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Summary The possibilities to transfer important traits and in particular resistance to the beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii, abbrev. BCN) from Raphanus sativus to Brassica napus were investigated. For these studies B. napus, R. sativus, the bridging hybrid ×Brassicoraphanus (Raparadish) as well as offspring of the cross ×Brassicoraphanus (Raparadish) ×B. napus were used. Reciprocal crosses between B. napus and R. sativus were unsuccessful, also with the use of embryo rescue. Crosses between ×Brassicoraphanus as female parent and B. napus resulted in a large number of F1 hybrids, whereas the reciprocal cross yielded mainly matromorphic plants. BC1, BC2 and BC3 plants were obtained from backcrosses with B. napus, which was used as the male parent. F1 hybrids and BC plants showed a large variation for morphology and male and female fertility. Cuttings of some F1 and BC1 plants, obtained from crosses involving resistant plants of ×Brassicoraphanus, were found to possess a level of resistance similar to that of the resistant parent. These results and indications for meiotic pairing between chromosomes of genome R with those of the genomes A and/or C suggest that introgression of the BCN-resistance of Raphanus into B. napus may be achieved.  相似文献   

Paul  H.  van Deelen  J. E. M.  Henken  B.  de Bock  Th. S. M.  Lange  W.  Krens  F. A. 《Euphytica》1990,48(2):153-157
Summary Hairy roots, induced by Agrobacterium rhizogenes, were obtained of nematode susceptible beet plants (Beta vulgaris) and of the nematode resistant alien monotelosomic addition AN5, carrying a telosome from B. patellaris. The additional telosome was found to be stably present in vitro in the roots of AN5. The hairy root cultures were inoculated with larvae of the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. On the root culture of AN5 significantly less cysts developed than on the other root cultures. These results indicate that the resistance to the beet cyst nematode is expressed in the roots after transformation and can be monitored under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

K. H. Lee  H. Namai 《Euphytica》1992,60(1):1-13
Summary Aneuploids with 2n=21 and 2n=22 derived from crossing of sesquidiploids (2n=29, AAC) and Brassica campestris (2n=20, AA) were selfed successively in order to follow the changes in chromosome number of the progenies for three consecutive generations. Progenies with 2n=22, 23 and 24 obtained after selfing of S0 generation and the succeeding S1, S2 and S3 generations were analyzed in terms of pollen stainability, % seed set as well as cytogenetically based on meiotic behaviour with the aim of determining the possibility of addition of one or more alien chromosomes into n=10 species which may lead to differentiation of single or plural disomic addition lines. The generation of aneuploids with 2n=21 progressed in such a way that most plants seem to revert to the 2n=20 chromosome number of B. campestris after selfing. From 2n=22 aneuploids, however, the succeeding progenies showed high frequency of plants with two additional chromosomes which accounted for 50.6% and 52.9% of total S3 progenies via 2n=22 and 2n=24 S2 generations, respectively. The meiotic behaviour of these progenies indicated evidence for a rule governing the frequency distribution of chromosome number among these addition lines and high possibility to breed such disomic plants with 2n=22. A method of selecting stable aneuploids was suggested in addition to the possible role of pollination biology at various processes of such breeding program.  相似文献   

Summary Hybridization between radish and oilseed rape has been cumbersome, requiring elaborate embryo rescue techniques. With a modified flower culture method, we have achieved successful hybridization between radish and (transgenic) oilseed rape without the laborious and technically demandingin vitro ovule or embryo rescue techniques.The hybrid nature of the intergeneric hybrids was demonstrated using morphological traits, and DNA analyses. The described method will facilitate the generation ofRaphanobrassica hybrids useful for biosafety studies of the potential for transgenes to spread in weedyCruciferae as well as for breeding programs aimed at introducing useful radish genes, e.g. nematode resistance genes, into oilseed rape.  相似文献   

