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Summary Pollen of theSolanum phureja clone IVP48 was stored with silica gel desiccant at −15°C for periods ranging from one month to five years. When used to pollinate anotherS. phureja clone there was a significant negative correlation of pollen age with the number of seeds produced per berry. The frequency of berry production and number of seeds per pollination, however, did not show significant negative correlations and berry production varied unpredictably with pollen of different ages. Each year of pollen storage reduced the average number of seeds produced per berry to about 60 per cent of the preceding year's.  相似文献   

The cost and difficulty of producing hybrid true potato seed (TPS) currently limits their use for commercial production. Twelve clones, selected in preliminary trials for low pollen stainability but high fruit and seed set, initially seemed promising for inexpensive production of mostly hybrid open-pollinated (OP) TPS. However, in subsequent tests, pollen stainability of these clones appeared to be highly variable and fruit and seed set were not as high. Bumblebees favored the most fertile clones, especially during periods when pollen stainability was the highest. Amounts of OP fruit and seed set correlated with maximum observed pollen stainability levels of the clones. Most of the OP seeds produced by these clones were probably the result of self-pollination; therefore, other methods must be used to obtain hybrid TPS.  相似文献   

Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in cereals, after starch and gluten proteins, determine the technological and nutritional properties of flour, dough and end product. From NSPs, the arabinoxylans are the most important components studied in wheat nowadays. The novelty of our study is the investigation of the variability and clustering ability of the wheat lines based on different quantitative and qualitative traits of arabinoxylans. The quantitative properties, the total and the water-extractable arabinoxylan content of wheat flours were measured separately by gas chromatography. The qualitative property referring to the structure of the molecule was the molecular weight distribution measured by size exclusion liquid chromatography. According to the results the variability of arabinoxylan properties in the breeding lines varied between wider ranges then the values measured for the parental varieties. The correlation between the quantitative parameters, and a trend between quantitative and qualitative parameters were described. During the cluster analysis, the parents were well separated into different groups. The parameters that played an important role in the clustering were the ratio of the probability of occurrence of molecular size ranges along with the quantitative traits of AX. The selected samples can be used for further targeted breeding while the methodology was used in this work can be suitable for selecting lines/varieties for special food or other industrial applications.  相似文献   

在网室内用3种昆虫为大豆不育传粉,试验结果表明蜜蜂传效效果最好,不育系单株异交结荚率,结实率和单株产量分别是开放条件下自然传粉不育系的10.5,12.8和11.8倍;不育系产量(按小区面积折算)2:1行比处理平均为488.4kg/hm^2,比1:1行比产量提高23.5%;喷糖,吹风,放彩带与对照间没有显著差异。蚂蚁和苍蝇传粉效果差,无利用价值。  相似文献   

Summary Desprouting and delay in sprouting both result in a partial loss of apical dominance. A comparison of these treatments, with the late sprouted tubers allowed to sprout at the same time as the second growth of sprouts on the desprouted tubers, was made in 3 years in order to test whether the loss of apical dominance from desprouting would have occurred in any case during cool storage or whether additional effects result which can be exploited to increase tuber number. No differences occurred in the number of sprouts or mainstems produced, but there were more lateral branches on the sprouts after desprouting. InArran Pilot (1 experiment) more branch stems resulted from desprouting than late sprouting. The results for tuber production were not conclusive, but do not suggest that desprouting is a worthwhile practice for increasing tuber number.
Zusammenfassung Sowohl Abkeimen als auch versp?tetes Auskeimen haben einen teilweisen Verlust der apikalen Dominanz zur Folge. Ein Vergleich dieser Verfahren, bei denen die sp?te Keimung zu gleicher Zeit erfolgte wie der Neuaustrieb der Keime nach dem Abkeimen, wurde, in 3 Versuchen durchgeführt, um zu prüfen, ob der Verlust der apikalen Dominanz infolge des Abkeimes auch durch die Kühllagerung ohnehin vorgekommen w?re oder ob dadurch zus?tzliche Einflüsse entstehen, die zur Erh?hung der Knollenzahl ausgenützt werden k?nnen. Diese Verfahren sind in Tabelle 1 dargestellt. Zur Pflanzzeit war die Anzahl der Keime pro Knolle in beiden Verfahren ?hnlich und daher auch die Anzahl der Haupttriebe (Tabelle 2). Die Keime der früher abgekeimten Knollen wiesen mehr Seitentriebe auf, aber der Beweis für deren Einfluss auf die Verzweigung der Haupttriebe war begrenzt. 1966 jedoch wiesArran Pilot bedeutend mehr Seitentriebe auf nach dem Abkeimen als bei sp?tem Keimen. In keinem Fall war der Gesamtertrag in beiden Verfahren unterschielich, ausgenommen beim Vergleich Gv. G1, der ein unerwartetes Ergebnis brachte (Tabelle 3). Nur in einem Vergleich (A v. A1) war das Abkeimen in bezug auf Knollenzahl signifikant (P 0.05) h?her als das Sp?tkeimen; die Erh?hung betrug 10 Prozent. Bei zwei Vergleichen war der Saatgutertrag um 30% besser nach dem Abkeim-Verfahren (A v. A1 und F v. F1). Der Grund für diese grosse Wirkung nach einer relativ kleinen Erh?hung der Knollenzahl wird besprochen, und es wird angenommen, dass diese Wirkung auf die grosse Durchschnittsgr?sse der geernteten Knollen zurückzuführen ist, die sich aus dem weiten Pflanzabstand und dem Fehlen einer Krautvernichtung ergeben hat. Diese Ergebnisse sind nicht schlüssig, bber sie weisen nicht darauf hin, dass das Abkeimen ein lohnendes Verfahren ist, um die Knollenzahl zu erh?hen.

