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Uncertainties in estimates of soil carbon (C) stocks and sequestration result from major gaps in knowledge of C storage in soils, land‐use history, the variability of field measurements, and different analytical approaches applied. In addition, there is a lack of long‐term datasets from relevant land‐use systems. As in many European countries, a national database on soil organic carbon (SOC) including all relevant information for the determination of soil C stocks is likewise missing in Germany. In this paper, we summarize and evaluate the present state of knowledge on organic‐C contents/pools in soils of Germany and discuss the need for the acquisition and access to new data on soil organic carbon. Despite the number of agricultural sites under permanent soil monitoring, regional surveys on SOC, comprehensive ecosystem studies, and long‐term field experiments, there is a striking lack of data in Germany particularly with regard to agricultural soils. Apart from a missing standardization of methods and homogeneous baseline values, the implementation of a periodic, nation‐wide soil inventory on agricultural soils is required in order to simultaneously record information on land use, land‐use change, and agricultural practice. In contrast, the existing national inventory of forest soils provides information on C‐stock changes in forest soils, although there is some concern with regard to the representativeness of the sampling design to adequately address the problem of spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability. It is concluded that the lack of comprehensiveness, completeness, actuality, data harmonization, and standardized sampling procedures will further prevent the establishment of a SOC database in Germany with regard to the monitoring of trends in soil C pools and fluxes and the assessment of long‐term C‐sequestration potentials of soils under different land use. A future soil inventory should represent the heterogeneity of organic matter through functionally different SOC pools, topsoil characteristics as well as content, pool, and flux data for the deeper mineral‐soil compartments.  相似文献   

The introduction of crop management practices after conversion of Amazon Cerrado into cropland influences soil C stocks and has direct and indirect consequences on greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The aim of this study was to quantify soil C sequestration, through the evaluation of the changes in C stocks, as well as the GHG fluxes (N2O and CH4) during the process of conversion of Cerrado into agricultural land in the southwestern Amazon region, comparing no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems. We collected samples from soils and made gas flux measurements in July 2004 (the dry season) and in January 2005 (the wet season) at six areas: Cerrado, CT cultivated with rice for 1 year (1CT) and 2 years (2CT), and NT cultivated with soybean for 1 year (1NT), 2 years (2NT) and 3 years (3NT), in each case after a 2-year period of rice under CT. Soil samples were analyzed in both seasons for total organic C and bulk density. The soil C stocks, corrected for a mass of soil equivalent to the 0–30-cm layer under Cerrado, indicated that soils under NT had generally higher C storage compared to native Cerrado and CT soils. The annual C accumulation rate in the conversion of rice under CT into soybean under NT was 0.38 Mg ha−1 year−1. Although CO2 emissions were not used in the C sequestration estimates to avoid double counting, we did include the fluxes of this gas in our discussion. In the wet season, CO2 emissions were twice as high as in the dry season and the highest N2O emissions occurred under the NT system. There were no CH4 emissions to the atmosphere (negative fluxes) and there were no significant seasonal variations. When N2O and CH4 emissions in C-equivalent were subtracted (assuming that the measurements made on 4 days were representative of the whole year), the soil C sequestration rate of the conversion of rice under CT into soybean under NT was 0.23 Mg ha−1 year−1. Although there were positive soil C sequestration rates, our results do not present data regarding the full C balance in soil management changes in the Amazon Cerrado.  相似文献   

Different tillage systems may affect P dynamics in soils due to differently distributed plant residues, different aggregate dynamics and erosion losses, but quantitative data are scarce. Objectives were to investigate the effect of tillage on the availability of P in a long‐term field trial on loess soils (Phaeozems and Luvisols) initiated from 1990 to 1997. Four research sites in E and S Germany were established with a crop rotation consisting of two times winter wheat followed by sugar beet. The treatments were no‐till (NT) without cultivation, except for seedbed preparation to a depth of 5 cm before sugar beet was sown and conventional tillage (CT) with mouldboard plowing down to 25–30 cm. Soil P was divided into different pools by a sequential extraction method, and total P (Pt) in the single P fractions was extracted by digesting the extracts of the fractionation to calculate the contents of organic P. The Pt content (792 mg [kg soil]–1) in the topsoil (0–5 cm) of NT was 15% higher compared to CT, while with increasing depth the Pt content decreased more under NT than under CT. This was also true for the other P fractions except for residual P. The higher P contents in the topsoil of NT presumably resulted from the shallower incorporation of harvest residues and fertilizer P compared to CT, whereas estimated soil losses and thus also P losses due to water erosion were only small for both treatments. Contents of oxalate‐extractable Fe and organic C were positively related to the labile fractions of inorganic P, while there was a high correlation of the stable fractions with the clay contents and pH. Multiple regression analyses explained 50% of the variability of these P fractions. Overall, only small differences in the P fractions and availability were observed between the long‐term tillage treatments.  相似文献   