W. Heijbroek 《Euphytica》1977,26(2):257-262
Summary Within Beta vulgaris and B. maritima origins some partial resistance to beet cyst eelworm was found which could be raised to a very limited extent by selection. However after the second backcross to commercial sugar beet varieties and successive selection of the inbreds this resistance was lost. It was demonstrated that in the rootsystem of resistant plants as much nematodes penetrate and develop as in susceptible ones but the ratio between males and females is different. It was therefore quite probable that this resistance is polyfactorial and merely recessive.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were carried out for adding the chromosome carrying resistance to beet root nematode (Heterodera schachtii) from the wild Beta species of the section Patellares (B. procumbens, B. webbiana and B. patellaris) to the genome of B. vulgaris. Preliminary experiments indicated that crosses between the wild species and B. vulgaris cultivars of the mangold type yielded on average more viable F1 hybrids than crosses with sugar and fodderbeet. However, crossability varied strongly between individual parental combinations. It was concluded that most types of B. vulgaris can be hybridized with the wild species of the section Patellares if a sufficient number of pair-crosses is made. Crosses between diploid cultivars or species of the section Vulgares and diploid wild species of the section Patellares yielded many hybrids which, however, were highly sterile. From crosses between tetraploid B. vulgaris and the wild species a great number of viable allotriploid and allotetraploid hybrids was obtained. In the backcross progenies of allotriploid hybrids 26% alien monosomic additions occurred, of which 4.1% carried the resistance bearing chromosome of B. procumbens or B. patellaris. The programme will be continued by sereening progenies of the resistant monosomic addition plants for the occurrence of resistant disomic introgression products.  相似文献   

Summary In the course of a mission in Calabria committed to collection of wild and cultivated plant samples of agricltural interest, a station of wild Brassica rupestris Rafin. was found near Stilo (CZ). At the author's best knowledge this detection represents one of the few findings and the first living collection of a wild species of Brassica of the oleracea group in Calabria. The taxonomic and practical importance of this discovery is discussed in relation to the distribution of these species in South Italy with particular regard to Calabria.  相似文献   

Summary A study of derivatives from the hybrid Avena sativa × A. magna backcrossed to A. sativa clearly indicate that it is possible to introduce characters of the wild oat into the cultivated oat. Progeny with improved grain characters and crude protein content of the groat have been isolated and their use as breeding material is discussed.  相似文献   

Kwan Ho Lee  Hyoji Namai 《Euphytica》1993,72(1-2):15-22
Summary New types of diploids in Brassica crops were synthesized after three consecutive selfing of aneuploids derived from backcrossing of sesquidiploids (2n=29, AAC) with B. campestris (2n=20, AA). The cytogenetic and morphological characteristics of plants with 2n=22, 24 and 40 in the S3 generation were analyzed in order to establish the extent in which these addition and polyploid lines were stabilized. A high frequency of 11II (79.7%), 12II (84.6%) and 20II (100%), were observed at metaphase I of pollen mother cells in 2n=22, 24 and 40 plants, respectively. The chromosome configuration at methaphase II also indicates that a certain level of stability has been attained cytogenetically. Although pollen stainability was relatively high, the seed set percentage was still low. Variation in morphological characteristics indicate the incorporation of one or more chromosome pairs from the C genome of B. oleracea. Other diagnostic characters such as the formation of determinate inflorescence, branching from the base of the stem, and the shift from self-incompatibility to self-compatibility must have resulted from the interaction between A and C genomes. Thus plants with 2n=22, 24 and 40 have been stabilized to some extent and can be developed into new breeding lines of Brassica. It is suggested that limited pollination could be effective in increasing the seed fertility of these plants.  相似文献   

Yu  M. H. 《Euphytica》1984,33(3):633-640
Summary Fifty-two accessions of the section Patellares wild beet (including 26 Beta patellaris Moq., 13 B. procumbens Chr. Sm and 13 B. webbiana Moq.) and 14 progeny families were selected and tested against sugarbeet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii Schm. All Patellares species tested were highly resistant, but not immune, to the development of H. schachtii, after infection. This is the first report that mature female nematodes developed in the roots of B. webbiana plants. The occasional development of nematode cysts in roots of juvenile wild beets was, however, not a heritable genetic factor.Mention of a trademark, vendor, or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the USDA and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

