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Results of the measuring of the total metabolism of growing intact pigs (INT) and pigs with ileorectal anastomoses (IRA) are compared. The 16 comparisons are based on studies with rations of dried feedstuffs and rations containing between 30 and 50% of the DM raw or steamed potatoes and sugar beets, sucrose and apple pectin. On an average of all comparisons the relative values for the digestibility of energy, DM and the organic matter as well as for the metabolizability of the energy were between 81 and 82% (values measured at INT animals = 100). The comparison also refers to the crude nutrients, the water-soluble carbohydrates, the starch and the pectin. As a tendency, the IRA utilized the metabolizable energy better than the INT animals. The energy maintenance requirement of the IRA animals was--by 15%--significantly higher than that of the INT animals. There is not yet an answer to the question in how far comparative studies of INT and IRA animals make verified statements with regard to the differences in the energetic utilization of the precaecally and postileally digested nutrients possible. For this, further experiments will be necessary.  相似文献   

The energetic utilization of rations with raw and steamed sugar beets, dried sugar beet pulp (16 measured values each), sucrose and apple pectin (8 measured values each) as supplement feed to a basic ration was measured at 4 growing pigs each in the live weight range of between 40 and 130 kg. The utilization of the energy in the rations amounted to 69.1 +/- 5.5, 68.3 +/- 7.1, 60.9 +/- 5.8, 70.5 +/- 4.1 and 69.9 +/- 6.9% (same sequence as above). The utilization values for the supplemented feedstuffs were 69.2 +/- 7.4, 68.0 +/- 10.0, 55.9 +/- 9.7, 72.2 +/- 7.6 and 71.7 +/- 17.3%. The average retention value of the digestible pectin was derived from the test results with dried sugar beet pulp and apple pectin as 5.8 kJ/g. An influence of the ontogenetic development on energy utilization cannot be derived from the comparison of the retention effect of digestible nutrients measured at growing pigs and that derived from adult pigs.  相似文献   

The energetic utilization of 6 rations with molasses, dried sugar beets, apple pectin and lucerne leaves was measured in 8 adult pigs by means of the respiration test technique. The energy digestibility of the rations ranged from 74 to 88%, the partial utilization of the metabolizable energy from 66 to 78%. From the results with apple pectin a mean energy deposition value of 7.2 +/- 12.5 kJ/g digestible pectin was derived. Taking into consideration results from previous recorded experiments and the high standard deviation for estimation of the energetic feed value as deposition effect of digestible pectin, 5 kJ/g are proposed.  相似文献   

Total metabolism experiments with a basic ration were carried out over two measuring periods and with a basic ration plus supplements of raw sugar beets, steamed sugar beets, dried sugar beet pulp, sucrose and apple pectin resp. with 4 pigs per test group and 4 test groups (LW 40-135 kg). Live weight gain was approximately equal after the feeding of raw and steamed sugar beets. It amounted to 650 g/animal and day in the first experimental period and to 715 g in the second. After feeding dried sugar beet pulp as supplement the corresponding weight gain was 525 and 565 g/animal and day. In the course of the ontogenetic development up to a live weight of about 70 kg an increase of digestibility could be observed. Adaptation cannot be excluded. This question will be pursued in the following experiments, so that consequences for energetic feed evaluation have to be postponed. For both raw and steamed sugar beets the digestibility of the organic matter was 88%, of NFE 95% and of water soluble carbohydrates 95%.  相似文献   

The energetic utilization of rations with steamed potatoes (40 and 50% of DM of ration) was measured in 8 growing pigs, live weight 30-70 kg by means of respiration experimental techniques. The experiments were carried out using the difference method (3 periods feeding basal diet and 3 periods feeding basal diet plus potatoes). The digestibility of energy of the steamed potatoes amounted to 94%, that of organic substances 96% and that of crude protein 77%. The metabolizable energy amounted to 16.1 and the energy deposition to 12.0 MJ/kg DM of steamed potatoes, 74.5% utilization respectively. The results in growing pigs are very similar to the results in adult pigs.  相似文献   

