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J. Nmeth 《EPPO Bulletin》2004,34(3):381-382
The conditions under which streptomycin may be used for fireblight control in Hungary are described. Authorizations for individual limited treatment programmes are given to registered growers only.  相似文献   

P. Sivi ek 《EPPO Bulletin》2004,34(3):357-359
Erwinia amylovora did not occur in Slovakia until 2003, as confirmed by the results of detection surveys and numerous tests. On this basis, Slovakia was recognized as a pest‐free area for E. amylovora by the EU. In the first half of 2003, the Slovak NPPO confirmed the first occurrence of this bacterial disease, in the south‐eastern part of the country. This article describes the detection survey which was then undertaken and the measures that were taken with the aim of eradicating the disease.  相似文献   

D. E. STEAD 《EPPO Bulletin》1987,17(2):219-221
Fireblight (due to Erwinia amylovora) has continued to spread northwards and westwards in UK. In SW England, the disease has been particularly severe in perry pear orchards, causing the loss of many thousands of mature trees, and in cider apple orchards. Cider apple trees are not rapidly killed but crop losses have been severe in some years. The disease has become established in the NW midland counties of England and also in Wales. Outbreaks have occurred as far north as Lancashire just above the administrative line which separates the affected area from the disease-free (clear) area. Spread has occurred through infections in Crataegus hedges, especially along motorways, and also through movement of infected ornamental species. New legislation is envisaged which will redefine the clear area and increase the protection given.  相似文献   

Puccinia psidii, which causes the disease Eucalyptus rust, poses a threat to biodiversity in Australia and the Eucalyptus forest industry worldwide. It is native to South America and Central America and has spread to North America (Mexico, USA – Florida). In mid‐2005, the rust was reported in Hawaii, USA, which means it is now present in the Pacific region.  相似文献   

W. ZELLER 《EPPO Bulletin》1987,17(2):223-224
The three phases of spread of fireblight in FRG are described, from its first appearance in 1971 to the present day. The disease is now well established in Schleswig-Holstein and Niedersachsen and scattered outbreaks have occurred over the whole of the rest of the country (but only one in Bayern). The control strategy now centres on destruction of diseased plants within 500 m of any outbreak found in an orchard or nursery (object protection).  相似文献   

In Hungary, fireblight research programmes were initiated on pear in 1999 and on apple in 2000, with the aim of evaluating the susceptibility or resistance of commercial cultivars. Sources of resistance for future breeding were also sought among traditional apple cultivars collected from Ukraine and pear cultivars in the Hungarian gene bank (Szigetcsép). Experiments were done under secure conditions. Inocula were mixtures of characteristic Erwinia amylovora isolates from pear and apple in Hungary. Host responses (symptom development, disease severity and multiplication rate of bacterial cells in host tissues) were assessed on shoots, flowers and fruits. About 30 pear and 30 apple cultivars, and 35 apple hybrids, were tested and grouped into four categories for pear and three for apple. Of the pear cultivars tested, 50% were susceptible, 30% moderately susceptible and only 10% of low susceptibility. Different plant organs occasionally displayed different responses. Members of the last two groups might serve as useful candidates for growing under IPM conditions. Among the traditional Hungarian varieties tested, we found high resistance in ‘Sikulai’ and ‘Szemes alma’, which could be used as sources of fireblight resistance in breeding programmes and also grown in organic orchards. Furthermore, among the offspring of the apple ‘Prima’ (scab‐resistant), we have found highly resistant lines.  相似文献   

牛心朴子叶绿素荧光参数日变化及其与气象因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定不同气象条件下牛心朴子(Cynanchum komarovii)叶绿素荧光参数日变化,研究了空气湿度、气温、太阳辐射3个气象因子对其光抑制的影响,结果表明:光抑制受空气湿度和气温的影响较大,当空气湿度低,气温变化大时,空气湿度和气温就成为加速光抑制的主要气候因子;而当空气湿度大,气温变化缓慢时,太阳辐射就成为光抑制的主要气候因子。持续晴天时,光合量子产额随太阳辐射的增强下降极显著,而雨后晴天则变化不显著,说明空气湿度的提高,有利于PSⅡ电子传递速率的提高,为光合碳同化提供更充足的ATP和NADPH。  相似文献   

