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Tillage systems modify, at least temporarily, some of the physical properties of soil, such as soil porosity. Tillage also has an indirect effect on soil water content throughout the growth cycle, particularly in areas with a Mediterranean climate. This paper presents the results of monitoring the water content in the topsoil (0–0.20 m) of three adjacent plots during February to May cycles starting in 1994–1995 and ending in 1998–1999. Each of the plots had a surface area of 2700 m2, an 8% slope and Calcic Cambisol soil. Starting in 1994, three different tillage systems were applied: conventional tillage, which is typical of the area (CT); minimum tillage (MT); and no-tillage (NT). Two vertical 200 mm TDR probes were permanently installed in each plot and measurements were taken every week. The results show that, under an NT system, the soil had significantly higher water content than the other two soil plots. However, this increased quantity of water did not denote increased crop production; on the contrary, these preliminary data point to a decrease in crop production.  相似文献   

Although many studies suggest that no-tillage (NT) increases soil organic carbon (SOC) within the soil profile relative to mouldboard ploughing, other studies indicate that no net change occurs. The latter studies suggest that NT only stratifies the SOC, where a near-surface increase in SOC is offset by a concomitant decrease in the subsurface. We examined the SOC distribution and stocks in a cool, humid Brookston clay (Typic Argiaquoll) soil under four soil management systems with a corn–soybean rotation. The objectives of this study were to compare the profile distribution and total amount of SOC under long-term (21 years) NT and mouldboard plough (MP) tillage with the changes that occur over 8 years when 13-years continuous NT is converted to MP, and when 13-years continuous MP is converted to NT. In the top 5 cm of soil, the long-term NT management accumulated greater SOC compared with the long-term MP treatment. However, this near-surface increase was offset by lower SOC concentrations in the 10–20 cm depth, resulting in similar total amounts of SOC stored in 0–20 cm for both long-term NT and MP. The SOC stratification that existed after 13 years of NT management was eliminated with one mouldboard ploughing operation, however the total SOC content in the plough layer of the new-MP treatment remained relatively constant over the subsequent 8 years. Soil organic carbon stratification was evident in the new no-tillage treatment 3 years after the cessation of tillage. The continuous build-up of SOC in the surface of new-NT soils was associated with no change in the total amount of SOC in the plough layer relative to long-term NT. This implies that the diminution of SOC in the 10–20 cm depth was at the same rate as the accumulation of SOC in the 0–5 cm depth. Although there was no net effect of tillage on total carbon stocks in this fine-textured soil, SOC stratification required several years to build-up after adoption of NT, but only a single year to destroy under MP.  相似文献   

Large‐scale inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is generally impractical in most regions and we have little understanding of the factors that determine inoculation success. Nevertheless, the ability to take full advantage of indigenous AMF for sustainable production needs to be developed within cropping systems. We used part of a long‐term field experiment to understand the influence of tillage and the preceding crop on AMF colonization over the growing season. Arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization rate was more affected by treatment (tillage or the combination of crop and preceding crop) than by the total number of AMF spores in the soil. Conventional tillage (CT) had a statistically significant negative effect (P ≤ 0.05) on spore numbers isolated from the soil, but only in the first year of study. However, the AMF colonization rate was significantly reduced by CT, and the roots of wheat, Triticum aestivum, L, cv. Coa after sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., were less well colonized than were those of triticale, X Triticosecale Wittmack, cv. Alter after wheat, but the affect of tillage was more pronounced than was the effect of crop combination. Under no‐till there was a significant increase in AMF colonization rate throughout the sampling period in both wheat and triticale, indicating that the extraradical mycelium previously produced acted as a source of inoculum. In general, triticale showed greater AMF colonization than wheat, despite the preceding crop being less mycotrophic. Under these experimental conditions, typical of Mediterranean agricultural systems, AMF colonization responded more strongly to tillage practices than to the combination of crop and preceding crop.  相似文献   

