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干旱胁迫下植物生理生化及DNA甲基化的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
干旱是影响植物正常生长发育的一个最重要的逆境因子,植物为适应和抵御干旱环境所引起的生理生化过程是一个复杂的系统,DNA甲基化在植物干旱胁迫下过程中起了重要作用。从植物形态指标的表现、生理生化水平的调节及DNA甲基化3个方面归纳阐述植物对干旱胁迫的响应,综述植物抗旱响应对策、DNA甲基化及其检测方法等研究进展,为抗旱种质的鉴定、筛选和抗旱生理育种提供参考。  相似文献   

筛选抵御严重土壤干旱的品种是全部作物改良计划的一个重要的方面。水分协迫影响的严重程度主要依植物的类型而定,抗旱性即指植株在这种条件下顺利生长的能力。植物抗御旱害的影响是通过一系列生理和生化的作用机制来实现的,这种机制主要是在土壤水分严重亏缺的条件下通过维持相对较高的植株水分状态来完成的。托克莱茶叶试验站所育成的茶树品种根据其抗旱程度的高低可能划分为抗旱型和干旱敏感型两类(Barua和Bezbaruah, 1970)。本研究旨在试图阐明某些生理和生化的指标与抗旱程度的关系。  相似文献   

玉米抗旱性指标研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
干旱作为玉米生长发育最主要的非生物逆境因子,已成为限制玉米产量形成的关键生态因素,也是我国玉米产量产生波动的重要原因,对粮食生产安全构成严重威胁。玉米抗旱性是水分胁迫条件下表现出的一种复杂综合特性,其适应干旱的形态结构是长期进化的结果,其生理指标变化也是一系列适应性改变后的综合表现。当今水资源短缺日益成为突出问题,且对玉米造成干旱的外部因素较多。本文从鉴定方法、形态指标、生理生化等方面阐述玉米抗旱机制与鉴定方法,综述玉米抗旱性最新研究进展。发展抗旱性玉米研究,为创制选育新的耐旱种质提供支撑,最终提升玉米抵御干旱胁迫的能力,这对于保障玉米可持续生产、解决粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在半干旱地区高粱具优良的适应性,其中某些基因型更适宜干旱条件。显然品种间叶片水份状况和耗水差别与其抗旱能力的差异有关,但对此基本机制了解甚少。严重缺水下的植株,通常采取躲避或忍耐的方式来抵抗或适应干旱的影响。这两种抗旱类型在高粱中都存在。经过一些试验,有理由假定气孔对亏水的反应(某些机制)是高粱品种间不同避旱能力的主要原因。本篇研究利用一种叶片功能模式(PLAM,表  相似文献   

为了分离和识别小麦抗旱相关基因,给小麦抗旱节水育种提供依据,以既抗旱又具备高水分利用效率的新疆春小麦主栽品种新春6号为材料,采用cDNA-AFLP技术,分析了小麦在两叶一心期干旱胁迫条件下的诱导表达基因。通过253对引物组合的筛选,共得到748个干旱胁迫特异上调表达的转录衍生片段(TDF)。对其中22条片段进行克隆、测序、Blastx比对和功能分类分析的结果表明,有18个TDFs所推导的蛋白质序列与NCBI已有序列同源,功能涉及逆境胁迫反应、发育、信号转导、抗病蛋白、跨膜转运、能量代谢等方面;有4个TDFs在NCBI找到同源序列,但功能未知。  相似文献   

植物对干旱胁迫的生理生态响应及其研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对干旱胁迫下植物生理代谢各项指标的分析,综述了干旱胁迫对植物生长与抗逆生理的影响,讨论了植物应对干旱环境刺激或逆境的适应及抵御机制,以期为作物逆境生物学研究提供参考依据.  相似文献   

春玉米不同灌溉定额条件下抗旱指数的运用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以18个玉米品种为材料,研究了不同灌溉定额条件下不同品种玉米产量特性和抗旱指数的关系。结果表明:不同水分和不同品种间的产量差异均极显著。不同灌溉定额条件下抗旱指数均和无灌溉条件下产量显著相关。中玉9号抗旱指数最高。干旱条件下有限灌溉可使玉米产量有较大幅度增长。抗旱指数较高的沈玉18、屯玉38在中灌溉条件下产量已达到或接近试验条件下的高点。  相似文献   

