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A total of 10,543 cattle from 1,386 farms throughout Queensland was examined at abattoirs and the presence of stephanofilarial lesions was related to property of origin, sex, breed, and age of the slaughtered cattle and season of slaughter. The mean prevalence was 38% and within the infected area this varied from less than 5% in south east Queensland to 95% on Cape York Peninsula. The prevalence of lesions was higher in bulls than in steers [corrected] and was least in cows [corrected]. Bos indicus animals had a lower prevalence than B. taurus. Prevalence increased with age. The distribution of the disease closely matched that of the buffalo fly, Haematobia irritans exigua.  相似文献   

Serological test results for leptospiral species on serums from cattle and pigs performed by the diagnostic laboratories of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries from July 1973 to June 1976 were used to determine the prevalence and geographical distribution of 3 leptospiral serotypes in Queensland. There was a higher prevalence of antibodies to L. hardjo than to L. pomona in cattle, whereas in pigs the prevalence of antibodies to L. pomona was much higher than that for L. tarassovi or L. hardjo. Feral pigs had a particularly high prevalence of L. pomona antibodies. There is a different geographical distribution of antibodies to L. pomona and L. hardjo. L. hardjo antibodies appear to be fairly uniformly distributed but there is a higher prevalence of L. pomona antibodies in low rainfall areas. This relationship was shown to be significantly correlated.  相似文献   

The development and morphology of Australian Theileria buffeli in cattle were studied after infection had been experimentally transmitted by the tick, Haemophysalis humerosa. Macroschizonts of T buffeli were demonstrated in Giemsa's stained lymph node preparations for between six and 20 days following tick infestation. The presence of schizonts was confirmed by immunofluorescence with sera from known infected animals. Microschizonts were seen infrequently. The schizonts and piroplasms of T buffeli are morphologically similar to those of T orientalis.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A survey of nearly 20 000 cattle in Queensland was conducted to describe the prevalence and distribution of infection by serotypes of bluetongue virus. The overall prevalence of serum antibodies to one or more bluetongue viruses was 8.7% (95% confidence interval 8.3 to 9.1). Sera from cattle contained neutralising activity against 2 serotypes, 1 and 21. No evidence was found of infection with other serotypes previously isolated in Australia. The overall prevalence of serotype 1 antibodies was 7.7% (95% CI 7.3 to 8.0) and the prevalence of serotype 21 antibodies was 3.3% (95% CI 3.1 to 3.6). The prevalence of serotype 1 antibodies was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of serotype 21 in every region of the State, except in the central highlands and south-west Queensland. Overall, 3 significantly (P < 0.05) different zones of prevalence were found: high prevalence (> 20%) in far north Queensland, moderate (5 to 20%) in north-west, northern and southern coastal Queensland, and low (< 5%) in the central highlands, Darling Downs and south-west Queensland.  相似文献   

Summary In a 12 year survey in the former Northern Provinces of Nigeria antibodies toTheileria mutans were found to have a prevalence rate of 32.6 to 85%. The indirect fluorescent antibody test was found to be more efficient than thin blood smear examination in detecting cattle exposed toT. mutans. The high prevalence ofT. mutans infection was attributed to the high prevalence ofAmblyomma species in the area under study.
Infeccion ConTheileria Mutans En Ganado Nigeriano
Resumen En un reconocimiento que duró 12 años, en las otrora Provincias Septrionales de Nigeria, se encontraron anticuerpos deTheileria mutans, con una rata de prevalencia de 32.6 a 85%. La prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes, fué más eficiente que los frotis sanguíneos, para detectar animales infectados. La alta prevalencia de infecciones porT. mutans, se atribuyó a la alta prevalencia de especies deAmblyoma en el área de estudio.

Theileriose AT. Mutans Chez Des Bovins Du Nigeria
Resumé Au cours d'une enquête dans les provinces nord du Nigéria, des anticorps deTheileria mutans ont été trouvés atteignant un taux d'incidence de 32,6 à 85 p.100. L'immunofluorescence indirecte s'est révélée plus efficace que l'examen de frottis de sang sur lame pour mettre en évidence les bovins exposés àTh. mutans. L'incidence élevée de la theilériose àTh. mutans a été atribuée à la densité importante de l'espèceAmblyomma dans la région étudiée.

