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选用济南17、鲁麦22、泰山021三个产量水平相近,品质不同的冬小麦品种,利用15N同位素示踪技术研究氮素吸收运转特性及其与子粒蛋白质含量的关系。结果表明,小麦植株一生所吸收的氮素,72.51%~73.57%来自土壤氮,26.43%~27.49%来自肥料氮;其中11.43%来自底施氮,15.60%来自追施氮。开花期肥料氮和土壤氮在济南17中的积累量最高,泰山021最低,鲁麦22介于其间。开花后营养器官中积累的氮素向子粒转移,对子粒氮素积累的贡献为叶片>茎+叶鞘>颖壳+穗轴,品种间比较,鲁麦22转移率最高,泰山021最低,济南17介于其间。基于以上生理原因,鲁麦22最终获得最高子粒蛋白质含量。  相似文献   

锌肥对作物产量、子粒锌及土壤有效锌含量的后效   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1992年一1998年在河南新乡缺锌褐土进行了微区定位试验,研究施锌对作物和土壤的长期效应。结果表明:施锌提高第一茬作物小麦的分蘖数、穗数、穗长和第二茬作物玉米的穗长、穗粒数和粒重,从而显著增加小麦和玉米产量。不同用量的锌对作物产量影响末及显著差异水平。施锌对作物产量的后效不明显,最多能维持两茬作物。施锌显著提高土壤有效锌含量,尽管施用锌肥,经过4茬之后,土壤有效锌含量仍维持在临界值之上,但作物产量没有多大影响。施锌显著提高前2茬小麦和前3茬玉米子粒中锌含量。  相似文献   

在大田栽培条件下,运用15N示踪技术研究了不同施氮量和底追肥比例对小麦氮素利用和子粒产量及蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明,施用氮肥提高了小麦植株的氮素积累量、子粒产量、蛋白质含量和蛋白质产量。相同施氮量条件下增加追肥氮的比例,提高了氮肥农学利用率和吸收利用率,增加了植株地上部器官(子粒+营养器官)中追肥氮、土壤氮的积累量,提高了营养器官中氮素的转运量和开花后氮素的同化量,增加了子粒蛋白质含量。相同的氮素底追肥比例条件下,将240.kg/hm2施氮量降至168.kg/hm2的处理,氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率、氮肥偏生产力提高,子粒中土壤氮的积累量增加,植株地上部器官中土壤氮的积累量亦增加,开花后氮素同化量提高,子粒蛋白质含量增加。各施氮处理间子粒产量无显著差异。在本试验条件下,施氮量为168.kg/hm2且全部于拔节期追施是兼顾产量、品质和效益的优化处理。  相似文献   

锌离子活度对水稻幼苗锌吸收分配的影响及基因型差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用卜HEDTA螯合缓冲营养液,在4个锌水平(pZn2+即-log[Zn2+])分别为11.4、11.0、10.3和9.7下对锌营养效率不同的4个水稻基因型[IR8192、IR26、BY(碧玉早糯)、Z921(浙农921)]进行营养液培养试验,研究水稻幼苗对Zn吸收、转运和利用规律。结果表明,随着锌离子活度下降,各水稻基因型的锌累积量下降,锌从地下部向地上部的转运率提高,锌利用效率提高,且各基因型间差异显著。在锌离子活度较低时,耐低锌基因型(IR8192)锌养分利用效率和提高养分利用率的能力要远远高于锌敏感基因型IR26和子粒富锌基因型BY;在锌离子活度较高时,水稻子粒富锌基因型BY有较强的锌富集能力,具有较高的秧苗锌累积量,这可能是其子粒富锌的主要机理之一;利用苗期营养性状筛选子粒富锌水稻基因型效果可能较好。  相似文献   

磷素子粒生产效率不同品种的小麦磷素吸收利用差异   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
盆栽试验研究了130份小麦不同生育时期的干物重、磷素含量、子粒产量等指标,采用组内最小平方和的动态聚类方法将供试品种按磷素子粒生产效率从低到高依次分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ 6个类型,研究不同类型磷素吸收利用的差异。结果表明: 1)供试品种的磷素子粒生产效率差异较大(CV=1660%),Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ和Ⅵ类品种的平均磷素子粒生产效率为P 13629、15167、16916、18589、20132、24466 g/g。子粒产量随磷素子粒生产效率提高呈增加趋势(r=03203**)。2)不同生育时期,小麦植株磷浓度与吸磷量类型间差异显著或极显著。成熟期磷素子粒生产效率与植株磷浓度极显著正相关(r=06969**),子粒产量与抽穗期、成熟期植株吸磷量显著或极显著相关(r=02966*、r=09271**)。3)不同生育时期磷素干物质生产效率的类间差异均达显著水平; 成熟期磷素干物质生产效率与磷素子粒生产效率极显著正相关 (r=07391**)。4)拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期干物重均表现出随磷素子粒生产效率增加而增加的趋势,成熟期尤为突出。拔节期成熟期磷素吸收量是影响子粒产量形成的重要因素,磷素子粒生产效率高的品种在拔节期后有较强干物质和子粒产量形成能力。  相似文献   

