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吉美甜樱桃的品种特性及栽培要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉美甜樱桃是野生甜樱桃的自然杂交种,1995年陕西省果树研究所樱桃课题组通过开展中匈科技合作项目从匈牙利引入优系苗木,开展选育研究。1995~1998年在陕西省果树研究所樱桃种质资源圃进行试验观察。1999~2001年以西安市灞桥区席王村、蓝田县及咸阳市三原县新庄农场为试验基点进行试验。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,上海地区先后多次从大连、烟台等地引进甜樱桃,但时常出现花而不实、畸形果率偏高等问题.目前,通过筛选低需冷量的品种、应用物理或化学调控措施,甜樱桃已在上海、浙江等长三角地区实现了连续的小面积丰产.本研究以上海交通大学浦江绿谷实践基地的甜樱桃品种为研究对象,对不同砧穗组合、不同整形方式、是否经过...  相似文献   

以“砂蜜豆”、“拉宾斯”、“雷尼”、“萨米脱”、“奇好”5个晚熟甜樱桃品种为试材,研究自发气调包装(MAP)结合低温贮藏(0±0.5)℃条件对5个品种甜樱桃贮藏期间的果实品质及生理特性的影响,探索不同品种甜樱桃品质及耐贮性差异。结果表明:①采收时,“雷尼”果实硬度、可溶性固形物含量和固酸比最高,品质最佳,“砂蜜豆”果实硬度、可溶性固形物及抗坏血酸含量最低,品质最差;贮藏期间,“奇好”果实硬度下降最少,为14.3%;“砂蜜豆”可溶性固形物含量升高3.5%,其余品种均有所降低;“砂蜜豆”可滴定酸和抗坏血酸含量损失最小,分别下降40.5%和53.0%;②“拉宾斯”和“萨米脱”果实失重率最低,分别达到4.5%和7.3%;“拉宾斯”和“萨米脱”果柄保鲜指数最高,分别为72.4和67.3;“拉宾斯”果实乙醇含量升高最低,为0.068 g/kg;“拉宾斯”、“雷尼”和“萨米脱”果实腐烂率最低,分别达到18.2%、20.1%和23.4%;“雷尼”和“奇好”果面颜色饱和度降幅最小,降幅分别为10.7%和9.1%;③“萨米脱”和“拉宾斯”花青素、总酚和类黄酮含量最高,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性较强,有较高的抗氧化能力;④“拉宾斯”、“奇好”和“萨米脱”保鲜袋内的气体成分变化较大,自发气调能力较强。综合考虑贮藏期内各因素的差异变化,5个品种耐贮性好差顺序依次为:“拉宾斯”>“萨米脱”>“雷尼”>“奇好”>“砂蜜豆”。  相似文献   

<正>甜樱桃又称大樱桃,是我国北方成熟较早的水果,素有"春果第一枝"之称,果实艳丽,味甜芳香,营养丰富,富含多种维生素、铁、钙、花青素、花色素及维生素E等营养与抗氧化剂成分,兼有调中补气、祛风湿等保健功能,被誉为"水果之冠",营养及经济价值极高,深受人们青睐。保护地、露地栽植亩产值分别在10万元、3万元以上,已成为农民致富的有效途径之一。实践证明,采用"栽植优良脱毒组培矮化砧嫁接苗、科学整枝、起垄  相似文献   

陈向虎 《种子科技》2023,(11):74-76
甘肃天水地区的甜樱桃种植始于20世纪90年代,并且取得了一定的成果.在众多的落叶果树中,甜樱桃是成熟期比较早的果树并且广受欢迎,在天水地区的种植规模较大,经济价值极高,可增加当地经济效益,受到广大果农和政府的重视与推广.要想提高果树的经济寿命和产量质量,离不开优质的果树幼苗.本研究探讨了甜樱桃营养钵育苗技术,分析了育苗步骤,总结了育苗过程中出现的一系列技术问题,探讨了相关处理办法,以期为果农提供参考.  相似文献   

为了筛选出适宜辅助南方地区甜樱桃落叶的尿素喷施浓度,为甜樱桃在南方地区种植和发展制定合理的生长调控措施,并为达到稳产栽培提供理论基础。本试验以树龄5年甜樱桃(Summit)树为试材,采用不同浓度的尿素单次/多次喷施,研究其对甜樱桃落叶效果。结果表明,喷施尿素后甜樱桃落叶效果明显,单次喷施处理中喷施5%尿素落叶量最大。多次喷施落叶效果最好,落叶早、快且落叶量大。单次喷施5%尿素后,树体对氮素的回收与利用率较高,翌年叶片中全氮含量最高,新梢生长量较大。杭州地区甜樱桃晚秋可通过叶面单次喷施5%尿素来辅助落叶,从而促使树体进入休眠期以利于养分回收与贮藏。  相似文献   

