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A live attenuated auxotrophic S. typhimurium (S. tm.)-mutant was used by orally administration via drinking water several times during rearing, combined with 1- or 2-times parenteral injection of an autogenous S. enteritidis (S. e.)/S. tm.-oil emulsion vaccine. In a 8-month period, more than 500,000 birds were vaccinated. The vaccine was safe. Challenge test showed protection in the vaccinates and their offspring. The number of isolates in the farms detected by regular monitoring decreased. The protection of the live-culture mutant lasted about only 8 to 10 weeks. A. S. tm.-mutant more potent for chickens will be tested now. We consider vaccinations as one important factor in a salmonella control program, especially for commercial layers and broiler breeders.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the safety characteristics of three commercially available live Salmonella vaccine strains (vacT, Zoosaloral, and X3985) in relation to their persistence in individual animals but also within a flock and in the environment. In a first experiment, the digestive and systemic distributions in chickens were followed for 10 days in individually reared chickens that were orally inoculated at 1 day of age. Strain X3985 quickly disappeared from the digestive tract but remained in the liver until the end of this experiment, whereas strains vacT and Zoosaloral colonized the liver as well as the gut for 10 days. In the second trial, behavior of the vaccine strains was studied in groups of 20 chickens during 10 wk after a single oral administration to individual birds. Strain vacT remained in the environment of inoculated animals for 4-5 wk. Six weeks after the inoculation, vacT was not recovered from internal organs such as liver and spleen, and vacT disappeared from the digestive tract between the sixth and the 10th weeks. Comparatively, both Zoosaloral and X3985 vaccine strains persisted longer in the environment (8 wk at least). Of the vaccine strains, X3985 showed the greatest colonization of both systemic and digestive organs.  相似文献   

三个厂家猪瘟活疫苗免疫效果比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在同一条件下对3个厂家生产的猪瘟细胞源活疫苗进行了免疫效果评价试验,并与猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫效果进行比较。结果发现3个厂家生产的猪瘟细胞源活疫苗存在一定差异,2个厂家的免疫效果较好,1个厂家的免疫效果较差。猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫效果优于猪瘟细胞源活疫苗,猪瘟传代细胞苗免疫1次,抗体合格率高,持续时间长,猪瘟细胞源活疫苗要免疫两次才能获得比较好的效果。同时,我们发现高致病性猪蓝耳病活疫苗(JXA1-R株)对猪瘟抗体产生有一定影响。  相似文献   

Q fever vaccination of sheep: challenge of immunity in ewes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Adult ewes (17 months of age) were vaccinated against Coxiella burnetii, using a formalin-inactivated whole cell (WC) phase I Henzerling strain vaccine or a chloroform methanol residue (CMR) vaccine. Nineteen pregnant ewes were placed in 3 categories [(i) unvaccinated, (ii) WC vaccine, and (iii) CMR vaccine] and were challenge exposed at approximately the 100th day of gestation with 210,000 plaque-forming units of C burnetii inoculated subcutaneously. Shedding of rickettsiae was measurably reduced, but was not prevented in vaccinated groups, as shown by inoculating ewes' placental tissues, amniotic fluid, and colostrum into mice, as well as by histopathologic lesions of placental tissues. The rickettsiae were shed in the placenta, amniotic fluid, or colostrum in 6 nonvaccinated ewes. In comparison, rickettsiae were detected in placental inoculations from 2 of 6 ewes in the WC vaccine group and 1 of 6 in the CMR group. In contrast to those in the vaccinated ewes, placentitis, high concentrations of rickettsiae in microscopic preparations, and weak lambs were typical for the nonvaccinated ewes.  相似文献   

Immunization represents one of the most important methods to increase the resistance of chickens against Salmonella infection. In addition to the development of an adaptive immune response, oral administration of live Salmonella strains to day-old chicks provides protection against infection within hours by intestinal colonization-inhibition. For the exploitation of this phenomenon, practical information on colonization-inhibition between Salmonella organisms is needed. Colonization-inhibition capacity between Salmonella strains from serogroups B, C1, C2, D and G was assessed in chickens. The most profound level of intestinal colonization-inhibition occurred between isogenic strains. Inhibition between strains of the same serovar was greater than that between strains of different serovars. The degree of inhibition between different serovars was not sufficiently high to identify a single strain which might inhibit a wide range of other Salmonella organisms. However, as Salmonella Enteritidis is the dominant serovar in poultry in many countries and because of the profound colonization-inhibition within this serovar there is a considerable potential to exploit this phenomenon in the development of novel live S. Enteritidis vaccines. Treatment of young chicks with mixtures of different Salmonella serovars resulted not only in a very strong growth inhibition of the isogenic strains but also in a substantial inhibition of heterologous serovars. The potential of mixtures of heterologous Salmonella strains as a 'Salmonella Inhibition Culture' and as a 'live Salmonella vaccine' should be further explored.  相似文献   