锌肥对旱稻苗期锌吸收分配和干物质积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探明旱稻锌吸收分配的规律,本试验通过对两个早稻供试品种(旱稻502和巴两陆稻)进行不同供锌水平(0.0、0.1、0.5、2.5、5.0、10.0mg/kg)处理的盆栽试验,研究了锌肥供给水平对旱稻锌吸收分配和千物质积累的影响。结果表明:在适宜锌用量范围内,随着施锌量的增加,供试品种地上部于物重均呈增加趋势。其中在Zn 5.0mg/kg水平下,早稻502和巴西陆稻地上部生物量达到最大值。但过多锌肥对旱稻生长有抑制作用。在外界锌源充足条件下,早稻对锌的吸收积累表现为奢侈吸收,多余的锌分配主要贮存在叶鞘中。从总体上看,根和叶鞘中的锌含量明显比叶片中的高,并且随着锌肥供给水平的增加,根和叶鞘中的锌含量上升显著,而叶片锌含量则增加相对缓慢。  相似文献   

Fe^2+和Mn^2+对水稻锌吸收与运转的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水培试验结果表明,Fe^2+、Mn^2+对水稻锌的吸收和运转有明显的影响。高浓度Fe^2+或Mn^2+(5μg/g)显著降低水稻吸锌量、抑制锌由根向茎、叶的运转。稻株生物量与叶片Fe/Zn比值或Mn/Zn比值有明显折负相关关系,在叶片Fe/Zn〉8或Mn/Zn〉26时,水稻生物量明显降低。造成水稻缺锌的主要原因是土壤有效锌含量低,而高浓度Fe^2+和Mn^2+是诱发和加重水稻缺锌的重要条件。因此在  相似文献   

【目的】 明确旱地条件下高产小麦品种籽粒锌含量差异与产量构成及锌吸收利用的关系,对通过品种选育和施肥调控提高旱地小麦籽粒产量和锌营养,实现小麦高产优质生产有重要意义。 【方法】 于2013—2016年连续三年在黄土高原典型旱地进行了小麦裂区田间试验。 以我国主要麦区的123个小麦品种为试材,每个品种设置不施肥和施N 150 kg/hm2、P2O5 100 kg/hm2两个处理。分析了高产小麦籽粒锌含量差异及其与干物质累积、产量构成、锌吸收和分配之间的关系。 【结果】 施肥条件下,高产小麦品种籽粒锌含量存在显著差异,小麦籽粒锌含量与籽粒产量间无显著相关性,但与千粒重、锌吸收量、锌收获指数和籽粒锌形成效率呈显著正相关,与穗粒数呈显著负相关。在高产品种中,无论施肥与否高锌品种的籽粒锌含量均显著高于低锌品种;高锌品种的籽粒锌含量因施肥而显著提高,低锌品种却降低。施肥条件下,高锌品种的籽粒产量、生物量和收获指数与低锌品种相比无显著差异,穗数却显著降低;高锌品种的籽粒锌吸收量、地上部锌吸收量、锌收获指数和籽粒锌形成效率均显著高于低锌品种。且高锌品种的产量、生物量、穗数、穗粒数和锌吸收量因施肥引起的提高幅度均亦显著高于低锌品种。 【结论】 在黄土高原旱地低锌土壤上,无论是品种选育还是施肥调控,促进小麦锌的吸收和向籽粒的转移是提高小麦籽粒锌含量的关键。   相似文献   

