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采收成熟度及贮藏方法对红灯甜樱桃保鲜效果的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了红灯甜樱桃深红和鲜红果实在CA-Ⅰ(5%O2+5%CO2)、CA-Ⅱ(5%O2+10%CO2)、自发性气调和普通冷藏条件下的贮藏效果。结果表明:深红色果实的贮藏效果均好于同种方法贮藏的鲜红色果实。4种贮藏方法中,以CA-Ⅱ贮藏效果最好,贮藏40天的深红色果实好果率为100%,果实暗红色,风味正常;CA-Ⅰ的贮藏效果略差于CA-Ⅱ;普通冷藏效果最差;自发气调贮藏的效果虽不如控制气调贮藏,但要明显好于普通冷藏。  相似文献   

采后菠萝贮藏品质与果肉细胞超微结构的变化   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
菠萝在贮藏过程中可溶性固形物、可溶性糖和果皮类胡萝卜素含量在采后第一周升高,一周后下降。可滴定酸及抗坏血酸含量在采后两周内呈上升趋势,两周后下降。果皮叶绿素含量则一直呈下降趋势。在透射电镜下观察,随着贮藏时间的延长,果肉细胞壁降解,细胞器解体,细胞质逐渐消失,细胞空泡化,到贮藏后期只剩下松散细胞壁支架,说明菠萝后熟过程是一个衰老的过程。  相似文献   

布雷顶峰油桃、晴朗油桃属晚熟品种 ,其表面光亮美观且具有较好风味 ,深受消费者喜爱。常温贮藏一般为 5~ 7天 ,冷藏可达 50~ 60天 ,并可获得较高的经济效益。1 采前管理 良好的树体营养条件是保证高质量果品生产的基础 ;高质量的果实经贮藏后能保持较好品质。因此要确实抓  相似文献   

试验采用0.5μL/L 1-MCP保鲜剂+PE保鲜袋包装,研究3种成熟度[采收硬度分别为(15±0.5)、(12±0.5)、(9±0.5)kg/cm2]猕猴桃果实在-1℃贮藏效果,进而确定猕猴桃长期贮藏适宜采收成熟度。结果表明:当猕猴桃采收硬度为(12±0.5)kg/cm2时,贮藏120天后,果实腐烂率3.9%,失重率2.0%,可溶性固形物含量13.40%,维生素C含量820.0 mg/kg,可滴定酸含量1.12%,果实正常后熟,保鲜效果明显优于其他处理;采收硬度为(15±0.5)、(9±0.5)kg/cm2猕猴桃果实贮藏期不应超过90天。  相似文献   

采收成熟度对牛肝菌保鲜贮藏的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不同成熟度的食用菌子实体采后生理、病理及贮藏品质有不同的变化规律 ,本文通过对美柄牛肝菌(BoletusspeciosuFrost)三种不同成熟度的子实体的呼吸强度、呼吸商的测定分析 ,及贮藏过程中菌体外观品质变化综合评定的产生及发展进行分析 ,为牛肝菌采集及贮藏中的原料标准的制定提供依据。  相似文献   

不同成熟度对灵武长枣贮藏效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从4个不同成熟度的灵武长枣贮藏过程的生理活性和贮藏效果入手,寻找到灵武长枣的最佳采收时间.试验采用KDZ保鲜剂处理 微孔保鲜膜包装,室温贮藏,对比不同成熟度灵武长枣生理活性与室温贮藏效果.结果表明:不同成熟度枣果,其贮藏特性不同.适宜的成熟度对延缓贮藏过程中枣果水分的散失,维持枣果的品质、风味,降低乙醇的生成,防止酒化,延长贮藏期都有明显的效果.灵武长枣的采收期应以八成熟度为宜,可适时早采.  相似文献   

顶香(Flavortop)油桃采后,在常温下硬度与可滴定酸线性下降,过氧化物酶活性在采后第5天最高(0.5815OD/min),乙烯释放量在第6天出现高峰(5.5024μL/kg/h),第7天果实即衰老,顶香油桃采后经抑霉唑350~600mg/L防腐处理后,装入0.04mmPVC袋内,同时放入乙烯与二氧化碳吸收剂,在0θ恒温下贮藏70d能很好地保持其原有的色、香、味及质地;贮藏90d,则有个别果实发生腐烂,但仍能基本上保持其风味与质地,有较高的商品价值。  相似文献   

以酸樱桃为试材,在1℃和4℃条件下贮藏,测定不同成熟度酸樱桃采后贮藏期间腐烂率、褐变率、还原糖、总酸、原花青素、黄酮等生理指标随时间的变化,筛选酸樱桃贮藏最佳条件。结果表明:在贮藏期间,酸樱桃腐烂率和褐变率均增加,还原糖含量呈先增加后下降趋势,总酸、原花青素和黄酮含量呈下降趋势,高成熟度酸樱桃衰老速度比低成熟度快,1℃比4℃更有利于酸樱桃贮藏。  相似文献   

