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Respiration and ammonification tests were used for the determination of microbiological activity in soils which was complexly investigated within a project aiming in the development of precise farming. The tested sites were chosen according to their nutrient content and yield potential (low - medium - high). Long-term respiration tests showed that there were no significant differences between spring and autumn mineralization activity in vitro and among localities. The amendment of lucerne meal in this test resulted in significantly higher mineralization activity. The increase in potential mineralization activity indicates a good biological activity of the tested soils. Basal and potential (with ammonium and glucose amendment) respiration in short term respiration test was significantly lower in soils from poor sites. The tendency to growing ammonification activity from poor sites to the best ones was determined.  相似文献   

农田生态系统分析与农业可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农田生态系统分析是以农民为中心,由自然科学工作者、社会科学工作者、决策管理人员、土地规划人员和农民共同参与,通过研究农民实际生存的农业自然环境、社会、文化、经济环境,结合考虑农民的意愿与抉择,提出解决农田生态系统问题的一种动态过程与方法,其基本目标是实现中小尺度上的农业可持续发展。农田生态系统分析一般包括5个阶段:问题诊断与分析、研究方案设计与规划、方案验证与评价、结果评价阶段和建议与推广应用。据此,提出适宜于不同农业生态系统的可持续发展方案,为区域乃至国家范围的可持续发展提供决策依据。该文分析了农田生态系统分析的概念、起源、目标、特征和研究过程。  相似文献   

本文叙述了智能化稻麦考种自动测试仪的系统原理结构和微机处理框图及程序。该微机系统由四个部分组成:计数;计重;测长及由8031单片微机组成的控制和数据处理部分。其中计数是采用光电原理,并有清杂扬谷功能。称重传感器是采用压敏控制器,计长则采用光栅和光电脉冲的采样部件。数据处理的功能是将采集到的大量数据进行处理,计算总和、均值及预测谷物的亩产等。其检测结果均由打印或数码显示输出。  相似文献   

精确农业的社会经济特征和经济分析问题初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
精确农业作为基于高科技知识的农业技术体系,被人们认为是实现农业可持续发展的先进生产方式。该文首先从系统的观点出发阐述了精确农业的社会经济特征,主要包括精确农业对农业及其相关产业、市场的影响;并着重探讨了精确农业的经济分析问题,包括风险分析、经济效益评价等  相似文献   

坝地生产潜力开发途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
农业生态系统必须保持能量输入与输出的动态平衡,才能维持系统的稳定性和功能的充分发挥,坝地也不例外,虽然坝地水肥条件较好,但由于科技投入不足,不能发挥应有的生产水平,必须加大科技投入与能量投入,才能使坝地的潜在生产力转化为现实生产力,实现坝系农业的持续高产。  相似文献   

从系统观点出发,以“中国东北寒冷地区综合能源示范基地”项目为研究对象,针对综合能源自给型农业生产系统(IESAS)特点,提出一整套有关这类项目的经济分析方法。其主要特点是:把项目技术参数和价值参数分开,实现以下六个方面的有机结合:定性分析与定量分析、系统综合与系统分解、最优化方法与理性判断方法、实物分析与价值分析、项目短期性分析与项目整个寿命期分析、项目建设前期可行性分析与项目建成后管理决策分析。目的在于为项目决策者提供决策支持。  相似文献   

