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Silicon-mediated accumulation of flavonoid phytoalexins in cucumber   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT The controversial role of silicon in plant disease resistance, described mostly as a passive mechanical protection, has been addressed. Conclusive evidence is presented that silicon is involved in the increased resistance of cucumber to powdery mildew by enhancing the antifungal activity of infected leaves. This antifungal activity was attributable to the presence of low-molecular-weight metabolites. One of these metabolites, described here as a phytoalexin, was identified as a flavonol aglycone rhamnetin (3,5,3',4'-tetrahydroxy-7-O-methoxyflavone). This is the first report of a phytoalexin for this chemical group in the plant kingdom and of a flavonol phytoalexin in cucumber, a chemical defense long believed to be nonexistent in the family Cucurbitaceae. The antifungal activity of leaf extracts was better expressed after acid hydrolysis, extending to another plant species the concept that some phytoalexins are synthesized as glycosylated phytoalexins or their precursors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Herbicides that affect lipid metabolism have been used commercially for many years. Here, napropamide, diphenamid, dimethachlor and cafenstrole are compared; these have all been classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) as K3 herbicides and inhibitors of cell division and/or synthesis of very‐long‐chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). In addition, spiro‐decanedione A and pinoxaden dione are compared as inhibitors of lipid synthesis through inhibition of acetyl‐CoA carboxylase (ACCase). RESULTS: Whereas the chloracetamide dimethachlor and the carboxyamide cafenstrole potently inhibited VLCFA synthesis in both barley and cucumber, the acetamides napropamide and diphenamid which are also classified as K3 herbicides and likewise the unclassified herbicide cinmethylin did not. The graminicide pinoxaden dione inhibited de novo fatty acid synthesis in barley, but not in cucumber, and correspondingly inhibited the plastid form of maize ACCase much more than the cytosolic form (IC50 values of 0.1 and 17 µM ). By contrast, spiro‐decanedione A exhibited herbicidal effects not only on grasses but also on broad leaves, strongly inhibited maize cytosolic ACCase and inhibited synthesis of VLCFAs in cucumber. CONCLUSIONS: The acetamides napropamide and diphenamid, which do not inhibit VLCFA synthesis, should be classified separately from K3 herbicides that do. Pinoxaden dione and spiro‐decanedione A represent new classes of chemicals acting on plant lipid synthesis. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

除草剂生物测定方法   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
除草剂生物测定在除草剂的研制、应用过程中占有重要地位。除草剂的筛选、除草活性、杀草谱确定、除草剂对作物的安全性及其是否存在残留药害等诊断,都离不开生物测定。也正因为如此,生物测定得到了广泛的应用,特别是在新化合物的高通量筛选中是不可缺少的手段。除草剂的生物测定广义的包括了实验室、温室和大田三个试验层次,而狭义的仅主要指前两者,后者则为田间药效评价。为了能使生物测定方法在除草剂研究和应用过程中得到更好的利用和发挥更大的作用,本文仅就狭义的生物测定进行讨论。  相似文献   

《EPPO Bulletin》1989,19(2):343-354
The biological evaluation of a herbicide involves a programme of trials for assessment of efficacy in weed control and of selectivity to the crop. Trials may be used for efficacy evaluation or selectivity evaluation according to weed occurrence, provided the conditions specified in the guideline are satisfied.
This guideline gives detailed instructions for the conduct of single trials and general recommendations for the whole evaluation programme which may include other trials (practical use trials, succeeding crop trials, varietal sensitivity trials–Appendix I).  相似文献   

The effect of acifluorfen and oxyfluorfen on chlorophyll bleaching, lipid peroxidation and photosynthesis in pea leaf discs was studied. Both her- bicides induced light-dependent bleaching and lipid peroxidation, the level of damage being greater at higher light intensities. Photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation was only partially inhibited in treated leaf discs incubated in darkness, thus indicating that these herbicides did not inhibit photo- synthesis as a primary mode of action. Leaf discs maintained in darkness showed no visible signs of injury, and light-dependent herbicide-induced damage was reduced by incubating discs under nitrogen, orpre-incubating them with the electron-transport inhibitor monuron. It is suggested that acifluorfen and oxyfluorfen are activated by a light-dependent process, which requires photosynthetic electron transport.  相似文献   