<正>砧苗培育整地播种南方地区一般以柠檬作为砧木。苗圃应离橘园稍远或有自然屏障隔开,以减少危险性病虫感染。宜选择土壤疏松、肥沃、排灌便利的平  相似文献   

西瓜是松桃县农民喜种的经济作物之一,常年播种面积133hm~2,总产5000多t。多年来,由于瓜农在种植时间、品种搭配和栽培方式上保持不变,导致单产和总产逐年下降,枯萎病发生严重,商品瓜在7~9月集中上市,9~10月市场出现断档。为提高西瓜单产,填补市场空白,降低枯萎病的  相似文献   

对攀西地区118份大豆地方品种遗传特性进行了初步研究,结果表明,攀西地区大豆地方品种的主要农艺性状均有较大的遗传变异和选择潜力,尤以分枝数、单株粒数和单株荚数的变异最大;茎粗的遗传率最高,株高、分枝数、主茎节数其次;各性状对产量的遗传相关系数的大小顺序为单株粒数>单株荚数>主茎节数>分枝数>株高>百粒重>茎粗,单株粒数对单株粒重的影响最大,茎粗对单株粒重的影响最小.从中筛选出6个植株高度适中,分枝多、结荚多,单株产量较高的大豆地方品种,可以通过提纯改良用于生产或作为育种的基础材料.  相似文献   

为获得甜樱桃PaGAST 基因的cDNA 序列,并预测该基因编码蛋白的结构与功能,以草莓FaGAST1 基因序列为探针,通过基于NCBI数据库中表达序列标签的电子克隆技术对甜樱桃PaGAST 基 因进行克隆。利用生物信息学方法对其编码蛋白的理化性质、疏水性和亲水性、信号肽序列、跨膜结构域、亚细胞定位及功能等方面进行分析。结果表明:甜樱桃PaGAST 基因长度为750 bp,开放阅读框长度为324 bp,编码107 个氨基酸,N末端存在信号肽序列,C末端含有保守的GASA结构域。由于PaGAST蛋白中含有的疏水性氨基酸残基较多,该蛋白具有跨膜螺旋区,是一种跨膜蛋白,且有10 个预测的蛋白激酶磷酸化位点。亚细胞定位分析表明,PaGAST蛋白分布在细胞膜外的可能性很大。功能预测显示,PaGAST 基因可能具有响应胁迫应答、信号转导和免疫应答方面的功能。进化分析显示甜樱桃PaGAST蛋白与桃的亲缘关系最近。在一定程度上为甜樱桃PaGAST 基因的克隆及功能鉴定奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

采后外源钙对甜樱桃货架品质的控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明外源钙对甜樱桃采后货架期品质的影响,以晚熟品种"晚红珠"为研究试材,经不同浓度CaCl2(1.5%、2.5%)浸果5 min处理后,在货架条件(18~20℃)下存放,并测定其相关商品指标变化。结果表明:不同浓度CaCl2处理在货架期6 d内,可显著控制果实腐烂率和失水率的下降,保持果面色泽亮度和饱和度,维持果实硬度、减缓果实软化,延缓果实花青苷的合成以及保持果柄持绿程度。其中,1.5%CaCl2处理组在各个取样时间点测得的腐烂率和失水率均显著低于对照组(P<0.05),模拟货架条件下放置6 d内,腐烂率和失水率分别控制在5%和2.5%以内;2.5%CaCl2处理,在模拟货架条件下放置12、15 d时,硬度较对照组分别高17.0%、19.0%。因此,综合以上指标,1.5%CaCl2处理对甜樱桃货架期的延长具有显著效果。本研究为CaCl2在甜樱桃采后货架期保鲜技术中的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

彭磊  包九零  乔光  文晓鹏 《种子》2020,(4):1-4,11
探讨贵州大樱桃种质资源的遗传背景和亲缘关系,为大樱桃种质鉴定、品种登记和遗传育种提供参考。利用ISSR分子标记技术,研究贵州栽培的23份大樱桃种质的亲缘关系,并构建DNA指纹图谱。结果表明,筛选出的20条ISSR引物在供试种质中共扩增出132个标记,其中多态性标记106个,多态性比率达80.3%。遗传相似系数为0.26~0.92,平均达0.61。通过UPGMA聚类,ISSR标记能将供试种质完全区分。  相似文献   