Résumé Le dégermage et le retard dans la germination causent tous deux une réduction partielle de la dominance apicale. La comparaison de ces traitements, la germination tardive apparaissant au même moment que la recroissance des germes après dégermage, a été faite dans trois essais afin de voir si la perte de la dominance apicale après dégermage serait apparue de quelque manière pendant la conservation froide ou si des effets additionnels apparaissent qui peuvent être exploités pour accro?tre le nombre de tubercules. Ces traitements sont précisés dans le Tableau 1. Au moment de la plantation, le nombre de germes par tubercule était semblable dans les deux traitements et subséquemment le nombre de tiges également (Tableau 2). Les germes des tubercules précédemment dégermés avaient davantage de branches latérales, mais la conséquence de cet effet sur la ramification des tiges principales était limitée. Cependant, en 1966,Arran Pilot avait significativement plus de tiges ramifiées après dégermage qu’avec la germination tardive. En aucun cas, la production totale ne différait avec ces deux traitements, sauf lors de la comparaison Gv Gl qui donnait un résultat inattendu (Tableau 3). Dans un cas seulement (Av Al) le dégermage, était significativement (P 0.05) supérieur à la germination tardive quant au nombre de tubercules; il y avait accroissement de 10%. Dans deux comparaisons, la production de plants était de 30% meilleure après le traitement de dégermage (Av Al et Fv Fl). Les auteurs discutent de la raison de cet effet important qui accompagne une augmentation relativement faible du nombre de tubercules; ils suggèrent que ce phénomène résulte d’une grosseur moyenne accrue des tubercules récoltés, consécutif à un large espacement à la plantation et à l’absence de destruction du feuillage. Les résultats ne sont pas concluants mais ne prouvent pas que le dégermage est une pratique utile pour accro?tre le nombre de tubercules.

不同杀青方式龙井茶自动化连续生产线加工工艺探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章剖析了不同杀青方式龙井茶自动化连续生产线的设备配置和工艺流程,对生产线的龙井茶品质进行感官评价,为龙井茶生产线推广应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Summary Potato crops, grown from true potato seed (TPS) sown directly into fields, required a long growing season and the yield, tuber size and quality were inferior to tuber-propagated crops. Some plants produced excellent yields of high-quality tubers and some lines had earliness, high yield capacity, uniform tuber type and high solids. Field sowing of TPS has good potential, both as a breeding tool and for potato production in long-season, underdeveloped countries where healthy seed tubers are not readily available. Correlation analyses showed positive relationships between seedling vigour, mature plant size, and number and yield of tubers but these growth parameters were not significantly related to tuber size and they had a strong negative relationship to density (specific gravity). Mention of a trade name of a company is for specific information only and does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of a product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

不同产地的紫苏籽油活性成分检测与主成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价油品质与营养功能,有效开发不同产地的紫苏籽油,收集19个产地的紫苏籽,分析了油的理化性质,脂肪酸、维生素E、植物甾醇等活性成分的组成及含量。结果发现:紫苏籽油主要含有棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸五种脂肪酸,亚麻酸含量58.8%~70.9%,不饱和脂肪酸含量91.1%~93.8%;紫苏籽油含有△-5燕麦甾醇、菜籽甾醇、β-谷甾醇及环阿廷醇,总甾醇含量67.0mg/100g~94.4mg/100g;紫苏籽油含有α-生育酚、β-生育酚、γ-生育酚,γ-生育酚占总生育酚含量95%左右,总的生育酚含量为63.4mg/100g~99.4mg/100g。通过主成分分析及主成分中各性状载荷分析发现,α-亚麻酸、γ-生育酚、菜籽甾醇是紫苏籽油的特征活性成分,对不同产地的紫苏籽油差异影响较大。对紫苏籽油的12个脂溶性活性成分进行分层聚类热图分析,可将19个产地的紫苏籽油分成6大类。   相似文献   