Fresh seed of Canduuts nutans ssp nutans showed innate dormancy. Stimulation of germination by white or red light was reversed by far-red. The light requirement could be substituted tn large measure by gibberellic acid, potassium nitrate or by removal, cutting or pricking of the seed coat. These factors, singly or in combination, may influence germination in the field Optimal temperature for germination was found to coincide with autumn and spring conditions on the tablelands of New South Wales An increase in germination under conditions of low osmolie stress indicated that the taxa was adapted to wet mierosites. The relative growth role of young seedlings (2–5 weeks) in a controlled environment was not saturated by irradiance up to 30% of maximum daylight. Older seedlings (5–10 weeks) displayed highest relative growth rates and net assimilation rates between 15 and 20% of full daylight. The compensation point was estimated at 7 Wm?2 (1.7%) and control through competition for light is thought possible. Recherches biologiques sur Carduus nutans (L.) ssp. nutans. l. Germination et besoins en lumière des plantules Des semences fraîches de Carduus nutans ssp nutans ont montré une dormance naturelle. La stimulation de la germination par la lumiere blanche ou rouge a été inversée par l'infra-rouge. Le besoin de lumière peut ètre, dans une large mesure, remplacé par l'acide gibbèrellique. le nitrate de potassium ou l'enlèvement. l'incision ou la piqûre de l'enveloppe dc la semence. Ces faeteurs. isolement ouencombinaison peuvent influencer la germination au champ. Il a été constate que la température optimale pour la germination coïncidait avec les conditions climatiques de l'automne et du printemps dans les plateaux de la Nouvelle Gallesdu Sud. Un aceroissement de la germination dans des conditions de faible pression osmotique a montre que les taxa étaient ada ptés à des microstations hum ides. Le laux de croissance relatif des jeunes planlules (de 2 a 5 semaines) dans un environnement conlrôlé n'a pas été perlurbé par uue irradiation allant jusquà 30% de la lumière maximale du jour Des plantules plus agees (de 5 à 10 semaines) ont montré des tauxde croissance relatifset des taux neisd'assimlation plus élevés avec 15 a 20% de la lumière maximale du jour Le point de compensation a été estiméà 7 Wm?2 (1.7%) et la lutie liée à la compétition pour la lumière est envisagé comme possible. Untersuchungen zur Biotogie von Carduus nulans (L.) ssp. nuians. I. Keimung und Lichtanspruch der Sämlinge Frische Samen von Carduus nutans ssp. nutans besassen eine endogene Dormanz Die Slimulierung der Keimung durch weisses oder rotes Licht, wurde durch Lichl im fernen Rot aufgehoben, Der Lichtanspruch konnie zu einem grosscn Teil durch Cibberellinsäure, Kaliumnitrat oder durch Entfernen, Schneiden oder Anstechen der Samenschale ersetzt werden. Diese Einflussgrössen können enlweder einzeln oder gemeinsam die Keimung unter natürlichen Bedingungcn becinflussen Die optimale Keimtemperatur stimmt mil den auf dem Plateau von Neu Südwales herrschenden Herbst- und Frühjahrsbedingungen überetn. Die bessere Keimung unter gcringer osmotischer Belastung deutet darauf hin, dass diese Taxa an feuchte Slellen angepasst sind. Eine Belichtung, entsprechend 30% des maximalen Tageslichts, reichte für das Wachstum von 2–5 Wochen alten Pflänzchen. die unter kontrollierten Bedingungen gehalten wurden, nichl ganz a us, Ältere Pflänzchen (5–10 Wochen) batten ihre höchsten Wachstums- uns Assimilationsraten zwischen 15 und 20% des vollen Tageslichts. Der Kompensationspunkt durfie bei 7 Wm?2 (1,7%) liegen. und eine Bekämpfung durch Konkurrenz urn Licht crscheinl möglich.  相似文献   

The history of the development of herbicides for mechanized paddy rice production in Japan can be characterized by a combination of products with several ingredients, by large availability in formulation, and by application methods for labor saving in accordance with natural and social conditions of the country, for instance, around 40% of national land located in hilly and mountainous areas, small size paddy fields consolidated in approximately 0.3 ha on average and so on. As for combination products, one‐shot herbicides that can control both annual and perennial weeds, including grasses, sedges and broadleaved weeds, mainly with sulfonylureas have been a major means of rice production since the 1980s. One‐shot herbicides have been improved by using newly developed chemicals with excellent herbicidal efficacy, such as acetolactate synthase (ALS), 4‐hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (4‐HPPD), protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) and very‐long‐chain fatty acid elongase (VLCFAE) inhibitors, and by combining ingredients that are effective against sulfonylurea‐resistant (SU‐R) biotypes of lowland weeds. The latest type of one‐shot herbicides can control noxious species such as Eleocharis kuroguwai as well as other ordinal species. Regarding herbicide formulation, “1 kg granule,” “Jumbo,” “Flowable,” “Diffusion granule” and so on have been developed to save farmers the troubles of applying herbicides. As for application methods, “at‐transplanting application,” “at‐irrigation inlet application” and utilization of radio‐controlled helicopters or boats were put into practical use as labor‐saving technology. As a result, farmers were spared the severe hand‐weeding work under blazing heat during the summer season. Japan Association for Advancement of Phyto‐Regulators (JAPR) have promoted and contributed to the development of herbicides through collaboration with agrochemical companies and research organizations since it was founded in 1964. In this paper, I explain the development progress of herbicide using materials on the mode of action, the trend of one‐shot herbicides, the feature of a labor‐saving formulation and the working hours for weed management in rice production.  相似文献   