This study was carried out to assess the distribution, abundance of different tick genera and prevalence of Theileria parva infection in Tarime zebu cattle kept in selected wards of Serengeti and Tarime districts in Mara region. Adult ticks were identified and counted from half body parts of 360 animals which were extensively managed in communal land with natural pastures. Concurrently, blood samples were collected and thereafter DNA extracted and a nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) was done using primers specific for p104 gene to detect the presence of T. parva DNA. Ticks were identified into four groups: Amblyomma genus, Boophilus sub-genus of Rhipicephalus genus, other species of Rhipicephalus, and Hyalomma genus. Rhipicephalus genus accounted for 71.8 % of the total ticks, whereas Amblyomma, Boophilus sub-genus of Rhipicephalus genus and Hyalomma constituted 14.1, 14.0 and 0.1 %, respectively. There were more animals (p?p?T. parva was 27.7 % and was higher (p?T. parva did not show any clinical signs of East Coast fever (ECF), suggesting the existence of subclinical infection in Tarime zebu. These results suggest that Tarime cattle can tolerate ECF infection and are likely to serve as potential carriers of T. parva to other less-tolerant cattle breeds in mixed herds. Since Tarime cattle are preferred by most farmers with mixed herds, routine screening for T. parva is highly recommended to minimize introduction of infected cattle into an immunologically naive population.  相似文献   

The characteristics of developing intraerythrocytic stages of T. sergenti were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy. The parasites with many ribosomes, acristate mitochondria, cytostome, and food vacuoles were morphologically regarded as the trophozoite stage. Although this type of parasites was frequently detected, intraerythrocytic merozoite stage with electron dense cisternae, rhoptries and small electron dense bodies was rarely observed in high parasitaemia. The intraerythrocytic stages of T. sergenti were divided mainly into four daughters by schizogony, and alternatively into two by binary fission. The daughter parasites in each division had the same ultrastructural features as of merozoites. As a result, it was suggested that T. sergenti trophozoites multiplied by schizogony to four organisms or by binary fission in the peripheral erythrocyte, and differentiated to the merozoites which acquired penetrating ability into the erythrocytes.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have surveyed the presence of a bovine Theileria protozoan, Theileria orientalis, in Mongolian cattle and engorging tick populations from selected provinces and districts in Mongolia. The percentages of infection in the cattle and ticks ranged from 8.8 to 66.6 and from 3.7 to 73.3, respectively, on a per district basis. The genetic diversity of T. orientalis isolates was also studied, based on the protozoan gene encoding a major piroplasm surface protein (MPSP). At least five genotypes (types 1, 3, 5, 7, and N-3) of T. orientalis were found to be circulating among the Mongolian cattle and tick populations. In particular, types 3 and N-3 were common in most of the districts examined, while a strong geographical relationship among the genotypes was not detected in the present study. This is the first epidemiological report describing the presence of T. orientalis infection in Mongolian cattle.  相似文献   

牛泰勒虫病在南方地区较为罕见。2001年7月,湖南省衡阳县樟树乡某村牛场所养的93头牛暴发牛泰勒虫病,经笔者诊治及时控制了疫情,现报告如下:  相似文献   

Theileria buffeli, generally a benign parasite of cattle, has been reported in animals from Texas, Missouri and North Carolina. To date, there have been no reports of the parasite in cattle residing in northern portions of the US. An 8-year-old cow (Maine Anjou x Angus cross-bred) in Michigan presented with hemoglobinuria and a packed cell volume of 9. Blood films stained with Giemsa showed numerous intraerythrocytic parasites morphologically consistent with T. buffeli. The parasite was confirmed to be T. buffeli by SSU rRNA gene sequence analysis (SSU rRNA sequence, Type A). This represents the first report of this parasite in an animal in Michigan.  相似文献   

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