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The procedure for applying phosphorus (P) fertilizer to soil can be divided into three consecutive steps: (i) Measurement of soil‐P availability, (ii) calibration of the soil‐P fertility level and (iii) estimation of the recommended P dose. Information on each of these steps was obtained for 18 European countries and regions with the aim of comparing P fertilizer recommendation systems at the European scale. We collected information on P fertilizer recommendations through conventional or grey literature, and personal contacts with researchers, laboratories and advisory services. We found much variation between countries for each of the three steps: There are more than 10 soil‐P tests currently in use, apparent contradictions in the interpretation of soil‐P test values and more than 3‐fold differences in the P fertilizer recommendations for similar soil‐crop situations. This last result was confirmed by conducting a simple experimental inter‐laboratory comparison. Moreover, soil properties (pH, clay content) and crop species characteristics (P responsiveness) are used in some countries in the calibration and recommendation steps, but in different ways. However, there are also common characteristics: soil‐P availability is determined in all countries by extraction with chemical reagents and the calibration of the soil‐P test values, and the fertilizer recommendations are based on the results from empirical field trials. Moreover, the fertilizer recommendations are nearly all based on the amount of P exported in the crops. As long as rational scientific and theoretical backgrounds are lacking, there is no point in trying to synchronize the different chemical methods used. We therefore call for a mechanistic approach in which the processes involved in plant P nutrition are truly reproduced by a single standard method or simulated by sorption‐desorption models.  相似文献   

Mineral‐N production by air‐dried biosolids was measured in an Australian tenosol type soil with two moisture conditions over 70 days, using a controlled laboratory incubation procedure. The biosolids were from both air‐drying pans and stockpiles. Inorganic‐N components (NH4‐N, NO3‐N and NO2‐N) were present in all biosolids, with higher concentrations in samples from air‐drying pans compared with stockpiles of 1 yr age. Nevertheless, significant production of NO3‐N occurred in moist soil amended with all air‐dried biosolids. In contrast, saturated soil amended with air‐dried biosolids generally showed a net loss of inorganic‐N compounds during incubation, presumably owing to denitrification. In the saturated soil, only biosolids from air‐drying pans provided NO3‐N production from existing NH4‐N. The results indicated that biosolids from air‐drying pans provided the most robust production of NO3‐N, compared with aged material from the stockpiles, owing to the reduced N content and increased stability of the organic fraction in stored biosolids. However, the rates of N‐mineralization in the tenosol soil were substantially lower than reported for more fertile soil types and most of the organic‐N content of the biosolids remained undegraded by day 70. The biosolids thus may substantially remain to provide improved properties of soil, such as structure and water‐holding capacity. The results suggest that anaerobically digested biosolids from air‐drying pans are potentially highly consistent products that could be effective replacements for inorganic‐N fertilizer in agricultural production.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the BSE crisis, alternatives for fertilizers derived from animal residues are being sought for use in organic horticulture. Grain legumes (milled seeds of pea, yellow lupine, and faba bean) and organic fertilizers of industrially processed plant and microbial residues (Maltaflor®‐spezial, Phytoperls®, Agrobiosol®, Rizi‐Korn) were investigated as to their suitability as a replacement fertilizer. With four soils, incubation studies were conducted to determine net N mineralization of the organic fertilizers, and pot experiments were used to measure the apparent N utilization by perennial ryegrass. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine simple fertilizer characteristics that describe their N release and (2) to compare the suitability of both experimental setups to predict fertilizer N release. At the end of all experiments, net N mineralization and apparent N utilization from Rizi‐Korn was highest compared to all the other organic fertilizers, while pea performed relatively poor. This differentiation between the fertilizers developed during the first 2 weeks. Nitrogen release from the organic fertilizers as described by net N mineralization or apparent N utilization was significantly related to the N content of the fertilizers. Different soils modified this relationship. Two industrially processed fertilizers (Phytoperls®, Agrobiosol®) could not be included into a generalized relationship because N release from these fertilizers was low compared to their N content. It is discussed that the quality of fertilizer C and N affected the N release from the fertilizers. Both experimental setups, incubation and pot experiments, were suitable to describe the release of plant‐available N from the organic fertilizers. However, N release of fertilizers with a low net N mineralization in the incubation experiments was underestimated compared to plant N uptake of ryegrass in the pot experiments. It is concluded that the N content of organic fertilizers indicates, but not predicts their N release.  相似文献   

