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王佳  曹光树  蔡平 《南方农业》2010,4(4):24-28
以苏州寺庙园林治平寺修复工程为例,在对其历史进行追溯梳理的基础上,从布局、遗号、植栽、意境的营造等方面,就其修复过程中的一些处理手法进行评述,以期为寺庙园林的艺术创造与环境改造设计提供借鉴价值。  相似文献   

在重庆市渝北区龙塔公园植物景观的设计与营造中,通过了解植物的文化内涵及特性,植物选择遵从体现佛教教义,因地制宜地运用乡土树种,使其体现寺庙园林相应的文化氛围,有利于通过植物延续寺庙园林的意境,创造出赏心悦目的景观效果和适于游人休憩游赏的园林空间.  相似文献   

余燕 《南方农业》2010,4(4):55-58
巴巴寺是四川阆中现存唯一的寺庙园林,不仅富有浓厚的伊斯兰色彩,更以其清幽秀雅的园林景致,精工富丽的建筑艺术,全国罕见的砖雕、木雕技艺而著称。介绍了巴巴寺的主要组成部分,并对其园林艺术作了重点分析。  相似文献   

江南古典园林充盈着诗意性、抒情性、写意性、亲和性、怀柔性等特点,散发出谦和、恬淡的独特气质。本文通过理清江南文化历史发展的历程,寻求柔性艺术风格的根源。以期在发扬江南古典园林文化方面能起到推动作用。  相似文献   

惠云芳   《水土保持研究》2007,14(4):267-269
石油炼化企业的园林绿地建设,不仅为景观,更要体现防火、防风、抗污染和减弱噪音的功能.针对石油炼化企业园林绿地建设特点,以延安炼油厂为例,论述了工厂内的园林绿化规划要点及养护管理等专业技能,总结了石油炼化企业园林绿地建设的特点,对促进石油炼化企业的园林绿地建设具有很好的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

校园景观是校园建设的组成部分,而微型园林是校园景观中不可或缺的内容之一。通过对微型园林的特点、设计原则及在校园景观中价值分析,提出微型园林在校园景观中的设计思路及要点。  相似文献   

随着我国的社会经济不断发展,人们的生活水平日益提升,城市化进程十分迅速,城市居民对生活环境有了更高的要求。园林是我国城市化进程的重要标志,除生态功能外,园林还可供居民闲谈打趣、锻炼身体等。园林养护管理是县城园林中重要一环,基于此,简单介绍了园林养护管理的特点和意义,分析了县城园林养护管理中存在的问题,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

园林旅游是旅游产业的重要组成部分,有着融合性强、可塑性高、适应范围广泛等特点。要推动园林旅游经济发展,首先需要做好园林规划工作,在空间上做好布局;其次要构建对游客具有吸引力的园林景观,增强重复游览价值与初游影响力;再次要提升园林文化内涵,夯实园林消费基础;另外要注重文化产业与旅游产业融合发展,提升园林旅游产业软实力;最后要发展优质园林旅游经济体系,提升旅游产业发展的可持续性。  相似文献   

日本古典园林的造园思想和手法来源于中国,但经历历朝历代的沉淀和积累,形成了具有鲜明特色的日本园林风格。京都是日本园林的发源地之一,京都古典园林可以作为整个日本古典园林的代表。通过对京都4所古典园林庭园进行实地调查分析,总结出京都古典园林的造园特点是:(1)古典园林庭园面积较小,精巧细致;(2)注重意境的营造;(3)造园景观要素单一;(4)注重木本植物的选用。  相似文献   

扬州园林是中国园林的重要组成部分,小盘谷私家园林在扬州园林史上占有重要的地位,其造园艺术更是扬州园林的经典之作。小盘谷是清光绪年间两江总督周馥是私家园林,小盘谷的园林建筑和小品的特点突出,在扬州园林中少有。在造园方面,小盘谷充分利用空间,展示出扬州园林中以小见大,以少胜多,移步换景的园林特色。对小盘谷的园林建筑及其小品进行介绍,并对其特色进行分析。  相似文献   

