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昆嵛山森林群落数量分类、排序及多样性垂直格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据野外样方调查和主要立地因子数据,采用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)方法,对昆嵛山森林群落进行分类和采用除趋势对应分析(DCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)方法进行排序,并分析植物分布与立地因子的关系及物种多样性沿海拔梯度分布格局.结果表明:物种累积曲线分析方法显示40块标准样地抽样充分;TWINSPAN方法将昆嵛山森林群落分为9种类型;样方的DCA排序明确地揭示各群落类型境地分布范围;样地和物种CCA排序较好地揭示立地因子对森林类型和物种分布格局的影响.物种丰富度随海拔升高而增加,在中海拔(300 m)出现最大值,至450 m处趋于平缓.Shannon-Weiner指数和Simpson指数随海拔升高而增加,但增加趋势不十分明显;Pielou's均匀度指数在海拔500 m以下分布平缓,500 m以上随海拔升高而呈增加趋势.  相似文献   

【目的】研究神农架地区次生林主要原生树种与引进树种树干附生地衣多样性的差异,为该地区的地衣多样性保护和次生林管理提供理论支持。【方法】采用样线法调查神农架地区次生林7个原生树种和3个引进树种的树干附生地衣,运用Estimate S 9.1.0软件包计算各树种预期地衣丰富度,统计各树种地衣群落的物种组成和生长型组成,计算Shannon-Wiener指数(H)、Simpson指数(D)和均匀度指数(E)并评估单株、树种和种组水平的群落多样性特征,最后采用系统聚类法对10个树种的地衣群落进行聚类。【结果】10个树种树干地衣预期丰富度存在较大差异,且引进树种的预期地衣丰富度均值高于原生树种;10个树种的树种内地衣丰富度和树种间地衣丰富度变异均较大,但原生树种组和引进树种组间无差异;引进树种和原生树种树干地衣的优势种类存在明显差异,表现为小刺褐松萝、大哑铃孢、流苏茶渍和日本珊瑚枝4种地衣在原生树种上成为优势种,橄榄斑叶梅和裂树花则只在引进树种上成为优势种,引进树种中新出现了美国树花、裂树花和侯氏树花等地衣;不同生长型地衣在树种间的分布也存在一定差异;原生树种地衣群落的多样性指数具有锐齿槲栎最低而川鄂柳最高的特点,而引进树种组具有华山松马尾松日本落叶松树的趋势;原生树种地衣群落的多样性指数略高于引进树种组;10个树种的地衣群落可以聚成与优势地衣组成相关的3类,而3个引进树种分属其中一类。【结论】神农架地区次生林拥有较高的地衣丰富度;10个树种的树干附生地衣群落在物种丰富度、多样性、优势种组成、部分地衣的宿主偏好方面存在差异,说明该地区森林生态系统的树种多样性对于地衣多样性维持具有重要意义;华山松等用材树种的引进及其种群动态对该地区地衣多样性的潜在影响值得关注。  相似文献   

为了解雷公山自然保护区不同海拔段水青冈群落的结构特征,分别在雷公山自然保护区不同海拔段的水青冈群落中设置样地和样方,分析其物种组成、重要值和物种多样性指数等。结果表明:雷公山自然保护区水青冈群落共有85科153属243种植物,植物种数表现为低海拔段的>中海拔段的>高海拔段的,含单属单种科所占的比例表现为中海拔段的>低海拔段的>高海拔段的;不同海拔段水青冈群落极不相似,物种组成差异较大。雷公山自然保护区水青冈主要分布在海拔1 100~1 566 m范围的中、高海拔段;海拔与Simpson优势度指数D、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数He′和Pielou均匀度指数Je均呈不显著负相关,Simpson优势度指数D、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数He′和Pielou均匀度指数Je相互影响;物种均匀度指数Je对物种优势度指数D的贡献率较物种多样性指数He′的更高。  相似文献   

