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In slopes of Mediterranean mid-mountain areas, land use and land cover changes linked to the abandonment of cropland activity affect soil quality and degradation and soil redistribution; however, limited attention has been paid to this issue at catchment scale. This paper evaluates the effects of cropland abandonment and post-land abandonment management (through natural revegetation and afforestation) on soil redistribution rates using fallout 137Cs measurements in the Araguás catchment (0.45 km2, Central Spanish Pyrenees). A total of 52 soil core samples, distributed in a regular grid, from the first 30–40 cm and 9 sectioned reference samples were collected across the catchment and soil properties were analysed. Fallout 137Cs was measured in a 5 cm sectioned references samples and in bulk grid samples. 137Cs inventories were used to estimate soil erosion and deposition rates across the catchment. Results show that the highest erosion rates were recorded under sparsely vegetated sites in the badland area, while the lowest rates were found in the afforested area, but no significant differences were observed between the different uses and covers in soil redistribution rates likely due to a long history of human intervention through cultivation in steep slopes and afforestation practices. However, the recovery of the soil organic matter in afforested areas suggest that afforestation can reduce soil degradation at long-term scale. The information gained achieve a better understanding of soil redistribution dynamics and provide knowledge for effective land management after cropland abandonment of agroecosystems in Mediterranean mountain areas.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The sediment dynamics of (peri-)glacial catchments can be highly variable and complex. Understanding these dynamics and their underlying causes is not only of...  相似文献   

Temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of surface runoff generation triggers the dynamics of source areas of sediment and sediment-associated nutrient transport. Reliable modelling of hydrological special situations i.e. snowmelt is of high importance for the quality of erosion and sediment yield modelling. Data from the research catchment Schäfertal demonstrate the individuality of snowmelt events in terms of runoff coefficient and delivery ratio. This 1.44 km2 low mountain catchment is characterised by a high portion of arable land with a winter grain/winter rape crop rotation. The integrated winter erosion and nutrient load model (IWAN) considers these dynamic aspects by coupling a hydrological model with a sediment load model. Cell size of this raster-based approach is 10 × 10 m2. Additionally, snowmelt rill erosion is simulated with a newly developed physically based model that is firstly applied on a catchment scale. A sensitivity analysis of this model system component demonstrates the plausibility of the model approach and the overall robustness of the model system IWAN. The results of the long-term hydrological modelling from 1991 to 2003 are reliable and form the basis for the simulation of six snowmelt events which were observed in the Schäfertal catchment. The estimated total runoff volumes for these events match the observations well. The modelled overland runoff coefficients vary from 0.001 to 0.72. The mean values of cell erosion, which were modelled with one set of parameters for all six events range from 0.0006 to 0.96 t ha 1. The total modelled erosion for the events with unfrozen soil and low amount of surface runoff is of a factor 50 below those with partly frozen soil. In addition to these distinctions, the major differences are caused by flow accumulation in shallow depressions in variable parts of the catchment. However, the validation of these results on the single event scale is restricted due to limited spatial data. Total simulated sediment yield at the catchment outlet was as high as 13.84 t which underestimates the observed values, with the exception of one event. Oversimplification of the modelled channel processes may be a reason. The temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of the surface roughness parameter, which was identified to be sensitive, also causes uncertainty in the parameter estimation. Despite these findings, the model system IWAN was applied successfully on the catchment scale and the simulated results are reliable.  相似文献   

Temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of surface runoff generation triggers the dynamics of source areas of sediment and sediment-associated nutrient transport. Reliable modelling of hydrological special situations i.e. snowmelt is of high importance for the quality of erosion and sediment yield modelling. Data from the research catchment Schäfertal demonstrate the individuality of snowmelt events in terms of runoff coefficient and delivery ratio. This 1.44 km2 low mountain catchment is characterised by a high portion of arable land with a winter grain/winter rape crop rotation. The integrated winter erosion and nutrient load model (IWAN) considers these dynamic aspects by coupling a hydrological model with a sediment load model. Cell size of this raster-based approach is 10 × 10 m2. Additionally, snowmelt rill erosion is simulated with a newly developed physically based model that is firstly applied on a catchment scale. A sensitivity analysis of this model system component demonstrates the plausibility of the model approach and the overall robustness of the model system IWAN. The results of the long-term hydrological modelling from 1991 to 2003 are reliable and form the basis for the simulation of six snowmelt events which were observed in the Schäfertal catchment. The estimated total runoff volumes for these events match the observations well. The modelled overland runoff coefficients vary from 0.001 to 0.72. The mean values of cell erosion, which were modelled with one set of parameters for all six events range from 0.0006 to 0.96 t ha− 1. The total modelled erosion for the events with unfrozen soil and low amount of surface runoff is of a factor 50 below those with partly frozen soil. In addition to these distinctions, the major differences are caused by flow accumulation in shallow depressions in variable parts of the catchment. However, the validation of these results on the single event scale is restricted due to limited spatial data. Total simulated sediment yield at the catchment outlet was as high as 13.84 t which underestimates the observed values, with the exception of one event. Oversimplification of the modelled channel processes may be a reason. The temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity of the surface roughness parameter, which was identified to be sensitive, also causes uncertainty in the parameter estimation. Despite these findings, the model system IWAN was applied successfully on the catchment scale and the simulated results are reliable.  相似文献   

小流域径流泥沙自动采集器的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
仪器仪表作为对信息进行采集、测量、处理和控制的重要手段和设备,已成为推动科学技术和国民经济高速发展的关键技术之一。在小流域出口处设置量水堰是研究流域水文过程及土壤侵蚀监测的一个重要方法,为实现小流域径流含沙量的动态监测,自行研制了一种小流域径流泥沙自动采集器,以一种简单的采样技术代替传统方法来提高含沙量测定的自动化水平及测量精度。通过模拟试验验证了采集器的适用性,结果证明采集器具有很好的可靠性和观测精度,与标准值的平均相对误差仅为0.42%。另外,该装置与传统水样收集方法相比自动化程度高,管理方便,适于野外无人看守情况下径流样品的自动采集。因此,所研制的小流域径流泥沙自动采集器有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

The determination of relative contributions of potential sediment sources is an important step in the development of management strategies to combat soil erosion. In a 1.2 km2 gullied catchment in southeastern New South Wales, multi-parameter fingerprinting of sediment deposited in successive downstream pools has identified gully walls as the dominant sediment source when the grazed pasture surface was the only other potential source. The median fractional contributions remained relatively steady in the successive downstream pools, with the gully walls responsible for between 90% and 98% of the pool sediment. This result was achieved despite the ratio of the source areas varying considerably between successive nested subareas. Reliability bounds on the predictions, accounting for limited sampling of sources, were well constrained and varied between 5.4% and 13.8%. Downstream of an unsealed road crossing, sediment from the road source dominated the pool sediments such that contributions from the pasture surface and gully sources could not be determined.  相似文献   

坝地沉积旋回泥沙养分变化及其对小流域泥沙来源的解释   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
黄土高原广泛分布的坝地沉积泥沙中赋存了大量小流域侵蚀特征及侵蚀环境变化的信息,泥沙特性的变化则是这些信息的直接体现。该文通过对比分析淤地坝沉积旋回泥沙中和坝控小流域内不同泥沙源地土壤中有机质、全氮、全磷和全钾的含量,发现小流域内土壤养分含量变异性明显大于沉积旋回泥沙中的变异性,沉积旋回泥沙养分含量与沟壁土壤中的相接近,其中与沟壁中的全氮、全磷和全钾无显著差异(p>0.05),但显著小于荒草地和坡耕地中的有机质、全氮和全磷含量(p<0.05),表明淤地坝运行期间小流域泥沙主要来源于沟壁坍塌和沟道扩展,重力侵蚀和沟蚀是主要侵蚀类型;有机质和全氮在坝地沉积旋回中呈明显阶段性变化,分析认为其反映了农村土地联产承包责任制对小流域土地利用和土壤侵蚀的影响。  相似文献   