The fertigated area of the Brazilian citrus industry has grown rapidly during recent years, and an efficient management of nitrogen (N) application at these sites is required for sustainable citrus production. Therefore, a field trial with Valencia orange trees [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] on Swingle citrumelo rootstock (Citrus paradise Macfad. x Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf.) was conducted for 8 years to evaluate the effects of N rates (80, 160, 240 and 320 kg ha–1 y–1) applied by fertigation, either as ammonium nitrate (AN) or calcium nitrate (CN), on soil solution dynamics, fruit yield, nutritional status, and N‐use efficiency (NUE) of trees. The maximum fruit yield was reached with 240 kg N ha–1 for AN, whereas a linear response and greater fruit yield was observed for N supplied as CN. The NUE was reduced for both N forms with increasing N rates. However, the NUE for CN was 14 to 38% greater than the NUE for AN. The lower fruit yield and NUE for AN compared to CN‐treated trees was associated with the increased acidification of the soil solution with increased AN rates (pH ≤ 4.0). This limited nitrification resulted in a high ammonium (NH$ _4^+ $ ) concentration in the soil solution and a reduction in the net absorption of cations by the trees, particularly calcium (Ca). Due to the improved ion balance as well as the higher pH of the soil solution (pH ≥ 6.3) and diminished NH$ _4^+ $ availability, gains in both fruit yield and NUE in fertigated citrus groves in tropical soils can be obtained with the use of CN as a source of N.  相似文献   

Sandy cropland soils in NW Europe were found to contain unusually high organic‐carbon (OC) levels, and a link with their land‐use history has been suggested. This study's aim was to assess the discriminating power of physical and chemical fractionation procedures to yield information on soil‐organic‐matter (OM) stability for these soils. In relict‐ and cultivated‐heathland soils, much higher proportions of 6% NaOCl treatment–resistant but 10% HF–soluble OC (MOC) and N (32.2% and 29.9%) were measured compared to a set of “permanent"‐cropland soils without a history of heathland land use (11.9% and 8.5%). Also, the proportions of 6% NaOCl– and 10% HF treatment–resistant OC and N in the relict and cultivated heathlands (19.2% and 12.0%) were higher than in the permanent‐cropland soils (17.7% and 5.7%). Stepwise multiple linear‐regression yielded a significant relationship between the annual mineralization (g C [100 g OC]–1), soil OC (g C kg–1) content, and %MOC: Annual mineralization = 4.347 – 0.087 soil OC – 0.032 %MOC (R2 = 0.65). Combinations of incubation experiments for quantification of the labile soil OM pool with chemical fractionation may thus yield meaningful data for development of soil‐organic‐matter models with measurable pools, but their applicability will be limited to specific combinations of former land use with soil, climate, and current management.  相似文献   

A key point in designing grass‐arable rotations is to find the right balance between the number of cultivations and the length of the grass phase. In a field experiment, we investigated the effect of cropping history (grazed unfertilized grass–clover and fertilized [300 kg N per hectare] ryegrass, proportion of grassland and previous fertilizer use) on crop growth and nitrate leaching for 2 years following grassland cultivation. In the final year, the effect of perennial ryegrass as a catch crop was investigated. The nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) of grassland cultivation was higher at 132 kg N per hectare in the rotation with 75% grassland compared with on average 111 kg N per hectare in rotations with 25 and 38% grassland and the NFRV of ryegrass in the rotation was higher than that of grass–clover. Nitrate leaching following cultivation was not affected by the proportion of grassland in the crop rotation or sward type. However, there was a considerable effect of having a ryegrass catch crop following the final barley crop as nitrate leaching was reduced from 60 to 9 kg N per hectare. When summarizing results from the crop rotations over a longer period (1997–2005), management strategy adopted in both the grassland and arable phases appeared to be the primary instrument in avoiding nutrient losses from mixed crop rotations, irrespective of grass proportion. In the arable phase, the huge potential of catch crops has been demonstrated, but it is also important to realize that all parts of the grass‐arable crop rotations must be considered potentially leaky.  相似文献   

