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电影具有两个信息磁道——声音和视像。单纯的图像具有信息集成的特征,具有多义性和模糊性。电影在视觉化的叙事中加入言语的因素,言语与视像同步进行两种叙述使电影实现了讲述复杂故事的可能。电影中的声音可分为同声、画内音、画外音三种。声音叙事在整个电影叙事中的功能主要有命名、链接镜头与场景、讲述视像之外的行动与事件。声音叙事的出现与发展弥补了单纯的视像叙事所具有的缺陷,同时,声音叙事又常常超越视觉画面的讲述,大大增加了电影叙事的丰富性与复杂性。  相似文献   

拟从认知语言学、认知心理学、语用学的视角,纵观国内外学者对词汇习得理论的研究,分析如何在非真实语境下发展学习者的词汇输出能力,拓展有待被激活的词汇语用-语义功能,解析语言输出的推导模式,分析词汇知识的内化过程,结合母语词汇习得和二语习得的心理词汇特征及语用方面的交互作用,从学习者的愉悦感和趣味性为起点,提高使用英语词汇输出的语用效果。  相似文献   

阅读在本质上具有交际功能 ,是提高语言能力的基础。在抓好精读的同时 ,必须重视泛读。阅读课的重要任务是扩大词汇和培养语感。精读课还要兼顾听、说、写、译能力的培养。本文就大学英语教学中的能力培养问题提出自己的看法  相似文献   

由于东西方人思维方式的差异,表现在语言上,英汉两种语言的表达方式有很大差别。汉语句子重意合,英语句子重形合;汉语句子主题显著,英语句子主语显著;汉语句子多用主动语态,英语句子多用被动语态。翻译时应把握其思维方式和语言特点。  相似文献   

演讲是融情、言、声、义、态于一体的综合艺术。在演讲过程中,要涉及到有声语言、态势语言的交叉表达,生理、心理的表征体现,风度气质的真实展示,情感的控制与运用等。因此进行演讲时,必须宏观把握、全面控制,力求做到立体协调、动静互见、雅趣共济、坦诚相向。  相似文献   

通过对大量科技期刊论文中英文摘要的分析,得出英文摘要的主要语言特点为常用被动语态和第3人称,多用半技术词、一般现在时和一般过去时等。最后文章从4个方面就摘要写作常用句型及其模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文以现代翻译理论为依据,结合英汉两种语言的特点,运用实例阐述了林业科技英语文献翻译的方法,内容包括词义的理解及引申,介词的理解与翻译,语法分析手段,主动与被动的正反处理等。  相似文献   

为了活跃英语课堂教学气氛,提出了一种实用性的教学方法———Wh question。该方法容易使用,有助于培养学生的听、说、写的技能。英语教学中教师较为棘手的问题是学生多且英语水平不一,教师在语言训练过程中就很难调动每一个学生的思维注意力。很难使每个学生都得到充分的展示。简单易行的Wh question方法得到了全体同学,特别是基础差的同学的喜欢。此方法不仅可用于英语听说技能的教学,也可用于英语词汇、课文讲解、英文写作的教学  相似文献   

通过多年的英语口语教学实践和研究,对如何提高大学英语口语教学,提出了一套行之有效的教学改革措施。  相似文献   

Learning a language requires both statistical computations to identify words in speech and algebraic-like computations to discover higher level (grammatical) structure. Here we show that these computations can be influenced by subtle cues in the speech signal. After a short familiarization to a continuous speech stream, adult listeners are able to segment it using powerful statistics, but they fail to extract the structural regularities included in the stream even when the familiarization is greatly extended. With the introduction of subliminal segmentation cues, however, these regularities can be rapidly captured.  相似文献   

英语教学应重视我们同英语国家社会文化差异的研究。在特定的场合使用恰当的语言,首先必须了解对方的语言交际习惯和标准。  相似文献   

Hearing subjects unfamiliar with American Sign Language and deaf native signers made triadic comparisons of movements of the hands and arms isolated from American Sign Language. Clustering and scaling of subjects' judgments revealed different psychological representations of movement form for deaf and hearing observerd. Linguistically relevant dimensions acquired modified salience for users ofa visual-gestural language. The data indicate that the modification of natural perceptual categories after language acquisition is not bound to a particular transmission modality, but rather can be a more general consequence of acquiring a formal linguistic system.  相似文献   