通过探究18%噻虫胺包埋颗粒剂在黄瓜Cucumis sativus L.叶片中的累积量与其对温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood防治效果的相关性及残留消解动态,以期为指导其科学用药,降低环境风险提供理论依据。以1%噻虫胺颗粒剂为对照药剂,通过温室黄瓜栽培试验,调查了18%噻虫胺包埋颗粒剂对温室白粉虱的防治效果。通过建立黄瓜叶片和土壤中噻虫胺残留量的超高效液相色谱-串联质谱 (UPLC-MS/MS) 检测方法,测定了不同施药量和黄瓜不同生长时期条件下18%噻虫胺包埋颗粒剂在黄瓜叶片中的累积量,并研究了其累积量与防治效果的相关性。结果表明:18%噻虫胺包埋颗粒剂对温室白粉虱的防效为49%~95%,是对照药剂1%噻虫胺颗粒剂的1.16~2.32倍,且在推荐施药剂量 (有效成分450 g/hm2)下即能达到理想防效;其在土壤中的残留消解动态符合一级反应动力学方程,消解半衰期为43~63 d,而对照药剂为35 d,表明其在土壤中的消解速率缓慢;噻虫胺在黄瓜叶片中的累积量随施药量的增加而增加,累积量与防效均随施药时间的推移呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,并在施药后56 d达到最高值,当施药剂量有效成分分别为450、600和750 g/hm2时,黄瓜上部叶片中噻虫胺的最大累积量分别为1.9、2.2和2.8 mg/kg,最高防效均为90%;中部叶片中噻虫胺的最大累积量分别为2.2、2.5和3.0 mg/kg,最高防效分别94%、93%和95%。  相似文献   

3种除草剂防除大蒜田杂草药效试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈琳  徐秉良 《植物保护》2004,30(4):80-83
经田间试验明确,异丙草胺、二甲戊灵和乙氧氟草醚3种除草剂土壤处理对大蒜安全,72%异丙草胺乳油用药量1 875-3 000 mL/hm2、23.5%乙氧氟草醚乳油用药量1 500 mL/hm2、33%二甲戊灵乳油用药量1 875-2 250mL/hm2对灰绿藜、萹蓄、无芒稗和狗尾草等多种一年生杂草有较好地防除效果,并对大蒜有一定的增产作用。  相似文献   

Bean hypocotyls, pea pods and tomato fruits were tested for phaseollin, pisatin and rishitin production when challenged with the phytopathogenic bacteriaErwinia carotovora, Pseudomonas phaseolicola, P. pisi andP. solanacearum, and their isolated extracellular polysaccharides. All bacteria induced phytoalexin accumulation, whereas only phaseollin and pisatin, but not rishitin, were elicited by EPS. The inhibitory effect of these three phytoalexins on bacterial growth was studied in liquid medium; whereas phaseollin and pisatin strongly inhibited growth, only a slight inhibitory effect resulted from the presence of rishitin in the medium.Samenvatting Bonehypocotylen, erwtepeulen en tomatevruchten werden onderzocht op hun vermogen tot vorming van respectievelijk faseolline, pisatine en rishitine, na inoculatie met de fytopathogene bacteriënErwinia carotovora, Pseudomonas phaseolicola, P. pisi enP. solanacearum en na behandeling met oplossingen van hun extracellulaire polysacchariden (EPS). Alle bacteriesoorten induceerden fytoalexinevorming, terwijl hun EPS wel faseolline- en pisatine-, maar geen rishitinevorming induceerden. Faseolline en pisatine remden de groei van de bacteriën in vloeibaar medium sterk; rishitine daarentegen had slechts een geringe groeiremming tengevolge.  相似文献   

 本文研究了草酸和BTH(苯并噻二唑)溶液对黄瓜幼苗霜霉病的抗性诱导及病程相关蛋白的积累。结果表明:10mmol/L草酸或0.5mmol/LBTH均能诱导黄瓜对霜霉病产生局部和系统抗性,且抗性的持久期均在15d以上。BTH处理或接种霜霉菌都可系统诱导黄瓜叶片胞间隙液产生分子量分别为33、27和22kD的蛋白,而草酸没有诱导这3种蛋白的表达。BTH或草酸处理均可引起POD活性的升高,但和对照相比并没有新的POD同工酶表达,POD活性升高与黄瓜对霜霉病的抗性有关。  相似文献   