A major barrier to adoption of composting by the livestock industry is a lack of information regarding the relative economic advantages and disadvantages for producing and marketing compost. The ten markets evaluated in this research are seen as typical markets for horticultural products or markets that have the greatest potential interest in compost. The focus of the research was to determine and evaluate potential paying markets for compost using Illinois as a model. Approximately 2,275 surveys were mailed to members of various horticultural trade associations in Illinois. Questions included inquiries as to the type of business conducted, the current use of compost and whether it was thought that the company had an organic waste problem. Questions were also asked regarding the respondents' beliefs about the economics of making and using compost, and perceived benefits from utilizing compost. A 33.7% response rate was achieved with 746 surveys returned and analyzed. Substantial numbers of respondents were involved in commercial nursery, golf course and lawn care operations. The operation classifications showing the most interest in composting were commercial tree growers, commercial nurseries and greenhouses, landscape contractors and lawn care operations. A majority of the respondents have either used compost in the past or are currently using compost. Of the respondents who reported using compost, a majority (P<0.05) were satisfied with the results. Most compost users reported purchasing compost in bulk as opposed to in bags. The primary reasons cited for using compost were related to soil tilth, building humus content of the soil and increased plant growth. Replacement of chemical fertilizer use and greater seed germination were not cited as primary reasons for using compost. In addition, respondents to the survey reported that development of quality standards for compost would not encourage use.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the reduced and oxidized glutathione status of selected cereal grains as a potential index of balance between oxidative stress and antioxidant systems, and the contribution of reduced glutathione to the total antioxidant status in cereal grain extracts. Wheat cultivars Almari and Henika, barley cultivars Gregor and Mobek, rye cultivar Dañkowskie Złote, oat cultivar Sławko, and buckwheat cultivar Kora were used. Total antioxidant status (TAS) was measured by the ABTS (2,2'-azinobis(3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulphonate)) method. Contents of total phenolic compounds were also determined. Reduced (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) (γ-glutamyl-cysteinyl-glycine) were assayed using the spectrofluorimetric method, and results were confirmed by the enzyme recycling method. Correlation coefficient for the GSH/GSSG ratio was r = 0.79. Correlation between TAS and the total phenolic compound content was r = 0.81. Correlation between GSH/GSSG ratio and TAS values was r= 0.46, depending on the extraction system used. The GSH/GSSG ratio may indicate a hierarchy among different cultivars and variance of cereal grains against damage caused by reactive oxygen species. For the main water-soluble antioxidants, our data indicate a potential hierarchy of resistance in investigated cereals against oxidative stress (buckwheat > wheat > barley ≈ rye > oat). This hierarchy was confirmed by the ability of investigated cereal extracts to scavenge superoxide anion radicals in vitro. The reduced-oxidized glutathione status in different cereal grains can be applied as a potential index of balance between oxidative stress and antioxidant systems.  相似文献   


The concept of Precision farming is not new, and interest in the potential benefits gained momentum in the late eighties. The high cost of soil sampling and chemical and physical analysis by conventional laboratories has restricted the full implementation of this technique at the field level. Near infrared reflectance (NIR) could be a cost‐effective solution. Soil properties that have been calibrated include gravimetric soil water, clay content, buffer capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, titratable acidity, organic matter, mineralizable nitrogen, potential ammonia volatilization from urea, potential nitrification rate, and urease activity. A whole paradigm shift in philosophy is needed in soil testing to move away from the traditional approach of taking a perceived‐representative sample, in which all the spatial variation is lost, to using a combination of grid soil sampling at a sample intensity of 4 to 10 cores per ha and analysed separately using rapid but less accurate methods such as NIR.  相似文献   

基于精准农业精细与准确的原则,利用层次分析法与模糊数学相结合的方法,详细分析了试验区土壤肥力的空间分布情况,并将其作为水稻生产潜力差异的主要影响因素。此外再综合考虑光、温、水等因素的影响,分别计算了光合潜力、光温潜力、气候———生物潜力及各采样点的农业自然生产潜力。推算结果通过了实际资料的验证,生产潜力与当年水稻实际产量达到显著相关水平。同时根据农业自然生产潜力值绘制了空间分布图,根据图上各点所能实现的产量,可以确定具体的施肥量,对田间定点、定量施肥具有很好的指导意义,避免等同施肥造成的肥料浪费,降低对环境的污染。  相似文献   

山西寿阳县旱作农业气候生产潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1967-1999年气象资料,依据布达哥夫斯基连乘原理,估算了寿阳县的光合生产潜力、光温生产潜力和光温水生产潜力,其多年平均值分别为19.3、12.9和4.9万kg/hm^2。4—9月作物生育期内气候生产潜力总值的逐年变化趋势为:光合、光温生产潜力呈总体减小变化,而光温水生产潜力总体减少趋势不明显;4—9月逐月气候生产潜力等值线图表明,20世纪90年代末光合、光温及光温水生产潜力均有不同程度的降低,1999年后的三种气候生产潜力保持继续减少的趋势。  相似文献   