Skilled readers use information about which letters are where in a word (orthographic information) in order to access the sounds and meanings of printed words. We asked whether efficient processing of orthographic information could be achieved in the absence of prior language knowledge. To do so, we trained baboons to discriminate English words from nonsense combinations of letters that resembled real words. The results revealed that the baboons were using orthographic information in order to efficiently discriminate words from letter strings that were not words. Our results demonstrate that basic orthographic processing skills can be acquired in the absence of preexisting linguistic representations.  相似文献   

Is calculation possible without language? Or is the human ability for arithmetic dependent on the language faculty? To clarify the relation between language and arithmetic, we studied numerical cognition in speakers of Mundurukú, an Amazonian language with a very small lexicon of number words. Although the Mundurukú lack words for numbers beyond 5, they are able to compare and add large approximate numbers that are far beyond their naming range. However, they fail in exact arithmetic with numbers larger than 4 or 5. Our results imply a distinction between a nonverbal system of number approximation and a language-based counting system for exact number and arithmetic.  相似文献   

外语学习实际上就是一个文化学习,要学好外语就必须了解目的语文化,尤其要熟悉本族语和目的语文化之间的差异,本文试从文化角度分析了英汉词汇文化意蕴的对比,对成功进行跨文化交际有重要意义。  相似文献   

计算机多媒体课件不仅具有容量大、速度快,处理和提供信息的范围广,而且还具有交互性和智能性的特点,利用文字、图像、声音、动画等各种手段为学生创造一个较为理想的学习环境,充分调动学生的视听说等方面的潜在能力,使学生充分发挥认知主体的作用,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

语言的输入和输出对学生英语学习效果产生直接的影响,在开展大学英语听说教学的 过程中,要注意将语言输入输出假说作为理论基础进行系统的探究,为英语听说实践教学活动 的开展提供科学指导,增强教学组织效果。本文在简要分析语言输入输出假说与大学英语听说 教学现状的基础上,提出了语言输入输出假说在大学英语听说教学方面的应用,旨在全面提高 教学有效性,促进学生英语语言技能的多元化发展。  相似文献   

听力课在英语基础阶段教学中占有重要地位,但是如何才能上好听力课,本文结合英语听力课的特点进行分析,以听带说,培养学生的思维与表达,使听力课充分发挥其功效达到进行得体交流的目的。  相似文献   

方言存在异读是一种普遍现象,从歙县许村方言[1]的实际情况看,其异读情况主要有四种表现形式:一是文白异读,二是元音内部屈折变化,三是变调,四是在语音发展中产生的合音现象。而音变则是在语流中由于音节的相互影响而产生的语音变化,从许村方言看,主要是清入与平、上、去三声结合而产生的变化。严格意义上说,它不属于异读,是与异读有本质区别的语音变化形式。对于这两种现象的研究,对于揭示方言语音与中古音韵的联系具有一定的意义。尤其是方言语音内部元音的屈折变化的研究,对于中古汉语是否存在形态变化更具有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   

Smallholder producers are the collective most likely to be affected by the introduction of GMOs globally, yet the least included in public debates and consultation about the development, implementation or regulation of this agricultural biotechnology. Why are the voices and arguments of smallholder farmers being excluded from national and international GM debates and regulation? In this article, we identify barriers which prevent smallholder farmers in Mexico from having a voice in public political, economic, scientific and social fori regarding the GM maize controversy. Through the analysis of empirical data from a case study in Mexico, we identify political, institutional, economic and ontological reasons that lie behind that exclusion. We conclude with an appraisal of smallholder farmers’ perspectives on GM maize and their visions of Mexico’s rural future, within which they demand a meaningful and rightful space.  相似文献   

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