利用物种丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数3个指数,对云南糯扎渡自然保护区8种热带林群落物种多样性沿群落类型梯度、群落结构梯度和海拔梯度的分异情况进行分析,结果表明:(1)8种热带林群落以千果榄仁—粗穗石栎群落物种多样性最为丰富,千果榄仁—普文楠群落最不丰富。(2)按照8种热带林群落的群落结构分层计算,乔木层以绒毛番龙眼--大省藤群落物种多样性最为丰富,榆绿木-火绳树-黄竹群落最不丰富;灌木层以降真香—假鹊肾树--密花树群落物种多样性最为丰富,绒毛番龙眼--大省藤群落最不丰富;草本层以澜沧栎--火绳树--余甘子群落物种多样性最为丰富,西南紫薇—粉花羊蹄甲群落最不丰富;藤本层以千果榄仁--粗穗石栎群落物种多样性最为丰富,榆绿木--火绳树--黄竹群落最不丰富。(3)不同海拔段其热带林群落物种多样性不同。海拔900~1050m和1200~1820m区段是糯扎渡自然保护区热带林群落物种多样性相对较丰富的地区,760~900m和1050~1200m区段热带林群落物种多样性相对较差。(4)人为干扰是造成糯扎渡自然保护区热带林群落物种多样性下降的关键因素。  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰山小东沟北坡植物多样性沿海拔梯度分布格局   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
分析新疆阿尔泰山小东沟北坡植物多样性随海拔梯度的变化规律。结果表明:小东沟山区总体上物种种类简单,物种丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均表现为:乔木层灌木层草本层;乔木层和灌木层的物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均沿海拔上升表现为先升高再降低的单峰趋势,即中间高度膨胀,且多样性峰值均出现在海拔1600~1800m处;草本层的物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均沿海拔升高,略微有所上升,变化不明显;乔、灌、草总的物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数沿海拔上升均呈现先增加后降低的单峰趋势。针阔叶混交林具有较高的物种多样性,从而使海拔1600~1700m处出现乔木层、灌木层及总的物种多样性峰值。随海拔升高,林分郁闭度减少,从而使得林下草本多样性有所增加。  相似文献   

基于实地调查和典范对应分析(CCA),分析西双版纳坝区独生古树上野生附生兰科植物多样性及其与环境关系。调查结果显示,西双版纳坝区独生古树上野生附生兰科植物共计30属59种,占研究区同海拔段(500~1 220 m)已知野生附生兰科植物种数(228种)的25.9%,其中12种(20.3%)属中国红色名录濒危等级。CCA分析结果显示,7个环境因子对坝区独生古树的附生兰物种组成的总效应和净效应均达到极显著水平(P0.01),按照净效应从大到小排序,依次为:海拔、距居民区距离、年均降雨量、年均温、距天然林块距离、胸径、树高。  相似文献   

通过样方调查,采用物种多样性指数和DCCA排序方法,并结合种间联结、种间协变和系统聚类分析,对藏东南川滇高山栎(Quercus aquifolioides)群落的物种多样性及其分布格局进行了研究。结果表明:1)川滇高山栎群落物种数(丰富度)随海拔增高而降低,一定程度的人为干扰(即中度干扰)、较大的林分郁闭度和较矮的林冠层有利于群落物种多样性的增加;另外干旱河谷现象对群落物种多样性格局也有影响。2)群落各层次间物种多样性呈现出草本层>灌木层>乔木层的特征。3)群落种间较高的正负关联比理论上说明川滇高山栎群落结构较为稳定,生态习性和分布差异造就了种间的联结和协变格局。海拔梯度和年均降水量是影响各种群空间分布的主要因素。4)结合种-环境DCCA排序结果、种间关系和聚类分析结果可将川滇高山栎群落中除川滇高山栎之外的48个主要物种划分为4个生态种组。  相似文献   

进行了镜湖湿地植物群落的调查研究,研究了不同干扰条件下(林地区、草地区、水库区与建设用地区)镜湖湿地植物多样性概况。研究结果表明:镜湖湿地4个区域中共有植物物种150种,分属75科90属,主要以被子植物为主(140种)。①林地区域上共有植物103种,优势物种合欢(Albizia julibrissin Durazz.)的株高,样方所有植物盖度及生物量分别为75.6 cm,85.6%,1608.1 g/m~2,该区的Shannon-Winner指数,Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson植物优势度指数分别为2.1,0.9与0.64;②草地区域共有植物95种,优势物种早熟禾(Poaannua L.)的株高,样方所有植物盖度及生物量分别为20.1 cm,79.4%,387.9 g/m~2,Shannon-Winner指数,Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson植物优势度指数分别为1.8,0.7与0.65;③水库区域上共有植物69种,优势种喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb)的株高,样方所有植物盖度及生物量分别为6.3 cm,59.3%,227.8 g/m~2,Shannon-Winner指数,Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson植物优势度指数分别为1.1,0.4与0.8;④建设用地区域上共有植物73种,优势种诸葛菜的株高,样方所有植物盖度及生物量分别为18.9 cm,55.8%,355.4 g/m~2,Shannon-Winner指数,Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson植物优势度指数分别为1.2,0.5与0.7。从整体上看,绍兴镜湖湿地植物资源较丰富,物种多样性较高,但不同干扰条件,会影响不同区域的物种多样性及物种组成。  相似文献   

