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粮饲兼用型玉米新品种兴垦3号 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1品种来源兴垦3号(原代号垦339)由内蒙古兴安盟农垦种业有限公司玉米研究所育成,2002年通过内蒙古自治区品种审定委员会审定. 2特征特性该品种在兴安盟地区为中晚熟品种,出苗至成熟121~123天,需≥10℃活动积温2600℃~2650℃,比四单19早熟2~3天.属中秆大穗型品种,株高245~250cm,穗位90~95cm,果穗长筒型,红轴,穗长25~28cm,穗粗5.1cm,穗行数以14行为主,每行48~50粒,籽粒半马齿型,桔红色,胚乳角质多,米质好,后期脱水快,出籽率87%,千粒重420~440g. 相似文献
中原单 32号是由中国农业科学院通过核辐射选育而成的玉米杂交种 ,1998年通过国家审定 ;1999年全国畜牧兽医总站 1号文件要求在各地大力推广 ;1999年被五部委批准为国家重点新产品项目 ;2 0 0 1年被农业部确定为全国重点推广品种 ;2 0 0 1年获国家专利 ,专利号 (9811930 4 .80 )。到目前为止 ,是全国唯一通过审定的粮饲兼用型优良玉米新品种。中原单 32号玉米是个粮饲兼用品种 ,其主要特性 :(1)高产。在中上等水肥条件下 ,一般亩产籽粒 5 0 0~80 0 kg,鲜秸秆 35 0 0~ 4 0 0 0 kg,乳熟期亩收青贮秸秆5 0 0 0~ 6 0 0 0 kg。 (2 )优质。籽粒… 相似文献
庄浪县位于甘肃省东部,六盘山西麓,年均气温8℃,无霜期142d,≥10℃的活动积温2208.8-2903.7℃,年降雨量490mm左右,雨热同季,昼夜温差大,气候适宜大秋作物生产。玉米是庄浪县仅次于冬小麦的第二大作物,常年种植面积在10000hm2以上。为了进一步提升庄浪县玉米生产的能力,做好品种的更新换代,增强农产品的市场竞争力,并为养殖业提供充足的饲草,2009年我们开展了粮饲兼用型玉米新品种的引进试验研究,现将结果报道如下。 相似文献
为适应当前玉米生产全程机械化的需求,黑龙江省农业科学院利用自育优良骨干自交系HRM2961为母本,HRKF1075为父本组配优异玉米杂交种江单6,该品种茎秆强壮,株高适中。品质分析结及病害接种鉴定结果均显示出优良特性。2014~2015年省区试及2016年生产试验结果显示均照对照增产。2017年通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定(审定编号:黑审玉2017018)。现将该品种的亲本来源、选育过程和品种的特征特性进行详细阐述,期望对黑龙江省早熟区玉米的选育和该品种的推广应用有所帮助。 相似文献
摘要:为筛选适宜在新疆北疆地区种植的饲用玉米新品种,采用随机区组设计评价了青贮玉米(新饲玉12号、雅玉8号)、普通玉米(金玉818)和饲草玉米(玉草3号、墨西哥玉米)的产草潜力和主要营养价值。各饲用玉米生育期相近。干草产量玉草3号最高为40875 kg/hm2,新饲玉12号、雅玉8号、金玉818和墨西哥玉米干草产量依次为36675、35910、33495和26325 kg/hm2。粗蛋白含量玉草3号最高为10.67%DM,中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维表现最优为雅玉8号分别为53.6%DM和33.6%DM。结果表明饲用玉米品种类型对干草产量和品质有极显著影响。新饲玉12号是立足于当地环境选育的优质青贮玉米;远缘杂交合成的玉草3号和具有热带玉米血缘的雅玉8号是优质、高产的饲用作物类型,具有广泛的生态适应性,也可作为优质饲用作物在北疆推广。 相似文献
石玉13号是石家庄市农业科学研究院以PH 4为母本,W 25为父本经有性杂交选育而成的高密高产玉米新品种,2016年河北众诚联合体超高密组区域试验,平均单产10 422.0 kg·hm^-2,差异显著。2017年同组区域试验,平均单产10 498.5 kg·hm^-2,比对照郑单958增产2.6%,同年生产试验平均单产10 324.5 kg·hm^-2。2018年通过河北省农作物品种审定委员会审定(编号:冀审玉20188010号)。石玉13号的主要特点是高密、高产,适宜在河北省唐山、廊坊市及其以南的夏播玉米区夏播种植。 相似文献
Hybrid breeding can exploit heterosis and thus offers opportunities to maximize yield, quality and resistance traits in crop species. Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a widely applied tool for efficient hybrid seed production. Encoded in the mitochondrial genome, CMS is maternally inherited, and thus, it can be challenging to apply in breeding schemes of allogamous self‐incompatible plant species, such as perennial ryegrass. Starting with a general introduction to the origin and the function of mitochondria in plants, this review focuses on the genetics and biology of CMS systems in plants to identify conserved and system‐specific mechanisms. We examine prospects of comparative mitochondrial genomics to identify candidate genes and causative polymorphisms associated with CMS across species and discuss specificities, obstacles and potentials of CMS as a breeding tool for maximizing heterosis in forage grasses. The purpose of the review is to highlight the importance of CMS and hybrid breeding in grasses, with the aim of facilitating research and development of novel breeding strategies to address the future needs for food, feed and biomass production. 相似文献
Maize types and varieties cultivated in southeastern Europe may be traced to a number of introductions of widely-differing New World maize races. Subsequent hybridization, introgression, and selection have resulted in the evolution of many unique ecotypes.This paper describes the apparent history and current distribution of the major maize races and race groups of southeastern Europe. The classification is preliminary in nature, since not all material present in the area has been adequately collected or examined. The known and potential special breeding value of the major maize races domestic to the area are discussed, and emphasis is placed on the importance of quick action in the collection and preservation of this valuable and irreplaceable germplasm source.Brief mention is also made of planned international cooperation in the further collection and conservation of southeastern European maize germ plasm.A joint contribution from the Food and Agriculture Division, USOM, Belgrade, the Faculty of Agriculture, Zagreb University, and the Maize Research Institute, Beograd-Zemun Polje. Yugoslavia. Prepared while the senior author was serving as maize technical consultant to USOM and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, 1960–1961.