苹果贮藏期间常见果肉褐变类型及防治石建新,闫晓芳(山西省农科院农产品贮藏保鲜研究所太原030031)果肉褐变是苹果贮藏期间常见的一种病害。受害果实的果肉或全部褐变或部分褐变;褐变区域或仅局限于果肉部分或波及果心和果皮;褐变组织或坚实、湿润或松散、干燥...  相似文献   

The influence of nectarine cultivar and the harvest date on fruit colour, fruit size, fruit quality parameters, and consumer acceptance were assessed. The analyses were carried on cultivars with different fruit taste (acidity and sweetness), from 5-years-old trees at the IRTA-Experimental Station of Lleida (Spain). The six cultivars were grouped in three pairs in which each had a similar commercial harvest date. Each pair comprised by a non-acid cultivar and an acid cultivar, except the pair of ‘Big Top®’ and ‘Mesembrine®’, which included two non-acid cultivars. The nectarines were harvested at 8 days intervals on five harvest dates, three of which were before the commercial harvest date, one at commercial harvest and another 1 week after commercial harvest.  相似文献   

枇杷果实成熟和贮藏过程中有机酸的代谢   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
以高效液相色谱法测定解放钟和早钟六号枇杷成熟过程中及其在8-10℃低温保鲜与MAP保鲜过程中有机酸成分的变化。结果表明:枇杷鲜果中有机酸有苹果酸、乳酸、草酸、酒石酸、富马酸、柠檬酸、丙酮酸等,其中主要有机酸为苹果酸(约占85%),其次为乳酸(约占10%),草酸、酒石酸的含量较低,富马酸微量,不含乙酸和琥珀酸。随着采收成熟度的提高与贮藏时间的延长,有机酸的种类增加,总酸含量下降,有机酸代谢消耗主要是苹果酸的代谢消耗。MAP保鲜主要是通过抑制苹果酸的代谢来减少有机酸在贮藏过程中的消耗。  相似文献   

以软溶质水蜜桃清水白桃为试材,分别在树上完熟的前6、4和2d采样,贮藏于25℃,相对湿度90%的环境条件下至完熟,与树上完熟果实相比较,调查了果实的生理变化、色泽和果汁品质性状,并对完熟果实进行了风味评定。结果表明,贮藏期间的果实乙烯释放量以完熟前2d采收的果实增加最快并在果实完熟时达到最大,树上完熟的果实乙烯释放量最少。树上完熟前6d采收的果实,果皮亮度、果汁的蔗糖含量、“果香型”内酯类物质含量均低于后3次采收的果实,其中以树上完熟前2d采收的果实为最高。相反滴定酸、柠檬酸、天冬酰胺和“清香型”香气物质含量以树上完熟前6d采收的果实最高。完熟果实的风味评定也显示了树上完熟前2d采收的果实综合评价最高,早期采收的果实即使贮藏后达到完熟果肉硬度,甜度和香味少、酸味重。另外,树上完熟的果实肉质粗,酸度低,有怪香味,综合评价不高。  相似文献   

Harvesting plays a major role in the virgin olive oil production line, being the most expensive single component, but also due to its significant effect on the whole year's produce. Previous studies have focused on the effects of harvest timing on either oil yield or quality. Here we determined the separate and combined effects of harvesting date, fruit maturation, cultivar and fruit load on olive oil quality and quantity. Cultivars typical to the Middle East region were selected: the traditional cv. Souri and the newer cv. Barnea, grown under intensive conditions. The results demonstrate fundamental differences between the two cultivars with respect to harvest strategy. In high-yielding ‘Barnea’, oil accumulation continued throughout the ripening season resulting in increasing yield of oil with time while maintaining high quality. Hence, exploiting the production potential in ‘Barnea’ requires late harvest and advanced fruit maturity. However, in heavily loaded ‘Souri’, oil accumulation was accompanied by early massive shedding of fruits. Furthermore, late harvest and advanced maturation in ‘Souri’ were associated with a sharp increase in free fatty acids combined with a rapid decline in polyphenol content, and in MUFA to PUFA and saturated to unsaturated fatty acid ratios, all resulting in loss of oil quality. Rapid decline in oil yield coupled with deterioration of oil quality call for early harvesting at low maturity index in ‘Souri’. In medium-yielding trees of both cultivars, maturation progressed more rapidly, resulting in earlier harvest to utilize optimal oil potential.  相似文献   