利用样方调查法,在粤西茂名林洲顶自然保护区内设置32个20 m×20 m的样方,建立以样方——种类(株树)组成的二维矩阵数据库,计测其生物多样性,并采用等级聚类对样方数据进行分析。植物物种多样性研究表明:天然次生林的物种多样性比人工林高;等级聚类将本地区森林群落分为3个生态群组:大多数天然次生林归为一组,人工林归为一组,山顶矮林归为一组。并就森林群落类型、生物多样性特点以及自然保护区建设等方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

为了解从化市石门国家森林公园不同海拔或坡向生物多样性的变化规律,以为森林公园景观改造、生态系统承载力提高、生态修复提供理论知识,对分散于森林公园的海拔或坡向不同的30块样地进行调查研究。研究结果表明,中海拔林地生物多样性较高,低海拔和高海拔林地生物多样性均较低,尤其是乔木层和下木层Ⅰ,其生物多样性分别在960 m和900 m达到峰值;坡向对生物多样性的影响表现为:阴坡>半阳坡>阳坡;公园内生物多样性受到人为干扰,总体上人为干扰随海拔上升而下降,但由于旅游开发和观光,海拔900 m以下林区受到人为干扰程度与海拔关系不大;森林郁闭度、人为干扰程度随海拔变化的趋势相似,石门森林公园森林郁闭度可以作为评价人为干扰程度的指标。  相似文献   

Twenty-five tree species indigenous to Guangdong Province were chosen in this study to portray their distribution patterns in relation to environmental factors. Both data of species distribution and environmental factors were tabulated based on a digitized map of Guangdong Province gridded at 0.5° latitude × 0.5° longitude. Grid-based diversity was mapped using DMAP, a distribution mapping program, and horizontal patterns were assessed using Kruskal-Wallis tests. The diversity center of the indige- nous tree species under study is located north of 23° N. These tree species exhibit significant latitudinal variation (P = 0.007 4), but no significant longitudinal difference (P = 0.052 2). Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) identified five different ecological species groups, while Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed the distribution of tree species along each of the five envi- ronmental gradients. An understanding of the environmental correlates of distribution patterns has great implication for the introduc- tion of the indigenous tree species for afforestation.  相似文献   

In western North America, quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) is the most common hardwood in montane landscapes. Fire suppression, grazing and wildlife management practices, and climate patterns of the past century are all potential threats to aspen coverage in this region. If aspen-dependent species are losing habitat, this raises concerns about their long-term viability. Though lichens have a rich history as air pollution indicators, we believe that they may also be useful as a metric of community diversity associated with habitat change. We established 47 plots in the Bear River Range of northern Utah and southern Idaho to evaluate the effects of forest succession on epiphytic macrolichen communities. Plots were located in a narrow elevational belt (2134–2438 m) to minimize the known covariant effects of elevation and moisture on lichen communities. Results show increasing total lichen diversity and a decrease in aspen-dependent species as aspen forests succeed to conifer cover types. The interactive roles of stand aspect, basal area and cover of dominant trees, stand age, aspen bark scars, and recent tree damage were examined as related to these trends. We developed an aspen index score based on lichens showing an affinity for aspen habitat (Phaeophyscia nigricans, Physcia tenella, Xanthomendoza fulva, Xanthomendoza galericulata) and found a significant negative relationship between the index and successional progression. Indicator species analysis showed the importance of all stages of aspen-conifer succession for lichen community diversity and highlighted the decline of aspen-dependent species with advancing succession. We present a landscape-level community analysis of lichens in the context of a conceptual model for aspen succession for the southern Rocky Mountains. We conclude that while total number of lichen species increases with succession, aspen-dependent species cover and richness will decline. In this way, epiphytic lichens communities may constitute an effective indicator of community-level diversity in for aspen-dependent species at-large.  相似文献   

