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A survey of grass weeds of cereals in central southern England made in 1981 was repeated in 1982 between 28 June and 23 July. Dicotyledonous weeds were also assessed in 1982. A total of 1021 fields were surveyed, 702 in winter wheat. 198 in winter barley and 121 in spring barley. A total of twenty-four grass weeds were found and their levels of infestation were scored. The most frequently found grass weeds were the same as in 1981. In all cereals combined, these were Elymus (Agropyron) repens in 35% of fields, Avena fatua in 32%, Alopecurus myosuroides in 26% and Poa trivialis in 24%. Sixty-three species of dicotyledonous weeds were recorded and of these, eighteen species occurred in 2% or more of fields. The eight most frequent were Viola arvensis, Galium aparine, Stellaria media, Myosotis arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, Convolvulus arvensis, Bilderdykia (Polygonum) convolvulus and Lamium purpureum. Most species were fairly uniform in distribution, but Galium aparine, Convolvulus arvensis and Cirsium arvense were most frequent in the east while Viola arvensis was least frequent there. The cereals varied in weediness, 32% of winter barley, 23% of spring barley and only 7% of winter wheat fields had no weeds recorded.  相似文献   

Herbicide resistance in Alopecurus myosuroides causes severe problems in Western European cropping systems. Costs of herbicide resistance were investigated in this study by analysing variable production costs and sales revenues. Three farms were selected for this study, with winter wheat as the dominating crop in all farms. Resistance in A. myosuroides populations was verified at all locations. Four farming approaches were simulated over a period of 20 years: (i) continuing the actual cropping system without increase of resistance, (ii) continuing the actual cropping system with increase of resistance, (iii) changing cropping practice to overcome resistance and (iv) changing cropping practice to prevent resistance. Contribution margins representing the proportion of sales revenue that is not consumed by variable costs were calculated for all approaches. Comparative static simulations showed that average contribution margins in a cropping system with more than 60% winter cereals and reduced tillage practice dropped from 807 € ha?1 a?1 without herbicide resistance to 307 € ha?1 a?1 with herbicide resistance. Alopecurus myosuroides population densities increased to more than 1000 plants m?2. Diverse crop rotations, including spring crops, clover–grass leys and intensive tillage, suppressed A. myosuroides populations, and average contribution margin was 630 € ha?1 a?1. Preventive methods with rotations of winter cereals and spring crops with less clover–grass leys resulted in an average contribution margin of 691 € ha?1 a?1. In conclusion, rotations of winter cereals and spring crops combined with inversion tillage and herbicides provide stable yields and can prevent weed population increase.  相似文献   

The incidence of Alopecurus myosuroides seedheads was monitored annually for 10 years in the cereal fields of a 173-ha arable and dairy farm. A. myosuroides persisted at low population densities, despite the use of herbicides and grass breaks in the rotation. The distribution of the weed was irregular, with none occurring on at least 60% of the positions surveyed in the cereal fields. Spatial distributions were compared between years, and some significant correlations were found from year to year in continuous cereals, and in cereal crops separated by a 3-year grass ley.  相似文献   

Summary. A 2-year comparison of the development of Avena fatua L. and Sinapis arvensis L., with spring barley and of Alopecurus myosuroides Huds, with winter wheat gave the following results:
  • 1 Avena fatua emerged shortly before barley in both years. Development until tillering was somewhat slower than that of barley, but after tillering the growth of both species was about the same. The first seeds of A. fatua matured shortly before harvest.
  • 2 Growth of Sinapis arvensis was slower than that of barley during the- early stages, but after tillering was more rapid. Growth ceased more than 10 days before harvest.
  • 3 In 1962–63 Alopecurus myosuroides germinated mainly in spring, but in 1963–64 most germination occurred in autumn, so that early development was different in the two years. After tillering the development WAS much faster than that of wheat and at the flowering stage of A. myosuroides, the shoots were taller than those of wheat. Seed was ripened some time before harvest.
  • 4 A comparison of the development of A. myosuroides and Avena fatua alone and in competition with cereals revealed no marked influence of competition on the pattern of development, but competition did cause some reduction in shoot length and a marked reduction in weight of the two weed species.
Compétition entre plantes cultivées et mauvaises herbes. I. Développement absolu el développement retalif des céréales et de quelques espèces de mauvaises herbes  相似文献   