华北地区采用无机氮测试和植株速测进行夏玉米氮肥推荐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A field experiment with a split-plot design was carried out at Dongbeiwang Farm in Beijing Municipality to establish reliable N fertilizer recommendation indices for summer maize (Zea mays L.) in northern China using the soil Nmin(mineral N) test as well as the plant nitrate and SPAD (portable chlorophyll meter readings) tests. The results showed that Nrnin sollwert (NS) 60 kg N ha^-1 at the third leaf stage and N rate of 40 to 120 kg N ha^-1 at the tenth leaf stage could meet the N requirement of summer maize with a target yield of 5.5-6 t ha^-1. Sap nitrate concentrations and SPAD chlorophyll meter readings in the latest expanded maize leaves at the tenth leaf stage were positively correlated with NS levels, indicating that plant nitrate and SPAD tests reflected the N nutritional status of maize well. Considering that winter wheat subsequently utilized N after the summer maize harvest, the 0-90 cm soil Nmin (74 kg N ha^-1) and apparent N loss (12 kg N ha^-1) in the NS60+40 treatment were controlled at environmentally acceptable levels. Therefore NS60+40, giving a total N supply of 100 kg N ha^-1, was considered the optimal N fertilizer input for summer maize under these experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing rates of 15N‐labelled Ca(NO3)2 (N0 = no N application, N300 = 300 mg N/pot; N600 = 600 mg N/pot; N900 = 900 mg N/pot) on recovery of fertilizer N in winter wheat plants and soil (total soil N, soil microbial biomass N [Nmic], extractable organic N [Norg]) and on N mineralization (NMsoil) was investigated at milk‐ripe growth stage in a pot experiment. The N rates were equally split at tillering, stem elongation and ear emergence. Fertilizer N recovered in crops increased with increasing N rates (N300: 223.5 mg N/pot [74.5% of applied fertilizer N], N600: 445.6 mg N/pot [74.3%], N900: 722.1 mg N/pot [80.2%]). NMsoil slightly increased from N0 (43.8 mg N/pot) to N900 (75.6 mg N/pot) indicating that N application enhanced availability of soil‐derived N for the plants. However, in fertilized treatments NMsoil is balanced by immobilization and losses (non‐recovered fertilizer N). Therefore the effective soil N mineralization is indicated by apparent net N mineralization (ANNM = NMsoil — fertilizer N immobilization — lost fertilizer N). Fertilizer N immobilization in soil increased from N300 (38.7 mg N/pot) to N600 (60.7 mg N/pot) and N900 (65.5 mg N/pot). Lost fertilizer N increased from N300 (14.8 mg N/pot) to N600 (56.7 mg N/pot) and N900 (62.1 mg N/pot). As a consequence negative ANNM values were calculated at N600 and N900. Due to the small differences between N600 and N900 fertilizer N immobilization and lost fertilizer N did not increase linearly with increasing N rates, i.e. both processes were limited by factors other than N rate. Only 5.6—7.4% of the immobilized fertilizer N was recovered in Norg and 5.4—9.3% in Nmic soil pools. It is assumed that most of the immobilized fertilizer N was in non‐extractable organic N forms. Nmic and Norg were weak indicators for the extent of fertilizer N immobilization.  相似文献   