For the purpose of studying nutrient digestion and absorption in the small intestine, pigs were provided with ileo-rectal anastomoses. The anaesthetic and operation method is described. X-ray examinations do not show a significant backflow of digesta into the from colon cranially open towards the anastomosis as well as a totally intact sphincter ani. With the help of additional doses of highly digestible, N-free nutrients rich in energy (starch + saccharose), the operated animals achieved a growth development corresponding to that of intact control animals. For the assessment of the physiologic state of the animals, the concentrations in the serum of the total protein, of albumin, urea, glucose, calcium, inorganic phosphorus and creatinine as well as the activities of aspartate amino transferase and alkaline phosphatase were determined. These showed for the respective criteria changes conditioned by age and dependent on feed intake. The fixing of the anastomoses did not result in disturbances of nutritional or organic damages. Histologic studies of the mucosa of stomach, duodenum and jejunum did not show pathologic changes. The weight of stomach, duodenum and jejunum, determined in 2 live weight ranges, is identical for operated and intact animals in relation to the weight of the empty body of the animals. The weight of ileum, caecum and colon of the operated animals is significantly lower, due to inactivity atrophy. The tissue amount available for the intake of a volume unit (weight-volume index) is nearly identical for operated and intact animals in the duodenum and the jejunum. The index functionally increasing for intact animals from the jejunum to the ileum (stenosis due to temporary digesta congestion in the ileum) remained the same with anastomosis animals for 29 or 26 weeks resp. after the operation. As a result of the biochemical and morphological studies it was shown that animals with an ileo-rectal anastomosis are suitable for the determination of nutrient digestibility at the end of the ileum.  相似文献   

25 rations with a wide variation of the content of various carbohydrates (crude fibre 36-185; water-soluble carbohydrates 25-306, starch 272-683 g/kg DM) were fed to male castrates (n = 8) of a live weight between 90 and 180 kg, and energy metabolism was measured. The rations were composed of a cereal basic ration and various feed-stuffs (potato starch-raw and soaked) potatoes (raw and steamed), sugar beet and products from it, maize pellets, dried roughage lucerne, clover, lupin, grass, rye straw meal) as supplements. The digestibility and metabolisability of the energy of the rations ranged between 88 and 62 or 86 and 60% resp. Between 2 and 4% of the consumed energy were lost in urine. The partial utilization of the metabolizable energy of the rations varied between 80% (processed supplement of potato starch) and 52% (supplement of rye straw). The rations with supplements of dried roughage were relatively well energetically utilized-between 63 and 70%. A regressively calculated difference of 17%-units was regressively calculated between the utilization of metabolizable energy of either precaecal or postileal origin.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism measurings of male castrates of a live weight between 90 and 180 kg after feeding rations with a wide variety in the content of various carbohydrates (crude fibre 36-185, water soluble carbohydrates 25-306, starch 272-683 g/kg DM) formed the experimental basis of the considerations. Energy retention depended significantly on the digestibility and metabolizability of the energy, on energy concentration and the crude fibre content of the rations. By means of multiple regression analyses the energetic effect of 1 g digested matter of the carbohydrate fraction was assessed as follows: 12.9 kJ for starch, 12.1 kJ for disaccharides, 11.5 kJ for the remaining water soluble carbohydrates and 10.4 kJ for bacterially fermentable carbohydrates (BFC). There was a difference between the energetic effective value of starch and BFC. This corresponds completely to the difference in the utilization of metabolizable energy between exclusively precaecal and postileal digestion. The following conclusions are drawn for the further development of the energetic feed evaluation for pigs in the framework of the GDR feed evaluation system: --There are to be differentiated fixed values for the retention of digestible carbohydrates for the fractions starch, water soluble carbohydrates (pectin) and bacterially fermentable carbohydrates. --The influence of the digestibility of the energy in the ration on the energetic retention effect of BFC is small. The integration of these variables into an estimation equation for the energetic feed value is therefore not necessary.  相似文献   

The supplement of nourseothricin (NT) to a rye diet did not have an influence on the precaecal and total apparent digestibility of the crude nutrients or the total digestibility of the amino acids (AA). NT produced significantly higher absorption of some AA in pigs with ileo-rectal anastomoses (IRA) which were orally supplied with electrolyte solution (ES). In general, IRA pigs showed the same results with regard to precaecal apparent AA absorption influenced by the AA pattern of endogenous protein as pigs with ileal cannulae. Functions in the large intestine seem to be important for the effect of NT supplements, as NT supplements to the diet of intact animals tendentially had a positive effect on N, Ca and P balances, IRA animals, however, showed a contrary effect. In comparison with the intracaecal infusion of ES, the oral supply of the IRA pigs resulted in higher N, Ca and P balances. The level of N utilization (N balance in % of the digested N) of the IRA pigs supplied orally was equally high as that of the intact animals (both groups without NT). As derives from literature and the available N, Ca and P balances--significantly influenced by ES supplements--an additional supplement of rations poor in crude fibres of 1 g Na/animal and day seems sufficient for covering the requirement of IRA pigs of a weight of 30...40 kg. After 18 days a P supply below the requirement resulted in a significantly reduced P level (inorganic) in the serum in both animal groups, with the level of the IRA pigs being significantly below that of the INT animals. For this reason, the P requirement of fattening pigs should be fully covered in experiments with IRA pigs. Although the IRA pigs supplied caecally with ES showed typical appearances of Na deficiency, their Na level in the serum did not differ from that of the other animals.  相似文献   