The Araguás Catchment of the Central Spanish Pyrenees has been monitored since 2004 to study weathering, erosion, and the hydrological and sediment response to rainfall events in order to understand the hydromorphological dynamics of a badland area in a relatively humid environment. This small catchment (0.45 km2) shows highly active processes of physical and chemical weathering related to seasonal variations in temperature and moisture. Erosion and sediment transport are widely studied in badlands within Mediterranean environments because they represent the dominant sediment source. To obtain information about suspended sediment and discharge, a gauging station was installed within the Araguás Catchment during the summer of 2005. The aim of this work is to determine the relationships among rainfall, runoff, and suspended sediment in this badland area. Towards this goal, we analyze the relationships between suspended sediment concentration and discharge during rainfall events.From a hydrological viewpoint, the Araguás Catchment reacts to all rainfall events with torrential flow being the most characteristic hydrological response. The results obtained between October 2005 and April 2007 reveal extremely high concentrations of suspended sediment, with values frequently exceeding 100 g l<modINS>−<!--[/INS]"> 1 and reaching a maximum of 1200 g l<modINS>−<!--[/INS]"> 1. Three different types of hysteretic loops were observed: clockwise (22 events, 28%), counter-clockwise (27 events, 34%), and figure-eight (12 events, 15%). Moreover, 23% of events were classified as complex hysteretic loops and removed from the analysis due to their complexity. Clockwise hysteretic floods are characterized by their long duration and the highest hydrological and sedimentological responses; counter-clockwise hysteretic floods are characterized by their short duration and moderate hydrological and sediment responses; finally, figure-eight hysteretic floods are related to multiple peaks in suspended sediment, coinciding with oscillations in discharge associated with the highest rainfall intensities within each event and moderate hydrological and sediment responses.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区小流域尺度生态建设的水文响应研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对黄土丘陵区小流域尺度生态建设的水文响应研究结果表明,土壤水分在坡面上由坡顶向坡脚逐渐富集,泉水流量随土壤水分增加而稳定增加,产流降雨过后泉水流量有较大增加,这种响应约滞后3~10d。高标准生态建设治理后其小流域降雨土壤水径流转化并无较大变化,流域产流水平正常,表明水资源对流域治理后生态环境具有持续支持能力  相似文献   

Annual soil losses in southern Italy can exceed 100–150 t ha− 1 year− 1. Where erosion on agricultural land is particularly severe, land use change and afforestation are frequently seen as the most appropriate means of reducing erosion risk. However, the overall effectiveness of afforestation in reducing soil erosion remains uncertain, due to the poor development of the forest cover in some areas, leading to significant areas with sparse tree cover, and the erosional impact of forest harvesting, which commonly involves clearcutting. The study reported here addresses this uncertainty and focuses on two small catchments (W2 and W3) located in Calabria, southern Italy, for which measurements of suspended sediment yield are available. Both the catchments originally supported a rangeland vegetation cover and they were planted with eucalyptus trees in 1968. Currently, only catchment W3 supports a continuous forest cover. In catchment W2 the forest cover is discontinuous and there is a significant area of the catchment (ca. 20%) where the tree cover is sparse and the vegetation cover is dominated by natural grasses. Two additional erosion plots were established within catchment W2 in 1991, in order to explore the effect of the density of the tree cover on soil erosion. Information on the sediment yields from the two catchments and the plots for 10 storm events that occurred during the period December 2005–December 2006 and associated information on the 137Cs and excess 210Pb of the sediment, have been used to investigate the effectiveness of afforestation in reducing sediment mobilisation and net soil loss from the catchments involved. The results demonstrate that the areas of greatest soil loss are associated with the slopes where the tree cover is discontinuous, and that forest harvesting by clearcutting causes significant short-term increases in sediment mobilisation and sediment yield. These findings, which are consistent with previous work undertaken within the same area, emphasize the importance of vegetation cover density in influencing rates of soil loss in the study catchments. The study also provided a useful demonstration of the potential for using measurements of the 137Cs and 210Pbex content of sediment, in combination with more traditional sediment monitoring, to investigate sediment sources and to compare the sediment dynamics of catchments subjected to different land management practices.  相似文献   

