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Plant residue and soil depth effects on metribuzin degradation were investigated. Dundee silt loam soil collected at depth increments of 0–10 cm (SUR) and 10–35 cm (SUB) was treated with labeled [5?14 C]metribuzin. Samples were assayed at several time points up to 140 days after treatment. Soybean residue was added to half of the SUR samples (RES), with remaining SUR unamended (NORES). None of the SUB samples were amended with soybean residue. Metribuzin mineralization to 14CO2 proceeded more slowly in RES and SUB than in NORES and SUR, respectively. Extractable components in SUR samples included polar metabolites, plus deaminated metribuzin (DA) in the RES, and parent metribuzin in the NORES. Deaminated diketometribuzin (DADK) and metribuzin comprised major 14C components extracted from SUB, while in SUR, faster degradation of metabolites resulted in metrizubin as the primary identifiable compound. Unextractable 14C increased until day 35 for both RES and NORES, after which it remained constant for NORES. but declined for RES. A corresponding rise in RES polar 14C suggested that as soybean residue decomposed, 14C bound in the residue was released as extractable polar material. Soil with soybean residue accumulation may alter metabolite degradation patterns, but does not impede initial metribuzin degradation. Depth differences in metribuzin degradation were attributed to reductions in microbial activity with increasing soil depth.  相似文献   

Composites of food representing the Canadian diet were analysed for organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides and arsenic. Thirteen organochlorine and three organophosphorus pesticides were found. Residues were consistently low and would contribute to the diet approximately 20 μg total pesticide residues and 30 μg arsenic per person per day.  相似文献   

Application of urea fertilisers to soils influences the soil solution characteristics and thus may affect the sorption of soil-applied herbicides. The present investigation reports the influence of urea co-application on sorption and leaching of metribuzin, a triazine herbicide. Urea application at 60 and 120 kg N ha(-1) increased metribuzin sorption in soils over that in untreated natural soil. The Kf (Freundlich adsorption coefficient) values of metribuzin for natural, 60 and 120 kg N ha(-1) treatments were 0.43, 0.46 and 0.84 microg(1 - 1/n) g(-1) ml1/n respectively. Downward mobility of metribuzin was studied in packed soil columns (300 mm length x 59 mm i.d.) at two irrigation intensities, 720 m3 ha(-1) (72 mm) and 3600 m3 ha(-1) (360 mm). After 720 m3 ha(-1) irrigation, metribuzin did not leach out of any column and was not detected in the leachate. Urea amendment slowed the leaching of metribuzin by 20 and 40% in 60 and 120 kg N ha(-1) urea-treated columns respectively. Also, following urea application, greater amounts of metribuzin were retained in the application zone. Upon increasing the irrigation intensity fivefold, urea application did not have any effect on metribuzin mobility, and its breakthrough from both natural and urea-amended columns occurred after 126 mm irrigation. However, there was a marked difference in the maximum concentration of metribuzin in the breakthrough curves obtained from natural and urea-amended columns. The study indicated that co-application of metribuzin and urea fertiliser is a safe practice as far as leaching of herbicide is concerned.  相似文献   

选择荒漠绿洲过渡带的林地开垦区为研究对象,运用地统计学和Arc Gis空间分析工具相结合的方法,研究了林地开垦后土壤中有效态Fe、Cu、Zn和Mn含量的空间变异特征和丰缺状况。结果表明:林地开垦后有效态Mn显著缺乏(P0.05),平均值为4.24 mg·kg~(-1),低于临界值的土壤占土壤总数的32.25%,有效态Fe和Ze次之,分别有21.82%和29.36%的样品低于临界值,4种微量元素空间变异强度均25%,呈较明显的空间变异性;半方差函数分析中,有效态Fe块金值最大,有效态Mn变程最小,4种有效态微量元素块金值与基台值的比值均25%,表明4种有效态微量元素空间依赖性均较强;在空间结构中,4种有效态微量元素呈明显的片状和斑块状分布,有效态Cu主要分布于研究区西南和西北部,有效态Zn和Fe主要分布于中部,有效态Mn呈东西方向对称分布且东部含量大于西部;在有效性评价中,单项指数(Ei)以有效态Mn最高,达2.83,综合指数(Ec)以有效态Fe最高,达1.27,有效态Cu的Ei值和Ec值均较低。  相似文献   

