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Abstract— Due to species introductions, brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) occur together in many North American streams and typically exhibit a pattern of distribution in which brook charr numerically dominate headwaters and rainbow trout dominate downstream reaches. It has been suggested that 1) the two species compete or 2) the two species do not compete because they are differentially adapted to environmental conditions found in upstream and downstream zones. We assessed whether there were differences in growth and macrohabitat (pool, run and riffle) selection of brook charr and rainbow trout in upper, middle and lower stream zones of a small Pennsylvania stream. Brook charr and rainbow trout placed in replicate paired enclosures set in upstream and downstream reaches showed no significant differences in growth and survival rates upstream, but brook charr had significantly greater growth rates than rainbow trout downstream. Enclosed fish and free-ranging fish both had negative growth rates during the summer. Enclosed fish lost significantly less weight than free-ranging fish. Instantaneous growth rates of free-ranging adult brook charr and rainbow trout from May to August were negative for both species in all stream zones. Underwater observations of adult brook charr and rainbow trout showed both species occurred significantly more often in pool macrohabitats than expected on the basis of macrohabitat availability, except for rainbow trout in the upstream zone. The proportion of pool macrohabitat was not significantly different among stream zones. Brook charr do not appear to be better adapted to upstream environments in Powdermill Run based on growth, survival and macrohabitat selection during summer. Negative biotic interactions acting along with differential environmental adaptations may explain the pattern of distribution of brook charr and rainbow trout in streams, but long-term transplant experiments with additional life stages will be necessary to examine this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The sustainability of freshwater fisheries is increasingly affected by climate warming, habitat alteration, invasive species and other drivers of global change. The State of Michigan, USA, contains ecologically, socioeconomically valuable coldwater stream salmonid fisheries that are highly susceptible to these ecological alterations. Thus, there is a need for future management approaches that promote resilient stream ecosystems that absorb change amidst disturbances. Fisheries professionals in Michigan are responding to this need by designing a comprehensive management plan for stream brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis), brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations. To assist in developing such a plan, we used stream‐specific regression models to forecast thermal habitat suitability in streams throughout Michigan from 2006 to 2056 under different predicted climate change scenarios. As baseflow index (i.e., relative groundwater input) increased, stream thermal sensitivity (i.e., relative susceptibility to temperature change) decreased. Thus, the magnitude of temperature warming and frequency of thermal habitat degradation were lowest in streams with the highest baseflow indices. Thermal habitats were most suitable in rainbow trout streams as this species has a wider temperature range for growth (12.0–22.5 °C) compared to brook charr (11.0–20.5 °C) and brown trout (12.0–20.0 °C). Our study promotes resilience‐based salmonid management by providing a methodology for stream temperature and thermal habitat suitability prediction. Fisheries professionals can use this approach to protect coldwater habitats and drivers of stream cooling and ultimately conserve resilient salmonid populations amidst global change.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns in growth, survival and movement of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis were monitored in two southeastern Minnesota streams divided into study reaches based on brown trout Salmo trutta abundance. We estimated survival and movement while testing for effects of stream reach and time using a multistrata Cormack–Jolly–Seber model in Program MARK. Multistrata models were analysed for three age groups (age‐0, age‐1 and age‐2+) to estimate apparent survival, capture probability and movement. Survival varied by time period, but not brown trout abundance and was lower during flood events. Age‐0 brook trout emigrated from reaches with low brown trout abundance, whereas adult brook trout emigrated from downstream brown trout‐dominated reaches. Growth was highest in spring and summer and did not differ across streams or reaches for the youngest age classes. For age‐2+ brook trout, however, growth was lower in reaches where brown trout were abundant. Interspecific interactions can be age or size dependent; our results show evidence for adult interactions, but not for age‐0. Our results suggest that brook trout can be limited by both environmental and brown trout interactions that can vary by season and life stage.  相似文献   