Epiphytic macrolichen litterfall was collected over 3 years from primary evergreen broad-leaved forests (PF), Populus bonatii secondary forests (PBSF), middle-aged oak secondary forests (MOSF) and old-aged oak secondary forests (OOSF) of the Ailao Mountains in SW China. To assess changes in the epiphyte communities of the subtropical forests, we compared the differences in biomass, species diversity and community structure of epiphytic lichens from the four forest types. A total of 51 species were recorded in this study. Species richness was highest in the PF, while α-diversity was highest in the MOSF. Lichen biomass differed markedly across the four forest types and was highest in the MOSF. The contribution of each dominant species to total biomass, except Nephromopsis ornata, was significantly different among forest types. Moreover, the percent contribution of foliose chlorolichens to litterfall tended to be higher in later-succession forest types, whereas the contributions of cyanolichens and fruticose chlorolichens were lower in these forest types. Compared to the PF, the lichen community structure in secondary forests differed significantly, implying that at least a few hundred years were needed for the restoration of these lichen communities. In particular, nineteen lichens were suggested as indicators, and eleven of them were present in the MOSF. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the observed differences were mainly attributed to canopy openness and the size of the largest tree, which represented an environmental gradient from exposed to sheltered habitats. The diversity of host tree species was also important in determining the composition and distribution of macrolichens. Our findings support the idea that the maintenance of the forest landscape mosaic of heterogeneous forest types may be an important management practice to maintain or promote the epiphytic lichen community of the subtropical Ailao Mountains.  相似文献   

白石砬子自然保护区森林植被和主要树种分布的环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用典范对应分析(CCA)对辽宁东部白石砬子国家级自然保护区56个样地中的森林植被和44种主要树种与8个环境因子间的关系进行了研究。结果表明,海拔高度、样地坡度、土壤有机质、林冠都闭度和土壤酸度是影响白石砬子森林树种和植被分布的主要因素。结合双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN),在CC样地一环境因子双序图上区分出8个样地组,分析了8个样地组的植被成员组成及其分布与环境因子间的关系。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of retention trees and patches in preserving diversity of nine epiphytic and epixylic old-growth forest lichens was studied in north boreal spruce forests in Finland. We compared (1) 7–8-year-old retention cuts, with at least 5–10 living or dead retention trees per hectare, (2) 10–12-year-old clear-cuts, with some scattered living and dead retention trees on the sites, (3) old-growth spruce forests, and (4) 7-8-year-old retention patches (0.06–0.45?ha) representing the original tree species composition of old-growth forests. The occurrence of indicator lichens was studied on 150 deciduous trees and snags in each forest category. The species richness was significantly higher in old-growth forests than in the clear-cuts and retention cuts, but did not differ between old-growth forests and retention patches. Only three species were found in clear-cuts and two in retention cuts. Foliose cyanolichens Leptogium saturninum and Nephroma bellum thrived on solitary retention trees, whereas humidity-requiring pin lichens from the genus Chaenotheca were found only in old-growth forests and retention patches. Our results suggest that the ability of epiphytic and epixylic species to survive on retained trees depends on several factors: (1) substrate quality (tree species, tree type and diameter of a tree), (2) environmental factors (e.g. humidity, slope exposition), and (3) morphological and physiological characteristics of species. Besides of substrate trees, the retained conifers (esp. spruce) seem to be important in retention patches to provide the shading necessary to maintain humidity.  相似文献   

Artemisia ordosica is an excellent sand-fixing shrub for sand stabilization in northwestern China. Sand dune stabilization, a critically important process, leads changes in abiotic factors, such as soil structure and nutrient contents. However, the effects of factors on an A. ordosica community following sand stabilization remain unclear. In this study, we used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to examine the relationships between A. ordosica communities and environmental factors at three habitats: semi-fixed dune (SF), fixed dune with low-coverage biological soil crust (F), and fixed dune with high-coverage biological soil crust (FC) in Mu Us desert. The mean height and coverage of plants increased with sand stabilization, while species diversity and richness increased initially and then reduced significantly. Correlation analysis and CCA revealed that slope, soil organic carbon, and nutrient contents, proportion of fine soil particles, soil moisture, and thickness of biological soil crust were all highly correlated with vegetation characteristics. These environmental factors could explain 40.42 % of the vegetation–environment relationships at the three habitats. The distribution of plant species was positively related to soil moisture in the SF dune. Soil moisture, soil nutrient, and fine-particle contents mainly affected plants distribution in the F dune. In the FC dune, distribution of plant species was positively and negatively correlated with the thickness of biological soil crust and soil moisture at a depth 0–20 cm, respectively. The dominance value of typical steppe species increased significantly following sand-dune stabilization and relations between species and samples in CCA ordination bi-plots showed that perennial grasses could invade the A. ordosica community on FC, indicating A. ordosica communities had a tendency to change into typical steppe vegetation with the further fixation. We conclude that the significant differentiation not only occurred in community characteristics, but also in the relationships between vegetation and environmental factors among the three stages of dune fixation. So, restoration of degraded dune ecosystems should be based on habitat conditions and ecological needs.  相似文献   