保护性耕作下黑土水热动态研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过连续监测东北典型黑土耕作长期定位试验下的土壤含水量和温度,研究了保护性耕作措施下农田黑土水热动态规律。结果表明:免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)可显著提高0~50 cm土层水分含量,其中免耕在0~20 cm土层平均土壤体积含水量最高值分别比少耕(RT)和传统(CT)高3%~10%,尤其是可提高作物播种期表层土壤含水量。0~10 cm土层深度范围内RT土壤温度均高于NTS和CT,其中5 cm土层土壤温度日平均最高值较NTS和CT分别高3.04℃和5.27℃。三种耕作措施下的水热动态表明,少耕是我国东北旱作黑土区最佳的保护性耕作措施。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地南缘保护性耕作对土壤化学性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用免耕(NT)、秸秆覆盖(SM)、覆膜(PM)和翻耕(CT)4种耕作措施,研究保护性耕作对毛乌素沙地南缘土壤化学性质的影响。结果表明,免耕和秸秆覆盖措施下表层0~20 cm土壤pH值低于覆膜、翻耕。免耕和秸秆覆盖措施下土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效钾和速效磷有明显的表层富集现象。随着耕作时间的变化,不同耕作措施下土壤有机质和速效钾都有所增加,免耕、秸秆覆盖、覆膜和翻耕有机质相对于试验开始前分别增加了33.0%、32.3%、31.1%和6.5%,而碱解氮和速效磷有下降的趋势,但保护性耕作条件下其下降率低于翻耕。保护性耕作不利于全氮的积累,经过3年试验后,免耕、秸秆覆盖和覆膜措施下的土壤全氮含量都低于翻耕。耕作措施对全磷的影响不大。说明保护性耕作是实现沙区农田生产力持续发展、保持土壤养分和防治土壤退化行之有效的措施。  相似文献   

Tillage causes both vertical redistribution of weed seeds and changes in soil physical properties. These two factors are rarely distinguished in studies of the impact of tillage on seedling emergence or seed survival. In this study, seeds of Chenopodium album L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., and Abutilon theophrasti Medik, were planted at particular depths in pots of undisturbed or stirred soil to separate these effects. Emergence and survival data were analysed by non-linear regression to determine the nature of significant differences between treatments. Emergence increased with slight burial and then decreased exponentially at greater depths. Average emergence over all depths was generally greater in tilled sou than in unfilled soil, particularly for C. album and A. retroflexus . Seed survival approached a maximum with increasing depth. Average survival of seeds that did not produce emerged seedlings was greater in tilled soil than in untilled soil for C. album and A. retroflexus . Thus, tillage affects emergence and seed survival of weeds through changes in soil conditions independently of effects resulting from redistribution of seeds in the soil profile.  相似文献   

旱地保护性耕作土壤风蚀模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析国外风蚀模型资料的基础上,建立了适用于保护性耕作的风蚀模型。该模型以小时为步长,根据气象数据、地表土壤水分、秸秆残茬覆盖率及地表粗糙度,模拟不同耕作体系下农田土壤风蚀流失量情况;针对保护性耕作的特点,考虑到残茬覆盖对土壤含水量和地表粗糙度的影响;通过田间风蚀测定数据的验证,证明所建立的保护性耕作风蚀模型的模拟值与实测值比较吻合。  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地南缘保护性耕作措施对土壤物理性质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨不同保护性耕作措施在毛乌素沙地南缘的区域适应性,从2004开始,以靖边县北部风沙区农田为研究对象,选用了免耕、秸秆覆盖、覆膜和传统翻耕(CK)4种措施,采用完全随机试验设计进行了田间定位试验研究。比较分析了4种措施下土壤物理性质的变化规律。结果表明,秸秆覆盖和免耕地的地温在春播初期略比传统翻耕低0.1℃,但随后迅速回升,覆膜在玉米生长期都高于其他措施。耕作措施对播种前土壤容重没有显著影响,而对收获后土壤容重影响显著,与传统翻耕相比,免耕降低了表层土壤容重2.3%,但次层20~40 cm容重增加了1.8%。3种保护性耕作措施均增加了土壤含水量,顺序依次为秸秆覆盖>覆膜>免耕>翻耕,且在作物需水关键期免耕和秸秆覆盖下的土壤含水量相对稳定。免耕和秸秆覆盖措施下初始入渗率和稳定入渗率都高于翻耕,而覆膜低于翻耕。保护性耕作措施改善了土壤物理性质,适于在该风沙区推广。  相似文献   

通过长期定位试验,研究了黄土高原西部旱农区传统耕作措施(T)和5种保护性耕作措施免耕+秸秆覆盖(NTS)、免耕(NT)、传统耕作+秸秆还田(TS)、传统耕作+地膜覆盖(TP)和免耕+地膜覆盖(NTP)对土壤有机质、速效养分以及作物产量的影响。结果表明,经过6 a不同耕作措施后,各处理土壤有机C、NO3-N以及速效P含量均有所提高,其中有机C含量比试验初期提高了4.92%~18.05%,NO3-N含量提高了17.98%~31.08%,速效P含量提高143.04%~212.87%。各处理土壤速效钾含量均有所下降,其中以NTS和TS降幅较小,仅为2.75%和6.26%。6 a间小麦和豌豆平均产量均以NTS最高(分别为2 030 kg·hm-2和1 381 kg·hm-2),而NT最低(1 608 kg·hm-2和1 060 kg·hm-2)。传统耕作秸秆还田能促进土壤耕层肥力的提高,但产量效应不明显;地膜覆盖有些年份增产效应明显,但不利于土壤肥力的持续提高。因此,在黄土高原西部旱农区实施免耕秸秆覆盖既有利于作物产量的提高,也可以改善耕层土壤肥力。  相似文献   