1-MCP对不同成熟度冰温贮藏磨盘柿品质和生理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨冰温贮藏过程中1-MCP对不同成熟度磨盘柿品质和生理的影响,以磨盘柿为试材,测定了不同成熟度磨盘柿用1-MCP处理后在冰温贮藏过程中的贮藏品质、生理代谢及软化相关指标。结果表明,1-MCP可以有效延缓不同成熟度柿果冰温(-0.5~-0.2℃)贮藏过程中硬度、可滴定酸、维生素C含量的下降,显著抑制乙醇含量、呼吸强度和细胞膜透性的增加,抑制可溶性单宁向不溶性单宁的转化,降低PG、PE、纤维素酶和淀粉酶的活性。研究表明,在相同的贮藏条件下,八成熟柿果软化衰老较慢,贮藏效果最好。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨白肉枇杷新品种'新白8号'不同成熟度果实的常温贮藏效果的变化,为指导科学采摘与合理贮藏提供参考依据。【方法】比较了室温贮藏条件下,七成熟至十成熟的'新白8号'鲜果,果皮色差、果实失水率、坏果率、皱果率、果肉硬度、糖组分、酸组分等指标的动态变化。【结果】各成熟度的H0值缓慢下降,a*值上升,L*值略降,b*、c*值呈"升—降—升"的趋势;失水率呈抛物线式上升,七成熟最高;贮藏4 d后,十成熟皱果率快速增大,至13 d达34.71%,八、九成熟增加较缓慢,七成熟无皱果;坏果率呈增大趋势,十成熟最高,至13 d达44.29%,其次是七成熟;果肉硬度均缓慢增大,成熟度越高增加幅度越大;TSS、总糖含量0~4 d小幅上升,之后均缓慢下降;果糖含量呈上升趋势,七成熟的增幅最大;0~7 d葡萄糖含量上升,7 d后九、十成熟的下降;蔗糖含量变幅最大,除十成熟外,0~1 d提高12.03%~16.08%,而后下降,七成熟降幅最大;山梨醇先增大后降低,十成熟增幅最大;总酸、苹果酸含量总体下降且趋势一致,成熟度越低下降幅度越大;奎尼酸、富马酸含量有波动,贮藏后差异不显著;乳酸含量在贮藏4~10 d时上升后下降;糖酸比、固酸比呈"升—降—升"波动上升,低成熟度果接近贮藏前十成熟果。【结论】采摘成熟度对'新白8号'枇杷常温贮藏效果的影响较大,八、九成熟果更适合常温贮藏,有效贮藏期宜小于10 d;十成熟果常温贮藏宜小于4 d。  相似文献   

桃果实絮败机理及减缓措施   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
邵兴锋  屠康  曹燕  李一青 《果树学报》2005,22(2):149-153
桃果实在8℃以下的低温环境中贮藏2周以上极易受冷害,后熟过程中表现出果肉质地发绵、汁液减少等 絮败现象。絮败的产生主要是果胶甲酯酶(PE)和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性变化不平衡导致果胶质正常降解受 阻,形成凝胶所致。综述了近年来对于桃和油桃絮败机理方面的研究成果,从絮败发生的机理、絮败程度检测以及在 低温贮藏中如何减缓絮败发生的措施等方面进行了论述。认为影响桃果实絮败的主要因素是贮藏温度、品种、成熟 度等。絮败的评价主要用出汁率等方法,在贮藏中可以采用气调、中途加温、外源乙烯处理、延期贮藏等措施减缓絮 败发生。提出了需要近一步研究的内容。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effects of Chinese medicine, Jinan injection, on ultrastructure and mitochondria in cultured lung cancer cell lines. METHODS: The cultured lung cancer cell lines PG and PAa were used and divided into 4 groups: control (C), cisplatin (DDP), Jinan (JA) and Jinan in combination with cisplatin (DJ), respectively. The changes of morphology and mitochondria membrane potential, intracellular Ca2+ and pH in every group were observed by inverted microscope and electronic microscope as well as by using flow cytometry, staining by rhodamine, Fluo-3 and BCECF, respectively. RESULTS: Degeneration cells showed chromatin condensation and peripheral congregation. In cytoplasm autophage lysosome increased and myelinoid body was seen easily. In mitochondria structure, where the space between the inner and outer membranes of these organelles expanded as the matrix was compressed. The electron-dense or swelled was observed as vacuole degeneration and its matrix showed electron-lucent. Compared to control, mitochondria membrane potential increased in every group after 24 h and 48 h treatment. DDP increased intracellular calcium ion in PG cells, however, in PAa cells, JA and DJ decreased it. Intracellular pH got lower at 24 h and higher at 48 h in PG and PAa cells. There were significance in every group vs control in PG and PAa by statistic t-test (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Apoptosis was induced in PG and PAa cell lines by Jinan injection and DJ. Mitochondria matrix displayed electron-dense, mitochondrial potential, intracellular calcium ion and pH showed an increasing trend. Mitochondria damages may play an important role in apoptosis induced by Jinan and DJ.  相似文献   

Effects of deficit irrigation (DI) on fruit maturity at harvest, ripening characteristics, and changes in fruit quality during and after storage of ‘Braeburn’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) were studied in two experiments. In Experiment 1, irrigation treatments were a commercially irrigated control (CI), an early deficit irrigation (EDI) applied from 63 to 118 days after full bloom (DAFB), and a late deficit irrigation (LDI) applied from 118 DAFB to final harvest on 201 DAFB. Irrigation treatments in Experiment 2 were a commercially irrigated control (CI) and a whole-season deficit irrigation (WDI). These DI treatments all reduced volumetric soil water content. The LDI and WDI advanced fruit ripening but EDI did not. All DI treatments increased fruit total soluble solids (TSS) and firmness regardless of maturity but had little or no effect on titratable acidity. The differences in TSS started during fruit growth much earlier than the onset of ripening and were maintained during and following storage at 0°C. The differences in firmness also started during fruit growth and were maintained for at least 10 weeks of storage at 0°C.  相似文献   

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