Summary Solanum commersonii Dun. is a diploid (2n=2x=24, 1EBN) wild species of potential value for potato breeding. It is a reproductively isolated species and cannot be crossed with Tuberosum haploids (2n=2x=24, 2EBN) or other diploid 2EBNSolanum species. In order to overcome the EBN barriers, triploid hybrids were produced between Phureja-Tuberosum haploid hybrids, which form 2n pollen grains by parallel spindles, and tetraploidS. commersonii. Microsporogenesis analysis of the triploids indicated a trend towards low values of chromosome distribution at Anaphase I; lagging chromosomes were often observed as well. Despite these abnormalities, the percentage of stainable pollen was very high, ranging from 5.0% to 74.3%. A high variation in pollen grain diameter was also evident. Parallel and tripolar orientation of spindles at Metaphase II of microsporogenesis was a common feature of all the triploids analyzed, but dyads and triads were observed at a very low frequency. Therefore, also the frequency of 2n pollen was very low; the different size of stainable pollen appears to represent the ploidy levels which are possible according to the distribution of chromosomes in Anaphase I. The results obtained also suggest thatS. commersonii could have minor genes acting at the end of meiosis in such a way that, despite the presence of parallel/tripolar spindles, dyads/triads are not formed.Contribution no. 124 from the Research Center for Vegetable Breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Resistance to bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) found in tuber-bearing Solanum species was transferred into a diploid potato breeding population. Simultaneous selections were made for agronomic characters, production of first division restitution (FDR) 2n pollen, and resistance. Diploid resistant genotypes were identified via inoculation with a virulent isolate (CIP-204) of race 3 of Pseudomonas solanacearum. These resistant diploid genotypes were crossed to susceptible tetraploid potatoes. An investigation was made to assess whether resistant diploid genotypes transmit resistance to bacterial wilt, which is a quantitatively inherited trait, to tetraploid potatoes via FDR 2n pollen. Tetraploid seedlings from 4x×2x crosses were inoculated with the same isolate CIP-204, and the percentage of surviving seedlings was scored. Some 4x×2x families from resistant diploid genotypes demonstrated a high level of survival rate. The transmission of bacterial wilt resistance was achieved by the use of FDR 2n pollen. It was speculated that a female x male interaction effect on the survival rate of the evaluated progeny may exist. Selecting proper 4x and 2x parents would be important for obtaining a higher frequency of transmission of resistance to bacterial wilt in the progeny.  相似文献   

Summary Meiosis in 14 interspecific F1 hybrids with three chromosomal levels (triploid, tetraploid, hexaploid; 2n=28, 37 and 55) between Brassica napus L. and 2x and 4x cabbage (B. oleracea var. capitata L.) was studied. The oleracea genome from B. napus maintained close homology with the c genome of cabbage while the campestris genome of B. napus showed partial homology with the c genome contained in the hybrids. Genotypic influence on chromosome pairing was indicated. Structural chromosome differences and spontaneous chromosome breakage and reunion were suggested as causes for the abnormalities which related to the unbalance of the genotypes. The divergence of the genomes of B. napus and B. oleracea and the need for the qualification of the term secondary association were discussed.Contribution No. J. 673, Research Station, Agriculture Canada, St. Jean, Québec.  相似文献   

Summary Over 2400 pollinations were made to investigate the crossability relationships between cultivated potatoes, and wild diploid species from Series Tuberosa and Circaeifolia, as well as wild polyploid species in Series Tuberosa and Longipedicellata resistant to potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida pathotypes P4A and P5A. Wild diploids in Series Tuberosa crossed easily with cultivated diploid species, except with Solanum lignicaule where most pollinations failed, and seed set was extremely low (0.2 seeds per pollination or less). It is suggested that this species is 1EBN. S. capsicibaccatum is clearly isolated from Series Tuberosa, but can form hybrids with S. lignicaule, which can act as a bridging species to S. tuberosum haploids. S. gourlayi and S. oplocense can be crossed with both subspecies of S. tuberosum, but S. papita, Series Longipedicellata is reproductively isolated from the tetraploid cultigens. The crossability data are discussed in the light of germplasm utilisation for breeding potato varieties resistant to potato cyst nematode.  相似文献   

Summary Seven wild diploid potato species, Series Tuberosa, representing 1023 clones were screened for resistance to the potato cyst nematode, Globodera pallida. Over 25% of the clones were resistant to pathotype P4A and almost 30% were resistant to pathotype P5A. The resistance in hybrid progenies of these and other resistant species with cultivated potatoes was evaluated, and over 2200 seedlings were screened. High frequencies of resistance (>50%) to P4A were found in progenies with Solanum leptophyes, S. vernei, S. gourlayi and S. capsicibaccatum, whereas resistance to P5A was found in these species as well as S. sparsipilum. The importance of nematode resistant wild species for potato breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Half-sib families representing the lucerne cultivar Resis were tested for resistance to a stem nematode population, recovered from lucerne. The percentage resistance of the HS-families varied from 13 to 88%. The mean resistance for the cultivar was approximately 50%. Half-sib family selection would be more efficient than recurrent mass selection. The observed data suggest the action of a few genes with relatively large effects.  相似文献   

In this study, the inheritance of resistance to Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) in accessions Holly-1-4and WB42 was investigated. Crosses between both resistant sources and susceptible parents were carried out and F1F2 and BC1 populations were obtained. Virus concentrations in WB42and its F1 populations were lower than in Holly-1-4. Observed ratios of susceptible and resistant plants in segregating populations of Holly-1-4 as well as WB42 were in agreement with hypothesis of one dominant major gene. Segregation of plants in F2 populations obtained from crosses betweenHolly-1-4 and WB42 revealed that the resistance genes in Holly-1-4 and WB42 were nonallelic and linked loci. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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