In digestion trials using pigs fitted with ileo-rectal anastomoses and intact pigs, the influence of two different grinding finenesses (coarse, fine) of vegetable high-protein concentrates (soya bean meal, field bean, lupin) added to cereal diets was examined. It was found that neither the precaecal nor the total nutrient absorption and digestibility were practically injured, when in the concentrates the particle sizes bigger than 2 mm did not amount more than 20% and whole grains hardly occurred. The investigations concerned the crude putrients, watersoluble carbohydrates and starch as well as the indispensable and dispensable amino acids. The apparent and true precaecal absorption values and total digestibility data for soya bean meal (heat treated), field bean (variety 'Fribo' and yellow sweet lupin (variety 'Bornova'--calculated by the different method--are given and discussed.  相似文献   

In order to guarantee an equally good development of ileorectostomized pigs (IRA) used for the determination of precaecal protein digestibility and the absorption of amino acids as for intact animals (INT), the supplementation of their rations with easily soluble carbohydrates and minerals is necessary. The effects of these supplements on live weight development, nitrogen balance and N utilization level were the subject of the assessment of 21 rations with 129 and 117 balance measuring resp. with growing IRA and INT pigs. Without any supplementation of the rations the N balances of the IRA pigs showed significantly lower and partly negative N balances and N utilization levels in comparison to the INT pigs. The combined supplement of easily soluble carbohydrates (100 g/kg DM intake) and 300 ... 400 ml electrolyte solution per day (approximately 1 ... 1.3 g additional Na) resulted in N balances almost equal to those of INT pigs. The supplement of both electrolyte solution and NaHCO3 (approximately 2 g Na per animal and day additionally) to a barley + lysine ration resulted in a significant increase of the N balance and N utilization in IRA pigs of a live weight between 120 and 140 kg in contrast to the control period. A supplement of carbohydrates to a ration consisting of barley + fish meal + grass meal and electrolyte supplements of 400 ml per animal and day only resulted in significantly higher N balances and N utilization levels in the live weight range up to 70 kg in comparison to the control periods, which then corresponded to those of INT pigs. There was no essential influence of carbohydrate supplementations on pigs of more than 70 kg live weight. The postileal digestibility of the crude carbohydrates (CC) of 14 rations calculated from the difference between total digestibility (faecal analysis) and precaecal digestibility (analysis of the ileal chyme of IRA pigs) showed that between 40 and 100 g (70 g on average) out of the 780 g CC per kg DM consumed disappear in the large intestine. These studies show that in the testing of concentrates and mixed feed rations the supplementation of 100 g easily soluble carbohydrates/kg DM intake should be sufficient to guarantee a normal development of IRA pigs. In addition, an oral supply of 1 to 2 g sodium in the form of electrolyte solution exceeding the requirement of INT pigs is necessary as this supplementation significantly improves the N retention of IRA pigs even heavier than 100 kg.  相似文献   

Pigs fitted with ileo-rectal anastomoses (IRA) and in parallel experiments intact (INT) pigs were used to estimate the influence of the different grinding fineness of barley and wheat (coarse, medium, fine) on the apparent and true precaecal and total digestibility resp. absorption of various N free and N containing nutrients, among them crude protein and the indispensable and dispensable amino acids. Coarse grinding (25 ... 50% of the particles greater than 2 mm) resulted in significantly lower digestibility values than medium and fine grinding--with more striking differences in barley than in wheat. Precaecally most nutrients and amino acids are distinctly less digestible than at the end of the total tract. The precaecal lysine absorption determined with IRA pigs is remarkably low. The results are discussed. In order to attain a good utilization of the protein contained in cereals grains should be ground in hammermills with maximal sieve meshes of 3 mm. It is proposed to tabulate crude protein and amino acids in future on the basis of a standardized true precaecal digestibility resp. absorption.  相似文献   