The relationships between the structural complexity of coniferous forests and the epiphytic lichen communities that inhabit them were examined in 51 conifer-dominated stands in southwestern Nova Scotia. One hundred and fifteen lichen species were studied in stands in the age range of 50–300 years. Environmental variables shaping the structural complexity of each forest stand were measured and their relationship with lichen species were assessed using a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The CCA revealed that the considerable variation in lichen community composition can be explained by several environmental variables associated with forest structure. The stand orientation on the first axis of the CCA found the most important variables for lichen richness to be stand age, tree stem density and snag stem density. The stand orientation on the second axis is strongly correlated with deciduous stem density and abundance including specific deciduous tree species such as Acer rubrum abundance. The analysis indicates that the greater the structural complexity in the forest, and thus the more microhabitats available, the greater the lichen species richness. These results should provide forest managers with a better understanding of the environmental variables that influence lichen diversity, and contribute to the development of more sustainable forest management strategies.  相似文献   

【目的】对富锦国家湿地公园的轮虫群落结构和水环境因子进行监测,了解湿地内轮虫的群落结构特征及水环境特征,并对湿地公园的水质进行综合评价。【方法】2015年5—10月在富锦国家湿地公园设置11个采样点,使用浮游生物网于春、夏、秋季采集轮虫样品,显微镜下鉴定计数,并测定水样的理化指标,采用轮虫的指示种和生物多样性指数及水体营养状态指数法评价水质。【结果】在富锦国家湿地公园共采集到轮虫16属37种;春、夏、秋季共有优势种为萼花臂尾轮虫、月形腔轮虫和月形单趾轮虫;丰度变化在52~264个·L-1之间,生物量变化在0.042 4~0.212 9 mg·L-1之间;在多样性指数中,Shannon-Wiener指数变化在1.698~3.262之间,Wargalef指数变化在0.590~1.480之间,Pielou均匀度指数变化在0.583~0.927之间。富锦国家湿地公园水体的平均营养状态指数在夏季最高,春季最低;在11个采样点中,平均营养状态指数最高的是沟渠进入公园入口的7号样点,各采样点平均值为51.08。【结论】基于对轮虫指示种、多样性指数和综合营养状态指数的综合分析,富锦国家湿地公园的水质2015年处于中营养或轻度富营养化状态。  相似文献   

以南方重点林区湖南省为例,在明确影响森林生物多样性主要环境因素的基础上,通过空间平衡抽样、改进的Whittaker样地设计,构建省级尺度上森林生物多样性监测网络。研究表明:1)与简单随机抽样、系统抽样相比,空间平衡抽样在降低样本点空间关联性、提高抽样效率和抽样精度方面具有明显的优势;2)改进的Whittaker样方设计可以帮助人们更好地分析物种丰富度、平均覆盖度、物种多样性空间分布规律;3)依托于现有的连清体系,采用空间平衡抽样方法进行森林生物多样监测样本构建,采用改进的Whittaker样方设计进行生物多样性调查,可以为省级尺度上的森林生物多样性监测网络的构建探索出一条具有统计学基础且经济适用的途径。  相似文献   

In the last decades, a large body of literature has grown to evaluate the impact of forest management on epiphytic lichens in boreal coniferous forests. However, information is still lacking on coniferous forests of the Alps. This study compares lichen diversity between spruce forest stands of four successional stages: (1) young, (2) intermediate, (3) mature forests managed for timber production with a rotation cycle of 120–180 years, and (4) old-growth protected forests. The emphasis was placed on the occurrence of nationally rare and calicioid species (lichens and fungi traditionally referred to as Caliciales, known to be indicative of forest age and continuity). For each forest successional stage, four plots were selected. In each plot, 7 spruce individuals were surveyed for epiphytic lichens according to a standardised sampling method. Species richness increased from young to mature stands, while no difference was detected between mature and old-growth stands. This pattern was also confirmed for rare and calicioid species which are, however, more frequent in old-growth stands. Differences in species composition were also found between the different forest successional stages. Mature and old-growth plots slightly overlap, indicating that to some extent comparable lichen assemblages could be found in these stands. A nested pattern of species assemblages was found, old-growth stands hosting most of the species which were also found in stands belonging to the previous forest successional stages. Our results support the hypothesis that the management regime applied to spruce forests of the Italian Alps renders mature stands managed for timber production somewhat similar to old-growth stands as lichen habitat. However, we found a higher complexity in old-growth forests, and many species of conservation concern clearly preferred old-growth stands. In this perspective, a further prolongation of the normal cycle it is likely to be a most favourable conservation-oriented management to be recommended at least within protected areas and Natura 2000 sites, where conservation purposes should receive a high priority.  相似文献   

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