Total soil organic‐carbon (SOC) stocks for grassland soils in Flanders (N Belgium) were determined for the Kyoto Protocol reference year 1990 and 2000 in order to investigate whether these soils have been CO2 sinks or sources during that period. The stocks were calculated by means of detailed SOC datasets, which were available at the community scale for the whole of Flanders. The total SOC stocks for Flemish grassland soils (1 m depth) were estimated at 38 Mt SOC in 1990 and 34 Mt SOC in 2000. The loss of SOC resulted from a decrease in the SOC content of grassland soils (71%) and could also partly (29%) be explained by a decline in grassland area. Significant decreases in %SOC for the 0–6 cm depth layer were found for the 1990s for the coarser‐textured soils with SOC losses ranging between –0.3% and –0.5% over the 10 y period. Specific management practices that disturb the SOC balance such as conversion to temporary grassland and a reduction of animal‐manure application are hypothesized to have contributed to the observed loss of SOC stocks. We furthermore conducted an analysis of uncertainty of the 1990 and 2000 grassland SOC–stocks calculation using Monte Carlo analysis. Probability‐distribution functions were determined for each of the inputs of the SOC‐stock calculation, enabling us to assess the uncertainty on the 1990 and 2000 SOC stocks. The frequency distributions of these simulated stocks both closely approached lognormal distributions, and their 95%‐confidence intervals ranged between 150% and 50% of the calculated mean SOC stock. The standard error on the measured decrease in SOC stocks in Flemish grassland soils during the 1990s was calculated to be 7–8 Tg SOC, which is equivalent to twice this decrease. This clearly shows that large‐scale changes in SOC stocks are uncertainty‐ridden, even when they are based on detailed datasets.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to evaluate the C and N stocks and organic‐C fractions in soil under mixed forest stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Sessile oak (Quercus petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) of different ages in NE Germany. Treatments consisted of pure pine (age 102 y), and pine (age 90–102 y) mixed with 10‐, 35‐, 106‐, and 124‐y‐old oak trees. After sampling O layers, soils in the mineral layer were taken at two different depths (0–10 and 10–20 cm). Oak admixture did not affect total organic‐C (TOC) and N stocks considering the different layers separately. However, when the sum of TOC stocks in the organic and mineral layers was considered, TOC stocks decreased with increasing in oak age (r2 = 0.58, p < 0.10). The microbial C (CMB) was not directly correlated with increase of oak age, however, it was positively related with presence of oak species. There was an increase in the percentage of the CMB‐to‐TOC ratio with increase of oak‐tree ages. On average, light‐fraction C (CLF) comprised 68% of the soil TOC in upper layer corresponding to the highest C pool in the upper layer. CLF and heavy‐fraction C (CHF) were not directly affected by the admixture of oak trees in both layers. The CHF accounted on average for 30% and 59% of the TOC at 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths, respectively. Despite low clay contents in the studied soils, the differences in the DCB‐extractable Fe and Al affected the concentrations of the CHF and TOC in the 10–20 cm layers (p < 0.05). Admixture of oak in pine stands contributed to reduce topsoil C stocks, probably due to higher soil organic matter turnover promoted by higher quality of oak litter.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the consequences of feasible land‐use change in Great Britain on GHG emissions mainly through the gain or loss of soil organic carbon. We use estimates of per‐area changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, coupled with Great Britain (GB) county‐level scenarios of land‐use change based on historical land‐use patterns or feasible futures to estimate the impact of potential land‐use change between agricultural land‐uses. We consider transitions between cropland, temporary grassland (<5 yr under grass), permanent grass (>5 yr under grass) and forest. We show that reversion to historical land‐use patterns as present in 1930 could result in GHG emission reductions of up to ca. 11 Mt CO2‐eq./yr (relative to a 2004 baseline), because of an increased permanent grassland area. By contrast, cultivation of 20% of the current (2004) permanent grassland area for crop production could result in GHG emission increases of up to ca. 14 Mt CO2‐eq./yr. We conclude that whilst change between agricultural land‐uses (transitions between permanent and temporary grassland and cropland) in GB is likely to be a limited option for GHG mitigation, external factors such as agricultural product commodity markets could influence future land‐use. Such agricultural land‐use change in GB could have significant impacts on Land‐use, Land‐Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) emissions, with relatively small changes in land‐use (e.g. 5% plough out of grassland to cropland, or reversion of cropland to the grassland cover in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones of 1998) having an impact on GHG emissions of a similar order of magnitude as the current United Kingdom LULUCF sink. In terms of total UK GHG emissions, however, even the most extreme feasible land‐use change scenarios account for ca. 2% of current national GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Grassland extensification is followed by a change of soil organic‐matter (SOM) contents. In order to give a better assessment of these developments on grassland sites in SW Germany, the CENTURY Soil Organic Matter Model was used on five long‐term experimental sites under three different management practices (“Mowing”, “Mulching” (mowing without removal of the phytomass), and “Natural succession”). On these sites, soil‐organic‐carbon (SOC) monitoring was continuously done for soil depths of 0–4 and 4–8 cm from 1975 to 2002. The contents of organic carbon (OC) were at steady state or showed a slight decrease for the mulched and succession plots. Carbon contents of the mowed plots were decreasing. Measured C contents were transferred into stocks and compared with the simulated OC stocks. Linear regressions between observed and simulated C stocks were calculated separately for mulched and succession plots. The regressions for OC yielded significant relationships (R2 = 0.8) for both kinds of plots. However, the model did not reproduce the short‐term dynamics of C stocks. Whereas SOC stocks on mulched and succession plots are expected to stay stable for the next decades according to the simulation, they are expected to decrease for a couple of years before stabilization on mowed plots.  相似文献   