王毅  张斌  Harald Zepp 《土壤学报》2012,49(5):875-885
选择具有南方亚热带农业小流域典型代表性的江西省孙家小流域,运用WaSiM-ETH分布式水文模型,模拟了该农业小流域的水文过程,并在流域尺度上估算了壤中流流量。研究结果表明,虽然孙家小流域土地利用方式多样,水文过程复杂,但是WaSiM-ETH模型仍显示了相当高的准确性。WaSiM-ETH模型模拟孙家小流域出口年径流量的相对误差为3.7%~4.3%,决定系数(R2)高达0.96。在模型模拟的2002年—2003年期间,孙家小流域年蒸散量为672~804 mm,占年降雨的39.6%~52.5%;小流域壤中流年径流量为542~666 mm,占年降雨输入的35.4%~39.2%,高于地表径流的8.8%~21.4%。这说明WaSiM-ETH模型在该地区流域水文过程模拟方面具有很高的适应性,其不仅能够准确模拟南方亚热带农业小流域的地表水文过程,同时还能在流域尺度上估算壤中流流量。  相似文献   



There is a growing interest in the characterization of the particle size of sediment due to its impact on particle dynamics, especially for connectivity purpose. This study determined the particle size distribution of suspended sediment in a mountainous catchment, with the aim to evaluate the variability of particle size during floods, the main controlling factors, and if indirect information from hillslopes was useful for the interpretation of particle size measured at the catchment outlet. This work involved the development of a measurement protocol.

Material and methods

Samples were collected automatically from streamwater during flood events using an ISCO 3700 sampler. Five events were analyzed for their particle size distributions using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000. Because the samples were too concentrated, two different protocols were tested to address the errors made during the subsampling step: using a pipette and a home-made device with successive dilution phases.

Results and discussion

High errors occurred when using a pipette to extract particles within a stirred sample. The maximum errors were reduced from 1,600 to 30?% using the device described within this study. Particles were found to be aggregated at various levels regardless of the discharge they were sampled at. Their size was found to be either variable or stable at the event scale, and statistical analyses revealed that discharge was the factor that best correlated with particle size. The results obtained in this study are in agreement with the few other studies in comparable environments. Some hypothesis are put forward and discussed to explain the positive relationship between particle size and discharge. Input from hillslopes seems to have a measureable effect in this headwater catchment.


While the need for in situ measurements has long been stressed in lowland rivers, estuaries, and coastal environments, it was shown that the use of an accurate dilution protocol could provide some physically interpretable measurements on the particle size distributions of suspended sediment transported in a mountainous catchment. It also appears that hillslope information has to be considered when studying particle size measured at the catchment outlet.  相似文献   

A field study was performed on the effects of acid mine leachate from slate mine tailings seeping into a small river passing through the tailings. Before entering the tailings the river water has high alkalinity which neutralizes acidity upon mixing with leachate within the tailings. Donwstreams of the tailings the pH of the river water ranges about pH = 8, the water contains high concentrations of sulfate (≈1500 μmol/1 and particulate bound aluminium (≈80 μmol/I), but low concentrations of dissolved aluminium (≈3 μmol/1). It is therefore assumed that AI(OH)3 colloids are precipitated during the neutralisation process and transported out of the tailings. The concentration of particulate bound aluminium along the river shows a strong correlation with the concentration of sulfate, which indicates that particulate bound aluminium is conservative. It therefore seems that under dry weather conditions (under most of the sampling was performed) no chemical retention mechanism exists which confines the distribution of aluminium to a restricted part of the catchment area. In contrast, the white river sediment is rich in both aluminium and sulfate, which suggests the temporary formation of aluminium hydroxosulfate minerals. Favorable (i.e. acidic) conditions may prevail at high discharges where the acidity accumulated in the tailings is flushed into the river with its subsequent acidification.  相似文献   