Parturition was induced to 23 sows on the 112th day of pregnancy by intramuscular injection of 7.5 mg PGF2 alpha (Dinoprost-Upjohn Co.). Onset of parturition was achieved within 27 hours and 52 minutes +/- four hours and 54 minutes in 21 animals (91.3 per cent). Average litter size was 11.33 piglets, with parturition time per litter having been five hours and 45 minutes +/- two hours and 39 minutes. Stillbirths accounted for 6.3 per cent. The average birth weight, 1.245 g +/- 264 g did not differ with significance from that of the controls. The physiological process accompanying parturition is described in greater detail. Unobstructed re-intergration with further reproduction of animals which had received PGF2 alpha treatment is established with hard evidence on the basis of clinical examination of oestrus, ovulation, conception, and farrowing rates as well as by histological examination of the endometrium. Alterations in the blood state recorded from animals with PGF2 alpha treatment close to full term were identical with those recorded from untreated animals.  相似文献   

NaOH treated (T) or untreated (UT) barley straws were supplemented either with protein (P) or with concentrates based on maize (M) or beet pulp (BP) at rates of 25 or 50% of the diet. Each of the 8 diets was fed to 8 sheep near ad libitum and near maintenance. Energy balances were determined by indirect calorimetry. Straw and feed intakes were doubled by the alkali treatment (P, BP25 and BP50 diets) or increased by 83% (M25 diet) and 63% (M50 diet). Near maintenance, energy digestibility (dE) and metabolizability (q) of the straw were improved by 36% and 40% respectively in the P diet and by 28% and 25% on average in the other diets. Ad libitum feeding reduced energy digestibility of treated straw by 11% and metabolizability by 5% on average in the BP25, BP50 and M25 diets; in the case of the M50 diet dE of the T straw was depressed by 30% and the beneficial effect of the alkali treatment was suppressed. The efficiency of metabolizable energy (ME) of the treated straw diets for maintenance was also raised by 9% (P diet) to 3% (M50 diet) and the corresponding net energy content of the treated straw was increased by 58 to 30%. ME efficiencies of the diets for fattening ranged from 44.0 to 52.8%. Energy retention of sheep was considerably increased by the alkali treatment of straw, whereas their maintenance requirement could not be met by the untreated straw diets supplemented with 25% concentrate.  相似文献   

Carbadox in combination with sulfamethazine did not interfere with the activity of sulfamethazine in clearing experimentally induced Bordetella bronchiseptica nasal infection. Evaluations in three field cases of infectious atrophic rhinitis indicated that carbadox in the feed was as effective as chlortetracycline + sulfamethazine + penicillin for improving growth rate and feed efficiency, as compared with nonmedicated controls, and in reducing the prevalence of lesions of infectious atrophic rhinitis.  相似文献   

In digestion trials using pigs fitted with ileo-rectal anastomoses and parallel intact pigs the influence of wheat straw meal (WSM) or grass meal (GM) supplemented on two different levels to a basal diet was examined with regard to nutrient and amino acid digestibility resp. absorption. Both roughages reduced, obviously because of their high cell wall contents, nearly at equal amounts and partly significantly the precaecal as well as the total digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, carbohydrates (= crude fibre + NFE), crude fibre and hemicelluloses (arabinose, xylose). By the roughage supplementations the crude protein digestibility at the terminal ileum was less reduced than at the end of the total digestive tract, the starch digestibility was hardly influenced and that of ether extract mostly increased. In comparison with precaecal glucose and fructose digestibilities it could be shown that the anthrone method is not suitable for determinations of the precaecal digestibility of water soluble carbohydrates. Beside these compounds other substances in the ileum digesta must evidently be dyed by anthrone too. The crude protein digestibility and the amino acid absorption were precaecally hardly or not reduced by WSM supplementations, therefore it can be concluded that it is possible to dilute the energy concentration in diets (e.g. for sows) by addition of WSM without impairing protein digestion and amino acid absorption. The GM supplementations, however, impaired protein digestibility and amino acid absorption of the whole diet, probably caused by the encrusted, possibly heat damaged protein present in the GM itself. When the roughage supplemented diets were fed, the excretion of nitrogen compounds in the faeces was enlarged due to the more intensive bacterial activity in the hind gut and the additional sorption effects to cell wall substances, so that a too low apparent and also true digestibility is made believe. The applicability of the difference method to the calculation of protein and amino acid digestibilities in roughages is very questionable because of their low contents and the missing additivity. The crude fibre and hemicellulose digestibility values calculated by the difference method demonstrate for the both roughages--in spite of high standard deviations--that the precaecal digestibility of crude fibre is about zero and that of the hard lignified hemicellulose fraction in contrast to the predominantly endospermic hemicelluloses of the basal diet is very low. The faecal crude fibre and hemicellulose digestibilities of WSM--especially on the lower supplementation levels--are markedly worse than those of GM.  相似文献   