Summary Approximately 1000 seedlings from 20 combinations crossed in 1979, 1980 and 1981 (Theiler-Hedtrich 1985a) were tested for several characters: fruit set (yield), fruit size, fruit colour, formation of abscission layer and bleeding after fruit removal from fruit stalks, bacterial canker resistance, flowering and harvesting time. From progeny of crosses with Stella as pollinator, 56% (Vittoria × Stella) and 46% (Schüttler × Stella) of the seedlings were self-compatible, of which 14 were high yielding with good fruit size and quality. From the data recorded it can be concluded:fruit set is a recessive character; only 5 to 20% of very good yielding seedlings were obtained in different progeny, even if the parental plants were both very good croppers.Fruit juice and skin colour was in most progenies ‘black’ even if they were from combinations with ‘white’ varieties, e.g., Merton Glory or Schüttler. Only from the combination Schiittler (‘white’) × Stella (‘black’), 50% of the seedlings were ‘white’; Stella therefore is heterozygous for the character of fruit juice and skin colour.Fruit size is evenly distributed in progeny with respect to the fruit size of their parent plants.Abscission layer formation and non-bleeding is a genetically complex character. In combinations where both parent plants formed fruits with complete abscission layers and which were not bleeding after fruit removal from the stalk, this character was inherited only to 50% (Vittoria × Schüttler) or 85% (Vittoria × Frühe von der Weid) in the progeny. For the genetical control of this character further studies are necessary.Bacterial canker susceptibility was evenly distributed in seedlings from all combinations even if the highly resistant cv. Vittoria was used as one parent plant, thereby not confirming the expected results of a higher proportion of resistant seedlings from combinations with Vittoria.Flowering and harvest time of the seedlings from different combinations was within the range of the parent plants. Only in the combination of Vittoria × Stella (mid-to late-ripening season) one seedling out of 99 was found to form ripe fruits two weeks earlier than the parental plants. From the seedlings tested 40 have been chosen for further evaluation or genetical studies.  相似文献   

为比较分析广东省主要鲜食橄榄果实质构特性的差异,探讨鲜食橄榄果实质地评价的量化参数,验证感官评价质地的有效性。采用质构刺穿试验法对7个优质鲜食橄榄品种果肉质构参数和2种水肥管理方式不同成熟期的‘香甜榄’果实品质进行测定和比较分析。结果表明,不同品种之间果肉的各质构参数变异系数为12.57%~23.95%,差异性显著,与感官评价一致;果皮强度与果皮脆性和果皮韧性均呈显著正相关,果皮破裂深度与果肉硬度呈显著负相关。采用本次试验栽培管理方式可以提高橄榄完熟果实可溶性固形物6%、可滴定酸3.5%、单宁54.9%、果皮强度12.7%、果皮脆性23.5%,降低粗纤维10%、果皮韧性13.7%。果实质地品质参数主成分分析表明,果皮强度、果实硬度和纤维指数可作为质地参数量化区分不同品种间的差别,并明确果皮强度、果实硬度分别小于2300、1600 g和纤维指数大于10,为鲜食橄榄果肉质地品质较好的数值范围。研究初步建立了利用质构刺穿试验法量化评价鲜食橄榄果实质地品质的方法。  相似文献   

Sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) has stylar gametophytic self‐incompatibility, which is controlled by the multi‐allelic S‐locus and encompasses the highly polymorphic genes for the S‐ribonuclease (S‐RNase) and S‐haplotype‐specific F‐box (SFB), which are female and male determinants, respectively. The self‐compatible mutant SFB4′ corresponds to an allele variant of SFB4 and presents a frameshift mutation. Even though male‐determinant molecular markers can discriminate between SFB4 and SFB4′ alleles, the methods required are laborious, time‐consuming and expensive, and not suitable for massive analysis and integration into breeding programmes. Our aim was to develop molecular markers for the evaluation of self‐compatibility alleles in sweet cherry, that could be used as a high‐throughput screening strategy to identify SFB4 and SFB4′ alleles, based on a marker for male determinacy. Our results were consistent using primers flanking the mutation responsible for the SFB4′ allele. We designed a specific molecular marker and confirmed it in sweet cherry commercial varieties. This new molecular marker is feasible for self‐compatibility alleles in the male determinant in sweet cherry‐assisted breeding programs.  相似文献   

Sweet pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.) plants were grown under field irrigation and dryland conditions. Stress was imposed 12 d after planting by withholding water for 8 d, and seedlings were harvested for analysis 20 d after planting. In stressed plants, leaf water potential dropped from -0.65 to - 1.03 MPa and water saturation deficit increased by 40 %; plant height did not show a significant reduction. The fresh and dry weights of stressed seedlings and their ratio decreased. The total lipid and total phosphorus contents of stressed seedlings decreased by about 43 % and 71 %, respectively, in comparison to the contents of the watered seedlings. The diacylglycerol, free fatty acid and total polar lipid contents decreased significantly with stress, the last mentioned by more than 50 % in phospholipid levels. Glycolipid levels; were unchanged and the amount of triacylglycerol increase by about 30 % over the control.
Despite the differences found in the fatty acid composition of various lipid classes and between treatments, the degree of unsaturation did not change significantly either in control or stressed seedlings. Under stress conditions, free sterol levels increased without showing any change in the ratio of 'more planar' to 'less planar' sterols. The increase in free sterols and the decrease in phospholipid levels under water deficit conditions raised the sterol/phospholipid molar ratio 3-fold. The different responses of the lipid classes to water deficits and their possible significance are discussed.  相似文献   

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