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There is a need to better understand the dynamics relating to the evolving economic structure of regions, in particular factors concerning deindustrialisation and the growth of services. In order to unpick the dynamics relating to contemporary regional evolution, this paper examines regional employment in the UK's services sectors from 1971 to 2005. The analysis utilises the statistical technique of multi‐factor partitioning to examine the evolutionary dynamics of employment change in the UK service sector. Overall, differing growth trajectories in services employment across regions appear to be the result of the different underlying industrial structures observed within the regions themselves. The findings indicate that the industrial structure of a region has a significant influence on employment change in services, with related variety being of greater consequence than specialisation. This suggests that diversity, or urbanisation, effects have a greater influence than specialisation effects on “lighter” industries than “heavier” industries. Spatio‐temporal variations within the development of services are evident in the analysis, and there is evidence of convergence across the regions for all sub‐sectors examined. It concludes that in an increasingly services‐dominated economy, diversity and related variety have some weight in explaining regional development paths.  相似文献   

The policy of public participation in urban planning was first practiced in Europe in the 1960s. After 40 years of development, the policy has become the essential step of city planning in Western countries where as is just at the elementary step in China. For the purpose of knowing the situation about the policy performing in local cities and discussing the feasibility of public participation in urban planning, several kinds of investigation have been done. From the investigation, it is found that although the public participation has already been the important step of urban planning in some city during just several years,there are still many problems. This paper shows a panorama view of this issue. Th describe the future of public participation in e authors will offer some solutions according to the problems and the urban planning.  相似文献   

The fashion industry has undergone a profound transformation in business practices and production systems over the past several decades. These shifts include the globalisation of production chains and the emergence of a new model of “fast fashion.” This paper investigates the response of independent fashion designers in Toronto, Canada to the growing competition posed by fast fashion. It identifies a number of strategies utilised by designers to compete, arguing that they are increasingly adopting a new model of “slow fashion,” which opens up possibilities for forging locally and ethically based relationships in the fashion sector.  相似文献   

While Yinchuan is not a typical city in China, the process by which its environment, culture and policies have affected its development is typical.The process of urban expansion in Yinchuan reflects the urban development of China in general(or a mirror can reflect China's development history and policies evolution).Industrial development, local policy orientation, the natural environment, and other factors have both accelerated and restrained the direction and rate of expansion experienced by Yinchuan.The future urban development of Yinchuan can be conducted from three perspectives, including its city planning, and from regional and international perspectives.These perspectives should be applied to encourage city betterment and ecological restoration, new-type urbanization and rural revitalization, regional coordination and cooperation, healthy, livable, intelligent development, and a culturally inclusive atmosphere.  相似文献   

FENG YUE 《保鲜与加工》2003,(10):159-162
International direct investment improved the world economic development greatly, and the level of capital transaction of a country indicates its degree of integration into world economy. In China, there exists a serious unbalance between outflow FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) and inflow FDI, and the former is of a extremely small scale. The relationship between outflow FDI and a country's economic development, as well as the relationship between outflow FDI and TFP (Total Factor Productivity) growth rate is analyzed with international comparison and econometrics model. The results show that a obvious positive correlation between outflow FDI and GNP exists, and outfolw FDI of a country improves its GNP growth a lot. Meanwhile, as to the contribution elasticity to TFP, outflwo FDI is much higher than international trade. It is revealed that China not only has necessities, but also has great potentialities to invest in foreign countries. Finally some suggestions are put forward.  相似文献   

耐弱光性不同的水稻品种对光照条件反应不同,确定水稻耐弱光鉴定指标,可以快速有效地从大量种质资源中筛选耐弱光的水稻品种,提高品种耐弱光选择效率。试验对不同基因型的61份水稻品种(品系)于苗期进行遮光处理,分别研究各品种在不同光照下的叶龄、苗高、根长、地上部干重、根干重、根冠比、根体积、叶绿素(SPAD值)、单株重的变化,并对各性状的相对指数进行相关及通径分析。试验结果表明,在55%遮光条件下,不同水稻品种的叶绿素含量均增加,苗高变化不一,多数品种的根长、叶龄、根体积、根干重有不同程度的下降,少数品种的根长、叶龄、根体积、根干重增加,各品种地上部干重和单株重均有不同程度的下降;而且,弱光下地上部干重、根干重、根长的相对指数与单株重相对指数直接通径系数分别为0.7592、0.2105、0.0346,相关系数为0.9034、0.7634、0.6862,可见,弱光下的地上部干重相对指数是鉴定水稻耐弱光性的可靠指标,弱光下的根干重和根长相对指数可作为耐弱光性鉴定的重要辅助指标。  相似文献   