Although non‐native species can sometimes threaten the value of ecosystem services, their presence can contribute to the benefits derived from the environment. In the Great Lakes, non‐native brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) support substantial recreational fisheries. With current efforts underway to restore once‐native Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) to Lake Ontario, there is some concern that Atlantic salmon will impede non‐native contributions to the recreational fishery because Atlantic salmon exhibit niche overlap with brown trout and rainbow trout, particularly during the juvenile life stage. We therefore examined competition and growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon, brown trout and rainbow trout in semi‐natural streams. We found that brown trout were the most dominant and had the greatest growth rate regardless of what other species were present. Rainbow trout were more dominant than Atlantic salmon and consumed the most food of the three species. However, in the presence of brown trout, rainbow trout fed less frequently and exhibited negative growth as compared to when the rainbow trout were present with only Atlantic salmon. These data suggest that, outside of density‐dependent effects, Atlantic salmon will not impact stream production of brown trout and rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The non‐native rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) has been introduced worldwide for angling purposes and has established self‐reproducing populations in many parts of the world. Introduced rainbow trout often have negative effects on the native salmonid species, ranging from decrease abundance, growth and survival, to their local extinction. Assessing the effects of introduced rainbow trout on the native species is thus crucial to better set up conservation programmes. In this study, we investigated the effects of non‐native rainbow trout on the diet of native marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) living in the Idrijca River (Slovenia). An impassable waterfall separates the stream in two sectors only a few hundred metres apart: a downstream sector (treatment) in which marble trout live in sympatry (MTs) with rainbow trout (RTs) and an upstream sector (control) in which marble trout live in allopatry (MTa). Specifically, we investigated using stable isotopes the effects of rainbow trout on dietary niche, diet composition, body condition, and lipid content of marble trout. We found dietary niche expansion and niche shift in marble trout living in sympatry with rainbow trout. Compared to MTa, MTs had higher piscivory rate and showed higher body condition and prereproduction lipid content. Our results indicate that the presence of rainbow trout did not have negative effects on marble trout diet and condition and that changes in dietary niche of marble trout are likely to be an adaptive response to the presence of rainbow trout, and further research is needed to better understand.  相似文献   

Abstract– Habitat is important in determining stream carrying capacity and population density in young Atlantic salmon and brown trout. We review stream habitat selection studies and relate results to variable and interacting abiotic and biotic factors. The importance of spatial and temporal scales are often overlooked. Different physical variables may influence fish position choice at different spatial scales. Temporally variable water flows and temperatures are pervasive environmental factors in streams that affect behavior and habitat selection. The more frequently measured abiotic variables are water depth, water velocity (or stream gradient), substrate particle size, and cover. Summer daytime, feeding habitats of Atlantic salmon are size structured. Larger parr (>7 cm) have a wider spatial niche than small parr. Selected snout water velocities are consistently low (3–25 cm. s?1). Mean (or surface) water velocities are in the preferred range of 30–50 cm. s?1, and usually in combination with coarse substratum (16–256 mm). However, salmon parr demonstrate flexibility with respect to preferred water velocity, depending on fish size, intra- and interspecific competition, and predation risk. Water depth is less important, except in small streams. In large rivers and lakes a variety of water depths are used by salmon parr. Summer daytime, feeding habitat of brown trout is also characterized by a narrow selection of low snout water velocities. Habitat use is size-structured, which appears to be mainly a result of intraspecific competition. The small trout parr (<7 cm) are abundant in the shallow swift stream areas (<20–30 cm depths, 10–50 cm. s?1 water velocities) with cobble substrates. The larger trout have increasingly strong preferences for deep-slow stream areas, in particular pools. Water depth is considered the most important habitat variable for brown trout. Spatial niche overlap is considerable where the two species are sympatric, although young Atlantic salmon tend to be distributed more in the faster flowing and shallow habitats compared with trout. Habitat use by salmon is restricted through interspecific competition with the more aggressive brown trout (interactive segregation). However, subtle innate differences in behavior at an early stage also indicate selective segregation. Seasonal changes in habitat use related to water temperatures occur in both species. In winter, they have a stronger preference for cover and shelter, and may seek shelter in the streambed and/or deeper water. At low temperatures (higher latitudes), there are also marked shifts in habitat use during day and night as the fish become nocturnal. Passive sheltering in the substrate or aggregating in deep-slow stream areas is the typical daytime behavior. While active at night, the fish move to more exposed holding positions primarily on but also above the substrate. Diurnal changes in habitat use take place also in summer; brown trout may utilize a wider spatial niche at night with more fish occupying the shallow-slow stream areas. Brown trout and young Atlantic salmon also exhibit a flexible response to variability in streamflows, wherein habitat selection may change considerably. Important topics in need of further research include: influence of spatial measurement scale, effects of temporal and spatial variability in habitat conditions on habitat selection, effects of interactive competition and trophic interactions (predation risk) on habitat selection, influence of extreme natural events on habitat selection use or suitability (floods, ice formation and jams, droughts), and individual variation in habitat use or behavior.  相似文献   