The unsaturated fatty acid pattern and content of the main lipid fractions of three isolates of Verticillium dahliae were investigated, Oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3) acids were the unsaturated fatty acids detected in the polar lipids and in the free fatty acids extracted from myceha of three isolates of the fungus. The concentration of the three fatty acids in polar lipids was about double that in free fatty acids, Linoleic acid was the predominant fatty acid in both lipid fractions. The capacity of linoleic and linolenic acids to induce lubimin accumulation in eggplant fruit discs was evaluated in comparison with that of the polyunsaturated fatty acid arachidonic acid, which is a known elicitor of phytoalexin synthesis in potato tuber. The accumulation of moderate levels of the phytoalexin was induced by arachidonic and linolenic acids, A higher induction was observed when browning of the tissue was inhibited by phenylthiourea. Under these conditions, linoleic acid induced only a slight accumulation of lubimin. The possible role of linolenic acid in triggering defence reactions in eggplant is discussed.  相似文献   

Grafted watermelon is a combination of two plants, aCucurbita rootstock and a watermelon scion. Therefore, weed control for this crop faces a unique problem: the safety of the selected herbicide has to be tested for both plants that make up the grafted plant. In the current study, we evaluated the usage safety of selected herbicides forCucurbita rootstocks as well as for non-grafted and grafted watermelons, and the control ofAmaranthus retroflexus by the same herbicides. In addition, the residual effect of the herbicides was tested for seeded and transplanted melons representing the next crop following cultivation of the grafted watermelons. The herbicides ethalfluralin, pendimethalin, ethalfluralin, sulfentrazone, oxyfluorfen, chlorsulfuron and clomazone were chosen for their potential to controlA. retroflexus. Pendimethalin and trifluralin were less effective than the other herbicides in controllingA. retroflexus; sulfentrazone, chlorsulfuron and clomazone were not safe for use on the tested cucurbits and thus cannot be recommended for weed control in grafted watermelons. Therefore, by eliminating the herbicides that are toxic to cucurbits and those that are ineffective forA. retroflexus control, it was concluded that the herbicides ethalfluralin and oxyfluorfen can be considered effective and safe for weed control in grafted watermelons. It was shown that trifluralin and oxyfluorfen have the potential to be applied effectively through the drip irrigation system. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 10, 2008.  相似文献   

A technique for determining the relative leaching of herbicdes in soil is described. This consists of coating a glass plate with a uniformly thin layer of soil, applying the herbicde as a streak to the bottom of the plate and then cluting it with water. This is analogous to thin-layer chromatography. After clution, the position of the herbicide is determined by a bioassay with browntop grass (Agrostis tenuis). This provides a speedy and economical method which is particularly useful as a screen for experimental herbicides.  相似文献   

防除大豆田阔叶杂草除草剂筛选试验报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来 ,山东省大豆田应用较多的芽前除草剂以乙草胺为主 ,芽后除草剂有盖草能、禾草克、拿捕净等 ,这些除草剂对禾本科杂草有较好的防除效果 ,但都不能有效地控制铁苋菜、马齿苋、反枝苋等阔叶杂草的危害。因此 ,筛选适宜防除大豆田阔叶杂草的除草剂显得非常必要。我们于 1 999年进行了克莠灵、豆必乐、克阔乐、Cadre及豆草灭等除草剂对比试验。1 材料与方法1 .1 供试药剂供试药剂有 44%克莠灵水剂 (德国巴斯夫公司产 )、38%豆必乐水剂 (德国巴斯夫公司产 )、2 4%克阔乐乳油 (德国艾格夫公司产 )、2 4%Cadre水剂 (Imazet…  相似文献   

A new test design for the non-axenic submergent aquatic macrophytes Elodea canadensis Michx. and Myriophyllum spicatum L. has been developed for potential use in herbicide toxicity testing. For the non-axenic cultures, the best growth conditions were observed in the Elendt-M4 medium in which no growth of algae or bacteria was observed. Cuttings were placed in beakers containing only the artificial M4 medium or were planted in small beakers containing OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) sediment (5% peat, 75% sand, 20% kaolinite), which were then placed in larger vessels with the M4 medium. The plants were observed for main and secondary shoot length, biomass and root formation within 2-3 weeks of planting. Growth rates were calculated for total plant length and biomass. The variance between the replicates was low throughout the experiment [coefficient of variation (CV) < 26% for total plant length, and between 16 and 40% for biomass]. Relative growth rates based on total plant length were determined as 0.028 and 0.050 per day for M. spicatum in the systems containing M4 medium only and medium plus sediment respectively. Similar results were observed for E. canadensis, with relative growth rates of 0.26 and 0.073 per day in the two test systems. The root-shoot ratio at harvest was greater by a factor of 2-3 for E. canadensis in the M4 medium than in the system containing sediment. However, comparable ratios were observed for M. spicatum in the two test systems. Both growth in total plant length and growth in biomass of the two species have potential as measures of toxicity.  相似文献   

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