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Lunar gravity: preliminary estimates from lunar orbiter   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tracking data fromt the lunar orbiters have been analyzed for information regarding Moon's gravity field. These preliminary results include values of a set of harmonic coefficients throlugh degree 4 in the tesserals and degree 8 in the zonals. Implications regarding Moon's mass distribution are discltssed: one implicationt is that Moon is nearly homogeneous.  相似文献   

Orbiter photographs of the wall of a large circular formation on the moon show that the wall is a convex body resembling a flow of viscous lava. The slopes are less than the angle of repose of dry rock; hence an explanation in terms of mass wastage is hard to support. The viscosity is approximately 10(13) centimeter-gram- second units, indicating an acid lava.  相似文献   

Bistatic-radar scattering from medium- to long-wavelength (80 to 200 meters) ocean waves has been observed with the use of loran A (1.85 megahertz) transmissions and a receiver located 280 kilometers away. The received echoes have been converted into a time-delay, Doppler-frequency map in which the effects of anisotropies in the ocean-wave spectra are clearly shown. The distribution of the echoes in delay-Doppler space is consistent with Bragg scattering from trains of dispersed ocean waves.  相似文献   

Despite recent insight regarding the history and current state of the Moon from satellite sensing and analyses of limited Apollo-era seismic data, deficiencies remain in our understanding of the deep lunar interior. We reanalyzed Apollo lunar seismograms using array-processing methods to search for the presence of reflected and converted seismic energy from the core. Our results suggest the presence of a solid inner and fluid outer core, overlain by a partially molten boundary layer. The relative sizes of the inner and outer core suggest that the core is ~60% liquid by volume. Based on phase diagrams of iron alloys and the presence of partial melt, the core probably contains less than 6 weight % of lighter alloying components, which is consistent with a volatile-depleted interior.  相似文献   

The lunar samples were analyzed for total organic carbon content by pyrolysis at 850 degrees C and subsequent detection of the resulting volatilized organic compounds in a hydrogen flame ionization detector. The organic content ranged from 10 to 126 parts per million, depending primarily upon the handling in the sample processing. No correlation of organic content with rock type has been shown. The small quantities of organic matter are primarily contamination, and the indigenous organic content is estimated to be less than 10 parts per million.  相似文献   

The lunar surface, a key proxy for the early Earth, contains relics of asteroids and comets that have pummeled terrestrial planetary surfaces. Surviving fragments of projectiles in the lunar regolith provide a direct measure of the types and thus the sources of exogenous material delivered to the Earth-Moon system. In ancient [>3.4 billion years ago (Ga)] regolith breccias from the Apollo 16 landing site, we located mineral and lithologic relics of magnesian chondrules from chondritic impactors. These ancient impactor fragments are not nearly as diverse as those found in younger (3.4 Ga to today) regolith breccias and soils from the Moon or that presently fall as meteorites to Earth. This suggests that primitive chondritic asteroids, originating from a similar source region, were common Earth-Moon-crossing impactors during the latter stages of the basin-forming epoch.  相似文献   

Although in principle transition metals can form bonds with six shared electron pairs, only quadruply bonded compounds can be isolated as stable species at room temperature. Here we show that the reduction of {Cr(mu-Cl)Ar'}2 [where Ar' indicates C6H3-2,6(C6H3-2,6-Pri2)2 and Pr indicates isopropyl] with a slight excess of potassium graphite has produced a stable compound with fivefold chromium-chromium (Cr-Cr) bonding. The very air- and moisture-sensitive dark red crystals of Ar'CrCrAr' were isolated with greater than 40% yield. X-ray diffraction revealed a Cr-Cr bond length of 1.8351(4) angstroms (where the number in parentheses indicates the standard deviation) and a planar transbent core geometry. These data, the structure's temperature-independent paramagnetism, and computational studies support the sharing of five electron pairs in five bonding molecular orbitals between two 3d5 chromium(I) ions.  相似文献   

Initial results of observations of the solar wind interaction with Venus indicate that Venus has a well-defined, strong, standing bow shock wave. Downstream from the shock, an ionosheath is observed in which the compressed and heated postshock plasma evidently interacts directly with the Venus ionosphere. Plasma ion velocity deflections observed within the ionosheath are consistent with flow around the blunt shape of the ionopause. The ionopause boundary is observed and defined by this experiment as the location where the ionosheath ion flow is first excluded. The positions of the bow shock and ionopause are variable and appear to respond to changes in the external solar wind pressure. Near the terminator the bow shock was observed at altitudes of approximately 4600 to approximately 12,000 kilometers. The ionopause altitutde ranged fromn as low as approximately 450 to approximately 1950 kilometers. Within the Venus ionosphere low-energy ions (energy per untit charge < 30 volts) were detected and have been tentatively idtentified as nonflowing ionospheric ions incident from a direction along the spacecraft velocity vector.  相似文献   