不同耕作方式对旱作区冬小麦生产和产量的影响   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:19  
为了筛选出适宜旱作区推广的耕作技术,在旱作大田条件下,设置一次深翻、免耕覆盖、深松覆盖、传统耕作四种耕作方式,研究了不同耕作方式下花后土壤水分和养分状况、小麦旗叶叶绿素含量、小麦旗叶净光合速率和小麦籽粒灌浆速率及产量。结果表明,免耕覆盖、深松覆盖开花期和灌浆期0~40 cm土层土壤水分含量分别比传统耕作提高了4.13%、6.23%和5.50%、9.27%,0~40 cm土层土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均显著高于传统耕作,为小麦开花后生长发育提供了良好的环境,从而提高了小麦灌浆中后期旗叶叶绿素含量和净光合速率,促进花后干物质积累及干物质向籽粒转运,进而提高了籽粒灌浆速率,使得籽粒产量显著提高。  相似文献   

Conservation agriculture (CA) is thought to reduce weed pressure from the third year of adoption, when recommended practices are followed. Weed growth and crop yield were assessed during the third and fourth year of maize–cowpea–sorghum rotation, second and third year of maize–cowpea rotation and first and second year of maize monocropping on a clay loam soil at Matopos Research Station (annual rainfall, 573 mm) following recommended CA management practices. Each experiment had a split‐plot randomized complete block design with mouldboard plough (CONV), minimum tillage (MT) with ripper tine and planting basins as main‐plot factor and maize residue mulch rate (0, 2 and 4 t/ha) as a subplot factor, with threefold replication. All subplots were surface mulched and weeded by hoe at the same time. We hypothesized that under MT weed growth would be considerable with maize monocropping but from year 3 of CA, weed growth would decrease and crop yield increase relative to values from unmulched CONV. Minimum tillage increased weed growth in 2nd year of maize monocropping. Under the maize–cowpea rotation, the considerable weed growth in planting basins was likely due to the large intrarow spacing and poor light competiveness of the cowpea variety. Mulch contributed to weed growth being suppressed by up to 36% under CA in the maize–cowpea–sorghum rotation relative to unmulched CONV. When planted on the same date, crop yield did not differ between CA and unmulched CONV. Maize–cowpea–sorghum rotation grain yield (3143 kg/ha) was double that under monocropping , probably due to improvements in soil physical and chemical conditions.  相似文献   

Intensity of tillage practices can enhance organic matter decomposition, increasing CO2 emissions from soil to the atmosphere. Conservation tillage (CT) has been proposed as a means of counteracting potential damages to the environment. In this study the effects of two CT systems, reduced tillage in a long-term experiment (RTL) and no-tillage in a short-term experiment (NTs), were compared to traditional tillage (TT) in the long (TTL) and short-term experiments (TTs). CO2 fluxes, total soil organic carbon (SOC) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA) were evaluated at 0-5, 5-10 and 10-15 cm depths throughout the three years studied (Oct. 2006 Jul. 2009). Traditional tillage increased C02 emissions compared to CT. The CT treatments (RTL and NTs) accumulated more SOC in the surface layer (0 5 cm) than the TT treatments (TTL and TTs). SOC accumulation was moderate but DHA consistently increased in CT in the surface soil, especially with a legume crop included in the crop rotation. Values of stratification ratio of all parameters studied were higher in the CT treatments (RTL and NTs). The agricultural and environmental benefits derived from CT make this system recommendable for semi-arid Mediterranean rain-fed agriculture.  相似文献   

The mouldboard plough is the standard tillage implement used with animal power in Kenya. Various designs are currently used indiscriminately in varied soil types and conditions of operation. Their draught characteristics and comparative ability to achieve or maintain desired depths of operation under inherent edaphic conditions are unknown. The significance of variation in working speeds, when different species of draught animals are used, is also unknown. This study was therefore aimed at rating the performance of some common ploughs in order to advise farmers on optimisation of their use. Draught and vertical reaction (suction) on a per-tool basis were measured for four ploughs commonly used in the region; the Victory®, the Rumpstad winding-body® and two types of Rumpstad cylindrical-body® ploughs, using an instrumented rig. The experiments were in Pellic Vertisol, Ferralsol and Nitosol soils under two soil moisture conditions. Draught increased significantly with depth for all four ploughs, hence, regulation of tillage depth is paramount to avoidance of drastic fluctuations. Similarly, vertical reaction increased with depth of ploughing, which implies a more stable operation, hence, when draught can be sustained over an acceptable work duration, it is desirable to set the ploughs to work deeply. Significant speed–depth interactions were also recorded, and these imply that speed is important when operating depth is stochastic as is the case in the dynamics of these ploughs. Overall, the Victory plough had the lowest draught requirement (0.32–1.02 kN) under dry and moist soil conditions, hence, was the best option for use in areas represented by the three soil types in Kenya. Soil-type had a significant effect on mean draught and vertical reaction in the order (Draught, Vertical reaction); Vertisol (1.65 kN, 0.70 kN) > Ferralsol (0.66 kN, 0.44 kN) > Nitosol (0.64 kN, 0.01 kN), and Ferralsol (1.17 kN, 0.71) > Vertisol (1.09 kN, 0.23 kN) > Nitosol (0.49 kN, 0.11 kN) under moist and dry conditions, respectively. These results suggest that the duration of continuous work periods with draught animals should be based on soil-type.  相似文献   