针对光皮桦天然次生林分抚育经营管理技术薄弱、林分生产力低的问题,开展光皮桦天然次生林不同强度的抚育间伐试验,旨在掌握抚育间伐对其生长的影响.在光皮桦天然次生林内,设置0%(CK)、10%、20%和30%4个间伐强度,分析不同间伐强度对林分的胸径、树高、单株材积、蓄积等林分生长及直径分布特征、空间优势度等林分结构的影响....  相似文献   

两种专用肥对空气凤梨生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究空气凤梨快速生长的肥料,选用5个空气凤梨品种和两种专用肥料(15:5:30和17:8:22),设置不同的浓度500倍/稀释、1000倍/稀释、2000倍/稀释、3000倍/稀释、4000倍/稀释及对照,测定空气凤梨的单株增重率和叶片叶绿素含量两个指标。结果表明,肥料15:5:30对5个空气凤梨生长的影响小于17:8:22,肥料15:5:30从稀释浓度500倍到稀释浓度1000倍有利于5个空气凤梨的生长,肥料17:8:22从稀释浓度1000倍到稀释浓度2000倍有利于空气凤梨的生长。  相似文献   

城市防灾避险绿地系统的构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
城市防灾避险绿地系统构建是城市绿地系统规划的重要内容。宏观上要在城乡总体规划的框架内,在城市抗震防灾等规划的指导下,构建与城市绿地系统规划空间层次相互衔接、逐级控制的防灾避险绿地规划体系;中观上要根据避险时序及空间关系等要素,对避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带等各级防灾避险绿地进行定量定位的合理布局;微观上要对每一块避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带进行深入与细化设计,共同构筑结构合理、层次清晰、分布均衡的城市防灾避险绿地体系。  相似文献   

食品物流水平对食品行业的发展有着非常重要的意义。从食品安全、食品价格、食品企业效益、食品企业出口和食品服务五个方面说明了食品物流的重要性。  相似文献   

研究棉秸秆复合育苗基质的理化性质及其与番茄生长表型的关系,旨在为合理高效利用秸秆资源提供理论基础。以棉秸秆复合育苗基质理化性状为自变量,以番茄幼苗生长表型为因变量进行通径分析。腐熟后的棉秸杆在添加AM菌土、菇渣+烟渣混合物和蛭石等基料后可显著提高番茄种子的萌发率(P<0.05);T4(棉秸秆:AM菌土:珍珠岩=3:0.5:1)处理番茄幼苗质量最优且与CK (PINDSTRUP)无显著差异性(P>0.05),棉秸秆混配其他基料后可显著提高容重、降低EC值(P<0.05);通径分析表明,容重、总孔隙度、pH、EC值是影响番茄生长表型的主要因子,其中通气孔隙和持水空隙对其生长表型是协同、促进作用,而其他因素的作用是负向的。适量增加棉秸秆复合育苗基质的通气孔隙和持水空隙,降低容重、pH以及EC值有利于培育番茄壮苗。  相似文献   

An Urban Approach to Firm Entry: The Effect of Urban Size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT This article explores the determinants of firm entry in Spanish municipalities. The authors consider that size is an important determinant of a city's capacity to attract new manufacturing firms. Panel data were used to estimate the determinants of entry according to urban size in Spain (from 1994 to 1702). This article contributes to the literature on market entry because most previous contributions have focused on regional factors rather than urban ones. The results show that local characteristics affect the formation of new firms. However, more local data are needed to obtain more specific results.  相似文献   

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