The composition and structure of 300 enset gardens from 10 different locations in Sidama were examined. Average size of the gardens was 0.74 ha. The gardens are composed of mixtures of various named enset varieties and different groups recognisable on the basis of ‘sex’ (male and female) and use (cooking and processing). The gardens exhibit high diversity, with a given garden containing up to 24 varieties (mean = 8.2). However, the components are not represented equally. Typically, the gardens consisted of one or two very abundant varieties and a much larger number of less common ones. Enset gardens are dynamic because the number and composition of varieties and different types changed from garden to garden, from location to location and across time. Their composition, structure and dynamics have been influenced by human, socio-economic factors (farm size, land per capita, cropping patterns and size of livestock), temporal circumstances and landscape elements (elevation) in which they are found. The nature, characteristics, organization and functions of Sidama enset gardens are outlined and the importance of maintaining mixtures of varieties for farmers is discussed.  相似文献   

The human population is increasingly disconnected from nature due to urbanisation. To counteract this phenomenon, the UK government has been actively promoting wildlife gardening. However, the extent to which such activities are conducted and the level of resource provision for biodiversity (e.g., food and nesting sites) within domestic gardens remains poorly documented. Here we generate estimates for a selection of key resources provided within gardens at a national scale, using 12 survey datasets gathered across the UK. We estimate that 22.7 million households (87% of homes) have access to a garden. Average garden size is 190 m2, extrapolating to a total area of 432,924 ha. Although substantial, this coverage is still an order of magnitude less than that of statutory protected areas. Approximately 12.6 million (48%) households provide supplementary food for birds, 7.4 million of which specifically use bird feeders. Similarly, there are a minimum of 4.7 million nest boxes within gardens. These figures equate to one bird feeder for every nine potentially feeder-using birds in the UK, and at least one nest box for every six breeding pairs of cavity nesting birds. Gardens also contain 2.5-3.5 million ponds and 28.7 million trees, which is just under a quarter of all trees occurring outside woodlands. Ongoing urbanisation, characterised by increased housing densities, is inevitable throughout the UK and elsewhere. The important contribution domestic gardens make to the green space infrastructure in residential areas must be acknowledged, as their reduction will impact biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, and the well-being of the human population.  相似文献   

Ex situ collections in botanic gardens have great potential in contributing to the conservation of rare plants. However, little is known about the effects of cultivation on the genetic diversity and fitness of garden populations, about genetic changes due to unconscious selection and potential adaptation to the artificial conditions. We compared the genetic variability and fitness of the rare, short-lived perennial Cynoglossum officinale from 12 botanic gardens and five natural populations in Germany. Genetic variability was assessed with eight nuclear microsatellites. Plants were grown in a common garden and performance was measured over 2 years. Mean genetic diversity was very similar in botanic garden and natural populations. However, four of the garden populations exhibited no genetic variability at all. Moreover, the genetic diversity of garden populations decreased with increasing duration of cultivation, indicating genetic drift. Plant performance from natural and garden populations in terms of growth, flowering and seed production was similar and in garden populations only seed mass was strongly related to genetic diversity. Several lines of evidence indicated genetic changes in garden populations in response to cultivation. Seed dormancy was strongly reduced in garden populations, and in response to nutrient addition garden plants increased the size of their main inflorescence, while wild plants increased the number of inflorescences. These changes could be maladaptive in nature and reduce the suitability of garden populations as a source for reintroductions. We suggest that botanic gardens should pay more attention to the problem of potential genetic changes in their plant collections.  相似文献   

鹞落坪自然保护区土地利用动态格局研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]分析1994—2017年鹞落坪自然保护区土地利用格局变化特征,揭示退耕还林、生态旅游等对保护区土地格局变化的影响,为保护区林地保护与利用提供依据。[方法]以1994,2002,2012和2017年4期LandsatTM/ETM~+/OLI遥感影像为数据源,采用监督分类提取研究区土地利用信息,并建立转移矩阵,分析保护区20 a间土地利用格局动态变化及其转移特点。[结果] 1994—2017年保护区内土地利用结构发生了较为明显的变化,林地、居民地和园地面积都有不同程度的增加,而耕地显著减少。土地利用类型主要转移方向为耕地转化为园地、林地和居民地,小部分林地转化为居民地。1994—2002年区内林地面积大幅度增加,耕地面积大量减少;2002—2012年居民地呈现出扩张的趋势,园地面积大幅度增加,耕地面积则有所减少;2012—2017年区内土地利用转化量相对较小,居民地、林地以及园地面积小幅度增加,耕地面积相对减少。[结论]保护区土地利用格局变化是退耕还林、茶业发展和旅游开发共同作用的结果。退耕还林导致耕地面积减少,林地和园地面积增加;旅游开发导致居民用地面积增加。  相似文献   