The survival of Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. seeds in soil   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
S. R. MOSS 《Weed Research》1985,25(3):201-211
The survival of Alopecurus myosuroides seeds was studied in soil under arable cropping and short term grass leys in which seed return was prevented. At two winter wheat sites, where weed seeds were sown, the mean annual seed decline was 73–83% over a 2- or 3-year period. The rate of decline was similar with all the cultivation systems studied: ploughing, tine cultivation and direct drilling. Seeds buried initially by ploughing, and then not disturbed by cultivation, were slightly more persistent. At five arable sites with natural populations of A. myosuroides, seed numbers declined to an average of 3% of the original amount present after 3 years, and to 1% after 4 years. Initial populations of over 50 000 seeds m?2 were recorded. Plant populations were not always proportional to the total seed content of the soil, especially on ploughed land. Seed decline in two grass fields was similar to that under arable cropping. A. myosuroides plants were recorded in a wheat crop following a 2-year grass ley. Weed plants did not persist in the vegetative state in grass used for conservation and grazing. At all sites, appreciable quantities of seeds were still present in the soil after 2–4 years. Although a relatively small proportion of seeds survived, the actual number of seeds surviving was substantial. For this reason, it was concluded that any eradication policy is unlikely to be effective in a cropping system dominated by winter cereals.  相似文献   

B. MELANDER 《Weed Research》1995,35(3):157-166
The impact of drilling date on Apera spica-venti and Alopecurus myosuroides in winter cereals was investigated in field trials in 1991 and 1992. Two drilling dates were considered with an inter val of 14 to 16 days between dates. Generally, drilling date had an inconsistent effect on weed plant populations in spring, but seedling emerg ence of both species appeared to be delayed at the later drilling compared with the earlier date. This delay may partly explain the reduced com petitive ability of A. myosuroides in wheat in 1991 and 1992 and of A. spica-venti in wheat in 1991 at the later drilling date. The seed popula tion per plant of both species was lower at the later date in some instances, whereas in others drilling date had no effect. Reduced seed produc tion was mainly caused by a reduction of the number of inflorescences per plant. The poten tial of utilizing drilling dates as a cultural control measure against grass weeds is discussed.  相似文献   

Alloxydim-sodium, methyl 3-[1-(allyloxyimino)butyl]-4-hydroxy-6,6-dimethyl-2-oxocyclohex-3-enecarboxylate sodium salt, is a selective herbicide which controls grass weeds in a wide range of broad-leaf crops. Spray retention, tested at two growth stages, was generally greater for the broad-leaf crops (cotton, sugarbeet, flax, beans and peas) than for wild oat (Avena fatua L.), blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds), barley and couch grass [Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.], and did not contribute to selectivity between susceptible and tolerant species. Broad-leaf crops tolerated 2820 g alloxydim-sodium ha?1, three times the recommended rate used to control annual grasses. Differential uptake and translocation were not factors contributing to selectivity. In wild oat, blackgrass and sugarbeet, uptake and translocation of 14C continued during a period of 14 days after treatment with [14C]alloxydim-sodium. Translocation in susceptible and tolerant species was predominately symplastic. Over 40% of the applied 14C was eliminated from treated wild oat, blackgrass and sugarbeet plants within 7 days, due to degradation and volatilisation. A greater proportion of the methanol-soluble radioactivity extracted from leaves and roots was present as water-soluble polar metabolites in sugarbeet, than in wild oats, 7 days after treatment. The proportion of unaltered alloxydim in the organo-soluble fraction of a methanol extract was greater in wild oat than in sugarbeet. Differential metabolism appears to be one of the factors contributing to alloxydim-sodium selectivity between sugarbeet and wild oat.  相似文献   