冬小麦是世界主要粮食作物之一,气候变暖可能显著影响冬小麦籽粒蛋白质含量,但其影响机制还不明确。针对该问题,该研究在中国冬小麦主产区华北平原开展连续3 a(2017-2019)免耕(No Tillage,NT)和常规耕作(Conventional Tillage,CT)下的田间增温试验。结果表明,增温提前了冬小麦返青期,延长了冬小麦营养生长阶段时长,提高了冬小麦叶面积指数和群体净光合速率。2019年增温处理下冬小麦开花期茎叶氮素积累量提升了20.17%(CT)、99.21%(NT),花后茎叶氮素转移量提升了24.62%(CT)、134.21%(NT),茎叶氮素对籽粒的贡献率提升了2.43%(CT)、46.10%(NT)。增温影响了冬小麦产量构成,增温下冬小麦有效小穗数略减,部分年限千粒质量略增。NT处理增温增产,CT处理增温增产不明显,总的趋势为NT处理连续3 a平均产量低于CT处理。增温还显著提升了冬小麦籽粒蛋白质含量(P<0.05),连续3 a平均籽粒蛋白质含量提升了14.28%(CT)、17.39%(NT)。综上,研究表明增温会通过改变冬小麦生理特征显著促进氮素向籽粒转化,并且增温下冬小麦有效小穗数减少使得原本将进入更多籽粒中去的氮素都进入到最终有效籽粒中去,进而显著增加籽粒蛋白质含量。研究结果可为气候变化对冬小麦籽粒蛋白质含量的影响提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为研究不同轮作模式对渭北旱作冬小麦?春玉米一年1熟轮作田土壤物理性状和产量的影响,于2007—2014年在陕西省合阳县冬小麦?春玉米轮作田连续7年实施了保护性耕作定位试验,测定和分析了免耕/深松、深松/翻耕、翻耕/免耕、连续免耕、连续深松和连续翻耕6种轮耕模式下麦田0~60 cm土层物理性状、0~200 cm土层土壤湿度和小麦产量的变化。结果表明:1)不同轮耕模式0~40 cm土层土壤容重、孔隙度和田间持水量差异显著,其中以免耕/深松效果最显著;0~60 cm土层免耕/深松轮耕处理平均田间持水量较连续翻耕处理提高12.9%;2)轮耕对土壤团聚体特性影响明显,免耕/深松0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量(R0.25)最高,结构体破碎率和不稳定团粒指数(ELT)最低,水稳性均重直径(WMWD)最高,水稳性和力稳性团聚体分形维数(D)均最低;3)小麦生育期间免耕/深松处理0~200 cm土层土壤蓄水量和小麦产量较连续翻耕分别增加17.7 mm和9.5%。综合可知,轮耕有利于耕层土壤物理结构改善,免耕/深松更有利于耕层土壤大团聚体形成和土壤结构稳定,利于土壤蓄水保墒和作物增产,为渭北旱塬区麦玉轮作田较适宜的轮耕模式。  相似文献   

Soil crust formation can be affected by soil tillage. Alternative soil conservation practices consisting of reduced tillage were tested against traditional tillage, which involves mechanical weeding by frequent ploughing in rainfed vineyard soils in Catalonia, Spain. After 2 years of the experiment (1994–1996), thin sections of the surface crusts were studied to evaluate the effects of the soil management treatments on crust morphology and genesis, using micromorphological observations and pore characterisation with image analysis. Reduced tillage caused thicker and more complex crusts consisting of layers with different degrees of sorting and pore types, compared to traditional tillage. Total porosity of crusts did not differ from that of non-crusted areas, but pores in crusts were less interconnected, more horizontally distributed and more elongated than in the underlying non-crusted material. The soil type, especially structure and texture, affected crust morphology and played an important role in the process of crusting. The results show that reduced tillage may be limited as an alternative management practice when used to reduce crust formation in Mediterranean conditions, due to the difficulty to establish an effective groundcover.  相似文献   