试验采用HEDTA螯合缓冲营养液培养法,选用子粒含锌量有明显差异的两个水稻基因型(碧玉早糯和浙农921),采用4种锌离子活度(pZn2+9.7,10.3,11.0,11.4),研究了锌离子活度对水稻产量和子粒锌积累、分配与子粒品质的影响及基因型差异。结果表明,锌离子活度通过对水稻有效穗数、每穗颖花数、结实率和千粒重的影响而显著影响水稻单株产量,其中影响最大的是单株有效穗数,其次是每穗颖花数,而对结实率的影响相对较小,但均存在明显的基因型差异。锌离子活度显著影响水稻子粒锌含量,随锌离子活度下降,水稻子粒含锌量降低,当锌离子活度低于pZn2+10.3时,两基因型水稻的含锌量均显著降低,但基因型间存在明显差异。不论在何种锌离子活度下,碧玉早糯的子粒含锌量均显著高于浙农921。从子粒锌分配看,颖壳、糙米、精米锌含量均随着锌离子活度提高而提高,当pZn2+从10.3升高到9.7时,碧玉早糯的糙米和精米锌含量开始降低,颖壳锌含量则开始超过糙米的锌含量继续升高;而浙农921糙米和精米锌含量的升高幅度较颖壳锌含量小。不同锌离子活度下,糙米和精米锌含量的比值在0.790~.90之间变化,并以pZn2+为9.7时为最小。因此,通过筛选子粒富锌水稻品种来提高稻米锌含量经济可行;通过增加环境锌离子活度,改善水稻的锌营养能显著提高水稻子粒的锌含量。  相似文献   

【目的】明确旱地条件下高产小麦品种籽粒锌含量差异与氮磷钾吸收利用的关系,为品种选育和科学施肥提供依据。【方法】于2013—2016年连续三年在黄土高原旱地进行田间试验,试验采用裂区设计,主处理为不施肥(CK)和施肥(NP),副处理为来自我国主要麦区的123个品种。施肥处理为N 150 kg/hm^2 (尿素,含N46%)、P_2O_5 100 kg/hm^2 (过磷酸钙,含P_2O_5 16%)。成熟期在每个品种中间2行随机抽取30穗小麦,连根拔起后,从根茎结合处剪断弃去根系,分为茎、叶、颖壳(含穗轴)和籽粒,称风干重。分析了样品中氮、磷、钾、锌含量,计算了养分的吸收量及转移量。【结果】施肥条件下高产小麦品种籽粒锌含量存在显著差异,高锌品种比低锌品种显著高54%。高锌品种的籽粒氮、磷含量分别比低锌品种显著高9%、7%,钾含量无显著差异,施肥使两组品种的氮含量显著提高,磷钾含量降低。高产高锌品种具有更高的籽粒和地上部氮、磷吸收能力,钾吸收能力与低锌品种相比无显著差异,施肥可使高锌品种的氮磷钾吸收量增幅高于低锌品种;两组品种间的氮、磷转移能力无显著差异,而高锌品种的钾转移能力较低,且两组品种的氮磷钾转移能力因施肥降低幅度一致。【结论】旱地条件下土壤养分供应充足时,高产高锌小麦品种的氮磷吸收能力强,钾转移能力弱,籽粒氮磷含量高,与低锌品种相比钾含量无显著差异。通过品种选育可同时提高旱地高产小麦籽粒锌和蛋白质含量,并提高磷含量。考虑到磷含量高时会降低籽粒锌的生物有效性,生产中通过施肥措施,适当调控磷肥,增加氮肥,在提高小麦籽粒氮锌含量的同时提高籽粒锌的生物有效性。  相似文献   

Heavy metal uptake, translocation and partitioning differ greatly among plant cultivars and plant parts. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effect of cadmium (Cd) levels (0, 45 and 90 mg kg?1 soil) on dry matter yield, and concentration, uptake and translocation of Cd, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu in seven rice cultivars. Application of 45 mg Cd kg?1 soil decreased root and shoot dry weight. On average, shoot and root Cd concentrations and uptake increased in all cultivars, but micronutrients uptake decreased following the application of 45 mg Cd kg?1. No significant differences were observed between 45 and 90 mg kg?1 Cd levels. On average, Cd treatments resulted in a decrease in Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations in shoots and Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations in roots. Differences were observed in Cd and micronutrient concentrations and uptake among rice cultivars. Translocation factor, defined as the shoot/root concentration ratio indicated that Cu and Fe contents in roots were higher than in shoots. The Mn concentration was much higher in shoots. Zinc concentrations were almost similar in the two organs of rice at 0 and 45 mg Cd kg?1. A higher Cd level, however, led to a decrease in the Zn concentration in shoots.  相似文献   

