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被毛突变无毛小鼠皮肤及毛结构观察   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对国内首次发现并培育成群的BALB/c突变小鼠的3种表型(无毛、全毛、中间态)的皮肤组织及毛结构进行了观察。结果表明,无毛小鼠仅具有非常短(1~2mm)、细且弯曲的绒毛,其毛于中心为空泡状,缺乏髓质。无毛小鼠表皮、真皮、皮下组织结构基本与全毛、中间态小鼠相同,但其毛生长周期不健全;毛球位置浅表,数目少,排列不规则;皮脂腺异常增生。推测其被毛结构异常是由毛自身结构异常所致。该小鼠外观似裸鼠,能在普通条件下生长繁殖,可望成为某些皮肤病等研究的动物模型。  相似文献   

一种新的被毛突变小鼠遗传特性研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
对所发现的一种新的BALB/c突变小鼠的遗传特性,包括遗传规律、染色体组型和G带核型以及19个生化基因部位进行了研究。该突变小鼠是由1对基因突变所致,该基因位于常染色体上,呈半显性遗传。3种表型小鼠的正常核型、G带核型以及所测定的所有生化基因部位间无明显差异,且与正常BALC/c小鼠的一致。  相似文献   

影响小鼠皮肤及被毛结构的基因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对目前已发现的影响小鼠皮肤及被毛结构的90多个突变基因的定位,在染色体上的分布,对小鼠生物学特性的影响及在生物医学中的应用进行了综述,为该类基因在生物医学中的应用及在其它动物上的发现与研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

力克斯兔的初级毛囊、次级毛囊于胚胎的18-24天先后出现,基皮肤表皮、真皮的发生与分化于胚胎的24天已基本完成,26胎龄时,初级毛囊结构分化完全,并可见到皮脂腺,26胎龄至仔兔出生,是表皮和毛囊分化出的各组成成分的进一步生长阶段。仔兔出生以后,皮肢表皮和毛囊的结构均无明显变化,但表皮厚度稍有增加、毛囊仍继续向真皮,只是远不及胚胎期迅速。表上的增长及毛囊的生长速度,在不同部位之间无显著差异,而不同胎龄(月龄)之间存在显著或极显著的差异。力克斯兔皮肤的毛囊群结构很有规律,每一毛囊群由2-6个扇形分布的亚毛囊群组成,每一亚毛囊群中又含有5-12个分生毛囊和衍生分生毛囊。力克斯兔出生以后,其衍生分生毛囊数的增加几科与体表面积的增大呈比例,致使各月龄之间毛囊密度无显著差异,但不同部位之间,毛囊密度差异显著。力克斯兔被毛因粗毛含量少、分布均匀、直径也小, 毛纤维短、细,且粗细毛长度一致,密度大、强度大、伸度小(与新西兰白兔比较),从而构成了力克斯兔被毛具有弹性强、柔软性好、平整、美观、经久耐磨等特征。通过扫描电镜及光学显微镜对力克斯兔、新西兰白名锿安哥拉兔三个不同类型的兔种的兔毛纤维鳞片排列形态及髓腔结构的观察,发现不同类型之间,鳞片的排列形态不同,但髓腔结构的差异不明显。  相似文献   

清洁级KM小鼠不同胎次繁殖性能观察分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本项研究采用皮表毛纤维与皮内毛囊同步对照的方法,揭示了骆驼被毛与毛囊的如下关系;①皮表毛纤维少于毛囊数量的20%左右,性别间无显著差异。②粗毛纤维不但发生于初级毛囊,而且受年龄、性别影响,也发生于原生次级毛囊。③绒毛比率为3.37,次初级毛囊比率为8.37。由此提出,用羊毛学观点鉴定骆驼绒毛比率有片面性,从而为驼毛产量的选种鉴定提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