The maintenance and accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) in agricultural systems is critical to food security and climate change, but information about the dynamic trend and efficiency of SOC sequestration is still limited, particularly under long‐term fertilizations. In a typical Purpli‐Udic Cambosols soil under subtropical monsoon climate in southwestern China this study thus estimated the dynamic, trend and efficiency of SOC sequestration after 22‐year (1991–2013) long‐term inorganic and/or organic fertilizations. Nine fertilizations under a rice–wheat system were examined: control (no fertilization), N, NP, NK, PK, NPK, NPKM (NPK plus manure), NPKS (NPK plus straw), and 1.5NPKS (150% NPK plus straw). Averagely, after 22‐years SOC contents were significantly increased by 4.2–25.3% and 10.2–32.5% under these fertilizations than under control conditions with the greatest increase under NPKS. The simulation of SOC dynamic change with an exponential growth equation to maximum over the whole fertilization period predicted the SOC level in a steady state as 18.1 g kg?1 for NPKS, 17.4 g kg?1 for 1.5NPKS, and 14.5–14.9 g kg?1 for NK, NP, NPK, and NPKM, respectively. Either inorganic, organic or their combined fertilization significantly increased crop productivity and C inputs that were incorporated into soil ranging from 0.91 to 4.63 t (ha · y)?1. The C sequestration efficiency was lower under NPKM, NPKS, and 1.5NPKS (13.2%, 9.0%, and 10.1%) than under NP and NPK (17.0% and 14.4%). The increase of SOC was asymptotical to a maximum with increasing C inputs that were variedly enhanced by different fertilizations, indicating an existence of SOC saturation and a declined marginal efficiency of SOC sequestration. Taken all these results together, the combined NPK plus straw return is a suitable fertilizer management strategy to simultaneously achieve high crop productivity and soil C sequestration potential particularly in crop rotation systems.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stocks in the soils of Central and Eastern Europe   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Abstract. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks are presented for Central and Eastern Europe. The study uses the soil geographic and attribute data held in a 1:2 500 000 scale Soil and Terrain (SOTER) database, covering Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation (west of the Urals), Slovakia, and Ukraine. Means and coefficients of variation for soil organic carbon and total nitrogen are presented for each major FAO soil grouping. The mean content of organic carbon, to a depth of 1 m, ranges from 3.9 kg C m–2 for coarse textured Arenosols to 72.9 kg C m–2 for poorly drained Histosols. Mean carbon content for the mineral soils, excluding Arenosols, is 15.8 kg C m–2. The top 1 m of soil holds 110 Pg C (Pg=1015 g), which corresponds to about 7% of the global stock of soil organic carbon. About 44% of this carbon pool is held in the top 0.3 m of the soil, the layer that is most prone to be changed by changes in soil use and management. About 166 million ha in Central and Eastern Europe have been degraded by compaction, erosion of topsoil, fertility decline and crusting. The achievable level of carbon sequestration for these soils, upon adoption of 'best' management practices or restorative measures, is estimated.  相似文献   