稻-油轮作下保护性耕作对土壤肥力的影响及评价   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文选取湖北省武穴市、荆州市和武汉市3个稻-油轮作长期定位试验点(试验时间分别为9年、5年和3年),通过连续监测土壤容重、孔隙度、p H、有机质、全氮、全钾、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾等,研究在不同耕作年限和方式下,秸秆还田和免耕对水稻季(2015年10月)和油菜季(2016年5月)各土层(0~20 cm和20~40 cm)中土壤物理性质和养分的影响,并应用内梅罗指数法综合评价各土层土壤肥力水平,以探讨长期秸秆还田对土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:1)秸秆还田处理使水稻季和油菜季的土壤容重降低2.00%~16.54%,土壤总孔隙度增加1.00%~15.07%;而免耕处理下油菜季的变化与其相反,水稻季的变化不显著。2)秸秆还田处理增加了3个试验点0~20 cm土层中有机质(4.76%~35.07%)、全氮(1.80%~32.03%)、速效磷(20.95%~65.82%)、碱解氮(5.97%~37.00%)和速效钾(8.71%~133.04%)的含量,其中速效钾含量的增加幅度最高;免耕处理对土壤各养分的影响不显著,而在配施秸秆后,相对于其他处理,其对各养分的增加效果相对最好。各处理对20~40cm土层的影响与0~20 cm土层相似,但整体增加效果没有后者显著。3)各试验处理中,免耕+秸秆还田和施氮磷钾肥+秸秆还田两种处理增加各土层土壤综合肥力系数较大(7.56%~25.93%),它们对土壤肥力的提高效果相对较好。  相似文献   

在黄土高原冬小麦—玉米轮作制中通过连续24年的田间试验,研究了旱地长期定位施肥的增产效果。结果表明,各肥料处理的产量大小及其增产趋势是基本一致的,干旱年和正常年为MNP>SNP>NP>M>N>CK;丰水年为NP>MNP>SNP>M>N>CK。干旱年产量降低顺序为N>NP>CK>M>MNP>SNP;丰水年产量增加顺序是N>CK>NP>M>MNP>SNP。降水对化肥尤其是氮肥的增产效果有明显的影响,而有机肥+化肥处理(SNP、MNP)的产量受降水影响较小。在肥料的增产中,化肥(NP)的平均贡献率56.28%,土粪(M)43.72%。在干旱、正常、丰水年型中,化肥的贡献率依次是53.25%、54.00%、59.93%,土粪为46.75%、46.00%、40.07%;NP处理中,N的贡献率依次为19.48%、34.76%、49.61%,而P(P2O5)的贡献率为80.82%、65.24%、50.39%,尤其是干旱年份P的贡献率高达88.4%~145.6%;秸秆(SNP处理)在丰水年的增产贡献率为31.42%,与土粪在对应年份的贡献率相差不大,但正常和干旱年增产贡献率达到66.46%和83.63%,较土粪处理的贡献率提高20.46%和36.88%。随着施肥年限的延长,长期施用氮肥增产作用下降,而秸秆还田及有机无机配合则有逐年递增趋势。  相似文献   

麦稻轮作下耕作模式对土壤理化性质和作物产量的影响   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
为了探明不同耕作模式对土壤理化性质和作物产量的影响,采用田间定位试验方法,于2007-2010连续4a在麦稻轮作制下开展了本试验研究。结果表明,免耕提高了耕层土壤体积质量,降低了土壤含水率。但是免耕土壤表层(0~10cm)的体积质量仍在作物适宜生长的范围内,并未对作物的生长产生不利影响。免耕促进了土壤有机质和全氮在表层土壤的富集。0~10cm土层有机质和全氮含量比翻耕处理显著增加,而>10~20cm土层上述养分含量明显低于翻耕处理。小麦季免耕土壤的碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量的变化趋势与有机质和全氮含量相似,而水稻季免耕处理整个耕层土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量均低于翻耕处理。免耕显著的提高了小麦产量,但降低了水稻产量,起主要作用的产量构成因素是小麦和水稻的有效穗数。整个轮作周期的作物产量以小麦免耕水稻翻耕模式的产量较高,比小麦翻耕水稻免耕模式产量增加了5.70%。  相似文献   