Thresholds for winter wheat weed control have been determined for different herbicides or mixtures effective against individual weed species. For Avena sterilis L. subsp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman the economic threshold was between 7 and 12 plants m?2, for Alopecurits myosuroides Hudson and Lolium multiflorum Lam. it varied between 25 and 35 plants m?2, while for Bromus sterilis L. the values were just under 40 plants m?2. For Galium aparine L. the threshold was as low as 2 plants m?2, while for Vicia sativa L. it was between 5 and 10 plants m?2. Within the same species the different values of economic threshold result from the different costs and efficacy of herbicides. Nitrogen fertilization was important: in its absence, the competitiveness of B. sterilis and G. aparine was negligible, and it was not possible to calculate an economic threshold for some of the treatments which could not be justified economically. Estimation de seuils économiqu.es de désherbage chez le blé d'hiver Les seuils économiques de désherbage du blé d'hiver ont été determinés pour différents herbicides, seuls ou en mélanges, pour plusieurs espèces demauvaises herbes. POUT Avena sterilis L. subsp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman, le seuil économique était compris entre 7 et 12 plantes m?2. PourAlopecurus myosuroides Hudson et Lolium multiflorum Lam., il variait entre 25 et 35 plantes m?2 et était juste au-dessous de 40 plantes m?2 pour Bromus sterilis L. Pour Galium aparine L., le seuil était2 plantes m?2 et était compris entre 5 et 10 plantes m?2 pour Vicia sativa L. Les différences de seuil pour une même espèce sont dues aux différences de coût et d'ef-ficacité des herbicides. Le rôle de la fertilisation azotVe Vtait important: en son absence, le pou-voir compVtitif de B. sterilis et de G. aparineétait négligeable, et il n'était pas possible de calculer de seuil économique pour certains traitements, qui ne pouvaient se justifier économiquement. Bestimmung von wirtschaftlichen Schadensschwel-lenfiirdie Unkrautbekdmpfung in Winterweizen Für verschiedenen Herbizide und -mischungen wurden entsprechend ihrer Wirksamkeit gegenüber bestimmten Unkrautarten Schadensschwellen zur Unkrautbekämpfung inWinterweizen bestimmt. Für Avena sterilis L. spp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman lag die Schadensschwelle zwischen 7 und 12 Pflanzen m?2, fur Alopecurus myosuroides Hudson und Lolium multiflorum Lam. variierte sie zwischen 25 und 35 Pflanzen m?2, während die Werte für Bromus sterilis L. bei knapp 40 Pflanzen m?2 lagen. Bei Galium aparine L. war die Schadensschwelle ganz niedrig, nämlich 2 Pflanzen m?2, während sie für Vicia sativa L. zwischen 5 und 10 Pflanzen m2 betrug. Fiir ein und die-selbe Art ist die okonomische Schadensschwelle je nach den Kosten und der Wirksamkeit der Herbizide unterschiedlich. Die Stickstoffdün-gung ist zu beachten: wenn sie fehlt, ist die Konkurrenz durch Bromus sterilis und Galium aparine verachlässigbar, so daß keine gerechtfertigten ökonomischen Schadensschwellen berechnet werden konnten.  相似文献   

Mixed infestations of Alopecurus m yosuroides Huds. and broad-leaved weeds in winter cereals were controlled with a commercial formulation of ioxynil + bromoxynil + mecoprop. used in mixtures or as sequences with isoproturon or clofop-isobutyl. As well as controlling A. myosuroides the mixtures, applied in the autumn, gave good control of Veronica persica Poir., Galium aparine L. Lilhospermum arvense L. and Viola arvensis Murr. weeds which were resistant to isoproturon used alone. A. myosuroides had the major influence on crop yield in three experiments. High infestations of A. myosuroides reduced the broad-leaved weeds so that crop yields were only slightly improved when all the weeds were controlled compared with the control of A. myosuroides alone. In the remaining experiment. V. persica was very competitive with wheat; additional control of A. myosuroides improved yields considerably. Ioxynil + bromoxynil + mecoprop gave better final control of broad-leaved weeds when applied in the spring rather than the autumn but the sequence of a spring application following isoproturon or clofop-isobutyl in the autumn did not improve yields compared with the mixtures applied in the autumn. In all experiments, the highest yields were obtained from controlling both A. myosuroides and broad-leaved weeds in the autumn, provided that good control of A. myosuroides was obtained.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to define the conditions under which seeds and seedlings of Agropyron repens and Agrostis gigantea may start infestations in cereal crops. When seedlings were planted early or late in spring wheat and spring barley, most growth of shoots and rhizomes was produced by Agropyron planted early in wheat. Late planting halved the amount of shoot growth and severely inhibited rhizome formation. In winter wheat given a moderate or zero amount of nitrogen fertilizer in spring, growth of the weed seedlings was slow. Rhizomes were not produced during the time the crop was growing but only after harvest. Agrostis made more growth than Agropyron in most treatments throughout most of the experiment. Late planting decreased growth more than in the spring cereals. Nitrogen fertilizer, although it had little effect on the amount of growth made by winter wheat, increased the growth of the early-planted seedlings but decreased that of the late-planted ones of both weed species. When planted into plots given nitrogen, more seedlings of both species died after late than after early planting. Clearly, the amount of growth and rhizome produced by seedlings of these two species will depend on the type of cereal, the time of emergence of the seedlings in relation to the cereal, and on other factors affecting the relative vigour of cereal and weed. Evidently, where the weed seedlings emerge early in weakly or moderately competitive cereal crops or when growth is unchecked in the cereal stubble, seedlings could give rise to infestations.  相似文献   