选取黄土高原半干旱区连续4年进行保护性耕作的玉米样地,定位试验,研究了不同耕作方式对耕层土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明:免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)可显著降低0~5 cm表层土壤容重,传统耕作秸秆粉粹还田(TS)和NTS处理可显著降低5~10 cm、10~30 cm土层的土壤容重;NTS处理可显著增大0~5 cm表层土壤孔隙度,TS和NTS处理可显著提高5~10 cm1、0~30 cm土层的土壤孔隙度;NTS处理可显著降低各层土壤的坚实度,其它处理对表层0~5 cm无显著影响,免耕无秸秆覆盖(NT)处理显著增加了5 cm以下的土壤坚实度;NTS处理0~5 cm表层土壤水分入渗率显著加强,而NT处理则显著减弱;土壤水稳性大团聚体含量均为:NTSNTTS传统耕作(T)。本试验中NT处理对土壤结构的改良效应不明显,NTS处理对于黄土高原土壤结构改良效果最佳。  相似文献   

The effect of long‐term application of pendimethalin in a maize–wheat rotation on herbicide persistence was investigated. Pendimethalin was applied at 1.5 kg AI ha−1 separately as one or two annual applications for five consecutive years in the same plots. Residues of pendimethalin were determined by gas chromatography. Harvest‐time residues of the herbicide decreased gradually over the years and at the end of five years less than 3% of applied pendimethalin was recovered from soil as against 18% in the first year. Residues were found distributed in the soil profile up to 90 cm depth at the end of the experiment with peak distribution of 0.03 µg g−1 in the surface layer of soil treated with 10 herbicide applications. The minimum distribution was, however, in the deepest soil (75–90 cm) profile. Some of the metabolites of pendimethalin ie dealkylated pendimethalin derivative, partially reduced derivative and cyclized product were also traced in surface and sub‐surface soils up to 90 cm. A study of the rate of degradation of pendimethalin in field‐treated soils under laboratory conditions revealed faster degradation compared to control soils. Only the surface soil (0–15 cm) showed this enhanced degradation of the herbicide, which could be due to the adaptability of the aerobic micro‐organisms to degrade pendimethalin. Microbes capable of degrading herbicide were isolated, identified and pendimethalin degradation was confirmed in nutrient broth. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

保护性耕作对风沙区农田土壤物理性状及玉米产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在科尔沁沙地东南部风沙区采用完全随机区组试验设计,在2013—2014年比较研究了4种保护性耕作措施(深松、留茬、免耕、秸秆覆盖)和传统翻耕(CK)平作种植玉米的土壤物理性状及产量。结果表明,与传统耕作相比,连续2 a保护性耕作以深松、留茬处理显著降低0~40 cm土层土壤容重(P0.05),降幅0.72%~7.12%。0~40 cm土层0.25 mm土壤团聚体含量各土层均以深松处理含量最高,2014年土壤团聚体含量较2013年增加4.11%,其中秸秆覆盖对0~10 cm团聚体含量影响较大,2014年较2013年提高5.54%。4种保护性耕作措施均提高了收获后0~100 cm土壤贮水量,表现为留茬秸秆覆盖深松免耕,较传统耕作提高12.22%~26.91%。进行保护性耕作的处理玉米子粒产量和水分利用率均比传统耕作高,其中以深松处理增产幅度最大,子粒产量平均较传统耕作提高14.57%,水分利用效率提高25.81%。由2 a数据显示,深松、留茬和秸秆覆盖等保护性耕作措施改善了风沙土耕层土壤结构,具有较好的保水性和增产效果。  相似文献   

河西绿洲区保护性耕作对土壤微生物量C和有机质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验设20 cm留茬压倒(NPS20)、40 cm留茬压倒(NPS40)、40 cm立秆(NS40)、20 cm立秆(NS20)、6 750 kg/hm2覆盖(NSB40)和3750 kg/hm2覆盖(NSB20)和传统耕作(CT)7个处理,研究了不同秸秆覆盖量、留茬高度和秸秆处理对土壤有机质、土壤微生物量C和作物产量的影响.结果表明:土壤微生物量C含量随季节变化表现为播种前最高,收获后最低;不同时期土壤操作措施对土壤微生物量C的影响不同.从播种期开始,保护性耕作土壤有机质含量大于传统耕作,且保护性耕作各处理土壤有机质随土层深度的增加而递减,而传统耕作各层次之间无差异;保护性耕作提高了春小麦的产量:NPS20、NPS40、NS40、NS20、NSB40和NSB20较CT分别增产53.08%、46.59%、40.81%、19.93%、17.33%和4.34%.  相似文献   