The effects of selected tillage and rotation systems on soil organic carbon and its fractions were studied on Chernozemic soils in south‐western and east‐central Saskatchewan. After practicing a no‐till fallow unfertilized‐wheat rotation for 7 years on an Orthic Brown Chernozem in south‐western Saskatchewan, total soil organic carbon (TOC) in the 0 – 5 cm and 5 – 10 cm layers was slightly lower than the tillage fallow‐unfertilized wheat comparable treatment. However, light fraction of organic carbon (LFOC) was similar in the two treatments. Comparison of the tillage fallow‐unfertilized wheat to a treatment involving conversion to a fertilized continuous cropping system for 10 years showed TOC increased slightly in the two depths and LFOC increased by 24 % and 29 % in the 0 – 5 cm and 5 – 10 cm layer, respectively, of the continuous cropping treatment. Microbial biomass carbon (MB‐C) was increased significantly at the 5 – 10 cm depth. After conversion of fallow‐wheat to alfalfa as perennial forage for 10 years, TOC increased by 80 % and 27 %, LFOC by 245 % and 286 %, and HFOC by 63 % and 20 % at 0 – 5 cm and 5 – 10 cm depths, respectively, compared to the tilled cereal‐fallow system. Meanwhile, water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) was not affected but MB‐C increased significantly. In an Orthic Black Chernozem in east‐central Saskatchewan, the depletion and restoration of organic carbon was observed when native sod was changed into cropland and then back to grassland. For example, the TOC of cropland under cereal‐fallow rotation for 62 years decreased by 42 % and 33 % at 0 – 5 cm and 5 – 10 cm depths, respectively, compared to native sod. The LFOC decreased by 79 % and 74 % in the layers, and reductions in WSOC and MB‐C were even greater. After cropland was re‐seeded to grassland for 12 years, the concentration of total organic carbon was increased by 16 % and 22 % while the mass of organic carbon was the same as the cropland in the two layers. The LFOC and MB‐C amounts in the grass seed‐down were double that of the cropped land, but the amounts of TOC, LFOC, and MB‐C in grass seed‐down were still significantly lower than the native sod.  相似文献   

北方旱区免耕对农田生态系统固碳与碳平衡的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
农田系统对大气CO2库呈碳汇还是碳源效应取决于土壤有机碳的固定和温室气体释放之间的平衡,而耕作措施会改变土壤有机碳含量和储量,影响农田系统的碳循环与碳平衡。该研究以北方旱区山西临汾20 a长期保护性耕作定位试验为基础,田间原位测定土壤呼吸和土壤有机碳含量,确定各类农业投入碳排放参数,利用碳足迹方法综合分析不同耕作措施(传统耕作CT和免耕NT)下农田生态系统碳平衡。结果表明:在化肥、机械等农业投入产生的间接碳排放量方面,化肥投入碳排放量约占系统农业总投入碳排放量的73.5%~77.4%,是农业投入中主要的碳源。由于免耕减少了翻耕、旋耕和秸秆移除3道程序,NT比CT少排放约5.1%,NT产量显著提高28.9%,且碳生产力大于CT。0~60 cm土壤有机碳储量NT(50.86 Mg/hm2)比CT(46.00 Mg/hm2)高10.5%。与CT相比,在小麦休闲期和生育期NT土壤呼吸CO2释放总量高于CT。但根据农田系统碳平衡公式分析得出,NT更有利于农田生态系统固碳,呈碳汇效应,而CT表现为碳源。因此,长期免耕耕作能够提高农田土壤固碳量,减少大气温室气体排放,对于改善北方旱区土壤碳库和减排效果是一个良好的选择。  相似文献   