A verdant strip of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) lines the banks of the River Nile at Khartoum (Sudan), but little is known about its physical structure and species composition. This study was conducted in 120 gardens, covering 160 ha at the urban locations of Tuti Island and Shambat and the peri-urban location of El Halfaya to determine the extent and plant composition of UPA gardens in Greater Khartoum, which includes the cities of Khartoum, Khartoum North and Omdurman. The survey identified 84 plant species from 35 plant families, of which 47 were utilised as crops predominantly for commercial production of fruits, vegetables, spices and condiments, grains, and fodder. The gardens of Tuti Island, where production of lime (Citrus aurantiifolia (L.) Swingle) was widespread, had a mean species richness of 1.7 and a Shannon index of 0.4. The gardens of Shambat, where leafy vegetables were common, had higher crop diversity levels with a mean species richness of 4.4 and a Shannon index of 1.2. The gardens of El Halfaya, which was the only location where the production of some spices and condiments was recorded, had a mean species richness of 3.7 and a Shannon index of 1.0. All three study locations were largely dominated by monocultural commercial production relying heavily on external inputs. The four groups of gardens distinguished by cluster analysis were cultivated by 21 ethnic groups, 46% of the surveyed households relied on additional off-farm income and gardens supplied 12% of household food. Economic and ecological benefits of the studied UPA gardens might be enhanced if crop diversity and structural complexity of these gardens were increased.  相似文献   

阐述了云南省大理白族自治州喜洲镇白族农户生态庭园的6种模式类型,即普通型、集约养殖型、劳务输出型、庭园车间型、水面开发型和服务经营型,并在研究模式结构基础上简析了庭园经营与大田生产的关系和白族庭园的特殊性,提出了进一步建设农户生态庭园的若干建议。  相似文献   

Cocoon samples were collected from fifty-two mulberry gardens with high, intermediate, and low silkworm cocoon productivities in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River in the six China’s provinces of Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Anhui, Fujian, Hunan, and Hubei to determine the transformation efficiency of S from mulberry leaves to silkworm cocoons, and to evaluate the sulfur cycle (uptake and output) in the mulberry leaf-silkworm cocoon system with typical mulberry gardens in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China. The transformation efficiency of sulfur (TES) from mulberry leaves into silkworm cocoons in the high-productivity mulberry gardens was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that in the low-productivity gardens. For the high-productivity mulberry gardens the TES from mulberry leaves into the cocoon shell was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that for low-yield mulberry gardens. Producing 1 kg dry cocoon in mulberry gardens required uptake of about 20 g S, however 1 kg of dry cocoon only removed about 4 g S. Therefore, recycling of these organic wastes with silkworm cultivation was important for sulfur balances.  相似文献   

I. Introduction

In Uji district, Kyoto Pref., the most famous place of tea production in Japan, tea gardens, particularly the refined tea (Gyokuro and Matsucha) gardens, have been producing very low yields. Their features are poor, dotted with withered plants. Such tea gardens are named the waste tea gardens. ōsugi2) and Yoshie3) had made research on these phenomena since 1930 and ascribed them to some defects of soil properties.  相似文献   

The sub-montane cultivation belt, with its so-called Chagga home gardens on Mount Kilimanjaro, was investigated for its Saltatoria fauna. Since these cultivated fields still have the structure of a forest, differing mainly in the undergrowth, more than half of the 52 recorded species are forest species, whilst the remainder originate from open habitats. Moreover, the Chagga home gardens harbour >70% of all forest species and >50% of the endemic species of Mount Kilimanjaro. Most endemics in the plantations originate from sub-montane habitats, and contribute 72% of the total number of sub-montane endemics found in the region. More than half of all endemics from the montane zone are also found in the Chagga home gardens. Therefore, the Chagga home gardens act as an important refuge for both generalist forest species and endemic fauna. In recent years, new coffee varieties have been introduced to the gardens that are less shade demanding, and tree removal may impinge on the indigenous Saltatoria fauna.  相似文献   

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