Competition with non‐native species may impede the restoration of native species, but differences in competitive abilities among intraspecific native populations may make some populations more suitable for reintroduction than others. Here, juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from two allopatric populations (LaHave and Sebago) being used for reintroduction into Lake Ontario were placed into two natural stream sites differing in the presence of ecologically similar rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). We assessed the effects of competition in the natural streams on fitness‐related traits and habitat use of the Atlantic salmon. We then compared these effects to those observed in artificial streams from a previous study. Atlantic salmon in natural streams had reduced fitness‐related traits that were associated with suboptimal microhabitats in the presence of rainbow trout, but utilised optimal microhabitats in their absence. In the presence of rainbow trout, the two Atlantic salmon populations exhibited comparable recapture proportions to each other, but the individuals from the Sebago population had better performance (body size and condition) than those from the LaHave population. Responses of both Atlantic salmon populations to competition with rainbow trout were generally similar in both direction and magnitude when compared to results from the artificial stream study. The combined results suggest that native species restoration efforts should be focused on candidate populations that are ecologically suitable to reintroduction environments, as well as on suitable habitats that do not contain exotic competitors. Moreover, this study highlights the value of controlled experiments in artificial environments for predicting fitness‐related performance in natural environments.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions with non‐native species can have negative impacts on the conservation of native species, resulting in chronic stress and reduced survival. Here, juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from two allopatric populations (Sebago and LaHave) that are being used for reintroduction into Lake Ontario were placed into semi‐natural stream tanks with four non‐native salmonid competitors that are established in Ontario streams: brown trout (S. trutta), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha) and coho salmon (O. kisutch). Brown trout and rainbow trout reduced the survival and fitness‐related traits of Atlantic salmon, whereas Chinook salmon and coho salmon had no impact on these traits. These data support theories on ecological niche overlap and link differences in observed aggression levels with competitive outcomes. Measurements of circulating hormones indicated that the Atlantic salmon were not chronically stressed nor had a change in social status at the 10‐month time point in the semi‐natural stream tanks. Additionally, the Sebago population was better able to coexist with the non‐native salmonids than the LaHave population. Certain populations of Atlantic salmon may thus be more suitable for some environments of the juvenile stream phase for the reintroduction into Lake Ontario.  相似文献   

Withdrawal of water from streams and groundwater is increasing in Midwestern North America and is a potential threat to coldwater fishes. We examined the effects of summer water withdrawals on brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis populations and water warming rates by diverting 50–90% of summer baseflow from a 602‐m treatment zone (TZ) in a groundwater‐influenced Michigan stream during 1991–1998. We compared density of brook trout in fall, and spring‐to‐fall growth and survival of brook trout, between the TZ and an adjacent reference zone (RZ) whose flows were not altered. Flow reductions had no significant effects on the density of brook trout in fall or spring‐to‐fall survival of brook trout. However, spring‐to‐fall growth of brook trout in the TZ declined significantly when 75% flow reductions occurred. Cold upstream temperatures and the relatively short study reach kept thermal habitat conditions excellent for brook trout in the TZ throughout the dewatering experiments. These findings suggest that brook trout can tolerate some seasonal loss of physical habitat if temperature conditions remain suitable. In summer 1999, we experimentally assessed the influence of flow reduction on the warming rate through the TZ by diverting from 0% to 90% of flow around the TZ in 3‐ or 4‐day trials on a randomised schedule. Average daily temperature increased exponentially as stream flows declined from normal summer levels. Our findings suggest the risk of trout habitat loss from dewatering is potentially large and proportional to the magnitude of withdrawal, especially as thermal conditions approach critical levels for trout.  相似文献   

Brook trout are the one of the only Salvelinus species native to eastern North America and range from Canada to Georgia. Very little is known, however, about the ecology of the southern form of this species. We quantified microhabitat use of southern brook trout in Ball Creek NC, a third‐order stream, during six seasonal samples (summer 2010, autumn 2010, spring 2011, summer 2011, autumn 2011 and spring 2012). In general, trout preferentially occupied deeper microhabitats with lower mean velocities and higher amounts of erosional substrata than were randomly available. Older trout (1+ and 2+) occupied deeper microhabitats with lower mean velocities than yearling trout. These microhabitats typically represent ‘plunge pools’. Southern brook trout also occupied focal point velocities that were statistically indistinguishable from optimal velocities calculated for rainbow trout in the same system and thus may chose microhabitats that maximise net energy gain. Southern brook trout are found in isolated populations, and management strategies should focus on the preservation of plunge pool habitat for conservation of this subspecies.  相似文献   