轮耕对土壤物理性状和冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:25,自引:12,他引:25  
针对华北地区土壤连续单一耕作存在的主要问题,进行了土壤轮耕效应的研究。试验选择冬小麦夏玉米玉两熟区连续5 a免耕田,设置免耕、翻耕和旋耕3种轮耕处理(即免耕一免耕,免耕一翻耕和免耕一旋耕),冬小麦播种前进行耕作处理。研究结果表明:多年免耕后进行土壤耕作(翻耕、旋耕)可以显著降低土壤体积质量;旋耕显著降低0~10 cm土壤体积质量,翻耕则降低0~20 cm体积质量;随时间变化各处理土壤体积质量差异逐渐降低。翻耕、旋耕均显著增加了0~10 cm土壤总孔隙,同时翻耕显著增加了10~20 cm土壤总孔隙;翻耕、旋耕显著提高了5~10 cm毛管孔隙。0~10 cm土壤饱和导水率表现为旋耕>翻耕>免耕,翻耕、旋耕在5%水平上显著高于免耕;10~20、20~30 cm土层均表现为翻耕>旋耕>免耕,且10~20 cm翻耕5%水平上显著高于免耕;饱和导水率与体积质量呈显著线性负相关。翻耕、旋耕有效穗数与免耕相比分别提高了24.1%、22.3%;冬小麦的实际产量表现为:旋耕>翻耕>免耕,翻耕、旋耕分别比免耕增产11.8%、16.9%。总之,长期免耕后进行土壤耕作有利于改善土壤物理性状,提高作物产量。  相似文献   

A large area (180 Mha) of central Brazil is occupied by a savanna biome known as the Cerrado. Annual rainfall in this region varies from 1200 to 2000 mm, although there is a long (5 month) dry season with almost no rain. This region is regarded by Brazilians as their agricultural frontier and there is a steady growth in the area dedicated to permanent cropping in the region, which today is estimated to occupy 14 Mha. Owing to the dearth of long-term experiments, the impact of continuous cropping on soil carbon stocks remains unclear. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different tillage systems (zero till (ZT) and conventional tillage (CT)) on the change in soil carbon stocks over a 20-year period of the same crop sequence compared to that under a neighbouring area of native vegetation (NV). Only approximately 10 Mg ha−1 of soil carbon in the 0–100 cm depth interval was lost under continuous ZT. However, under CT systems losses were greater (up to 30 Mg C ha−1) when the mouldboard plough was used and/or tillage was performed twice a year. We did not have access to instrumentation to accurately assess soil charcoal but the C/N data and peroxide and dichromate oxidative techniques suggested that 40% of soil C was in this form. The 13C natural abundance of soil profiles indicated that residues of crops (maize) and the spontaneous annual fallow of Brachiaria spp. resulted in integration of significant C4 residues to a depth of at least 40 cm. It would appear that zero tillage, which is already widely adopted in the Cerrado region of Brazil, will have only a small negative long-term impact on soil C stocks, but ploughing, especially more than once a year, will lead to considerably larger soil C losses.  相似文献   

Low and extremely variable precipitations limit dryland crop production in the semi-arid areas of Aragón (NE Spain). These areas are also affected by high annual rates of topsoil losses by both wind and water erosion. A long-term experiment to determine the feasibility of conservation tillage in the main winter barley production areas of Aragón was initiated in 1989 at four locations, three on loam to silt loam soils (Xerollic Calciorthid) and one on a silty clay loam (Fluventic Ustochrept), receiving between 300 and 600 mm of average annual rainfall. In this study, we compared, under both continuous cropping and cereal-fallow rotation, the effects of conventional tillage (mouldboard plough) and two conservation tillage systems, reduced tillage (chisel plough) and no-tillage, on soil water content and penetration resistance during the first two growing seasons. Whereas reduced and conventionally tilled treatments generally had similar soil water content during the experimental period, the effects of no-tillage were inconsistent. No-tilled plots had from 26% less to 17% more stored soil water (0–80 cm) than conventional tilled plots at the beginning of the growing season. In contrast to the conventional and reduced tillage treatments, penetration resistances were between 2 and 4 MPa after sowing in most of the plough layer (0–40 cm) under no-tillage at all sites. Fallow efficiencies in moisture storage in the cereal-fallow rotation, when compared with the continuous cropping system, ranged from −8.7 to 12%. The highest efficiencies were recorded when the rainfall in the months close to primary tillage exceeded 100 mm. Since this event is very unlikely, long fallowing (9–10 months) appears to be an inefficient practice for water conservation under both conventional and conservation management. Our results suggest that, up to now, only reduced tillage could replace conventional tillage without adverse effects on soil water content and penetration resistance in the dryland cereal-growing areas of Aragón.  相似文献   