对豫医无毛小鼠和有毛小鼠生殖器官的大体形态、组织学结构及其繁殖能力进行了比较研究。结果表明,无毛小鼠生殖器官的位置、形态、组织学结构及发情周期与有毛小鼠无明显差异;无毛雄鼠明显具有生育能力,但其生育期短;无毛雌鼠有生育能力,但繁殖能力下降,受孕率较低,乳腺功能受损辑性差,不能很好地护理幼仔,幼鼠很难成活,一般1~3d内死亡。杂合子有毛小鼠的生育能力正常。在昆明小鼠繁殖群基础上,采用全同胞兄妹交配方式培育建立了HLC小鼠近交系,应用生化标记检测、皮肤移植试验和毛色基因测试法对育成的HLC小鼠进行遗传监测,证实其基因位点高度纯合;对其基本生物学特性进行研究,结果表明其为具有新特性的近交系小鼠,现已近交繁育30代。  相似文献   

本文研究对中华绒山羊发展研究中心恩格贝基地引入的辽宁白绒山羊及其纯繁后代中长粗毛型、短粗毛型和多绒型三种类型成年白绒山羊的外形特征的毛被特性进行了比较研究。测定了抓绒量、净毛绒率、密度和绒毛比。研究结果显示:三类型山羊在毛被外观、抓绒量、绒毛密度和绒毛比方面均存在明显差异。其中,MD山羊外观粗毛稀短而绒毛长密;SH型山羊粗毛虽短但较粗密;LH型则粗毛长密而绒毛短,MD型山羊产绒量、绒密度及绒毛比均  相似文献   

西藏绒山羊被毛纤维特性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了西藏绒山羊日土型、尼玛型和紫绒型被毛纤维中绒的直径和自然长度、毛的直径和长度、绒毛比。日土型羊绒的直径、自然长度均高于尼玛型和紫绒型,日土型和尼玛型羊的绒毛重量比高于紫绒型,而3种类型的绒毛根数比无显著差异(P>0.05)。绒的直径与自然长度、产绒量呈正相关,而且相关关系显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

雌性羊驼生殖器官解剖构造与繁殖生理特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文综述了羊驼卵巢、输卵管,子宫等雌性生殖器官的解剖学结构特点和发情,交配、排卵、黄体形成,妊娠,分娩等繁殖生理学特点。羊驼属季节性繁殖,其雌性生殖器官有自身独特的解剖学特征,发情、交配、排卵,黄体形成,妊娠,分娩等也有其特点,如:交配诱导排卵,妊娠期342-350d,立式分娩,无须人工助产,同时对发情,排卵、黄体和妊娠等繁殖生理现象的鉴定方法进行了叙述。  相似文献   

在SPF级环境下,对神经系统转GFP和YFP基因荧光小鼠的生长繁殖性能和血液生化指标进行比较研究。选择10周龄GFP和YFP小鼠各30只(雌雄各半),采取近亲交配繁殖(雌雄1:1),并统计其生长繁殖性能,用全自动生化分析仪测定小鼠血清中15项生化正常指标。小鼠体重增长在雌雄间有差异而品种间无差异;绝大多数血液生化指标在雌雄间和品种间均无差异。两种小鼠的体格大小相当,产仔能力YFP小鼠强于GFP小鼠,正常血液生化指标主要受遗传基因控制。  相似文献   

羊驼生殖器官的解剖与生殖生理学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了羊驼生殖器官的解剖结构与发情、排卵、交配、妊娠和分娩等生殖生理学特征及生殖相关问题。雄性羊驼生殖器官主要特征是睾丸相对较小,缺精囊腺,阴囊位置靠近肛门,阴茎为纤维性类型,阴茎形成S形弯曲,交配时伸出包皮,包皮口朝后,排尿时尿流向后方。雌性羊驼生殖器官主要特征是子宫为双角子宫,子宫颈皱襞不发达,子宫黏膜结构与猪和马的相似。羊驼为单胎动物,交配诱导排卵,通常是单个排卵,即仅有一个卵泡破裂。雌性羊驼无明显的发情表现,性成熟母羊驼空怀状态随时接受交配,交配为卧式交配。妊娠率较高,妊娠与否可以通过多种妊娠检测方法来确定;自然情况下很少有难产发生,遇有特殊情况才需要助产。  相似文献   