Eari. R. Leng, Professor of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. U.S.A.:A. Tavar, Chief Professor of Genetics, Zagreb University. Yugoslavia: V. Trifunovi. Head. Breeding Department. Maize Research Institute. Beograd-Zemun Polje, Yugoslavia. 相似文献
Jaime Prohens 《Euphytica》2009,170(1-2):1-3
云南软米是云南省特有的一种优质米,以其独特的蒸煮和食味品质在国际市场上倍受青睐。20世纪70年代以来,云南省开始利用现代育种技术对地方软米品种的不良性状持续进行改良;90年代,在坚持籼型软米新品种培育的同时,开始了粳型软米品种的选育研究。农业行政主管部门根据稻谷生产,特别是软米生产发展的需要,及时开展评选活动,制定品种审定标准。随着人民生活水平的提高,企业也逐渐重视软米的生产加工。对云南省软米品种的选育和应用历史进行了回顾,提出改进品种管理工作,服务软米新品种选育应用,促进软米生产发展的建议。 相似文献
品种设计与商业化育种 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文讨论了商业化育种过程中,品种选育的方法问题,通过对当前育种科学发展的趋势和我国商业化育种状况的分析,提出了以品种设计为基础的商业化育种方式,文章简要阐述了品种设计的内容和方法以及对未来商业化育种的影响。 相似文献
河南省是我国重要的商品粮基地,同时又是全国重要的小麦生产大省,稳定并逐步增加优质小麦生产面积并提高产量对于保证国家粮食生产安全和战略储备具有重要意义。顺麦6号为河南省审定小麦品种,审定编号:豫审麦20180035。介绍了顺麦6号特征特性及产量表现,从精细整地、适期适量播种等方面提出了其高产栽培技术,以期为该品种的迅速推广提供技术支撑。 相似文献
Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is a standard method for estimating random effects of a mixed model. This method was originally developed in animal breeding for estimation of breeding values and is now widely used in many areas of research. It does not, however, seem to have gained the same popularity in plant breeding and variety testing as it has in animal breeding. In plants, application of mixed models with random genetic effects has up until recently been mainly restricted to the estimation of genetic and non-genetic components of variance, whereas estimation of genotypic values is mostly based on a model with fixed effects. This paper reviews recent developments in the application of BLUP in plant breeding and variety testing. These include the use of pedigree information to model and exploit genetic correlation among relatives and the use of flexible variance–covariance structures for genotype-by-environment interaction. We demonstrate that BLUP has good predictive accuracy compared to other procedures. While pedigree information is often included via the so-called numerator relationship matrix $({\user2{A}})Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) is a standard method for estimating random effects of a mixed model. This method was
originally developed in animal breeding for estimation of breeding values and is now widely used in many areas of research.
It does not, however, seem to have gained the same popularity in plant breeding and variety testing as it has in animal breeding.
In plants, application of mixed models with random genetic effects has up until recently been mainly restricted to the estimation
of genetic and non-genetic components of variance, whereas estimation of genotypic values is mostly based on a model with
fixed effects. This paper reviews recent developments in the application of BLUP in plant breeding and variety testing. These
include the use of pedigree information to model and exploit genetic correlation among relatives and the use of flexible variance–covariance
structures for genotype-by-environment interaction. We demonstrate that BLUP has good predictive accuracy compared to other
procedures. While pedigree information is often included via the so-called numerator relationship matrix , we stress that it is frequently straightforward to exploit the same information by a simple mixed model without explicit
reference to the -matrix.
This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Wolfgang K?hler (University of Giessen, Germany) on the occasion of his 65th birthday. 相似文献