Rations with energy parts of 50, 25 and 10% from barley, maize and potatoes were investigated comparatively by means of total metabolism experiments with oxen with a view to arriving at a more precise estimation equation of net energy fat for cattle. Parallel to the investigations with oxen the energy and nutrients digestibility of the rations in wethers was measured. The crude fibre content of the rations ranged from 166 to 271 g and the starch content from 69 to 330 g/kg DM. The daily starch intake of the oxen ranged from 575 to 2739 g on nutrition level (NL) 1.7 and from 365 to 1804 g on NL 1.1. The energy digestibility of the rations in oxen with energy parts of 50% barley, maize and potatoes was on average 73.5, 73.9 and 75.3%, of the rations with energy parts of 25% on average 72.2, 71.6 and 72.4% and of the rations with energy parts of 10% on average 68.8, 69.5 and 69.8%. The digestibility of energy and nutrients in cattle and sheep was in good agreement excepted crude protein and crude fat; these were digested 4-5%-units lower from cattle than from sheep. The increase of the nutrition level by one unit lowered the digestibility of rations with energy parts of 50 and 25% from concentrates in cattle about 3-6 units and of rations with energy parts of 10% from concentrates about one %-unit. Information about rumen physiological data is given comparatively between cattle and sheep.  相似文献   

Physiologically based statements on the effectivity of lysine, methionine/cystine and threonine of protein sources as well as on the requirement of these amino acids depending on performance were derived on the basis of a total of 568 N balance measurings at growing female fattening pigs in the live weight range between 30 and 50 kg (Liebert, 1986) with the application of the N utilization model by Gebhardt (1963) as well as of particular further developments by the linking of N utilization and the utilization of the respective limiting amino acid. By means of combining protein sources with known amino acid effectivity, the additivity principle for content values of effective amino acid in the feed protein (c.k) suggested as criteria was verified. On the whole, it could thus be proved that the suggested method can decisively contribute to the elaboration of a closed system of quality assessment and requirement assessment depending on performance as well as of supply covering requirements of growing pigs. The advantages in particular over the 'slope ratio' method are emphasized.  相似文献   

The amount of endogenous N in the chyme at the end of the small intestine and the amino acid composition of the ileum chyme were ascertained with growing pigs with ileorectostomy after feeding qualitatively differentiated protein sources. In dependence on the protein used, distinct differences turned out for some amino acids with regard to their content in the ileum chyme. Bacteriologic and histologic investigations subsequent to the dissection of the test animals showed that - in comparison to the control animals-the functions of the small intestine remained the same during the time of the experiment. The experiment method described appears to be suitable for absorption investigations up to the end of the small intestine of growing pigs.  相似文献   

The harvesting remains of sugar cane (crowns, leaves, sheaths, parts of stalks), which are rich in crude fibre, were investigated. The content of crude nutrients, their digestibility and the energy concentration of the harvesting remains largely correspond to the values of cereal straw. After the treatment with growing amounts of NaOH (0, 4, 6, 8, 10 g/ 100 g DM) a significantly increasing digestibility of the dry matter (31.9, 47.0, 56.1, 61.9, 67.6%) was ascertained in in-vitro experiments. In digestibility experiments with wethers an increased digestibility of the dry matter from 36.6 to 57.6% and of the energy from 39.3 to 56.2% after the treatment with 4 g NaOH/100 g DM could be ascertained in comparison with untreated harvesting remains. Energy concentration increased from 324 to 445 EFU cattle/kg DM and thus approached that of the hay of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), one of the most important fodder grasses of Cuba. After the feeding of harvesting remains treated with NaOH significant changes in the water and mineral metabolism could be ascertained.  相似文献   

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