"九二○"浓度对水稻不育系制种性状的效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对几个不育系的制种特性及喷施不同浓度“九二○”的制种效果进行了分析,结果表明,不育系的异交结实率、裂颖率、柱头外露率和千粒重等各性状的相关均为不显著水平;喷施不同浓度的“九二○”对各不育系的异交结实率、裂颖率、柱头外露率、包颈粒率和千粒重等特性均产生一定的影响,其中以“九二○”用量10g/666.7m2为宜,各不育系的性状间略有差异。  相似文献   

落粒性是牧草种子生产中的关键制约因素,通常造成无芒雀麦(Bromue inermis)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、老芒麦(Elymus sibiricus)、高羊茅(Festuca arundinacea)、草地早熟禾(Poa pretensis)、路氏臂形草(Brachiaria ruziziensis)等优良牧草种子严重减产。本文重点阐述了种子生产中影响落粒性的因素,种子落粒性对种子生产的影响,相关减少种子落粒性的研究进展及措施,为今后在生产中降低牧草种子落粒性提供参考。  相似文献   

花期延缓剂在杂交水稻制种上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水稻幼穗分化期使用花期延缓剂,可以推迟水稻三系不育系新香A的抽穗高峰期,使抽穗历期延长,对株高有一定影响,对其它经济性状无不良作用。  相似文献   

对两个不育系SE21、MS6和父本明恢63在福州农场进行连续2a的叶龄调查,结果表明:该材料在不同年份主茎叶片数、抽穗期不变,表现相对稳定.父母本主茎叶片数相同,母本抽穗期比父本早1~2d,在同一年份内不同播种期,主茎叶片数不变,抽穗期相差9d.母本穗大粒多,柱头外露率高、存活力强,管理简便,极易获得制种高产.  相似文献   

D. Stead 《Potato Research》1999,42(3-4):449-456
Summary The potato crop has several economically important bacterial pathogens including the soft rotErwinia spp., the brown rot pathogenRalstonia solanacearum, the ring rot pathogenClavibacter michiganensis subsp.sepedonicus and the scab formingStreptomyces spp. Their biology, control and diagnosis are discussed in relation to the micropropagation industry. Pathogen indexing of microplants and high grade seed potatoes e.g. mini-tubers, derived from them is likely to become increasingly important as a method of control of some if not all these pathogens.  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - During food preparation, structures are formed which give the food its characteristic properties. The addition of protein ingredients is meant to improve the...  相似文献   

为改进福建省主栽甘蔗品种闽糖70-611、新台糖10号和闽糖86-05在农艺性状上的1~2个缺点,应用光周期室和杂交温室设施,人工诱导开花,并有目的地配置一定的杂交组合,经有性杂交和通过杂种圃、选种圃、预备品种比较圃等育种程序,初步选育出在蔗茎产量或锤度或两者均超过原主栽品种的5个闽糖优良新品系,为这些栽培品种的改良打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

Hybrids (2n = 2x = 24) from crosses between Group Tuberosum haploids (2n = 2x = 24) and 24-chromosome, wild species must be fertile and produce 2n gametes if they are to be used in breeding schemes involving sexual polyploidization. Male fertility of the 2x hybrids depends primarily on the species parent. Hybrids involvingS. berthaultii, S. chacoense, S. kurtzianum, S. spegazzinii, andS. tarijense as parents are male fertile. The haploid parents are male sterile, so the species not only contribute genetic diversity and desirable traits, but also genes necessary for male fertility.S. infundibuliforme, S. raphanifolium, andS. sanctae-rosae parents produced male sterile hybrid progeny, while use ofS. boliviense, S. bukasovii, S. canasense, S. microdontum, andS. sparsipilum results in families containing both fertile and sterile plants. Sterility may be due to interactions between Tuberosum cytoplasm and dominant nuclear genes from the species. Genetic male sterility and environmental conditions may also be responsible for low pollen stainability in some hybrids. Many fertile, 2x hybrids produce 2n pollen. Selection for 2n pollen in the species is fast and efficient, but meiotic analysis is required in male sterile haploids. Fortunately, selection in the species parent alone results in a large number of 2n pollen-producing hybrids. These 2x hybrids have been used to generate tetraploids via 4x × 2x crosses.  相似文献   

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