This study is an economic analysis of the use of different organic fertilizers for organic greenhouse lettuce production as an on-farm trial during the autumn season of 2001–2002. The selected site is located in the preservation area of the Tahtali Dam, which is the most important water source providing drinking water to Izmir, the third largest city in Turkey. The tested fertilizer applications were composed of: (a) farmyard manure, 15 tons/ha?1 + E 2001 + All grow Bioplasma; (b) farmyard manure, 30 tons/ha?1; (c) chicken manure, 15 tons/ha?1 + E 2001 + All grow Bioplasma; (d) chicken manure, 30 tons/ha?1; and (e) control (no fertilizer). The total net profit ranged between $0.38 and $0.90/m2, depending on organic fertilizer applications. The results showed that organic lettuce production with different organic fertilizers can be achieved in greenhouses, but there is still a need to solve some problems related to greenhouse climate control, pest and disease control, biological control, crop rotation, marketing and training of growers.  相似文献   

耕地质量等级监测的目的之一是分析某地区耕地等级的主要影响因素,据此为农田基本建设、提高耕地质量提供方向性指导。本文依据吉林省农安县耕地分等结果就耕地等级、土壤和水文要素对理论产能和可实现产能的影响进行了综合分析。结果表明,黑土、黑钙土虽然是比较肥沃的土壤,但其耕地等级并不是最高的,其主要原因是有机质下降和灌溉排水能力差所致。冲积土、水稻土耕地由于水分供应比较充足,耕地等级和产能均比较较高。距离河流不同区域的耕地等级有明显差异,距离河流500 m内耕地等级和产能较高。该结果为农安县耕地整理和农田基本建设有针对性实施提供依据。  相似文献   

陕西省渭北、陕北粮食生产态势与定位   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
该文提出了确定区域粮食产量发展目标的“生产单元长时段产量动态分析法”,并根据黄土主原国家试验示范区粮食产量长期动态资料,提出渭北粮食近期8亿kg增产潜力。旱作粮食单产指标达到4050kg/hm^2,其中小麦为3750kg/hm^2,玉米为6750kg/hm^2,并指出实现指标的3项指标。  相似文献   

张信宝研究员,男,1946年生于江苏镇江,1967年南京大学地质系毕业后,分配至中科院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所.1992年被中科院特聘为研究员,现任山地农业与侵蚀研究中心主任,兼任中科院西安黄土与第四纪地质国家重点实验室客座研究员,四川联合大学客座教授,中国水保学会滑坡泥石流专业委员会常委、小流域综合治理专业委员会委员,中国地理学会地貌专业委员会委员,中国土壤学会土壤侵蚀专业委员会委员,<土壤侵蚀与水土保持学报>、<第四纪研究>、<山地研究>和<长江水土保持>诸杂志编委.1983~1986年在新西兰森林研究所工作期间,被聘为一级地学科学家.  相似文献   

张博  郭瑞 《寒旱农业科学》2022,1(11):182-186
精准农业示范基地是推动我国农业现代化发展的重要抓手,在物联网、大数据、智能农机等为代表的先进技术装备的研发、实验、验证、中证、应用宣传过程中起着重要支撑作用,而精准农业示范基地的安全生产则是保障上述工作顺利开展的前提与关键环节。以北京小汤山国家精准农业研究示范基地为例,从农机设备安全生产、消防用电安全、危化品安全管理和基地网络信息安全等方面分析了精准农业基地安全生产管理现状,并围绕精准农业示范基地的科研转化、生产示范等需求提出了基地建设规范化建议。  相似文献   

东北三省区耕地资源与粮食生产潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北三省区是我国最大的商品粮基地,其粮食生产能力关系到国家粮食安全。本文以1980/1996~2014年耕地面积和粮食生产系列数据为样本,应用时间序列预测方法,分析预测了东北三省区2020年耕地面积、复种指数、粮作与非粮作面积比、粮食作物结构、三大粮食作物单产和粮食总产量。预测结果表明,到2020年,东北三省区耕地面积为27841×103 hm2,粮食作物与非粮作物面积比为90.9:9.1,粮食作物播种面积为22448×103 hm2,粮食总产能力为1.41×108t,与2014年相比增产60.2%,未来东北三省区粮食总生产能力呈稳定上升之势。  相似文献   

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