干旱是作物生产的一个主要限制因子。研究作物对干旱胁迫反应的遗传因素,可以为改良作物的抗旱性提供可靠的理论依据。高粱对干旱有广泛的适应性,是禾本科作物中研究抗旱性的优良模式作物。高粱对干旱抗性分为开花前抗旱性和开花后抗旱性。花前干旱影响穗子大小、稳粒数及籽粒产量;花后干旱会造成叶片、植株的死亡,导致炭腐病和倒伏发生并影响籽粒的饱满度,二者均能造成严重的产量损失。持绿是高粱的一种抗旱机制,具持绿性状的基因型,在开花后遇水分胁迫时抗旱抗植株过早衰老,籽粒正常灌浆。采用不同遗传背景的重组近交系(RIL)群体和近等基因系(NIL),并结合分子遗传学手段研究持绿数量性状位点(QTL),发现了多个基因组区段控制对开花前和开花后水分胁迫的抗性,找到了多个在不同环境中持续表达的持绿QTL。持绿QTL的分子遗传分析为进一步理解高粱及其它禾本科作物抗旱性的生理机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了确定抗旱小麦新品种的分子鉴定指标,选用5个不同小麦生态类型区共18个新品种,采取盆栽与人工干旱胁迫及SDS-PAGE等方法,研究了抽穗期干旱胁迫诱导蛋白差异与抗旱性的关系。结果表明,根据抗旱指数和反复干旱存活率可将参试品种(系)分为高抗、中抗和低抗3种抗旱类型。提取旗叶蛋白质进行SDS-PAGE分析,发现在水分胁迫条件下一些高分子量的蛋白降解成一些小分子量的蛋白和多肽,其中分子量为66.2kD左右的D-差异蛋白在高抗、中抗旱品种(系)中均有出现,故D-差异蛋白可以作为抗旱小麦新品种筛选和鉴定的分子指标。  相似文献   

干旱胁迫对大麦叶片表皮蜡质含量及主要生理指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究大麦对干旱胁迫的反应机制,采用裂区设计研究了干旱胁迫对不同大麦品种灌浆期旗叶和旗叶鞘表皮蜡质含量及主要生理指标的影响。结果表明,与正常水分处理相比,干旱胁迫可促进大麦表皮蜡质的合成;大麦不同品种间蜡质含量差异显著,抗旱品种的蜡质含量显著高于干旱敏感品种。在干旱胁迫下,大麦叶片相对含水量、叶绿素含量及气孔导度显著降低,且抗旱品种降低幅度较干旱敏感品种缓慢;蒸腾速率和胞间CO2浓度显著增加,且抗旱品种的增加幅度低于干旱敏感品种。品种因素对大麦叶片蜡质含量、净光合速率、气孔导度的影响较水分处理的影响大。大麦表皮蜡质含量与水分利用效率呈显著正相关,表明表皮蜡质对提高大麦抗旱性有一定积极意义。  相似文献   

抗旱、抗病高粱新品种晋杂22选育报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
晋杂22是山西省农业科学院高粱研究所育成的酿酒专用高粱新品种,该品种以抗病、抗旱雄性不育系A2SX44A为母本,恢复系SXR-30为父本组配而成,具有抗旱,对高粱丝黑穗病1、2、3号生理小种免疫,抗逆性强,产量高等特点。2008年通过山西品种审定委员会鉴定,适宜在山西春播中晚熟区种植。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1987,16(3):255-272
Cereal/cereal intercrop systems are commonly used by farmers in the higher-rainfall areas of the South Sudanian and Guinean savanna zones of West Africa. Towards the North Sudanian zone these systems become less common, because of a shorter rainy season with a more abrupt start and end. However, previous work on the responses of maize (Zea mays), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), and pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) crops to the different toposequence land types indicated that crop mixtures of sorghum/millet for uplands and sorghum/maize for lowlands would be less prone to drought stress and waterlogging risks than would the respective sole crops.The present studies showed consistent intercropping advantages of at least 25% for sorghum/maize systems when both crops are sown at the same time. The relative advantages from this system were greatest for the uplands.Intercropping advantages were generally less for the sorghum/millet systems, and it proved essential to delay the millet sowing to prevent serious competition to the sorghum. Sorghum/millet intercropping provides a risk-reducing alternative to sole cropping, because sorghum plants lost during the common early droughts can be replaced by an early-maturing millet sown in July. However, because of the unpredictability of the early-season rainfall, sorghum/millet systems will be difficult to standardize; both the sowing date and the plant densities of the component crops may require adjustments each year in response to the starting date of the rains and the extent to which the sorghum has survived the early-season droughts.  相似文献   