The production of secondary metabolites by plants growing in natural populations is conditioned by environmental factors. In the present study, we have investigated the relationships among soil properties, micronutrients in soils and plants, and cardenolide production from wild Digitalis obscura (Scrophulariaceae) populations. Young and mature leaves and soil samples were collected in ten different populations, corresponding to three Mediterranean bioclimatic belts (Thermo‐, Meso‐, and Supramediterranean belts). Soil (total and EDTA‐extractable) and leaf micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu), and leaf cardenolide accumulation have been determined. Significant negative correlations were observed between Fe, Mn or Zn concentration in leaves and soil pH, as well as between Fe or Mn in leaves and carbonate content of soils. Only EDTA‐extractable Mn was significantly correlated with Mn content in the plants. With regard to cardenolide content in leaves, this parameter was negatively correlated with Znleaf in young leaves and with Mnleaf in old leaves. Positively correlated, however, were Fe and cardenolide content in young leaves. The influence of environmental conditions and leaf micronutrient contents on cardenolide accumulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Optimizing root phosphorus (P) acquisition to reduce intensive fertilizer use is a crucial pathway for sustainable agriculture, particularly as P is an important plant macronutrient, often limiting in a majority of soils worldwide. Although many studies have assessed plant growth and P acquisition, few studies have investigated the interactive effects of nitrogen (N)‐induced root modification on soil P processes or the understudied effects of soil calcium (Ca) dynamics on soil P bioavailability. In this study, we investigate soil P and Ca response in the rhizosphere of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. spp. durum). Wheat grown under controlled conditions preloaded for 20 d with two N treatments [preloaded low N (1 mmol KNO3 plant?1) and preloaded high N (2 mmol KNO3 plant?1)] were transferred to rhizoboxes for 12 d [days after transfer (DAT)]. Shoot and root biomass, P and Ca concentration, and plant‐available P and extractable Ca were determined every three days (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 DAT). Significantly higher root mass (P = 0.7%), root length (P = 1.8%) and total biomass (P = 2.2%) were found at the end of the experiment but exclusively for high N preloaded wheat. This greater root biomass was associated with lower root P concentration, suggesting a dilution response, while little difference was observed in shoot P concentration over the 12 d. However, Ca accumulated in both roots and shoots under both preloading N levels. Concurrently, soil‐extractable Ca declined, and plant‐available P increased (r = –0.62; P = 0.03%), presumably due to a promoting effect of Ca uptake on soil P availability; lower soil Ca in turn increased the repulsive forces between P ions and the negatively charged soil surface, resulting in an increased P availability in the soil solution. This study contributes to the understanding of the complex interplay between multi‐nutrient dynamics within the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

基于遥感与GIS的低丘红壤区耕地开发潜力评价   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
以遥感和GIS技术为支撑,对浙江省兰溪市的低丘红壤区的耕地开发潜力进行了评价.以地形、土壤以及开发程度为基础,构建评价指标体系,采用综合指数法计算各单元的综合得分,并将潜力值分为四个等级.评价结果表明:适宜开发、允许开发、限制开发和不适宜开发的低丘红壤资源分别为3151.53、8790.71、8840.64和35175.25 hm2.评价结果与各指标的相关分析表明,开发潜力与坡度和土地利用现状存在强相关,与其他指标的相关性很低.坡度在≤6°、6~15°和15~25°的范围内,适宜开发的资源分别占总量的50.57%、43.36%和6.07%,允许开发的分别占12.67%、42.59%和44.75%.适宜开发的资源主要由果园和疏林地组成,二者占总量的74.68%;允许开发的资源主要由园地构成,二者占总量的88.95%.允许开发和适宜开发的资源在各城镇之间的分布极其不平衡.实地考察显示,耕地后备潜力评价与当地实际情况比较吻合.  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared the effects of conventional and organic arable farming on soil organic matter (SOM) content, soil structure, aggregate stability and C and N mineralization, which are considered important factors in defining sustainable land management. Within one soil series, three different farming systems were selected, including a conventional and an organic arable system and permanent pasture without tillage. The old pasture represents optimal conditions in terms of soil structure and organic matter inputs and is characterized by high earthworm activity. More than 70 years of different management has caused significant differences in soil properties. SOM content, mineralization, earthworm activity and water-stable aggregation decreased as a result of tillage and arable cropping when compared with pasture, but were significantly greater under organic farming than under conventional farming. Total SOM contents between 0 and 20 cm depth amounted to 15, 24 and 46 g kg−1 for the conventional arable, organic arable and permanent pasture fields, respectively. Although less sensitive to slaking than the conventionally managed field, the soil under organic farming was susceptible to compaction when high pressures were exerted on the soil under wet conditions. The beneficial effects of organic farming are generally associated with soil biochemical properties, but soil physical aspects should also be considered. Depending on soil type and climate, organic farmers need to be careful not to destroy the soil structure, so that they can enjoy maximum advantage from their organic farming systems.  相似文献   