Abstract Seasonal habitat use by over-yearling and under-yearling brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), was examined in a second-order stream in north-central Pennsylvania, USA. The habitat occupied by brook trout and available habitat were determined in a 0.5-km stream reach during the spring, summer and autumn of 1989 and the spring and summer of 1990. Cover, depth, substrate and velocity were quantified from over 2000 observations of individual brook trout. Habitat used by under-yearling brook trout was more uniform between seasons and years than that used by over-yearling brook trout. Over-yearling brook trout occupied areas with more cover and greater depth than did under-yearling brook trout, suggesting ontogenetic shifts in these variables. Differences for velocity and substrate were not as great as those for cover and depth. The selection of areas with low water velocities governed trout habitat use in spring, whereas cover and depth were the most important habitat variables in summer and autumn. Principal component analysis showed that available habitat and trout habitat centroids diverged most in spring, indicating that habitat selection by brook trout may be greatest at this time.  相似文献   

Artificial hybridizations were carried out with 17 combinations using six species of Salmonidae, namely chinook and coho salmon, rainbow and brown trout, Atlantic salmon and brook trout. Success at the eyed stage, survival rates up to the 15th day after hatching, length of the incubation period and dispersion of hatching times were examined with reference to monospecific control lots.Success and survival rates of hybrids were found to be inferior or at the best similar to those of parental species. Significant maternal effects were observed within most types of crosses.Highly variable interaction factors were found to influence length of incubation of hybrids, which could exceed that of either parental species. The dispersion of hatching times was greater in hybrids than in pure species and tended to be negatively correlated to survival.A few types of hybrids showed promising results at the end of the experiment and their potential interest for aquaculture is discussed.  相似文献   

The nonnative rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss has been an unsuccessful invader in North European streams, although it has been widely introduced. Here we studied whether early life history stages (egg incubation and hatching, first overwintering) act as filters for the establishment of hatchery rainbow trout. Survival of hatched alevins was approximately 80%, whereas only 47% of the embryos survived. However, the latter value was impacted by the high number of unfertilized eggs. Correlation coefficients with embryo survival rate and environmental variables (pH and temperature) were statistically insignificant. In the overwintering experiments, the survival of rainbow trout was 93%. The growth was generally slowed during the winter, but in the spring the growth of rainbow trout exceeded that of the native brown trout. Our data demonstrated that the survival and growth of rainbow trout during early life-history stages were relatively high and comparable to those of the native brown trout. Based on the variables considered in our study, our results suggest that environmental conditions during early life-history stages are not detrimental for rainbow trout in the study streams.  相似文献   


The production characteristics of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss and brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis were compared under winter pond conditions. Juvenile rainbow trout (55.1 ±1.5 g) and brook trout (28.9 ±0.4 g) were stocked at a density of 8,750 fish/ha into six 0.04-ha ponds. After 163 days, survival, growth, and feed conversion were similar (P >0.05). The results of this study suggest that brook trout may attain growth rates similar to rainbow trout under winter pond conditions in temperate regions of North America.  相似文献   

Understanding how changes in stream temperature affect survival and growth of coldwater fishes, including brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), is important for conserving coldwater stream fisheries in a changing climate. However, some contemporary stream temperature models assume spatially uniform (i.e. unrealistic) air–stream temperature relationships or demand hydrometeorological predictors (e.g. solar radiation and convection) that are expensive and often impractical for fisheries managers to measure. As such, we produced a relatively cost-effective, management-relevant modelling approach for predicting effects of changes in air temperature, precipitation and groundwater inputs on stream temperature and, consequently, the survival and growth of brown trout and rainbow trout in Michigan, USA. We found that precipitation- and groundwater-corrected stream temperature models (mean adjusted R2 = .77, range = 0.65–0.88) performed better than linear air–stream temperature models (mean adjusted R2 = .59, range = 0.21–0.80). Stream temperature was projected to increase by 0.07–3.88°C (1%–22%) with simulated changes in air temperature, precipitation and groundwater inputs. The greatest warming was predicted for surface runoff-dominated sites with limited groundwater-driven thermal buffering, where thermal habitat suitability for salmonid survival and growth declined 20%–40%. However, groundwater-dominated sites may not be immune to temperature warming, especially if groundwater temperature increases or groundwater inputs decline in a changing climate. Our modelling approach provides a reliable, cost-effective method for predicting effects of climate change on brown trout and rainbow trout survival and growth, allowing for strategic management actions to increase the thermal resilience and sustainability of salmonid populations (e.g. groundwater conservation and riparian/watershed rehabilitation).  相似文献   