In Finland, the importance of the agricultural weather service is enormous. The farmer's financial returns are tens of times higher than the cost of the service to him. Crop yields and quality can be improved, production costs cut and agricultural pollution minimized. Agricultural research and the weather service permit the best possible use to be made of pesticide sprays. When the need for such measures is marginal, ‘just-in-case’ sprayings can be omitted. Thus we can be sure of clean food, a cleaner environment and cleaner countryside.  相似文献   

为明确外来入侵植物北美刺龙葵 Solanum carolinense在世界范围内的分布格局及对我国玉米种植区的影响,使用集成模型预测其在全球的适生区,并结合玉米收获面积对北美刺龙葵在我国的潜在分布情况进行分析。结果显示,集成模型具有较高精度,真实技巧统计(true skill statistic,TSS)值和受试者工作特征 (receiver operating characteristic, ROC)值均大于0.9,预测结果可靠;北美刺龙葵适生区遍布世界各大洲,在我国的适生区遍布18个省(区),其中部分适生区与黄淮海平原夏播玉米区及南方丘陵玉米区有重叠。鉴于北美刺龙葵的适应能力和危害特点,建议对内加强适生区监测,做到早发现,早处理;对外加强口岸检疫,谨防其再次传入扩散。  相似文献   

Due to the lack of effective, non‐phytotoxic and publicly acceptable materials for controlling fireblight in pome fruit trees, novel strategies against Erwinia amylovora are being sought. Resistance‐inducing compounds, such as prohexadione‐Ca, represent promising alternatives. Prohexadione‐Ca is the active substance of the bioregulator Regalis, currently being introduced in several European countries and overseas. Prohexadione‐Ca reduces shoot elongation due to inhibition of gibberellin biosynthesis. Furthermore, it leads to significant changes in the spectrum of flavonoids and their phenolic precursors in pome fruits, which causes reduced susceptibility to fireblight and other pathogens. In 2002 and 2003, container‐grown apple trees of the cultivars ‘Idared’ and ‘Freedom’ were treated with different dosages of prohexadione‐Ca two weeks before inoculation with E. amylovora. The effect of prohexadione‐Ca against shoot blight was determined by measuring the lengths of necrotic lesions and symptoms on vascular bundles caused by the pathogen. Treatments with prohexadione‐Ca turned out to be much superior to the ones with streptomycin, kasugamycin and a bacterial antagonist, which were used for comparison. Acibenzolar‐S‐methyl (Bion), another resistance‐inducing compound, was included in some of the experiments and gave intermediate results. The simultaneous control of excessive shoot growth and shoot infections by fireblight is seen as a major advantage of using prohexadione‐Ca in pome fruit trees.  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of take-all, caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), in susceptible crops depend on climate, soil characteristics and cropping practices. Take-all can be controlled by modifying crop rotation, crop management and fungicide treatment. When available, fungicides are used as a seed treatment and are partially effective. There is currently no reliable method for helping farmers to optimise their choice of cropping system to improve take-all control. In this study, we defined 16 models, based on various mathematical functions and input variables, for predicting disease incidence in a wheat crop as a function of soil characteristics, climate, crop rotation and crop management. The parameters of these models were estimated from field experiments carried out at six sites in the north of France over a ten-year period. The root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) values of the models were estimated by cross validation and compared. RMSEP was in the range 16.34–65.93% and was higher for the models based on multiplicative functions. The lowest RMSEP value was obtained for a dynamic model simulating disease incidence during the crop cycle and which included among input variables the percentage of diseased plants determined at GS30.  相似文献   

