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林业现代化离不开林业机械装备的现代化。林业机械装备作为衡量林业现代化水平的重要标志,对促进林业经济效益的发挥、解放劳动力、更大程度地发挥林业生态效益都有较大影响。文中分析了云南省国有林场林业机械装备的使用情况,及云南省国有林场在木材采伐、造林抚育、育苗、森林防火、采种(摘)、病虫害防治、生物多样性探测和生态价值评估、林政管理方面对机械装备的需求;指出林场在林业机械装备发展中面临的困境,主要包括缺乏林业机械装备发展的顶层设计、缺乏保障林场机械装备的基础设施、缺乏发展林业机械装备的项目和资金、缺乏适宜的林业机械装备、缺乏研发使用机械装备的人才和理念;在此基础上,提出云南省国有林场林业机械装备的发展策略,即完善顶层设计、加强林场基础设施建设、多渠道保障林场机械装备的资金、增强林业装备的有效供给、培养林业机械装备研究使用人才。  相似文献   

立足我国林业实际,提出我国林业项目主体和林主的概念,以及林业项目管理机制创新思路,针对林业项目和资金管理现状提出了改进措施,主要包括更新项目规划理念、改进项目规划设计,改革项目和资金管理制度,充分调动林主的积极性等,以期为林业工程项目的建设和资金管理提供帮助。  相似文献   

森林培育管理地理信息系统的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本项研究围绕森林培育的全过程,利用地理信息系统的空间信息管理和可视化特点,研制了造林设计系统、森林培育档案管理系统、退耕还林档案系统和“适地适树”的造林专家系统。系统丰富了吉林省东部地区造林典型设计,实现了档案管理、辅助设计等功能。  相似文献   

The current forest planning system of Japan has been in place since the formulation of the Forest Law back in 1897. During this time, although addressing specified forests as demonstrated in the system for protection forests, in a more general sense, the execution of the forest planning system has placed forestry management at the core. In other words, it has instead been forest administration delivered in a manner relevant to forestry management. This trend is exhibited in, for instance, policies for the reorganization of common forest, the forest management planning system, forest owners associations, the proceeds-sharing reforestation system, cooperative silviculture management, and valley forestry revitalization; which have all been implemented.In this paper I review the results of these practices and explore the contemporary forest owners pattern of behavior. I also discuss the passive attitudes among forest owners, especially in comparison with the attitudes prevalent during the postwar reforestation era, continuing up to the 1960s, and the current tendency towards neglect in the afforested areas, as well as the increasing number of forest owners giving up forestry practice.In the postwar era (up to the 1960s), forestry had been following an upward trend of development that motivated forest owners to afforest, as this was the optimal choice for increasing the familys stocks for future generations (in the manner of holding an asset), and thus a rapid expansion of plantation forests resulted. By the 1970s, when domestic wood supply became less than a half of all domestic wood demand (it is still declining now), forest owners gradually began to lose interest in reforestation and care of the forest as a method of increasing assets. The current share of domestic wood supply in total consumption has dropped to 20%, and the annual cut volume is only 23% of the annual volume increment.Forests are as much a public property as they are private and, moreover, represent a globally significant resource. Active stewardship, such as materializing internationally agreed notions of sustainable forest management, promoting forest certification systems, and complying with the Kyoto Protocol, are now important issues, both domestically and internationally.The paradoxical gap between current forestry trends and public aspirations for forests is widening with each year, thus creating a grave social problem. I have been focusing on forestry revitalization as the primary step towards the resolution of this issue. As the logical basis for executing this policy, I review the relations between forest resource policies and forestry policies.At the same time, by reviewing the forest planning system and its developmental process, I sought to investigate what new policies would fulfill the need to realize the public functions of forests while revitalizing forestry, form the point of view of forestry policies and their influence on the forest planning system. I have concluded that there is a case for separating forest management from forest ownership in units of forest compartments; namely to establish an incorporative management system by which forest owners can invest in their stands.  相似文献   