Mineral and organic fertilizers contain different forms and amounts of nitrogen (N), which can affect yield and product quality. The aim of this study was to determine appropriate amounts of N applied as nitrate (NO ), ammonium (NH ), and organic N (a mixture based on chicken manure) for optimal growth and quality of tomatoes. A pot experiment with sand as substrate was established in a greenhouse with six‐week‐old tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. “Armada”). Nitrogen was applied in nutrient solutions at different NO : NH ratios combined with different chloride levels (NO ‐dominated, NO = NH at low Cl, NO = NH at high Cl, and NH ‐dominated, respectively) or as organic N at four N‐application rates (250, 500, 750, 1000 mg N plant–1 week–1). No significant differences in shoot biomass and yields of red tomatoes were observed between NO ‐ or NH ‐fed plants. Nitrogen rates above 750 mg N plant–1 week–1 did not significantly increase marketable fruit yield, but enhanced shoot‐biomass production. The NH ‐N‐dominated treatments (which also had high Cl concentrations) showed increasing incidence of blossom‐end‐rot (BER)‐infected fruits. In the organic‐N treatments, shoot‐biomass production and yields were lower than in the inorganic‐N treatments, but fruit quality was good with few BER‐infected fruits. The results show that with a total N supply below 750 mg N plant–1 week–1, NH can be used as equivalent N source to NO , resulting in equivalent yields of marketable fruit under the conditions in this experiment.  相似文献   

Long‐term effects of improved pasture establishment (with high proportion of legumes) on soil organic‐C status and N availability in Mediterranean cork oak (Quercus suber L.) woodlands were assessed. Soils were sampled beneath scattered crowns and in open areas, considering two systems: unmanaged and managed woodlands where improved pastures were installed 26 and 32 years ago. Total and labile C and N pools were measured and C and N mineralization were determined over 24 weeks laboratory incubation. Soils under improved pastures showed higher organic‐C, total‐N and net N mineralization than those under unmanaged pasture, mainly when established beneath trees. Potentially mineralizable C, C mineralization rate and microbial C were not statistically different between the unmanaged and improved pasture sites, but were higher closer to the tree than in the open area (1.8, 1.2 and 1.2 times, respectively). The qCO2 was higher in improved pastures (1.7 times). Labile pool of C and N extracted with hot water increased under improved pasture (3.4 and 1.7 times, respectively). Results indicate that soil quality amelioration by improved pastures is stronger in the presence of oak trees. Management systems that favour oak tree maintenance and regeneration should be taken into account to reverse soil degradation.  相似文献   

Improved nutrient‐use efficiency is important to sustain agricultural production. The goal of our study was to investigate the effects of Azovit® (Azotobacter chroococcum) inoculation of seed with N fertilization on crop yield, nutrient uptake, and N‐use efficiency (NUE) of irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. C‐6524) in secondary saline soil under continental climatic conditions of Uzbekistan. A randomized complete block design in a 4 × 2 split‐plot experiment was established in the fall of 2013. The main plot was N fertilization (0, 140, 210, and 280 kg ha?1) and the subplot was Azovit inoculation. Azovit inoculation consistently increased the seed and lint yields of cotton by 25 and 27.9%, respectively, at 210 kg N ha?1 compared to the respective control. Azovit with 210 kg N ha?1 significantly increased the cotton harvest index by 21%, when compared to the control. Likewise, nutrient uptake and NUE of cotton were higher when N (210 kg ha?1) was applied with Azovit, as compared to other treatment combinations. An extrapolation of the relationship of relative yield vs. N fertilization showed that Azovit at 210 kg N ha?1 was sufficient to obtain near‐maximum cotton production (90%) with highest NUE, as compared to the respective control. The results suggest that Azovit with 210 kg N ha?1 produces cotton yield higher and/or comparable with the currently used rates of 280 kg N ha?1 or higher, suggesting savings of 70 kg N ha?1 for cotton production in saline soils under continental climatic conditions.  相似文献   

用土壤全氮与有机质建立油菜测土施氮指标体系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在汇总近年来浙江省多点油菜氮肥效应试验、氮肥用量试验的基础上,比较氮肥效应、经济施氮量与土壤全氮、土壤有机质之间的回归函数模型,筛选建立油菜测土施氮指标体系的可靠测定指标。回归分析结果表明,土壤有机质、土壤全氮与缺氮处理相对产量回归指数函数分别为Y=20.157e0.4413X(R2=0.5887**)和Y=10.882e0.045X(R2=0.3365**),土壤有机质、土壤全氮与油菜经济施氮量对数函数分别为Y=-314.25LnX +1392.9(R2=0.6896**)和Y=-191.77LnX+427.81(R2=0.314**)。比较曲线函数的回归决定系数R2,土壤有机质与缺氮处理相对产量、经济施氮量的回归决定系数大于预测精度要求,可成为油菜种植田土壤供氮能力丰缺和推荐经济施氮量的指标,而全氮由于回归决定系数R2低于0.35,不适合成为土壤供氮能力和推荐经济施氮量的指标。通过回归方程划定不同土壤供氮水平下土壤有机质含量范围和相对应的推荐经济施氮量,构建浙江省油菜测土施氮指标体系。  相似文献   

