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Canine pulmonary angiostrongylosis: an update   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canine pulmonary angiostrongylosis is an emerging snail-borne disease causing verminous pneumonia and coagulopathy in dogs. The parasite is found in Europe, North and South America and Africa, covering tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. Its distribution has been characterised by isolated endemic foci, with only sporadic occurrences outside these areas. In the last two decades, the literature has been dominated by several case reports and small case series describing sporadic disease in old or new endemic areas. Case reports and experimental studies with high doses of infective third stage larvae may not reflect what happens under field conditions. There is insufficient understanding of the spread of infection and the dynamic consequences of this parasite in the canine population. This review discusses the biology, epidemiology, clinical aspects and management of canine pulmonary angiostrongylosis.  相似文献   

Objective – The aim of this article is to review Angiostrongylus vasorum infection in dogs, including the life cycle, signalment, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment. Apparent changes in the epidemiology of this unique parasite are considered, alongside information available regarding its recent geographic spread.
Etiology – A. vasorum is a metastrongyloid parasite capable of causing an array of clinical problems in dogs, including cardiorespiratory, coagulopathic, and neurologic signs. Currently, the parasite has a worldwide distribution; however, it usually arises in small pockets of enzootic foci. Recent reports suggest a changing distribution of this parasite, which has renewed interest in its epidemiology and in the risk of expansion to new areas including mainland North America.
Diagnosis – A definitive diagnosis of angiostrongylosis is usually made using the modified Baermann technique either using feces or tracheobronchial secretions; however, this review also discusses novel methods such as serologic and molecular techniques.
Therapy – Once a diagnosis of angiostrongylosis is made, prompt treatment should follow with anthelmintic drugs (such as moxidectin/imidacloprid, milbemycin oxime, or fenbendazole) and supportive care dependent upon the patient's clinical signs. Currently, there is no proven prophylactic regime.
Prognosis – The prognosis appears to be very dependent upon the severity of clinical signs at presentation. A. vasorum can be fatal and death may be sudden. However, if a prompt diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is administered complete clinical resolution is possible.  相似文献   

The clinical features of 55 naturally occurring cases of neural angiostrongylosis caused by the parasite Angiostrongylus cantonensis are described. The principal clinical feature is an ascending paresis of varying severity, mainly effecting the limbs and bladder. In severely affected animals the cranial nerves and central nervous system are affected. A distinguishing clinical sign is a variable severe lumbar hyperalgesia. For prognostic purposes the severity of the disease is divided into 3 grades. Recovery occurs in the first 2, however in the third, the most severe grade, animals do not recover. Corticosteroids and supportive nursing facilitate recovery and lessen the residual neurological dysfunction. Anthelmintics were included in the therapeutic regimen but their use worsened the signs. Death was recorded in association with the use of anthelmintics in cases that should have otherwise recovered.  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus vasorum, French heartworm, is a metastrongloid parasite found in the pulmonary arteries and right ventricle of wild and domestic canids and various other animals. The natural definitive hosts are species of foxes. The geographic distribution of the parasite includes various countries of Europe, Africa, South America, and North America. Angiostrongylosis is considered an emerging disease in dogs in Europe. In North America, autochthonous A. vasorum infection occurs only in the Canadian province of Newfoundland-Labrador. Computer modeling suggests there is a high probability that A. vasorum will spread to other parts of North America and will likely become endemic in the eastern half of the continent and in the states and provinces along the western coast. Animals acquire infection by the ingestion of gastropod or frog intermediate hosts that carry the infective 3rd-stage larvae. Frogs can also serve as paratenic hosts. Definitive antemortem diagnosis is by detection of L(1) in feces, sputum, or bronchoalveolar lavage samples. Baermann fecal examination is the most reliable method for fecal detection. However, false negative results can occur due to the typical erratic/sporadic fecal larval shedding pattern of A. vasorum. Recently, promising new methods for A. vasorum infection diagnosis have been reported involving polymerase chain reaction of blood and fecal samples and a sandwich ELISA for detection of circulating worm excretory/secretory antigen. Current treatment options include moxidectin, milbemycin oxime, and fenbendazole.  相似文献   

Verminous encephalomyelitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis larvae was diagnosed in 2 foals at necropsy. The principal clinical feature was tetraparesis, although history and neurological examination revealed progressive and multifocal neurological disease. At presentation, a tentative diagnosis of parasitic larval migration involving the central nervous system (CNS), presumably due to Strongylus vulgaris, was proposed. Dissection of the spinal cord in one case resulted in recovery of intact larvae of both sexes of A. cantonensis. In both foals, histopathology of the brain and spinal cord revealed nematode sections which were consistent with A. cantonensis larvae.  相似文献   

Distribution of angiostrongylosis in Cornwall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One hundred and ninety-seven faecal samples were examined for Angiostrongylus vasorum larvae, from dogs throughout Cornwall, which were presented with one or more clinical signs consistent with infection, were known to eat slugs or snails or were related to an infected dog. Twenty samples (10-1 per cent) contained nematode larvae, of these A vasorum larvae were identified in eight (4-1 per cent) and larvae of Filaroides species in eight (4-1 per cent). Seven of the eight dogs positive for A vasorum were found to have been infected within an area six miles in diameter incorporating Redruth. Statistical analysis suggested that this aggregation of cases was unlikely to be a random event (P < 0–01). No correlation between published data on the distribution of the intermediate host, slugs and snails and the cases of A vasorum infection reported in this paper could be found. It is concluded that A vasorum infection is enzootic within a small area around Redruth in the mid-west of Cornwall.  相似文献   