This study reviews 52 field experiments, mostly from the UK, studying the effects of cultivation techniques, sowing date, crop density and cultivar choice on Alopecurus myosuroides infestations in cereal crops. Where possible, a statistical meta‐analysis has been used to calculate average responses to the various cultural practices and to estimate their variability. In 25 experiments, mouldboard ploughing prior to sowing winter cereals reduced A. myosuroides populations by an average of 69%, compared with non‐inversion tillage. Delaying drilling from September to the end of October decreased weed plant densities by approximately 50%. Sowing wheat in spring achieved an 88% reduction in A. myosuroides plant densities compared with autumn sowing. Increasing winter wheat crop density above 100 plants m?2 had no effect on weed plant numbers, but reduced the number of heads m?2 by 15% for every additional increase in 100 crop plants, up to the highest density tested (350 wheat plants m?2). Choosing more competitive cultivars could decrease A. myosuroides heads m?2 by 22%. With all cultural practices, outcomes were highly variable and effects inconsistent. Farmers are more likely to adopt cultural measures and so reduce their reliance on herbicides, if there were better predictions of likely outcomes at the individual field level.  相似文献   

Herbicide‐resistant populations of Alopecurus myosuroides Huds (black‐grass) have become widespread throughout the UK since the early 1980s. Clear evidence suggests that more than one resistance mechanism exists, and glutathione S‐transferases (GSTs) have been implicated in resistance due to enhanced metabolism. This study reports the determination of GST activity in four UK black‐grass populations from field sites situated in the East Midlands. Data demonstrate that, as untreated plants in the field mature, there is an accompanying natural elevation of GST activity with natural environmental changes from winter to spring. We speculate that this endogenous change in enzyme activity with plant development in the field contributes to reduced efficacy of some graminicides applied in the spring. These observations are discussed in relation to predicting herbicide efficacy to achieve maximum control of this important grass weed. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

A national survey was conducted in Finland from 1982 to 1984 to determine the main weed species in spring cereals and the efficacy of herbicides on Finnish farms. The most common dicotyledonous weeds producing the highest biomass in spring cereals were Chenopodium album L., Galeopsis spp. L., Stellaria media (L.) Vill. and Lapsana communis L. The main grass weed was Elymus repens (L.) Gould. The average reduction of weed biomass by herbicide treatment was 75%. More reliable efficacy was obtained with herbicide mixtures than with MCPA alone.  相似文献   

Seed shedding from heads of Alopecurus myosuroides occurred from late June to late August at most locations. Most seeds were shed before winter wheat (Triticum-aestivum L.) was harvested hut at two winter barley (Hordeum sativum L.) sites, only 50% of seed was shed prior to harvest. The viability of seeds shed at the start and end of the shedding period tended to be lower than that at peak shedding time in late July and early August. There were large differences between sites in the viability of the total amount of seed shed. The results of viability tests based on the presence of full caryopses and germination in pots of sterile soil were similar. Assessments of head numbers and head length were significantly correlated with total seed production. Head length, but not head number assessments, were also significantly correlated with viable seed production.  相似文献   