To obtain information on regional soil carbon (C) stocks, we prepared a soil C inventory for the central German State Saxony‐Anhalt. We used the State Soil Database SABO_P ( S achsen‐ A nhalt Bo den_ P rofildatenbank), which contains data from 3,600 soil profiles with 16,300 individual soil horizons and combined it with a geographic information system (GIS ArcView). Soil C stocks down to a depth of 100 cm were compiled for the three major soil regions of Saxony‐Anhalt (soil region 2: river valleys and floodplains; soil region 4: pre‐Weichselian moraines, and soil region 6: loess‐covered areas), which represent 83 % of the total state territory. The three major soil regions in Saxony‐Anhalt comprise on average 12.7 (soil region 2), 8.9 (soil region 4), and 12.8 kg C m–2 (soil region 6). Total C content of the area investigated was 191 tg. The typical soils of the region, Haplic Chernozems, contain on average 13.9 kg C m–2. With few exceptions, soil C did not vary significantly within identical taxonomic groups among different soil subregions. However, Chernozems of soil subregion 3 (Wanzlebener Löß‐Plateau; 19.8 kg C m–2) contain significantly more C than the Chernozems of soil subregions 9 (Pollebener, Gerbstedter and Lettewitzer Löß‐Plateau; 12.1 kg C m–2) and 15 (Barnstädter Löß‐Plateau 12.2 kg C m–2). The spatial distribution of C stocks in Saxony‐Anhalt was represented in a map which suggests the existence of a strong link between the geomorphologic position of a given soil and its capacity to store organic C. Within the same taxonomic unit, finer textured soils stored more carbon than coarse‐textured ones.  相似文献   

Restoration of degraded soils is a development strategy to reduce desertification, soil erosion and environmental degradation, and alleviate chronic food shortages with great potential in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). Further, it has the potential to provide terrestrial sinks of carbon (C) and reduce the rate of enrichment of atmospheric CO2. Soil organic carbon (SOC) contents decrease by 0 to 63 per cent following deforestation. There exists a high potential for increasing SOC through establishment of natural or improved fallow systems (agroforestry) with attainable rates of C sequestration in the range of 0·1 to 5·3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1. Biomass burning significantly reduces SOC in the upper few centimeters of soil, but has little impact below 10 to 20 cm depth. The timing of burning is also important, and periods with large amounts of biomass available generally have the largest losses of SOC. In cultivated areas, the addition of manure in combination with crop residues and no‐till show similar rates of attainable C sequestration (0 to 0·36 Mg C ha−1 yr−1). Attainable rates of SOC sequestration on permanent cropland in SSA under improved cultivation systems (e.g. no‐till) range from 0·2 to 1·5 Tg C yr−1, while attainable rates under fallow systems are 0·4 to 18·5 Tg C yr−1. Fallow systems generally have the highest potential for SOC sequestration in SSA with rates up to 28·5 Tg C yr−1. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural management strategies have received much attention in recent years with a view to increasing or maintaining the amount of carbon (C) sequestered as soil organic C (SOC). In many parts of the world, minimum or no‐till management has been promoted as a means of improving soil quality, reducing losses of erosion and potentially increasing SOC stocks. However, no‐till systems can become problematic and potentially disease‐prone, especially due to high crop residue loadings. Consequently, residue removal either by harvesting or burning off may be employed to reduce these pressures. Here, we examined the effect of crop residue removal on C storage in soil that had been under no‐till management for 20 yr. We predicted improved physical properties (i.e. lower bulk density) and greater microbial activity under the residue retention soils due to greater readily available C and nutrients derived from crop residues. In contrast, we predicted relative reductions in SOC in the no residue soils due to a lack of available residue‐derived C for microbial use. Residue removal caused a relative C loss from the soil, which was related to C input, amount of nutrient availability and microbial activity. We demonstrate the importance of maintaining crop residue cover in no‐till cropping systems for soil function and highlight the potentially deleterious effects of changing management strategy to increased residue harvesting or removal by burning.  相似文献   

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