关于森林经理与社会林业有机结合的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要回顾了森林经理学科的发展历程。通过分析总结出传统森林经理学科存在的主要问题为:学科没有形成完整的理论体系,用机械的认识方法去认识研究动态复杂的森林生态系统,缺乏社区群众参与。概述了社会林业的产生过程并分析了社会林业的特点及在我国的适用性。提出了森林经理与社会林业有机结合的途经为:理论上的融合,用社会林业的方法进行森林经理的改革,用参与式方法改进森林经理方案的编制。  相似文献   

传统的林业遥感图像计算机分类方法,多作为目视判读的一种辅助手段,对数字图像数据本身进行分类。在这种分类过程中,各种辅助数据及林学家、图像判读员的经验和知识一直未能得到直接充分有效的利用。通过建立专家系统可将上述各种辅助数据和专家知识直接加入计算机分类的过程,以达到在一定程度上取代目视判读的目的。本文讨论了一个小型林业遥感图像分类专家系统的总体设计、数据库设计、信息综合、推理方法以及用此系统对一TM图像进行实际分类的初步结果。  相似文献   

结合森林资源规划设计调查内业处理,介绍ArcGIS地理信息数据库建立、矢量化编辑、小班数据输入、制图版面设计等方法和步骤,探索ArcGIS地理信息系统与其它制图软件的相互转换方法,为推广ArcGIS地理信息系统在林业专题图制作中的应用,展望现代数字林业模式与前景。  相似文献   

结合抚顺县森林资源经营状况,采用目标法和专家咨询法构建其森林可持续经营评价标准指标体系,运用层次分析法(APH)对其进行可持续性经营评价分析。结果为:森林可持续经营综合评价指数为0.814,处于中等偏强的可持续经营状态。  相似文献   

中国杨树良种选育成就及发展对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
概述了中国50多年来杨树良种选育研究进展及取得的成就。介绍了当前杨树良种推广应用的现状、存在的问题及需求。针对我国林业及木材产品的近期需求实际情况,特别是杨木在纸浆和人造板加工中的适宜性,以及我国气候型复杂多样,原生杨树物种资源居世界之首等现实,提出了我国杨树育种发展对策。  相似文献   

关于发展人工林与建立人工林业问题探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
王豁然 《林业科学》2000,36(3):111-117
全世界森林面积为 34 5 4× 1 0 8hm2 ,其中 3%是人工林。人工林是重要的森林生态系统 ,在木材生产、环境保护和景观建设中具有重要功能和作用。人工林在生产功能方面的补偿作用 ,使天然林可以更好地发挥生态环境价值、森林娱乐和生物多样性保护功能。人工林可持续经营的前提是遗传材料的正确选择与营林实践艺术的结合以及保证这种结合的林业政策。愈来愈多地使用外来树种营建人工林是全球趋势。人工林对于环境和生物多样性的影响 ,可以通过合理的规划和经营措施得到解决。林木育种与遗传改良和经营制度的技术创新是不断提高人工林生态系统生产力的动力。人工林的可持续经营是一个十分复杂的问题 ,中国人工林实现可持续经营面临技术和体制两方面的挑战 ,但是 ,根本出路在于林业经济体制的改革 ,象农业那样 ,在市场经济环境中实行人工林产业化经营 ,建立人工林业 (Forestplantationindustry)。  相似文献   

当代世界林业发展总趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要就世界森林资源消长,林业发展战略,森林工业政策,林业科技,科研教育等发展趋势进行了论述,为研究和制定我国林业发展战略和长远规划提供科学依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