The basic mechanism of soil inversion tillage for control of annual weeds is based on the vertical translocation of weed seeds from the soil surface to deeper soil layers. Buried weed seeds either remain dormant in the soil seedbank and are exposed to biological and chemical decay mechanisms, or they germinate but the seedlings cannot reach the soil surface (fatal germination). However, depending on the seed biology of the respective target species, frequent inversion tillage can lead to a build-up of the soil seedbank. For soil seedbank depletion based on available knowledge of the biology of Alopecurus myosuroides seeds, soil inversion tillage is suggested to be reduced to every third or fourth year with reduced or even no-tillage (direct seeding) in between (rotational inversion tillage systems). Including spring crops in the crop rotation could further help dampening the population growth and hence the seed return into the seedbank. This study investigated the effect of rotational inversion tillage in combination with reduced tillage or direct seeding on the soil seedbank and population development of A. myosuroides. In a long-term field trial, set up in 2012, these tillage strategies were compared with continuous inversion tillage in a 3-year crop rotation with two consecutive years of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) followed by spring barley (Hordeum vulgare). The results showed a significant decline in the soil seedbank following the spring crop, irrespective of the tillage system. The continuous inversion tillage system and inversion tillage before spring cropping with reduced tillage (shallow tillage with a disc harrow) before winter wheat both led to accumulation of seeds in the soil seedbank. In contrast, inversion tillage before spring cropping with direct seeding of winter wheat depleted the soil seedbank significantly after only one crop rotation. Although only covering one intensively studied field site, these findings highlight the need for diversified cropping systems and indicate potential avenues for reducing soil tillage while controlling economically important weeds.  相似文献   

As part of a programme of work evaluating the role of seeds in regenerating or initiating infestations of Agropyron repens and Agrostis gigantea, the growth of the weeds was analysed in cereal crops in two experiments. The first experiment investigated the effects of time of planting the weed seedlings (simulating different times of emergence), nitrogen supply and cereal seed rate in winter wheat and the second, the same factors in spring wheat and spring barley. In winter wheat, delaying planting of the weeds from autumn until spring greatly decreased shoot growth and almost completely prevented rhizome formation. Nitrogen fertilizer increased the weight of shoots of both species planted at both times but whereas it increased the amount of rhizome produced by Agropyron it decreased that of Agrostis. Without nitrogen Agrostis had twice as much rhizome as Agropyron but with nitrogen Agropyron had twice as much as Agrostis. Decreasing the cereal seed rate had little effect on rhizome weight when nitrogen was not given but it allowed twice as much rhizome to be produced when it was supplied. However, more longer rhizomes were formed at the smaller than at the larger seed rate with both amounts of nitrogen. In spring cereals, late planting decreased the shoot growth of Agrostis more than that of Agropyron, and of Agropyron in barley more than in wheat, especially at the smaller seed rate. Nitrogen increased shoot weight of Agropyron in wheat but had little effect in barley; it decreased that of Agrostis in barley. On average, rhizome growth was decreased by nitrogen, by increasing the seed rate and by delaying planting. Agropyron rhizomes were heavier in wheat than in barley but those of Agrostis were heavier in barley than in wheat. Agropyron produced most rhizome in thinlysown wheat given nitrogen, but Agrostis most in thinlysown barley without nitrogen. The two treatments had an equal number of rhizomes longer than 100 cm. The agricultural significance of the interaction of the various treatments is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Seeds of four winter wheat cultivars, Slejpner, Galahad, Avalon and Penman, were sown at depths ranging from 6–75 mm in soil in pots, and isoproturon or chlorotoluron was then applied to the soil surface. For chlorotoluron-treated plants (both pre- and post-emergence) the dose required to produce a 50% effect (ED50) was unaffected by depth of planting. In contrast, for isoproturon applied pre-emergence, the ED50 for both Avalon and Slejpner was strongly affected by sowing depth. Although chlorotoluron was much more active in a second experiment when applied post-emergence to Slejpner wheat, the ED50 for both herbicides increased with greater depth of sowing. Protection of wheat from isoproturon damage by deeper planting was enhanced if the adsorption capacity of the soil was raised from Kd 0.5 to 2.0 by incorporation of activated charcoal in the soil. Isoproturon entry into plants (as measured by the effect on rate of photosynthesis) was slower in those that had been sown deeper and were growing in more adsorptive soils, but there was no obvious relationship between these observations and isoproturon distribution in the soil profile. In nutrient culture the four wheat cultivars responded similarly to a range of doses of isoproturon. The chlorotoluron-sensitive cultivars, Slejpner and Galahad, were damaged by much lower doses of chlorotoluron than were Avalon and Penman. Bromus sterilis L. responded similarly to wheat with regard to its interaction with isoproturon and planting depth. Alopecurus myosuroides Huds., however, was less damaged by isoproturon when the zone above the seed was protected from the herbicide by growing the shoot through a plastic straw.  相似文献   