Appreciable natural thermoluminescence with glow curve peaks at about 350 degrees centigrade for lunar fines and breccias and above 400 degrees centigrade for crystalline rocks has been recognized in lunar samples. Plagioclase has been identified as the principal carrier of thermoluminescence, and the diference in peak temperatures indicates compositional or structural differences between the feldspars of the different rock types. The present thermoluminescence in the lunar samples is probably the result of a dynamic equilibrium between acquisition from radiation and loss in the lunar thermal environment. A progressive change in the glow curves of core samples with depth below the surface suggests the use of thermoluminescence disequilibrium to detect surfaces buried by recent surface activity, and it also indicates that the lunar diurnal temperature variation penetrates to at least 10.5 centimeters.  相似文献   

Reflection spectra of lunar dust grains with amorphous coatings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hapke B 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1972,177(4048):535-536

A chemically distinct group of lunar rocks with the trace element characteristics of basaltic lunar rocks is apparently ubiquitous on the lunar surface. Such rocks have been found at the Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Luna 20 landing sites. They may be derived from the plains-forming material that has been designated Cayley Formation.  相似文献   

The viscosity of a synthetic silicate liquid with the composition of a lunar rock has been determined experimentally and found to be lower than that of any previously studied volcanic rock on earth. Course Crystallinity can be a feature of rapidly cooled surface lavas.  相似文献   

A theoretical model to explain the negative polarization of moonlight at small lunar phase angles is developed. The model is based on the polarization of light in the diffraction region bordering the geometric shadow of an opaque dielectric obstacle.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet spectroscopy of the Venus cloud tops reveals absorption features attributed to sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere above the cloud tops. Measurements of scattered sunlight at 2663 angstroms show evidence for horizontal and vertical inhomogeneities in cloud structure. Images of the planet at SO(2) absorption wavelengths show albedo features similar to those seen at 3650 angstroms from Mariner 10. Airglowv emissions are consistent with an exospheric temperatuire of approximately 275 K, and a night airglows emission has been detected, indicating the precipitation of energy into the dark thermosphere.  相似文献   

Orbiter infrared measurements of the Venus atmosphere in the 60- to 140-kilometer region show very small diurnal temperature differences near the cloud tops, increasing somewhat at higher levels. The seasonal (that is, equator to pole) contrasts are an order of magnitude larger, and the temperatures unexpectedly increase with increasing latitude below 80 kilometers. An isothermal layer at least two scale heights in vertical extent is found near the 100-kilometer altitude, where the temperature is about 175 K. Structure is present in the cloud temperature maps on a range of spatial scales. The most striking is at high latitude, where contrasts of nearly 50 K are observed between a cold circumpolar band and the region near the pole itself.  相似文献   

Glass spherules, glass fragments, augite, ferroaugite, titanaugite, pyroxmangite, pigeonite, hypersthene, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, maskelynite, olivine, silica, ilmenite, TiO(2), "ferropseudobrookite," spinel, ulv?spinel, native iron, nickel-iron, troilite, and chlorapatite were analyzed with the electron microprobe. There are no indications of large-scale chemical differentiation, chemical weathering, or hydrous minerals. Contributions of meteoritic material to lunar surface rocks are small. Rocks with igneous textures originated from a melt that crystallized at or near the surface, and oxygen fugacities have been low. Shock features indicate that at least some surface material is impact-produced.  相似文献   

Twelve rock chips and two samples of fines all have electronic absorption bands in diffuse reflected light between 0.32 and 2.5 micrometers. Major bands occur between 0.94 and 1.00 micrometer and at 2.0 micrometers, and arise from Fe(2+) in clinopyroxene and to a lesser extent in olivine. A band at 0.95 micrometer and other details of curve slope and shape for the lunar surface fines match McCord's telescopic curve for an 18-kilometer area that includes the Apollo-il site. Results confirm mineralogical predictions based on telescopic data and support the feasibility of obtaining mineralogical information by remote and in glass content. reflectivity measurements.  相似文献   

Crystals of calcic bytownite from type B rocks have space group I1 with c approximately 14 angstroms. Bytownite crystals from type A rocks are more sodic and have space group C1, c approximately 7 angstroms. Cell parameters of eight bulk feldspar separates from crystalline rocks indicate that the range of angle gamma is about 23 times the standard error of measurement, and its value might be useful for estimation of composition. Cell parameters of seven ilmenites are close to those of pure FeTiO(3).  相似文献   

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