【目的】探究外源性RF-酰胺相关肽3(RF-amide related peptide 3,RFRP-3)和褪黑素(melatonin, MLT)对雄性昆明小鼠初情期生长、繁殖性能的影响及两者之间的关系。【方法】以初情期雄性昆明小鼠为研究对象,单独给予雄鼠生理盐水、外源性RFRP-3或MLT以及混合给予RFRP-3、MLT,检测其对雄鼠平均增重、平均采食量、料重比、睾丸发育情况,血清生长激素(growth hormone, GH)、黄体生成素(luteinizing hormone, LH)水平,以及生长、生殖相关基因表达的影响。【结果】外源性RFRP-3能抑制雄鼠GH基因表达,并抑制体重增长,提高料重比;而外源性MLT促进雄鼠GH基因表达,使体重增长较快,料重比降低;RFRP-3和MLT共同处理下,GH基因表达增加,体重增长速度与单独给予MLT组接近。RFRP-3可抑制褪黑素受体1A(melatonin receptor 1A,Mtnr1A)、LH基因表达及睾酮分泌,小鼠睾丸各级生精细胞和间质细胞数量减少;MLT可促进Mtnr1A、LH基因表达及睾酮分泌,睾丸间质细胞密度极显著增加(...  相似文献   

Reason for performing study: To improve efficiency at the farm level, a better understanding of how farm management factors impact reproductive performance is important. Objective: To assess reproductive efficiency and effectiveness among Thoroughbred mares in central Kentucky. Methods: A cohort of 1011 mares on 13 farms in central Kentucky was followed during the 2004 mating and 2005 foaling season. Information on farm level practices was collected via interviews with farm managers. Reproductive records were collected for each mare mated to obtain information on mare characteristics. The influence of mare age and status (maiden, foaling, barren) on Days 15 and 40 post mating pregnancy rates, foaling rates and total effective length of the mating season were assessed. The influence of stallion book size on reproductive performance measures was also examined. Results: Per season pregnancy rates on Days 15 and 40 post mating and live foal rate were 92.1, 89.3 and 78.3%, respectively. Per cycle rates for the same time periods were 64.0, 58.3 and 50.8%. There were no significant associations between stallion book size and reproductive performance outcomes. The mean s.d. interval from the beginning of the mating season to the last mating of the mare was 36.5 ± 26.1 days. Conclusions: Mare age had a significant impact on efficiency of becoming pregnant, maintaining pregnancy and producing a live foal. Overall, fertility did not decrease among stallions with the largest book sizes. Total interval length of the mating season can be reduced if managers ensure maiden and barren mares are mated at the beginning of the season and foaling mares are mated at the earliest oestrus after acceptable uterine involution has been achieved. Potential relevance: Measures identified in the study can be used by owners, farm managers and veterinarians to improve mare reproductive performance and identify parameters to assist with the implementation of effective culling practices.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to estimate the proportion of reproductive disorders and to determine factors affecting reproductive performance of crossbred dairy cows under four different production systems in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The principal postpartum reproductive disorders were retained fetal membranes (14.7%) and uterine infection (15.5%). Anoestrus was the major postpartum reproductive problem in the mixed crop–livestock production system (38.6%) and was significantly associated with this production system. Apart from anoestrus, the occurrence of reproductive disorders was not significantly associated with a production system. Most of the reproductive disorders occurred as a complex rather than as a single abnormality. Two or more abnormal conditions were seen in 11.4% of the cases. Each reproductive trait measured was affected adversely by reproductive disorders. Cows with reproductive disorders in each production system, lactation group and suckling and non-suckling group had longer intervals from calving to first service and to conception (p < 0.001) and required more services per conception (p < 0.001). Pregnancy rate and conception to first service were 84.7% and 51.7%, respectively, for cows without reproductive health problems; and 64.2% and 15.1%, respectively, for cows with reproductive disorders (p < 0.001). Overall, intervals from calving to first service were shorter (p < 0.05) than in younger cows. Intervals from calving to first service and to conception were longer in suckling than in non-suckling cows (p > 0.05). Cows with a good body condition score (>3.5) at calving had shorter calving to first service and conception intervals than cows in poor condition (p < 0.001). The results showed that reproductive abnormalities, coupled with poor body condition, are important factors that contributed to reproductive inefficiency. An appropriate reproductive health management, a reliable artificial insemination service and supplementary feeding could be the management options to reduce or alleviate some of the problems.  相似文献   