A six-month old bitch presenting a sub-lingual mucocele and hematoma associated with coagulation disorders died four days after the surgical treatment of the mucocele. The necropsy revealed a canine angiostrongylosis, a disease rarely seen in Switzerland. This article summarizes the biology of Angiostrongylus vasorum and describes the lesions and symptoms caused by this cardio-pulmonary helminthosis, as well as its diagnosis and treatment. The connections between angiostrongylosis and coagulation disorders are also discussed.  相似文献   

A 5-month-old female Kelpie developed paraparesis, hind limb ataxia and spinal hyperaesthesia 4 days after ovariohysterectomy. Neurological examination demonstrated upper motor neuron signs in the pelvic limbs with lower motor neuron signs in the tail. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis demonstrated an increased protein concentration and marked eosinophilic pleocytosis. The dog was known to have eaten rats, snails and slugs. A tentative diagnosis of neural angiostrongylosis was made and later confirmed using an ELISA based on soluble antigens obtained from larval 4 Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Antibody titres from the patient's serum and CSF were 800 and 6400, respectively. The dog was treated successfully with prednisolone. ELISA testing of serum may provide a non-invasive means for diagnosing neural angiostrongylosis in dogs.  相似文献   

Ocular examination in the diagnosis of angiostrongylosis in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Neurological disease attributed to migration of the rat lungworm ( Angiostrongylus cantonensis ), is described in three captive rufous bettongs ( Aepyprymnus rufescens ). Clinical signs, including ascending paralysis and multifocal neurological deficits, were similar to those seen in other species. Histologically, the severity of meningoencephalomyelitis ranged from mild to moderate. In one animal cerebrospinal fluid contained a high percentage of eosinophils but peripheral blood cell counts were within normal limits. Treatment with dexamethasone, diazepam and vitamin E was unsuccessful. The prognosis for bettongs with this disease is poor. The susceptibility of this species to this disease has implications for enclosure design.  相似文献   

: Infection with Angiostrongylus vasorum was diagnosed at necropsy on a dog that died from acute pulmonary haemorrhage, and on recovery of L1 larvae by Baermann examination of faeces from two dogs, one of which had abdominal pain and retroperitoneal haemorrhage, while the other had right-sided heart failure due to cor pulmonale. The presenting signs included syncope (one dog), exercise intolerance (two dogs), cough (two dogs), abdominal pain (one dog) and depression (one dog). One-stage prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were prolonged in two dogs, buccal mucosal bleeding time was prolonged in one dog and globulin was elevated in all three dogs. Two dogs were treated with fenbendazole and recovered.  相似文献   

A case of angiostrongylosis is described in a 14-month-old golden retriever bitch. Conjunctival haemorrhage and neurological signs, referable to a space-occupying cerebral lesion, were associated with defective primary haemostasis caused by low levels of von Willebrand factor. Full clinical recovery followed treatment with desmopressin, fresh whole blood transfusion, fenbendazole and supportive care. The magnetic resonance image of the suspected organising haematoma is described. Similarities to the human condition, acquired von Willebrand syndrome, and a possible role for aberrant larval migration in haematoma formation are suggested.  相似文献   

犬是单次发情的,小型品种犬到达性成熟要比大型品种早些,公犬的性成熟比母犬延迟几周,野犬只在冬季交配,而家犬四季都能繁殖,但发情的频率趋向于春末和冬初。  相似文献   

常见的犬的人畜共患病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界上人畜共患病种类很多,常听说的“大名鼎鼎”的如:口蹄疫、狂犬病、鼠疫、猪链球菌病、禽流感、非典(SARS)、疯牛病等。近年来,由犬猫引起的人畜共患病也呈上升趋势,犬猫的人畜共患病也要引起人们的警惕,它直接关系到人们的身体健康。  相似文献   

Canine epilepsy     

Canine thymoma     
Thymoma is an uncommon canine neoplasm of thymic epithelial cells. It is seen in various breeds but may occur more frequently in German Shepherd Dogs. Middle-aged or older dogs can be affected and no sex predilection exists. A paraneoplastic syndrome of myasthenia gravis, nonthymic malignant tumors, and/or polymyositis occurs in a significant number of dogs with thymoma. Clinical signs are variable and are related to a space-occupying cranial mediastinal mass and/or manifestations of the paraneo-plastic syndrome. Dyspnea is the most common presenting clinical sign. Thoracic radiographs usually show a cranial mediastinal mass. Lymphoma is the main differential diagnosis. A definitive diagnosis may be made by closed biopsy but is more likely to be confirmed by thoracotomy. Thymomas may be completely contained within the thymic capsule or may spread by local invasion or metastasis. A staging system allows for an accurate prognosis and a therapeutic plan. Surgical removal of encapsulated thymomas may result in long-term survival or cure. Invasive or metastatic thymomas carry a guarded prognosis. Manifestations of the paraneoplastic syndrome complicate treatment. Adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy may be of value for advanced cases; however, adequate clinical trials have not been done in the dog.  相似文献   

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