Currently, potassium (K)‐ and phosphate (P)‐fertilizer recommendation in Germany is based on standardized soil‐testing procedures, the results of which are interpreted in terms of nutrient availability. Although site‐specific soil and plant properties (e.g., clay and carbon content, pH, crop species) influence the relation between soil nutrient content and fertilizer effectiveness, most of these factors are not accounted for quantitatively when assessing fertilizer demand. Recent re‐evaluations of field observations suggest that even for soil nutrient contents well within the range considered to indicate P or K deficiency, fertilizer applications often resulted in no yield increase. In this study, results from P‐ and K‐fertilization trials (in total about 9000 experimental harvests) conducted during the past decades in Germany and Austria were re‐analyzed using a nonparametric data‐mining procedure which consists of a successive segmentation of the data pool in order to elaborate a modified recommendation scheme. In addition to soil nutrient content, fertilizer‐application rates, nutrient‐use efficiency, and site properties such as pH, clay content, and soil organic matter, have a distinct influence on yield increase compared to an unfertilized control. For K, nutrient‐use efficiency had the largest influence, followed by soil‐test K content, whereas for P, the influence of soil‐test P content was largest, followed by pH and clay content. The results may be used in a novel approach to predict the probability of yield increase for a specified combination of crop species, fertilizer‐application rate, and site‐specific data.  相似文献   

Rothamsted's Woburn Ley-arable experiment, started in 1938 on a sandy loam soil, provides valuable real-world data on the effects of all-arable and ley-arable rotations. In this study, six rotations were compared from 1973 to 2001. Two had 3-year arable “treatment” crops, two had 3-year leys, and two had 8-year leys; the leys being all-grass given fertilizer nitrogen (Ln3 and Ln8), or grass/clover (Lc3 and Lc8). Here, we present the yields of two test crops, winter wheat (1981–2000) followed by spring barley (1982–1991) or winter rye (1997–2001) in each of the six rotations, and their response to four rates of fertilizer N and soil N. From fitted yield/N response curves, we show that maximum wheat yields were least (7.10 t ha−1) in the AB rotation, slightly higher, but not significantly so (7.65 t ha−1) following Ln leys but significantly higher (8.12 t ha−1) following Lc leys. Significantly less fertilizer N (30 kg ha−1) was needed to achieve the higher yields following Lc leys. Yields of the second cereal following the leys were 0.3–0.8 t ha−1 higher than those in the AB rotation; these increases were not statistically significant. However, significantly less fertilizer N, 26–38 kg N ha−1, was required to achieve those yields. There was no difference found between the type of ley. The initial benefit of the Lc leys was short-lived. If leys are to be introduced into mainly arable farming systems, they may need to be subsidized to make them financially viable.  相似文献   

Monitoring soil erosion risk is an important part of soil conservation practices. It is usually estimated with the Universal Soil Loss Equation, and the C‐factor (vegetation cover) is derived from optical satellite images. However, because of lack of data and resources, or in rapid assessments, C‐factor is estimated using one or a few satellite observations, despite being temporally variable according to plants' phenology. The aim of this work was to study the effect of seasonality in estimating C‐factor. This was achieved by demonstrating first that there is a difference when estimating soil erosion with Universal Soil Loss Equation at variable time steps in a year, namely once, seasonally and monthly. Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer normalized difference vegetation index images and statistical analysis at subcatchment scale, it was shown that there is a significant difference when estimating mean annual soil loss with the aforementioned temporal options. The highest differences were observed between monthly and annual time steps. The second objective was to identify which is the optimum time to estimate C‐factor in a year. The results show that November, October and March are the optimum months for single image estimation of annual soil erosion. Statistical analysis with a random point dataset suggested that the spatial variability of the results was influenced by the land cover type, especially in areas with variable leaf cover where a single date estimation of C‐factor was not representative of the whole year, such as annual crops and deciduous trees. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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