基于水文模型的流域蒸散发规律   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
基于双源蒸散发模型与栅格产汇流模型,该文构建了分布式流域水文模型,在老哈河上游的甸子流域模拟了蒸散量的时空变化过程。研究结果表明:相比蒸发皿观测数据计算的蒸散发能力,双源模型计算实际蒸散量作为水文模型的驱动因子更具优势,其能够有效地模拟流域尺度实际蒸散量的变化过程;不同植被类型的截留蒸发、植物蒸腾、蒸散量过程都呈单峰形式,夏季达到最大值,高大植被的植被蒸腾量和生产性蒸发比例显著高于低矮植被;不同植被条件下的土壤散发变化规律不一致,高大植被在5月达到峰值,低矮植被则在6月或7月达到峰值。  相似文献   

The novel catchment scale erosion and sediment delivery model INCA-Sed was applied to four small study catchments in Finland. Three of these, the Mustajoki, Haarajoki and Luhdanjoki, are headwater catchments located in central Finland. The associated rivers have differing morphological characteristics varying from a ditch to a small river. Soil textures in the area are derived from moraine deposits and are largely sand and gravel. The Mustajoki and Haarajoki catchments are forested and only 10% of the area is under cultivation. In the Luhdanjoki catchment agricultural fields cover 40% of the area. The fourth study site, the Savijoki catchment, represents an intensively cultivated area in south-western Finland. Cultivated fields cover 40% of the catchment area, and they are located on clay soils along the river. The INCA-Sed model was able to capture both the correct magnitude and seasonal behaviour of suspended sediment concentrations in the rivers, as well as the correct magnitude of the sediment load derived from different land use classes. Small differences in river morphology and soil textures between the catchments have a significant influence on suspended sediment concentration in the rivers. Correct timing of suspended sediment concentration peaks is not, however, captured by the INCA-Sed model, which may be due to the stochastic nature of erosion and delivery processes at the catchment scale which are not taken into account in the parameter values used in the modelling. Parameter values were estimated from previous researches based on average process loads. The INCA-Sed model was, however, generally found to be a suitable tool for evaluating effects of land use change on erosion and sediment delivery in Finland as it correctly reproduces spatial and seasonal variations in sediment delivery, in addition to annual averages with spatial and temporal variations.  相似文献   

在黄土丘陵沟壑区小流域侵蚀水沙耦合数学模型基础上,以黄河中游典型流域岔巴沟流域为研究对象,根据工程水文学设计暴雨的方法生成各种假设暴雨过程,在固定下垫面不变的条件下,进行模拟计算并分析流域100年一遇、50年一遇和10年一遇设计暴雨的产流产沙效应。在几种不同的假设植被覆盖度下,分别模拟计算同一场典型暴雨在不同植被覆盖条件下的水沙侵蚀过程。模拟结果表明:1)根据岔巴沟流域100年一遇(P=0.01)、50年一遇(P=0.02)和10年一遇(P=0.1)设计暴雨3种情景下的水沙计算特征可知,100年一遇降雨(P=0.01)对应的洪峰流量和沙峰分别为805m^3/s和77.5万kg/s,50年一遇降雨(P=0.02)对应的洪峰流量和沙峰分别为595m^3/s和50.2万kg/s,10年一遇降雨(P=0.1)对应的洪峰流量和沙峰分别为108m^3/s和12.1万kg/s,根据以上计算结果可大致推断1970-2000年的绝大多数侵蚀观测场次的水沙重现期在10年一遇和50年一遇之间;2)该流域植被覆盖度的减水减沙效应显著,增加25%植被覆盖将减少水量73%和沙量84%,而减少25%的植被覆盖将增加29.9%的径流和18.6%的泥沙。不同降雨和植被覆盖条件下的水沙侵蚀过程情景模拟分析结果可为黄土高原丘陵沟壑区流域水土保持工程规划与设计提供依据。  相似文献   