The vine bud moth, Theresimima ampellophaga (Bayle-Barelle 1808) (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae; Procridinae), is a pest on grape vine, Vitis vinifera (L.), and on the ornamental vine Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) and other Parthenocissus species. Its recent distribution in Europe is relatively well known, but there is a paucity of locality data for Turkey. As a consequence, we began a large-scale investigation into its distribution and seasonal activity in this country in 2008. The main tools for these investigations were pheromone traps that were baited with the synthetic pheromone of the species, viz. (2R)-butyl (Z7)-tetradecenoate. As a result of field work carried out in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey in 2008 and 2009, Th. ampellophaga was recorded in five provinces, viz. Adana, Mersin, Hatay, Kahramanmara? and Kilis. The only province where the pest was not found was Gaziantep. Theresimima ampellophaga produces one or two generations per year, depending on the local conditions and other unknown factors. The moths of the first generation fly in June, while those of the second generation occur in August. To the best of our knowledge the present paper provides the first well-documented evidence of the occurrence of a second generation of the vine bud moth in Turkey.  相似文献   

沙漠蝗Schistocerca gregaria是非洲大陆重要的成灾性害虫,寄主广泛,对非洲农业生产和生态安全都有严重威胁.1900年以来,沙漠蝗种群有多次暴发的历史记载,甚至经过阿拉伯半岛扩散至亚洲西南部、中东以及欧洲南部,是全世界为害最严重的害虫之一.沙漠蝗种群具有极强的迁移性、多食性、聚集性以及密度依赖性,开阔的...  相似文献   

Sources of error in using accumulated temperatures for estimating the timing of events in insect life cycles, such as adult emergence and egg hatching, have rarely been examined in detail. There are two sources of error, one in the calculations, the other in the observations. Errors in the calculations arise from using the wrong base temperature, from using the daily arithmetic mean temperature in the calculation of the daily effective temperature on occasions when the mean is not appropriate and, occasionally, in using the linear relationship between temperature and growth where a non-linear relationship would be more appropriate. Errors in observations arise mainly from attempts to employ standard meteorological measurements rather than measurements made from sites where the insects normally live. Temperature measurements in the soil at different depths on the flat and on north and south slopes, on the bark of trees and on the leaves of plants have been converted into estimates of insect development to demonstrate the effect of local differences in microclimate. It is strongly emphasized that day-degrees as units of effective temperature in temperature summation calculations are physiological units of growth and not physical units of heat energy input. Les sources d'erreurs résultant de L'utilisation de la somme des températures pour prévoir le déroulement des cycles évolutifs des insectes (éclosion des adultes, ceufs, etc.) n'ont guère étéétudiées de rnanière approfondie. De L'avis de L'auteur, ces erreurs peuvent provenir de I'observation et du calcul. En ce qui concerne ce dernier, L'utilisation dune fausse température de base, résultant du recours à une moyenne arithmétique de la température quotidienne établie à tort, est préjudiciable. D'autre part, le résultat peut être faussé lorsqu'il est recouru à une relation linéaire entre la temperature et la croissance alors qu'il serait préferable de tenir compte d'une relation non linéaire. Les erreurs d'observation concernent principalement L'utilisation de données météorologiques à caracère général, au lieu de se référer à celles qui prévalent au site même où se trouve L'insecte. La détermination de la temperature du sol à des profondeurs différentes, sur terrain plat ou incline vers le nord ou le sud, ainsi que de la température de l'écorce des arbres ou des feuilles des plantes rvele L'influence du microclimat sur le développement des insectes. Il est souligné que le degre-jour, utilisé dans les calculs de sommes de témperatures, est une unite physiologique de croissance et non une unité physique dabsorption d'énergie thermique.  相似文献   

