年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。近3年在湖北、湖南、安徽、江苏等省广泛试验,多点示范,中棉所72表现为出苗好,苗期生长势强,蕾期长势稳,后期不早衰;生育期125d,  相似文献   

介绍了转基因夏播棉品种中棉所97的亲本来源、选育过程、特征特性以及栽培技术要点。  相似文献   


Aromatic rice variety, Mentikwangi, was crossed with high-yielding upland rice variety, Poso, and the pedigree was selected to obtain lines with high yielding and aromatic characters. The objectives of the research were to study the yield stability of aromatic upland genotypes across different locations and to select aromatic upland rice genotypes having wide adaptability, and or specific location adaptability. Yield stability of genotypes was estimated by using regression lines proposed by Finlay and Wilkinson. Some genotypes showed high yield stability and wide adaptability in different locations, and others showed good adaptability to a specific location. The lines having high yield stability and wide adaptability were G10 (405 g m-2), G19 (400 g m-2), G39 (418 g m-2), and G136 (411 g m-2), which may be considered as candidates of new aromatic upland rice cultivars. Situpatenggang had specific adaptability at the fertile locations; and Poso and G13 at the infertile locations. Genotype x location interactions for the yield and its components performance were observed.  相似文献   

通过4年的小区对比试验和大面积示范推广,掌握了新陆中54号的特征特性及主要经济性状,获得了籽棉产量10500 kg/hm2的高产典型,探索出适合该品种在南疆棉区栽培相配套的高产栽培技术措施,为生产上推广应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):369-372

The yielding ability of a new rice cultivar Akisayaka was compared with that of a standard rice cultivar Yumehikari. The refined grain yield was 9% larger in Akisayaka than in Yumehikari since Akisayaka had more panicles and spikelets per unit area but had a similar percentage of ripened grain. Although the leaf area index (LAI) in Akisayaka was similar to that in Yumehikari, the leaf area of the flag leaf per unit area of Akisayaka was smaller than that of Yumehikari at the full heading stage. This indicates that Akisayaka had a larger number of smaller upper leaves than Yumehikari. The refined grain weight of Akisayaka was similar to that of Yumehikari at 30 days after heading. This implies that the plant type of Akisayaka is not so important for increasing dry matter production from early to middle ripening period although small upper leaves seems to suppress overluxuriant growth. Accordingly the most important factor for the high yield of Akisayaka was considered to exist in the late ripening stage. The refined grain weight of Akisayaka increased more rapidly than that of Yumehikari from 30 to 45 days after heading. In addition, the leaf chlorophyll content estimated with chlorophyll meter (SPAD) and top dry weight of Akisayaka exceeded those of Yumehikari at the late ripening stage. These results suggest that the large number of spikelets per unit area and the continuation of sink and source ability during the late ripening stage caused the high yielding ability of Akisayaka.  相似文献   

2014-2016年连续3年对安徽省淮北生态区种植短季棉与种植玉米或大豆的投入产出情况进行了比较分析。结果表明:种植棉花(短季棉)的单位面积总产出为18 245元·hm-2,高于种植玉米或大豆等粮食作物。但种植棉花的物化成本为7 050元·hm-2,比种植玉米多3 000元·hm-2,比种植大豆多4 275元·hm-2;劳动力成本为18 900元·hm-2,比玉米生产多9 300元·hm-2,比大豆生产多11 700元·hm-2。种植棉花的纯利润为-8 575元·hm-2,比种植玉米纯利润低9 805元·hm-2,比种植大豆纯利润低10 630元·hm-2;种植棉花的投入产出比为1︰0.68,低于种植玉米或大豆的投入产出比。根据比较分析结果,提出了降低棉花生产成本、提高植棉总产出的技术措施。  相似文献   

概述了中棉所125的选育过程、特征特性、产量、品质、抗性及栽培技术。  相似文献   

利用2011—2013年大理州大麦品种区域试验结果,以S500为对照,通过比较产量增幅、稳定性参数、变异系数、回归系数和高稳系数分析饲料大麦新品种凤03-39的产量及对环境适应的稳定性。稳定性参数法、变异系数法和高稳系数法分析均显示,与S500相比,凤03-39具有较高的丰产性和稳产性;而回归系数法得出凤03-39较S500稳定性较差,可能因为回归系数法对样本容量要求较高,导致其分析结果与其它方法所得结果出现差异,但总体趋势表明凤03-39具有高产性,这有利于该品种在适宜区进行示范推广。  相似文献   

针对现行国家标准规定的棉花含杂率标准值不能够准确反映我国实际棉花含杂率现状的问题,课题组制定调研方案,通过对西北内陆棉区手摘棉和机采棉不同轧花工艺的棉花进行取样、测试、统计其含杂率样本,采用SPSS统计分析软件,计算样本均值与标准差,分析含杂率样本的集中趋势和离散趋势。对样本进行K-S检验,判断样本是否符合正态分布;对于符合正态分布的样本,计算样本的偏度与峰度,分析样本分布形态与标准正态分布形态的差异。通过分析,确定了西北内陆棉区手摘棉棉花含杂率样本均值为1.124%,机采棉棉花含杂率样本均值为1.184%。在西北内陆棉区,虽然子棉加工前棉花含杂率差异较大,但在不同的轧花工艺作用下,加工后的棉花含杂率基本一致。此外,在手摘棉轧花工艺中,皮棉清理对棉花含杂率的降低起主导作用;在机采棉轧花工艺中,子棉清理对棉花含杂率的降低起主导作用。  相似文献   

通过短季棉鲁棉532覆膜晚播和无膜晚播种植模式与春棉鲁棉258常规种植模式进行比较,探索适宜山东黄河三角洲地区气候地理条件的短季棉最佳种植模式,为大面积推广短季棉种植模式提供依据。结果表明,短季棉覆膜晚播种植模式对促进生长、增产、增效效果不突出;短季棉无膜晚播种植模式比其他模式可明显减少管理用工,降低植棉投入,比覆膜晚播效益略高,比春棉产量和效益均降低。建议采用短季棉无膜晚播与黑麦草(饲草)连作模式在黄河三角洲地区大面积推广,以提高短季棉的种植效益。  相似文献   

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