为适应我国山地丘陵多、坡度陡和绞盘机作业强度大、维护不便等特点,提升绞盘机的操作性和转运能力,设计了一种无卷筒离合器的轻型绞盘机,阐述了绞盘机总体布置方案和工作原理,设计了采用齿轮传动的新型选筒机构,取代传统绞盘机的卷筒离合器,传动可靠,制造工艺简单,对选筒机构的花键轴和齿轮进行了强度校核,并对绞盘机传动系统的主要零部件进行了选型与设计,利用Matlab对绞盘机卷筒进行了轻量化优化设计,利用Solidworks进行了卷筒三维建模和有限元分析。结果表明,优化后的卷筒强度满足要求。该绞盘机采用新型的选筒机构,结构紧凑,安全可靠,整机轻量化程度高,便于运输,操作简便,可以有效提升绞盘机的工作效率。  相似文献   

林业调查设计管理系统是依据东北、内蒙古国有重点林区采伐更新作业调查设计规程和黑龙江省森工生产单位的具体实施情况,采用VisualFoxPro数据库管理语言设计而成,其功能是完成伐区调查设计外业数据处理、内业计算和设计表打印。达到规范资源管理,控制源头消耗的目的。  相似文献   


Forestry is a large field with a long history and extensive contents consisting of practical recommendations arrived at by trial and error. In contrast, the science of forestry is a new development relying on reasoning to produce the optimal system of forest management aimed at satisfying human needs and preserving nature at the same time (though not at the same place). The presented overview of this science consists of two parts. The first one develops a theory of tree growth and stand dynamics. The second part applies this theory to optimize forest management and suggest practical recommendations.

What unites these two parts is a general method of inquiry. It starts with defining one problem, designs two opposing explanations, and then fuses them into a single solution. Hence, the name: the 1–2–1 method. Unlike material variables of process-based models, the explanations employed by the method are abstractions that outline the boundaries embracing all possible solutions. Each explanation in its turn may be subdivided into two opposites until a solution is reached by bringing the opposites together. The 1–2–1 method accounts for any number of variables by arranging them hierarchically into paired groups.

Why exactly two explanations? Because each complex problem has two opposite sides, waiting to be uncovered. We may never know how many factors determine tree growth, yet there is one thing as certain as any mathematical proposition: All these factors are of two kinds—those that facilitate growth and those that restrain it. A factor that does neither is not really a factor. The basic positive process of tree growth is uninhibited cell division. Negative processes include, among others, aging and impediments associated with increasing tree size. When these and several other processes are expressed analytically, we get a meaningful and accurate model of tree growth comprising three pairs of opposites arranged in two levels. The model generalizes empirical equations developed in forestry and exposes biological mechanisms that justify the structure of the equations and explain their success.

The resulting growth model describes density-independent growth. The complementary process of competition has inter- and intraspecific components. It is shown that to maximize forest productivity interspecific competition has to be minimized while the intraspecific kind optimized. Uniting the growth model with that describing the effect of intraspecific competition produces the growth-density model that solves many questions of forest management. In particular, the model helps to reconcile two main goals of management: (a) maximizing the financial returns from wood products, and (b) preserving forests with all their biodiversity and invaluable ecosystem services. Still, the thrust of this review is not another growth model or management system. The main point is an attempt to make forestry a science by consistent reasoning from first principles such as discreteness of plant biomass, the inverse relationship between average size and number of trees, and the conflict between the biotic potential and environmental resistance.  相似文献   

未来林业的发展方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于森林功能的多样性和不同程度的不相容性,以及林地的自然、经济潜力的差异性,致使对如何利用森林和未来林业的发展方向进行研究成为重要的课题。根据美国"未来资源研究所"的研究,现代林业的集约经营与现代农业有着一定的相似之处。世界的森林将朝着各种功能不同的专用森林方向发展,而不是走向统一的、多向利用的林业。在主导利用的经营体制下,一端是提供环境和游憩的自然保护森林,另一端是提供木材的集约人工林,在这两极之间将存在提供多种产出的森林。  相似文献   

对松滋17种高效林业经营模式采用系统聚类分析方法,建立组—类型两级分类系统,确立集约经营(经济林型)、速生丰产林、农用林业、庭园林业经济4种经营类型,并对综合效益指标值作相关分析,为林业生产经营细分类提供理论依据。  相似文献   