The distribution of Alopecurus myosuroides (black‐grass) in fields is patchy. The locations of these patches can be influenced by the environment. This presents an opportunity for precision management through patch spraying. We surveyed five fields on various types of soil using a nested sampling design and recorded both A. myosuroides seedlings in autumn and seed heads in summer. We also measured soil properties at those sampling locations. We found that the patches of seed heads within a field were smaller than the seedling patches, suggesting that techniques for patch spraying based on maps of heads in the previous season could be inherently risky. We also found that the location of A. myosuroides patches within fields can be predicted through their relationship with environmental properties and that these relations are consistent across fields on different soil types. This improved understanding of the relations between soil properties and A. myosuroides seedlings could allow farmers to use pre‐existing or suitably supplemented soil maps already in use for the precision application of fertilisers as a starting point in the creation of herbicide application maps.  相似文献   

The potential of the fungicide tridemorph selectively to control established plants of Holcus lanatus L. in ryegrass (Lolium perenne L) and Bromus sterilis L. in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was examined in glasshouse trails. A dose of 4.2 kg ha?1 tridemorph gave selectively between H. lanatus and ryegrass similar to, but more costly than, that which would be provided by 1.2 kg ha?1 asulam. B sterilis was more sensitive to tridemorph than was barley. Two additives, glycerol and the oil-surfactant mixture ‘PF’ enhanced this selectivity when tridemorph was applied at 2.1 kg ha?1.  相似文献   

S. Andersson 《EPPO Bulletin》1982,12(4):463-475
Control of Heterodera avenae should largely aim to keep densities below tolerance limits at sowing-time (in spring oats < 1 egg/g soil, in susceptible barley < 3 eggs/g soil; spring wheat is only slightly less sensitive than oats, autumn-sown cereals are more tolerant than spring-sown ones). To obtain this, knowledge of population dynamics is important. Essential items in population dynamics are the host properties of different plants (characterized by two factors which do not always covary: maximum rate of multiplication and equilibrium density of the nematode), population decline of the nematode under fallow and non-hosts and the external factors influencing these characteristics. For cereals the following host efficiency order is found: winter oats (best), spring oats, spring wheat, spring barley, winter wheat, rye. Winter barley may be close to spring barley, and maize is a bad host. Grasses are generally less good hosts than cereals and usually cause high and moderate densities of H. avenae to decline. However, especially in first-year leys, rather high equilibrium densities may sometimes be maintained. Host properties of plants vary between sites and years and also relations between hosts may change. Populations decline under fallow, non-hosts and resistant cereals, usually in the order of 70–85 96 annually. H. avenae populations are favoured by lighter soils and heavier soils with a proper structure and also by good plant nutrient conditions. Soil moisture in interaction with temperature influences population dynamics in a complex way, in which natural enemies of the nematodes may also be involved, not least certain fungi. In many fields these may keep nematode populations at harmless levels. Traditional control measures like proper crop rotations can only be used to a limited extent. The most promising approach for controlling H. avenae is an appropriate use of resistant cultivars, of which barley cultivars are also tolerant, while oat cultivars are usually very sensitive. Biological control has hitherto not been used actively. Chemical control is profitable in Australia but not under European conditions. Farmers should check the need for control through soil sample investigations or by other means.  相似文献   

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