Related sib‐groups of rainbow trout × brown trout and rainbow trout × brook charr triploid hybrids and monospecific diploid and triploid rainbow trout controls were obtained from a common set of rainbow trout dams. On the basis of hybrid juvenile performances, 10 sib‐groups were selected and the corresponding diploid rainbow trouts were raised up to adult stage. Females from each group of rainbow trout were used to produce a second generation of hybrid progeny, the performances of which were analysed for grandmaternal variation and relation with first‐generation relatives. Results showed that hybrid traits (alevin yield and weight, survival and growth of fingerlings) were strongly influenced by maternal origin, and could be correlated to those of rainbow trout controls, but that maternal abilities had a low rate of inheritance. It was concluded that little improvement can be expected through selective breeding within parental populations.  相似文献   

Non‐native piscivores can alter food web dynamics; therefore, evaluating interspecific relationships is vital for conservation and management of ecosystems with introduced fishes. Priest Lake, Idaho, supports a number of introduced species, including lake trout Salvelinus namaycush, brook trout S. fontinalis and opossum shrimp Mysis diluviana. In this study, we used stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) to describe the food web structure of Priest Lake and to test hypotheses about apparent patterns in lake trout growth. We found that isotopic niches of species using pelagic‐origin carbon did not overlap with those using more littoral‐origin carbon. Species using more littoral‐origin carbon, such as brook trout and westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, exhibited a high degree of isotopic niche overlap and high intrapopulation variability in resource use. Although we hypothesised that lake trout would experience an ontogenetic diet shift, no such patterns were apparent in isotopic signatures. Lake trout growth rates were not associated with patterns in δ15N, indicating that variation in adult body composition may not be related to adult diet. Understanding trophic relationships at both the individual and species levels provides a more complete understanding of food webs altered by non‐native species.  相似文献   

Wood in streams functions as fish habitat, but relationships between fish abundance (or size) and large wood in streams are not consistent. One possible reason for variable relationships between fish and wood in streams is that the association of fish with wood habitat may depend on ecological context such as large‐scale geomorphology. We studied the relationship between salmonid assemblages and large wood jams (LWJ) in four settings that differed geomorphically at the scale of the stream corridor along a tributary to Lake Superior in old‐growth conifer–hardwood forest in northern Michigan. The focal fish species of this study were brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), which were wild in the stream. Relocation efforts for coaster brook trout (an adfluvial life history variant of brook trout) were ongoing in the study stream. We measured fish abundance and length in pairs of pools of similar size and substrate, but varying in the presence of LWJ; this allowed us to evaluate associations of fish simply with the presence of LWJ rather than with other channel or flow‐shaping functions of LWJ. The length of Oncorhynchus spp. and young introduced brook trout was not strongly correlated with LWJ presence; however, the presence of LWJ in pools was positively correlated with larger wild brook trout. We also found that the correspondence of LWJ with the abundance of salmonids appears to be moderated by the presence of alternative habitat in this relatively natural, old‐growth forest stream.  相似文献   

Understanding resident fish population responses to restored connectivity would enhance decision-making on dam removal and fish passage. Since such evaluations are limited in the Great Lakes region of North America, we compared abundance, survival, and growth of resident brook trout and brown trout between sets of Michigan streams where populations were or were not interacting with salmonid species that might be present if connectivity existed. We analysed data from 34 electrofishing index sites to compare resident trout populations between streams without versus with Great Lakes access (and migratory Pacific salmonids), and brook trout populations in Great Lakes inaccessible (land-locked) streams where brown trout were present versus absent. Great Lakes accessibility effects on fish density became increasingly positive for older age groups of brown trout while generally negative for all age classes of brook trout. Brown trout had consistently negative effects on brook trout density in land-locked streams. Increased connectivity had significant effects on annual survival for only one of seven trout age classes modelled, while intraspecific density-dependent effects on survival were significant in six models. Significant intraspecific effects on resident trout growth occurred for seven of eleven age classes examined. Negative interspecific effects of Great Lakes access on resident trout growth were most noticeable for age-0 and age-1 resident trout, age classes that likely compete with juvenile Pacific salmonids. Our findings provide a more robust understanding of how Great Lakes connectivity affects resident trout populations, highlighting negative influences of brown trout on brook trout and intraspecific density-dependent effects.  相似文献   

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