Renewable energy sources are necessary to reduce the U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) may be a reasonable alternative as an energy crop in the southern U.S. because it could easily fit into existing production systems, it is drought resistant, and it has large biomass production potential. An experiment was conducted to evaluate several types of sorghum as bioenergy crops in Alabama: grain sorghum - NK300 (GS), forage sorghum - SS 506 (FS), and photoperiod sensitive forage sorghum - 1990 (PS). These sorghum crops were compared to forage corn (Zea mays L.) - Pioneer 31G65 in 2008 and 2009 with and without irrigation, and under conventional (total disked area, 0.15 m deep) and conservation tillage (in-row subsoiling, 0.30 m deep) in a strip-split-plot design. The parameters evaluated were: plant population (PP), plant height (PH), sorghum/corn aboveground dry matter (ADM), biomass moisture content (ABMC), and biomass quality (holocellulose, lignin, and ash). Sorghum had greater ADM than corn; however, corn had lower ABMC than sorghum. Lodging was observed in PS and FS, probably due to high plant populations (>370,000 plants ha−1). Irrigation affected ADM positively in both years, but conservation systems improved ADM production only in 2009. Holocellulose, lignin, and ash variation differed significantly among crops but were lower than 8.3%, 2.0% and 1.9%, respectively, for both years and considered minor. Under conditions of this study, PS was considered the best variety for ADM production as it yielded 26.0 and 30.1 Mg ha−1 at 18 and 24 weeks after planting (WAP).  相似文献   

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is a starch-rich grain similar to maize (Zea mays L.), but sorghum has been underutilized for biobased products and bioenergy. This study was designed to investigate the effects of supercritical-fluid-extrusion (SCFX) of sorghum on ethanol production. Morphology, chemical composition, and thermal properties of extruded sorghum were characterized. Analysis of extruded sorghum showed increased measurable starch content, free sugar content, and high levels of gelatinized starch. SCFX cooked and non-extruded sorghum were further liquefied, saccharified, and fermented to ethanol by using Saccharomyces cervisiae. The ethanol yield increased as sorghum concentration increased from 20 to 40% for both extruded and non-extruded sorghum. Ethanol yields from SCFX cooked sorghum were significantly greater than that from non-extruded sorghum (>5%).  相似文献   

优质、高产、多抗酿造型高粱杂交种辽杂23号选育报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽杂23号是辽宁省农业科学院作物研究所以自选不育系P02A为母本,以自选恢复系415为父本杂交组配而成的高粱杂交种。该品种产量表现较高,综合抗性强,适应性好,是适合酿造用的品种,一般产量8 250~9 000 kg/hm2,最高产量可达10 827 kg/hm2,适宜辽宁的西北地区、河北、山西、陕西、甘肃、宁夏、河南、湖北、湖南等地区种植。  相似文献   

Sorghum is one of the most drought-tolerant grain crops and is used in biofuel production. Since sorghum is often exposed to drought and high temperature (heat) stress, this study investigated the effect of stress applied at different phenological stages of crop development on the glucose levels in grain and subsequent ethanol production. Short season sorghum hybrid DK-28E grown under controlled environment was exposed to drought and heat stress at five different stages of growth, namely: (1) pre-flowering (boot leaf emergence) to flowering, (2) flower to seed-set, (3) seed-set to early seed-fill, (4) early seed-fill to mid seed-fill, and (5) mid seed-fill to late seed-fill stage. Drought stress at any of the growth stages did not statistically affect either the glucose content or the ethanol production compared to the control (337 mg/g), although the ethanol yield increased up to 4.5% (352 mg/g) in flowering to seed-set stage. Heat stress, on the other hand, significantly reduced the glucose release and ethanol yield compared to the control (322 mg/g). Marginal ethanol yield reduction by 9% (293 mg/g) and 8.3% (295 mg/g) was seen in plants stressed during early seed-fill to mid seed-fill and mid seed-fill to late seed-fill stages, respectively. The results suggest that the phenological stage when sorghum is exposed to stress affects the ethanol yield. Overall, from the point of ethanol yield, it appears that grain sorghum cultivated in semi-arid regions where heat and drought stress are prevalent can be used for biofuel production. However, economic viability of ethanol production, especially of grain sorghum from high temperature stress needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1987,16(4):337-348
Increasing awareness of drought tolerance in pearl millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke.] has stimulated research into pearl millet as a potential U.S. crop. Objectives of this study were to compare yield and yield components of pearl millet and grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and evaluate pearl millet response to a range of grain sorghum environments.Yield and yield component comparisons were made using 24 millet hybrids and six grain sorghum hybrids at seven Kansas locations, from 1980 to 1982. To compare pearl millet production in grain sorghum environments, millet hybrid mean yields were regressed on sorghum location means. A desirable millet hybrid would have a high yield and a regression coefficient not significantly different from 1.0.Average grain sorghum yields were greater than millet yields in all three years. Millet hybrid yields ranged from 350 to 5400 kg ha−1. Over all locations and years, millet yield averaged 63% of sorghum yield.In unfavorable environments, pearl millet yield and response to changing environments were not significantly different from those of grain sorghum. As environmental conditions improved, sorghum significantly yielded more than millet. Lower millet yields could be attributed to significantly smaller seed size and head sterility. The small seed also reduced plant establishment; however millet's tillering ability compensated for reduced population.  相似文献   

Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a genetically diverse cereal crop grown in many semiarid regions of the world. Improving drought tolerance in sorghum is of prime importance. An association panel of about 300 sorghum genotypes from different races, representative of sorghum globally, was assembled for genetic studies. The objectives of this research were to (i) quantify the performance of the association panel under field conditions in Kansas, (ii) characterize the association panel for phenological, physiological and yield traits that might be associated with tolerance to limited moisture (drought), and (iii) identify genotypes with higher yield potential and stability under different environments that may be used in the sorghum breeding program. Results show large diversity for physiological and yield traits such as chlorophyll content, leaf temperature, grain numbers and grain weight per panicle, harvest index and yield. Significant differences were found for plant height, grain weight and numbers per panicle, harvest index, and grain yield among and within races. The US elite lines had the highest number of grains and grain weight per panicle while the guinea and bicolor races recorded the lowest. Harvest index and yield was highest for the US elite lines and the caudatum genotypes. Overall, there was a negative correlation between plant height and grain weight, grain numbers and yield. Harvest index and grain numbers were negatively affected by moisture limitation for all the races. Among the races, the caudatum genotypes were more stable in grain yield across the different environments. Overall, there was a wide variability within the association panel for physiological and yield traits that may prove to be useful for improving drought tolerance in sorghum.  相似文献   

Novel food and non-food uses for sorghum and millets   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Sorghum and millets have considerable potential in foods and beverages. As they are gluten-free they are suitable for coeliacs. Sorghum is also a potentially important source of nutraceuticals such antioxidant phenolics and cholesterol-lowering waxes. Cakes, cookies, pasta, a parboiled rice-like product and snack foods have been successfully produced from sorghum and, in some cases, millets. Wheat-free sorghum or millet bread remains the main challenge. Additives such as native and pre-gelatinised starches, hydrocolloids, fat, egg and rye pentosans improve bread quality. However, specific volumes are lower than those for wheat bread or gluten-free breads based on pure starches, and in many cases, breads tend to stale faster. Lager and stout beers with sorghum are brewed commercially. Sorghum's high-starch gelatinisation temperature and low beta-amylase activity remain problems with regard to complete substitution of barley malt with sorghum malt . The role of the sorghum endosperm matrix protein and cell wall components in limiting extract is a research focus. Brewing with millets is still at an experimental stage. Sorghum could be important for bioethanol and other bio-industrial products. Bioethanol research has focused on improving the economics of the process through cultivar selection, method development for low-quality grain and pre-processing to recover valuable by-products. Potential by-products such as the kafirin prolamin proteins and the pericarp wax have potential as bioplastic films and coatings for foods, primarily due to their hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a C4 cereal grain crop grown primarily in arid and semi-arid regions in the world with limited or no irrigation. Sorghum production fluctuates and largely depends on the amount and distribution of rainfall. Transpiration efficiency (TE), the biomass produced per unit water transpired, could be a potential trait to improve sorghum yield in areas where irrigation is limited. We have developed a mini-lysimetric method that directly measures whole plant TE in sorghum during an early vegetative stage under greenhouse conditions. The method was evaluated with 11 inbred lines and three hybrids under two greenhouse environments. In general, TE determined with the gravimetric method was higher under lower vapor pressure deficit conditions; however, similar rankings in TE were obtained across the experiments. The method described in this report offers a simple, high-throughput, and affordable way to determine the integrated TE in sorghum at an early vegetative stage.  相似文献   

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