对中国林业可持续发展问题的基本认识   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
林业是环境再生产的主导产业。林业可持续发展,关键在于规范和调整林业部门的经营、管理行为。而森林的可持续经营强调通过对森林生态系统的有效经营管理。为社会经济发展提供多种物质产品和环境服务功能。中国林业发展面临着:巨大的人口压力、经济运行体制和变革、现行林业政策体系不健全,以及土地资源相对不足、水资源总量少、生态环境形势依然严峻的现实。林业发展目标取向的现实差异,要求政府建立起活当的协调机制,在保障森林经营者、部门,乃至全体公民合法权益的基础上,实现林业可持续发展社会、经济、生态环境目标的协调。关于林业可持续发展实践,一是要明显特定区域对林业的需求结构和自然基础;二是建立相应的社会、经济、生态环境目标和森林目标;三是构筑起配套的技术体系;四是完美政策保障体系。中国自然资源结构、地理特征和社会经济发展进程中,对于林产  相似文献   

立足当前生态文明建设和林业发展,文中从产业结构转型、劳动力就业结构转型和生态环境建设3方面构建我国南方集体林区林业经济转型指标体系,基于2000—2019年面板数据,运用熵值法测算林业经济转型水平,采用固定效应模型实证探究促进林业经济转型的驱动因素。结果显示:1)南方集体林区林业经济转型水平总体呈上升趋势,转型平均水平从2000年的0.51升至2019年的0.90,林业产业结构和劳动力就业结构趋向合理化转变;2)影响南方集体林区林业经济转型的主要为林业投资、技术水平、森林资源和林业系统工资水平的积极驱动作用,以及林权制度改革的政策冲击和城镇水平提高所产生的一定阻碍作用;3)不同水平下林业经济转型的主要驱动因素存在差异,转型水平较低阶段主要受技术水平、森林资源、人才资源、经济水平、城镇水平和工资水平影响,转型水平较高阶段主要受制度创新、林业投资、森林资源和工资水平影响。森林资源的丰富程度对各方面均会产生影响,森林资源较少地区林业经济转型受制度创新和技术水平影响显著,森林资源较多地区则受技术水平、森林资源、城镇水平和工资水平影响显著。结合南方集体林区林业经济转型发展的现状及实证分析结果,提出应进一步完善林业改革制度配套措施、加快发展第三产业、拓宽资金渠道、提高林业劳动力供给质量等有利于推动林区林业经济转型的对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济建设的飞速发展,越来越多的工程建设项目涉及占用林地。在不可避免地造成林地、林木资源损失的同时,工程施工全过程也对项目区的环境和林业建设造成了不同程度的影响。特别是原油管道类建设项目,因其线路长、施工周期长、大型机械运用多,又存在原油泄露的安全隐患,因此,原油管道类建设项目占用林地的行为倍受关注。以国家林业局调查规划设计院负责承担完成的"中俄原油管道(漠河—大庆段)工程使用林地可行性研究"项目为例,分析该项目在使用林地过程中对项目区环境和林业建设的各种影响,并提出相应的对策和建议,以期对其它类似的建设项目提供借鉴,为各级林业行政主管部门履行林地许可行为提供参考。  相似文献   

林草机械现代化是林草业实现高质量发展的重要途径。系统掌握林草机械业发展现状,针对其存在问题提出政策建议具有重要意义。文中以565位林草业专家学者作为调研对象,采用李克特5级量表设计问卷,基于调研结果开展定性与定量分析。结果表明:我国林草机械业总体发展水平评价得分均处于中等偏下水平,各类细分产品评价得分也多数处于中等及中下水平。其成因在于行业特性、企业自身问题、政策支持不足等因素,其中缺乏专业人才队伍支持、缺乏社会资本关注、名优企业品牌建设力度与政策支持不足等因素的分值较高。针对上述问题提出加大行业投入力度、完善林草机械企业生产体系、完善林草机械业科技研发体系、完善林草机械业应用及推广体系等建议。  相似文献   

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