Three groups of chicks were vaccinated by aerosol, intra-ocular and drinking water routes with a live infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccine. At one, two, six, 15 and 32 weeks after vaccination five birds from each group were sampled for testing for IB haemagglutination-inhibiting (HI) antibodies and challenged. Assessment of susceptibility to infection was measured by recovery of virus from individual tracheas and from kidney and gonad pools four days after challenge. Virus was isolated from all kidney and gonad pools of birds challenged one week after vaccination, the kidney and gonad pools of the drinking water vaccinates at two weeks, the kidney pool of the intra-ocular group at 15 weeks and all organ pools except the gonads of the intra-ocular group at 32 weeks. Tracheal resistance was found in most of the birds challenged one week after vaccination and in all the birds tested at two weeks but had begun to wane by six weeks after vaccination. No correlation was found between low HI antibody titres of individual birds and their susceptibility to challenge measured by reisolation of virus from the traches, but birds with titres over log2 6 were always resistant.  相似文献   

Pregnant ewes were vaccinated 1 month before parturition with mono or bivalent adenovirus vaccines. Vaccination resulted in increased levels of homologous and heterologous antibody in ewes, with corresponding increases in passive immunity of lambs. Challenge of lambs with homologous or heterologous virus at 21 days of age was associated with significant resistance to development of lesions in lambs challenged with homologous virus, and partial resistance in those challenged with heterologous virus. Bivalent vaccines gave comparable protection to challenge with both virus types.  相似文献   

Marek's disease virus (MDV) vaccines of serotypes 1 and 2 administered in 18-day-old embryonated eggs induced better protection against post-hatch challenge at 3 days with virulent MDV than vaccines given at hatch. Embryonal vaccination with a polyvalent vaccine containing equal quantities of serotypes 1 and 2 of MDV and serotype 3 virus (turkey herpesvirus, HVT) was also significantly more effective than post-hatch vaccination. These and earlier results indicate that protective efficacy of single or combined Marek's disease vaccine serotypes against post-hatch challenge at 3 days can be substantially improved if the vaccines are injected into 18-day embryos rather than at hatch. Injection of vaccines of serotypes 1 or 2 into embryonated eggs or hatched chicks did not cause detectable gross or microscopic lesions in chickens. Vaccine viruses of serotypes 1 and 2 could be isolated from spleen cells of chickens 1 week post-vaccination, and the titer of recoverable viruses was higher in chickens that received the vaccines at the 18th day of embryonation than in chickens vaccinated at hatch. Although embryo vaccination with HVT usually provided better protection than post-hatch vaccination against early post-hatch challenge with variant pathotypes of MDV, the protection was poor regardless of vaccination protocol. If challenge with variant pathotypes of MDV was delayed until embryonally or post-hatch HVT-vaccinated chickens were 21 days of age, protection of chickens by HVT was not enhanced. Thus, resistance induced by embryonal vaccination with HVT was qualitatively similar to that induced by post-hatch vaccination with this virus.  相似文献   

After multiple infections with S. enteritidis in humans and demonstration of S. enteritidis in egg products, S. enteritidis (lysotype 6, plasmid profile 40) could be isolated from organs of hens, anal swab tests of chicken, liquid manure, egg shells and non pasteurized egg contents. Because of the largeness of the hen farm prophylactic vaccinations seemed to be advisable additionally to improvement of the management and hygiene. A vaccine registered in 1987 for use in pigeons and water fowl "Zoosal oral Dessau" was used. As a test three were vaccinated three times and artificially infected. Cross immunity against S. enteritidis could be demonstrated. In October 1987 all chicken of the farm were vaccinated three times at the age of 4, 6 and 7 weeks; random samples were tested for immunity and cross immunity. Until the end of the laying period immunity against S. typhimurium could be proven in 98% of the hens, against S. enteritidis in 95%.  相似文献   

Vaccination of broiler breeder parents with live infectious bursal disease (IBD) vaccine by the oral route resulted in higher and more persistent quantitative gel diffusion precipitins than vaccination by intramuscular injection. All the progeny of the orally vaccinated parents had maternally derived IBD antibody (MDA) at hatching while MDA was detected in only 35 per cent of the progeny of the intramuscularly vaccinated parents. This MDA had disappeared completely at 14 and eight days respectively. Susceptibility to IBD challenge began at eight days in the first group and at one day old in the second. The age of 100 per cent susceptibility occurred at 19 and 11 days in the respective groups.  相似文献   

To examine how the inclusion (+) or exclusion (-) of inactivated Leptospira antigens in a vaccine for canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2), canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine adenovirus type 2 (CAdV-2) affects antibody titres to CPV-2, CDV and CAdV-1 antigens, household dogs were vaccinated with commercially available vaccines from one of three manufacturers. CPV-2, CDV and CAdV-1 antibody titres were measured 11 to 13 months later and compared within three different age groups and three different bodyweight groups. There were significant differences between CPV-2 antibody titres in dogs vaccinated with (+) vaccine and those vaccinated with (-) vaccine for two products in the two-year-old group and for one product in the greater than seven-year-old group; no significant differences were seen that could be attributed to bodyweight. No differences in CDV antibody titres were observed within age groups, but a significant difference was seen in the 11 to 20 kg weight group for one product. Significant differences in CAdV-1 antibody titres were seen for one product in both the two-year-old group and the ≤10 kg weight group.  相似文献   

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