20062~008年在四川省广汉市开展了保护性耕作措施下水稻氮肥调控试验,设置不同秸秆还田量(0、6000、12000 kg/hm2)、施氮量水平(0、1502、10 kg/hm2)以及氮素分配比例(6∶2∶2、6∶3∶1、8∶2)。结果表明,和施N 150 kg/hm2相比,N 210 kg/hm2处理水稻分蘖力、干物质积累量、开花期的植株个体和群体质量均有升高,花后茎鞘贮藏物质的输出及光合物质积累量增加,子粒产量提高7.3%。在施N 150 kg/hm2水平和基肥∶蘖肥∶穗肥=6∶2∶2分配比例下,与旋耕无麦秸还田处理相比,免耕秸秆还田与否对水稻茎蘖消长、干物质积累及子粒产量影响较小,但花后绿叶功能期延长,光合产物积累在产量形成中所占比例增加。在施N 210 kg/hm2水平和基肥∶蘖肥∶穗肥=6∶3∶1分配比例下,免耕还田麦秸量从6000 kg/hm2增加至12000 kg/hm2,水稻分蘖力明显增强,干物质积累量增大,开花期个体和群体质量提高,单位面积穗数和穗实粒数增多,产量增加4.1%;将氮肥分配比例由6∶3∶1变为8∶2,即增加基肥用量,减少中后期的氮素供应会导致分蘖高峰后分蘖大量死亡,有效穗数降低,穗粒数减少,产量下降。以上结果说明,氮素的充分供应是保护性耕作水稻获得高产的重要前提和基础,适当提高麦秸还田量、增加中后期氮素供应,能提高氮素利用率及分蘖成穗率和结实率,利于稳产高产。  相似文献   

不同耕作方式对水稻产量和土壤肥力的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
于2005~2006年在双季稻田研究了不同耕作方式对水稻生长、产量和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:免耕抛秧水稻根干重低于翻耕移栽稻,根系绝大部分分布在表层土壤,根系活力比翻耕处理的高,分蘖时间比翻耕移栽的早而比翻耕抛秧的迟;每公顷有效穗数略低于翻耕抛秧而高于翻耕移栽,结实率高于翻耕处理。随着免耕次数的增加,各处理产量基本持平;免耕1年有利于土壤物理性质的改善,免耕有利于土壤养分在表层土壤富集。  相似文献   

免耕轮作对土壤性质有明显改善作用。在免耕秸秆覆盖基础上进行燕麦、玉米、大豆3种作物轮作2个周期的试验研究。结果表明,免耕秸秆覆盖结合不同作物轮作能调节土壤水热环境,增加土壤速效养分含量。土壤贮水量在不同处理间总体表现为免耕留高茬覆盖(NHS)免耕留低茬覆盖(NLS)免耕留高茬(NH)免耕留低茬(NL)常规翻耕(T),3种轮作方式中均以燕麦-大豆-玉米方式最高。轮作2个周期后NHS、NLS、NH、NL分别较T土壤贮水量在作物苗期增加了16.24%、12.16%、8.75%、5.56%,可见免耕覆盖能明显提高土壤水分蓄储能力。土壤温度在0~5 cm土层受外界环境影响最大;免耕覆盖在低温时起"保温作用",能提高土壤温度1.4~2.4℃;高温时起"降温作用",能降低土壤温度1.8~3.4℃;秸秆覆盖后土壤温度日变化平缓。同时免耕结合轮作处理能不同程度增加土壤有机质及速效养分含量,说明免耕轮作在该地区能较大程度的改善土壤性质,为提高作物产量提供了基础和有效保证。  相似文献   

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