为获得枯草芽胞杆菌Bacillus subtilis BAB-1菌株的芽胞高效率生产技术,采用Biolog微生物细胞表型芯片(phenotype microarray,PM)技术分析了适合该菌株细胞生长的营养物质、渗透压和pH等生长环境条件;通过单因素试验分析了5种碳源及5种氮源对该菌株生长及芽胞形成的影响。结果表明,BAB-1菌株能够利用114种碳源、228种氮源、29种磷源及29种硫源作为其营养物质,其中52种碳源、66种氮源、3种硫源及1种磷源能够明显促进该菌株的细胞生长;BAB-1菌株对渗透压的忍受能力较强,在1%~10%氯化钠、3%~6%氯化钾、2%~5%硫酸钠、5%~20%乙二醇、1%~6%甲酸钠、2%~7%尿素、1%~12%乳酸钠、20~200 mmol/L磷酸钠、10~100 mmol/L硝酸钠、10~100 mmol/L硫酸铵中均能较好的生长;BAB-1菌株对pH的耐受范围较广,在4.5≤pH≤10.0条件下均能够生长。葡萄糖与氯化铵分别是最适宜BAB-1菌株生长的碳源与氮源,在不同培养时间其菌体总量均最高,48 h时该菌株的菌体总量分别达到6.90×10~8CFU/mL与6.87×10~8CFU/mL;培养12 h时,D-木糖、D-核糖、L-阿拉伯糖及熊果苷能够显著提高BAB-1菌株的芽胞形成率,其中L-阿拉伯糖与熊果苷的芽胞形成率较高,分别为61.94%与66.92%;培养12~36 h,L-脯氨酸、L-谷氨酰胺及L-天冬酰胺能够显著提高BAB-1菌株的芽胞形成率,芽胞形成率介于27.88%~82.37%之间。表明表型芯片技术可以应用于枯草芽胞杆菌生长及芽胞形成营养物质的高通量分析及培养工艺的优化中。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sphinganine analog mycotoxins (SAMs) are reported in maize and maize based feeds. Our objectives were to detect and quantify fumonisins B(1) and B(2) and Alternaria toxins (AAL toxins) AAL-TA and AAL-TB and determine how agronomic practices, weather conditions, and ensiling affected the occurrence and levels in maize silage. Silage was collected at harvest and after ensiling in 2001 and 2002 from 30 to 40 dairies, representing four regions in Pennsylvania. SAMs were quantified using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection and high pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry HPLC-MS. The average concentrations and ranges were as follows: fumonisin B(1) 2.02 mug/g (0.20 to 10.10), fumonisin B(2) 0.98 mug/g (0.20 to 20.30), AAL-TA 0.17 mug/g (0.20 to 2.01), and AAL-TB 0.05 mug/g (0.03 to 0.90). Fumonisin B(1) was the most frequently detected toxin (92%) in all samples, followed by fumonisin B(2) (55%), AAL-TA (23%), and -TB (13%). Temperature during maize development was positively correlated with fumonisin occurrence and levels and negatively with AAL-TA, while moisture events were negatively correlated with fumonisins and positively with AAL-TA. Fumonisin levels were higher in silage harvested at later developmental stages (dough through physiological maturity). Ensiling did not affect toxin concentration nor did agronomic practices (tillage system, inoculant use, or silo type) or silage characteristics (dry matter, pH, or organic acid concentration). This is the first report of AAL-TB in silage and on factors that affect SAM frequency and levels in maize silage.  相似文献   

As part of a national project set up in 1988 to incorporate all pest warning activities in Norway into one information system, NORPRE provides warnings for cereal growers. The system is based on growers' observations and on meteorological data. It can be accessed by an audiotex system TELEWISE, which also provides weather reports and forecasts.  相似文献   

Ali SOUEI 《干旱区科学》2021,13(11):1122-1141
The water resources of the Nadhour-Sisseb-El Alem Basin in Tunisia exhibit semi-arid and arid climatic conditions. This induces an excessive pumping of groundwater, which creates drops in water level ranging about 1-2 m/a. Indeed, these unfavorable conditions require interventions to rationalize integrated management in decision making. The aim of this study is to determine a water recharge index (WRI), delineate the potential groundwater recharge area and estimate the potential groundwater recharge rate based on the integration of statistical models resulted from remote sensing imagery, GIS digital data (e.g., lithology, soil, runoff), measured artificial recharge data, fuzzy set theory and multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Eight factors affecting potential groundwater recharge were determined, namely lithology, soil, slope, topography, land cover/use, runoff, drainage and lineaments. The WRI is between 1.2 and 3.1, which is classified into five classes as poor, weak, moderate, good and very good sites of potential groundwater recharge area. The very good and good classes occupied respectively 27% and 44% of the study area. The potential groundwater recharge rate was 43% of total precipitation. According to the results of the study, river beds are favorable sites for groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

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