不同耕作措施对旱地农田土壤物理特性的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过在山西寿阳地区设置的田间试验,分析比较秸秆还田、免耕覆盖、浅旋耕和常规耕作等4种耕作措施不同时期土壤紧实度、容重、入渗速率、土壤含水量以及土壤温度的变化情况,以了解各耕作措施对旱地农田土壤物理特性的影响程度。结果表明,秸秆还田措施除引起旱地农田土壤入渗速率显著降低外,其他物理特性与常规耕作基本一致;免耕覆盖措施对旱地农田土壤物理特性的影响最大,可导致0~10 cm表层土壤紧实度和容重显著增加,土壤入渗速率在播前显著降低,但随着生育期推进与其他处理间差异逐渐减小,蓄水保墒效果显著,同时会引起土壤温度显著降低,播前较常规耕作平均降低2.0℃;浅旋耕措施则在改善表层土壤紧实度,增加土壤入渗速率方面较秸秆还田和免耕覆盖措施要好,土壤含水量显著高于其他处理,较常规耕作措施平均能提高10%,但同时会引起40~60 cm土层土壤容重增加。  相似文献   

Metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one] metabolism was studied in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. “Sheyenne”). Pulse-treatment studies with seedlings and excised leaves showed that [5-14C]metribuzin was rapidly absorbed, translocated (acropetal), and metabolized to more polar products. Foliar tissues of 19-day-old seedlings metabolized 96% of the root-absorbed [14C]metribuzin in 120 hr. Excised mature leaves metabolized 85–90% of the petiole-absorbed [14C]metrubuzin in 48 hr. Polar metabolites were isolated by solvent partitioning, and purified by adsorption, thin-layer, and high-performance liquid chromatography. A minor intermediate metabolite (I) was identified as the polar β-d-(N-glucoside) conjugate of metribuzin. The biosynthesis of (I) was demonstrated with a partially purified UDP-glucose: metribuzin N-glucosyltransferase from tomato leaves. A possible correlation between foliar UDP-glucose: metribuzin N-glucosyltransferase activity levels and differences in the tolerance of selected tomato seedling cultivars to metribuzin was suggested. The major polar metabolite (II) was identified as the malonyl β-d-(N-glucoside) conjugate of metribuzin.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对旱地麦田土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过在陇中黄土高原半干旱区设置的田间定位试验,研究了5种保护性耕作措施与传统耕作方式对旱地麦田土壤酶活性的影响.结果表明:不同耕作处理下过氧化氢酶活性均随耕作层的加深而递减;脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性表现为三种翻耕处理(T,TS,TP)随土层的加深呈先增加后降低的趋势,而三种免耕处理(NT,NTS,NTP)随土层的加深而递减;与传统耕作(T)相比,免耕秸秆覆盖处理(NTS)下过氧化氢酶活性升高11.74%,脲酶活性升高17.60%,碱性磷酸酶活性升高43.99%,蔗糖酶活性升高40.22%;另外,就产量表现而言,免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS)是传统耕作(T)的1.68倍,统计分析差异显著(P<0.05).可见,在黄土高原西部旱农区实施免耕秸秆覆盖的保护性耕作措施,既有利于作物产量的提高,也可以改善耕层土壤酶活性.  相似文献   

Our objective was to examine the effects of inter-annual variation of precipitation on productivity of two dominant species (Chuquiraga avellanedae, an evergreen shrub, and Nassella tenuis, a perennial grass) in two communities of contrasting soil degradation: a herbaceous steppe with shrubs (HSS) and a degraded shrub steppe (SS). Data were collected during two consecutive years with different annual precipitation. Aboveground productivity was determined nondestructively using a double sampling approach. The number of inflorescences per plant was recorded too. Perennial grass productivity was lower in SS than in HSS in both years, while shrub productivity was lower in SS only during the year of below average precipitation. With rising precipitation the perennial grass increased the number of inflorescences while the evergreen shrub augmented vegetative biomass. In summary, the effects of precipitation on plant productivity are community dependent; abiotic factors, such as superficial and sub-superficial soil characteristics, and biotic factors, such as leaf area index (LAI) or tussock sizes, may interact to influence the responses of species to precipitation. Our results suggest that if precipitation increased, this would favor the dominance of shrubs over grasses.  相似文献   

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