通过2012年和2013年的盆栽试验,比较了氨基酸锌复合物和硫酸锌对水稻产量性状和锌吸收的影响。结果表明,与施用ZnSO_4相比,在水稻开花期进行叶面喷施氨基酸锌复合物可提高稻谷产量和秸秆产量,最高可达14.54%和10.40%,可使水稻灌浆粒数和千粒重最高增加11.28%和8.92%。试验结果还表明,氨基酸锌复合物在促进水稻锌吸收方面具有积极作用。在2012年试验中,叶面喷施精氨酸锌复合物、甘氨酸锌复合物和谷氨酰胺锌复合物处理水稻的锌表观利用率分别是20.88%、16.26%和19.34%;而ZnSO_4处理的锌表观利用率仅增加8.89%。2013年试验结果与2012年的结果相一致。因此,氨基酸锌复合物是一种更有效的锌肥。  相似文献   

农作物叶片对大气沉降重金属的吸收转运和积累机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,农产品的重金属超标问题已经引起了公众的广泛关注,也是国内外学者研究的热点.要实现农产品重金属污染的有效防控,首先需要解决的就是重金属来源问题.目前已有的研究大多集中在根系对土壤中重金属的吸收机制研究,且已基本探明作物根系对重金属的吸收转运机制,包括根际离子的活化,根细胞的吸附和扩散、跨膜运输,根皮层细胞的横向运...  相似文献   

Although arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could play important roles in zinc (Zn) uptake in host plants, the effects of AMF on Zn uptake and transport in winter wheat during the whole growth stages remain unclear. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of Funneliformis mosseae (Fm) and Claroideoglomus etunicatum (Ce) on Zn absorption, transport, and accumulation in winter wheat growing in soils spiked with different Zn levels (0, 2.5, and 25 mg kg-1). The results showed that there was a significant correlation between mycorrhizal colonization rate and Zn absorption efficiency in winter wheat roots during the post-anthesis period, but there was no significant correlation during the pre-anthesis period. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi significantly increased Zn concentrations (0.56-1.58 times) in wheat grains under 0 mg kg-1 Zn level, but decreased Zn concentrations in wheat grains under 25 mg kg-1 Zn level. Additionally, at the filling and maturity stages, AMF increased Zn absorption rate and the contribution of root Zn uptake to grain Zn by 3-14 and 0.36-0.64 times, respectively, under 0 mg kg-1 Zn level and 0.21-1.02 and 0.27-0.37 times, respectively, under 2.5 mg kg-1 Zn level. However, AMF decreased root Zn absorption rate (0.32-0.61 times) and increased the contribution of Zn remobilization in vegetative tissues to grain Zn (1.69-2.01 times) under 25 mg kg-1 Zn level. This study would complement the mechanisms and effects of AMF on Zn absorption and transport in winter wheat and provide a potential method for the application of AMF to enrich wheat grain Zn.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the residual effect of zinc (Zn) from three Zn chelates (Zn‐aminelignosulfonate, Zn‐AML; Zn‐polyhydroxyphenylcarboxylate, Zn‐PHP; and Zn‐ethylenediaminedisuccinate, Zn‐EDDS), applied at two rates (5 and 10 mg Zn [kg soil]–1, respectively) to a previous crop, for a flax crop (Linum usitatissimum L.). For the greenhouse experiment, two different soils were used: a weakly acidic soil, classified as Typic Haploxeralf (Soilacid), and a calcareous soil, classified as Typic Calcixerept (Soilcalc). Plant availability of soil Zn was evaluated using the DTPA‐triethanolamine (TEA), Mehlich 3, and low‐molecular‐weight organic acids (LMWOAs) methods. Easily leachable Zn was determined, and soil Zn status was characterized based on the Zn distribution in different fractions obtained by a sequential extraction. The Zn reserves after the previous crop were substantial and ranged from 2.85% to 5.61% of available Zn (Mehlich 3‐extractable) with respect to the applied Zn. Plant parameters such as dry‐matter yield, total Zn, and soluble Zn concentrations were measured, and Zn utilization by plants was calculated. In both soils, the highest concentrations of available Zn were associated with the application of Zn‐AML at a rate of 10 mg Zn kg–1. In Soilacid the largest quantity of easily leachable Zn was also observed with Zn‐AML fertilizer. Similarly, Zn‐AML resulted in the highest Zn concentration in flax seeds (229 mg Zn kg–1 and 72 mg Zn kg–1 for the highest rate of Zn application to Soilacid and Soilcalc, respectively). The results suggest that these Zn chelates resulted in a residual effect in soils with appropriate concentrations of the most labile fractions of Zn and available Zn, particularly when Zn‐AML was applied at the highest rate. This chelate was more effective in Soilacid than in Soilcalc. In the weakly acidic soil at the lowest Zn level it was associated with the highest percentage of Zn utilization by the flax plant and the most effective Zn transfer from soil to the plant.  相似文献   