The efficiency of traditional agrotechnical practices (autumn treatment of soil and its mulching with plant residues (straw)) for the control of the hydrological cycle on small catchment areas during spring snow melting is assessed. The earlier developed dynamic-stochastic model for the formation of spring surface slope runoff was used for the calculations  相似文献   

Due to the complex hydrogeological conditions in karst regions, it is difficult to measure sediment source contributions at a catchment scale directly. The objective of this study was to quantify the relative contributions of sediment sources and their temporal variability in a karst catchment in southwest China. Karst depressions can trap eroded sediment similar to a dam or reservoir and, thus, are representative and typical test beds for identifying sediment sources in karst regions. Three sediment cores were taken from a karst depression, 58 soil samples from three potential sediment sources were collected, and 18 soil properties were analyzed. The relative contributions of cropland, forestland, and fissure or crack soils were calculated using a multivariate mixing model. The fingerprinting results demonstrated that the cropland was the main sediment source in karst catchment. Specifically, according to the mean sediment contributions of the three deposited sediment cores, the sediment contribution from cropland topsoil was 69.3%, varying from 46.9% to 92.3%, and forestland soil and crack soil accounted for 8.6% and 22.1% of the sediment yield, and varying from 2.8% to 16.5% and 4.8%–36.6%, respectively. This result indicated that great attention should be paid when using only a single core to quantify sediment provenance. Due to the deposited sediment was generally disturbed as cropland in the karst depression, the area that has not been disturbed in recent decades in depression was more appropriate to trace sediment sources in karst catchment. To the best of our knowledge, this study was the first to quantify the contributions of sediment sources in the karst catchment of southwest China. This study provides valuable information and a preliminary reference for applying a composite fingerprinting technique to quantify sediment sources in karst catchments.  相似文献   

Development of improved soil erosion and sediment yield prediction technology is required to provide catchment stakeholders with the tools they need to evaluate the impact of various management strategies on soil loss and sediment yield in order to plan for the optimal use of the land. In this paper, a newly developed approach is presented to predict the sources of sediment reaching the stream network within Masinga, a large‐scale rural catchment in Kenya. The study applies the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) and a developed hillslope sediment delivery distributed (HSDD) model embedded in a geographical information system (GIS). The HSDD model estimates the sediment delivery ratio (SDR) on a cell‐by‐cell basis using the concept of runoff travel time as a function of catchment characteristics. The model performance was verified by comparing predicted and measured plot runoff and sediment yield. The results show a fairly good relationship between predicted and measured sediment yield (R2=0·82). The predicted results show that the developed modelling approach can be used as a major tool to estimate spatial soil erosion and sediment yield at a catchment scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. Flow and nitrate concentrations were measured weekly for four years at twelve stream-water monitoring sites in a catchment in the English Midlands designated as a Nitrate Advisory Area. Farm surveys and satellite images have provided soil and land use information. Measurements show the nitrate load to be dominated by discharge, with large variability due to differing weather conditions from year to year. Within-year variability in nitrate concentrations is also related to weather conditions, with high concentrations when field capacity is reached if this occurs late in the year. There is also clear evidence of dilution of nitrate during intense storms. The effect of changing weather conditions makes it impossible to identify catchment-scale changes in leaching due to changes in agricultural practice over a period as short as four years. Measurements from a major spring in the catchment show an increasing trend in nitrate concentrations through the period. There is some evidence that the greatest N leaching to streams in the catchment is associated with intensive grassland on soils which are naturally poorly drained.  相似文献   

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