摘要:[目的]探究繁殖营养素对西门塔尔杂交母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的影响。[方法]试验对33头390kg左右妊娠8-9月的初配西门塔尔杂交母牛饲喂不同添加量的繁殖营养,对母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的数据进行分析。[结果]饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素母牛人工助产率较对照组大幅降低,且犊牛成活率提高,犊牛发病率减少。第一次发情时间提前7.42d,且受胎率也有所提高;饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素大幅度降低了母牛胎衣不下、子宫炎和乳房炎疾病的发病率;添加了10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素组的犊牛从出生到产后3月龄,其体重和体尺都有不同程度提高。[结论]母牛日粮中添加10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素能提高母牛繁殖性能、降低母牛产后疾病的发生率以及一定程度上提高犊牛的生长性能。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of dairy breeding and the scale feeding level,the average individual milk yield of dairy herds in China has been greatly improved over the last few decades.However,the reproductive performance of dairy cows,especially in high-producing dairy cows,has declined continuously and affected severely dairy farm profitability.Reproductive performance of dairy cows was influenced by many factors including environment,herd management,genetics and various diseases.It has become more evident that genital tract diseases(also known as reproductive diseases) decreased reproductive performance of dairy cows during the last 10 years.The effect of reproductive diseases on reproduction of dairy cows has received more attention.This paper briefly described the incidence of reproductive diseases such as metritis,various types of endometritis and retained fetal membrane and ovarian diseases such as ovarian cyst,persistent corpus luteum in China and abroad.This paper highlighted the effects of reproductive diseases on reproductive performance such as days open,calving interval,pregnancy rate,estrus detection,days to first breeding and breeding index.Moreover,we analyzed in more detail the possible mechanisms by disrupting endocrine signaling,damaging intrauterine environment and causing ovarian dysregulation.Lastly,we looked forward to the future research direction of reproductive diseases of dairy cows that provided data reference and theoretical support for improving the management measures of scale feeding,reducing the incidence of reproductive diseases,improving the production and reproductive capacity of dairy herds in China.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of feeding a dry fat source to seasonal ewes and does on their postpartum reproductive performance. Forty five multiparous Awassi ewes (LW = 60.1 ± 3.2 kg) and 45 Shami does (LW = 49.6 ± 2.4 kg) were randomly assigned into 3 dietary treatments (n = 15/spp) for 60 days postpartum in a completely randomized design (CRD) set. Females were housed with their offsprings and fed one of three isonitrogenous total mixed rations (TMR) containing 0, 3, or 5% of dry fat. Blood samples were taken individually every 3 days to determine serum progesterone concentration levels starting one week postparturition via radioimmunoassay kits. Progesterone concentrations increased (P < 0.05) in ewes fed 3% fat addition but not for 5% level. Meanwhile, those of doe were not affected by adding supplemental fat. No differences were observed in days to 1st or 2nd postpartum ovulation in both species. Milk production was higher (P < 0.05) for fat treated ewes with no differences between the 2 fat levels, while it was not different among does groups. Final live weight of females in both species was also not affected by fat supplementation. However, live weight changes were higher (P < 0.05) for ewes with no differences between 3% fat level and control groups, and lower in does with increased fat level and with no differences between the 2 treatment groups. Weaning weight and average daily gain of the newborn in both species were not affected by fat supplementation. Litter weight was not different for ewes, but it was higher (P < 0.05) for treated does with no differences between 3% and 5% supplemented fat groups. Therefore, one can conclude that supplemental fat to ewes at 3% during their postpartum period might recover their cyclicity late in the breeding season, but not at high levels (5%), and can improve their milk production and affect live weight change during that period with no effect on weaning weight or litter weight of lambs. For does, supplemental fat is not capable of affecting their postpartum cyclicity, milk production, and weaning weight of their kids, but reduces their live weight change and litter weight.  相似文献   

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