Species or genotypes differ in their zinc use efficiency (ZnUE) under low Zn availability in the soil. Organic acids (OAs) synthetized by plant carboxylate metabolism may play a role in Zn‐deficiency tolerance. The main objective of the present work was to assess the response of two species of great agronomic interest such as Lactuca sativa and Brassica oleracea to Zn deficiency focusing on OAs and carboxylate metabolism. For this, L. sativa and B. oleracea plants were grown in hydroponic culture with two different Zn‐application rates: 10 µM Zn as control and 0.1 µM Zn as deficiency treatment. ZnUE parameters, concentrations of OAs and enzymes of carboxylate metabolism were analyzed. L. sativa showed better Zn uptake efficiency (ZnUpE), while B. oleracea demonstrated better Zn utilization efficiency (ZnUtE). In L. sativa, citrate and oxaloacetate concentrations and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and citrate synthase activities increased, while fumarase and malate dehydrogenase activities declined. In B. oleracea no significant response was found in concentrations of carboxylate metabolism or enzyme activity except for a decrease in fumarase activity. These results suggest that a possible factor that induces the tricarboxylic acid cycle could be the low ZnUtE rather than the low Zn concentration under Zn‐deficiency conditions. In L. sativa citrate, oxaloacetate, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, and citrate synthase may play a key role to face Zn deficiency, while in B. oleracea the higher ZnUtE cannot be explained in terms of a rise in OAs synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary In a greenhouse study we examined the effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) inoculation, using Glomus macrocarpum and of Zn application on dry matter production and Zn uptake by greengram in two mollisols. The VAM inoculation significantly increased the dry weight of different plant parts and the Zn uptake in both soils. Inoculated plants showed a greater response to the application of Zn at 2.5 and 5.0 mg kg-1 soil in a Zn deficient clay loam soil. The inoculated plants also absorbed — more water than the uninoculated plants. Mass flow and diffusion were the principal processes by which Zn reached the plant roots; mass flow was particularly important in the absence of VAM in a sandy soil fertilized with higher Zn doses (5 and 10 mg kg-1 soil). The greater supply of Zn to inoculated roots was attributed to an apparent diffusion process rather than to mass flow of Zn.  相似文献   

To elucidate the mechanisms of tolerance to zinc (Zn) deficiency and Zn toxicity in the root of apple trees, the apple rootstock Malus hupehensis (Pamp.) Rehd seedlings were selected to study the responses of organic acids to Zn homeostasis in roots under low Zn (0 μmol L-1 ), adequate Zn (as control, 4 μmol L-1 ) and toxic Zn (100 μmol L-1 ) treatments. The differences of Zn concentrations and accumulations in the roots were highest, compared with those in the stems and leaves, when apple seedlings were subjected to low and toxic Zn treatments for 1 d. The concentrations and accumulations of oxalic and malic acids in the roots in the low and toxic Zn treatments increased by 20% to 60% compared with those of the control treatment. Significantly negative correlations were found between the total Zn concentrations and the concentrations of oxalic and malic acids in the roots under 1 d of low Zn treatment. However, contrary correlations were found for the toxic Zn treatment. Meanwhile, the maximum influx rates of Zn 2+ under low and toxic Zn treatments increased by 30% and 20%, respectively, compared with the rate of the control treatment. Both Zn deficiency and Zn toxicity increased the concentrations of organic acids in root after short-time Zn treatment, which could resist Zn stress through balanding Zn homeostasis in M. hupehensis Rehd.  相似文献   


Sanilac and Saginaw varieties of navy beans were grown on Wisner silty clay loam. Treatments of no added Zn and 3 ppm Zn were applied to the soil fertilized with N, K, and 500 ppm P. Selected plant tissues were harvested two, four, six, or eight weeks after planting.

The weights and Zn contents of some tissues were not affected by Zn application regardless of variety but the growth of the plant parts above the primary leaves and the Zn contents of the trifoliolate leaves increased with Zn rate. The three oldest trifoliolate leaves and younger tissues showed equal or greater increases in growth and Zn contents than the total plant tops, but the primary leaves and the lower portions of stems were less influenced by available Zn in the soil. These responses indicated that the three oldest trifoliolate leaves were the most reliable indexes for available Zn throughout the growing period.

As the plants matured, the growth and Zn contents of the young tissues of the Saginaw variety responded more to Zn fertilization than did the young tissues of Sanilac. This differential response appeared to be partially due to the lower plant weights of the Saginaw than the Sanilac variety where no Zn had been applied to the soil.  相似文献   

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