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The aim of this research was to investigate betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) and glycinebetaine (Glybet) biosynthesis in photoautotrophic rice seedlings. The role of Glybet on physiological and growth responses to salt stress in both salt‐tolerant and salt‐sensitive lines is to be investigated. The BADH activity in salt‐tolerant seedlings cultured under extreme salt stress (342 mm NaCl) progressively increased during the first few hours until it peaked after 72 h. This was about 2.5 times greater than in salt‐sensitive plants. Similarly, the amount of Glybet detected in salt‐tolerant lines was 1.3 times more than in salt‐sensitive lines at 96 h salt exposure. The BADH activities were positively related to Glybet accumulation in both salt‐tolerant and salt‐sensitive lines. The accumulation of Glybet in salt‐tolerant lines was directly correlated with pigment stabilization. Relative water content in the salt‐tolerant lines was closely related to water oxidation in photosystem II (PSII), defined by maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm). In addition, a high concentration of total chlorophyll is more efficient in capturing light energy, defined by photochemical quenching. The concentrations of chlorophyll a and total carotenoid were positively related to the quantum efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII) and non‐photochemical quenching, respectively, resulting in a high net‐photosynthetic rate (NPR) and the promotion of growth. The high level of Glybet in salt‐tolerant lines plays a role as a salt defensive response mechanism in terms of pigment stabilization and water oxidation in PSII, resulting in high NPR and growth efficiency.  相似文献   

Limited water availability hampers the sustainability of crop production. Exogenous application of glycinebetaine (GB) and salicylic acid (SA) has been found very effective in reducing the adverse effects of water scarcity. This study was conducted to examine the possible role of exogenous GB and SA application in improving the growth and water relations of hybrid sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) under different irrigation regimes. There were three levels of irrigation, viz. control (normal irrigations), water stress at budding stage (irrigation missing at budding stage) and water stress at flowering stage (FS) (irrigation missing at FS). GB and SA were applied exogenously at 100 and 0.724 m m respectively, each at the budding and FS. Control plants did not receive application of GB and SA. Water stress reduced the leaf area index (LAI), leaf area duration (LAD), crop growth rate (CGR), leaf relative water contents, water potential, osmotic potential, turgor pressure, achene yield and water use efficiency. Nevertheless, exogenous GB and SA application appreciably improved these attributes under water stress. However, exogenous GB application at the FS was more effective than other treatments. Net assimilation rate was not affected by water stress as well as application of GB and SA. The protein contents were considerably increased by water stress at different growth stages, but were reduced by exogenous GB and SA application. The effects of water stress and foliar application of GB were more pronounced when applied at FS than at the budding stage. Moreover, exogenous GB application was only advantageous under stress conditions.  相似文献   

外源Si对提高水稻对病害的抗性有显著影响,但水稻应激防御系统对外源Si的响应机制尚缺乏深入研究。为探究不同浓度外源Si对稻瘟病胁迫下水稻的生长状况、产量及抗性的影响,在人工接种稻瘟病菌的条件下进行水稻盆栽试验。测算了水稻株高、穗数、穗长、地上部生物量和千粒重等生长数据,同时测量了水稻稻穗中MDA的含量和防御相关酶(PPO、CAT、SOD、POD)的活性。结果表明,施Si处理使水稻的稻瘟病病情指数下降了44.47%;显著提高了稻穗中PPO、CAT和SOD的活性,降低了POD的活性和MDA含量,缓解了稻瘟病引起的氧化胁迫;显著增加水稻株高,使其茎叶更加挺直,降低病菌的感染和传播;最终提高地上部干物质量积累,相比染病组的产量提高61.2%。因此,Si能够通过参与植物生理代谢过程,有效增强水稻抵御稻瘟病的抗性,提高植株活力,有效减少植株损伤。  相似文献   

抗稻瘟病细胞突变体筛选技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
稻瘟病是发生在世界各稻区最严重的真菌性病害,做好对该病的防治对水稻高产与稳产至关重要。随着生物技术的迅速发展,组织培养的离体筛选技术作为一种获得抗病突变体的高效手段而被广泛应用于水稻抗病育种研究。综述了抗稻瘟病细胞突变体筛选中愈伤组织的诱导、粗毒素的制备及毒素对材料抗性筛选等3个主要技术环节,并对抗病突变体在抗病育种中的应用提出问题及展望。  相似文献   

Interactive effect of NaCl salinity and putrescine on shoot growth, ion (Na+, K+ and CI) concentration in leaf, stem and inflorescence and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L. var. GR-3) were studied. When rice plants were subjected to salt stress (12 dS/m) the extension growth and dry weight of shoot system as well as total leaf area and chlorophyll content were found markedly reduced. Analysis of leaf, stem and inflorescence of salt-stressed plants showed higher concentration of Na+ and Cl ions and lower concentration of K+ ion compared to the control. Salinization also caused a considerable fall in grain yield.
Foliar application of putrescine (10−5M) significantly increased the growth and yield of salt-stressed plants. Putrescine treatment decreased the influx of Na+ and Cl ions and increased the K+ level in all the tissues of salinized plants examined. Putrescine also increased the chlorophyll content in salt-stressed plants. These results suggest that exogenous application of putrescine can be used successfully to ameliorate the stress injuries caused by NaCl salinity in rice plants to a considerable extent.  相似文献   

High night temperature (HNT) can induce ethylene‐triggered reactive oxygen species production, which can cause premature leaf senescence and membrane damage, thereby affecting production, consumption and transfer of photosyn‐thates, and yield. The 1‐methylcyclopropene (1‐MCP) can competitively bind with ethylene receptors and decrease ethylene effects. The objective was to determine the effects of HNT and 1‐MCP on leaf photosynthetic rate (PN), chlorophyll fluorescence, total chlorophyll (TC), respiration, membrane damage, pollen germination, spikelet fertility (SF) and yield of rice hybrid ‘XL723’. Plants were grown under ambient night temperature (ANT) (25 °C) or HNT (30 °C) with or without 1‐MCP treatment. Application of 1‐MCP was at the boot stage. The decrease in yield (11 %) under HNT was associated with decreased PN (4 %), stomatal conductance (8 %), quantum yield (11 %) TC (23 %) and SF (5 %) and increased respiration (74 %), Fo/Fm (increase in thylakoid membrane damage; 11 %) and membrane damage (leaf electrolytic leakage; 57 %). The 1‐MCP‐treated plants grown under HNT showed increased yield (17 %), which was associated with increased PN (10 %), stomatal conductance (30 %), quantum yield (9 %), TC (37 %) and SF (11 %) and decreased respiration (39 %), Fo/Fm (5 %) and membrane damage (18 %). Plants grown under HNT showed increased grain chalkiness (154 %) compared with plants grown under ANT.  相似文献   

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