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Agroforestry is one of the most sustainable land management systems practiced around the world due to the socioeconomic benefits that it brings to farmers. In Bangladesh, farmers practice agroforestry, applying indigenous knowledge. The present study was designed to identify the present status, management practices and its role in improving the livelihoods of farmers in northern Bangladesh. Data for the study were collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. A total of 29 tree and 38 agricultural crop species were planted by the102 farmers interviewed. Mangifera indica (relative prevalence 49%) is the most predominant species, followed by Eucalyptus camaldulensis (relative prevalence 35.4%). Farmers of northern Bangladesh plant trees in cropland for fruits (90%), fuel wood (87%) and timber production (79%). Fruit trees were planted with wider spacing while forest and fuel wood species were planted with narrower spacing. Farmer’s livelihoods improved enormously by practicing agroforestry as they have more access to food, fodder and fuel wood which is reflected by greater access to livelihood capitals (except social capital). However, farmers have experienced increased incidences of pests and diseases to the annual crops and trees. Agroforestry practices increases species diversity, ensure economic return and sustain farmer’s livelihoods.  相似文献   

The role of different agroforestry systems in the conservation of plant diversity and forest structure has not been directly compared in many agricultural dominated landscapes. In this study, we investigated tree diversity and forest structure in a complex agroforestry landscape traditionally grown for cocoa and mixed food crops and compared these to the natural forest in southeastern Ghana. The study was carried out using 36 25 m × 25 m plots. There was significant difference [95% Confidence Interval (95% CI)] in the native forest/non-crop tree species richness between the natural forest and the agroforest farmlands but species richness was similar between the cocoa and mixed food crops agroforests. The density of native forest/non-crop trees was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the natural forest but similar between cocoa and mixed food crops agroforest. Similarly, the basal area of native forest/non-crop trees was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the natural forest but comparable between cocoa and food crops agroforest. Of the 20 most abundant native forest/non-crop trees recorded, 12 of them showed significant responses (P < 0.05) to land use change with nine of the species significantly abundant in the natural forest relative to the agroforest systems. Eighteen native forest/non-crop trees species in the agroforestry systems were commonly recorded as being used; 100% of them being used as fuel wood with 83.3 and 77.8%, respectively, used as medicines and materials. The findings of this study suggests that although complex agroforestry systems are a poor substitute for the natural forest the heterogeneous mosaic landscape in which complex agroforestry forms part can be strategically managed to maximize the benefits of both sustainable agriculture production and conservation of plant diversity by acting as buffer between protected areas and intensively managed areas.  相似文献   

Research was conducted in Alutilla Valley in eastern Bangladesh to identify the nature of existing agroforestry systems and to identify potential agroforestry models that could ameliorate currently degrading forest resources Data were collected through farmer participatory research and a structured quarterly survey in two villages. Qualitative and supplementary quantitative analysis methods were used to assess the financial potential of agroforestry systems. Various patterns of agroforestry exist in the study site, but all have two common principles, namely ‘integration with agriculture’ and ‘multi-functionality’. Two agroforestry models suitable for adoption by farmers have been identified. Multi-strata agroforestry, based on a fruit and timber tree canopy with vegetables and tuber species in the understorey, can be practiced in the shifting cultivation fields near settlements. Fruit and timber tree-based conservation agroforestry is well suited to manage large-scale biologically depleted landscapes. Both systems yield early financial returns, facilitating the change from shifting cultivation to multi-strata agroforestry or fruit and tree-based conservation agroforestry.  相似文献   

Most studies undertaken in the field of agroforestry have focussed on system design, soil fertility management, and system interactions. Less emphasis has been placed on biodiversity aspects. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of indigenous, multistrata agroforests for maintaining native woody species diversity in the south-eastern Rift Valley escarpment, Ethiopia. A total of 60 farms, representing three agroforest types (enset-AF, enset-coffee-AF and fruit-coffee-AF), were randomly selected along altitudinal gradients. Enset (Ensete ventricosum) is a perennial, herbaceous monocarpic banana-like plant which serves as a food plant in Ethiopia. The three agroforests are results of the domestication of natural forests and intensification of the landuse systems centuries ago. Sample-based assessment protocols were employed to place sample quadrats and to measure all individuals in the quadrats. A total of 58 woody species, belonging to 49 genera and 30 families, was recorded. Of all woody species identified, 86% were native. The highest proportion of native woody species was recorded in enset-AF (92%), followed by enset-coffee-AF (89%) and fruit-coffee-AF (82%). Among native tree species, Millettia ferruginea and Cordia africana were the most widespread. In all, 22 native woody species were recorded as of interest for conservation, acccording to IUCN Red lists and local criteria. Among them, Pygeum africanum and Rhus glutinosa were categorised as vulnerable in the wild, and in need of conservation priority. The introduction of non-native fruit trees in agroforests can be a threat to maintenance of native woody species. Management strategies favoring enset and coffee will also put other native tree species at risk. A smaller number of native woody species was recorded in fruit-coffee-AF, but a higher mean basal area and stem number. The mean basal area and stem number ranged from 5.4?±?0.5 to 11.7?±?1.0?m2?ha?1 and 625?±?84 to 1,505?±?142 stems?ha?1, respectively. Altitude explained 68 and 71% of the variation in species richness and abundance, respectively. Finally, it is concluded that recognition of the indigenous agroforestry system as an option for maintaining native woody species should be given more attention, to counteract the local threat of these species from the wild.  相似文献   

Plant-soil-water relations of a silvopastoral system composed of a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) timber crop, subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) as a nitrogen-fixing forage, and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) as a forage crop were investigated near Corvallis, Oregon, during 1983–1986. Treatments included all possible combinations of two tree-planting patterns (trees planted 2.4 m apart in a grid, and groups of five trees spaced 7.6 m between clusters) and two grazing/understory management systems (agroforests were seeded to subclover and grazed by sheep; forests were unseeded and ungrazed).Mean twig xylem water potential (XWP) for Douglas-fir trees ranged from –0.3 to –1.5 MPa on forest plots and from –0.3 to –1.2 MPa on agroforest sites. Pre-dawn and sunset XWP were more negative for forest than for agroforest plots during dry summer periods. Midday XWP was similar for both agroforest and forest plots on all dates. Soil water content at 50–100 cm depth was greater under agroforest plots as compared to forest plots in 1984, but not in 1985 (unusually dry spring). Average foliage nitrogen content of tree needles was 1.54% vs. 1.43% for agroforests vs. forests, respectively.Our data are consistent with the hypotheses that: (1) grazing of understory vegetation may reduce water stress of trees during dry periods by reducing transpirational water use by the forage plants; and (2) nitrogen-fixing vegetation combined with grazing increases nitrogen uptake of associated trees. However, neither mean foliar N nor average XWP differences experienced by trees in agroforest versus forest plantations were sufficient to have an effect on tree growth. Our data demonstrate that it is possible to produce a second crop (i.e. forage grazed by sheep) in timber plantations without reducing the growth of the main tree crop.Submitted as Oregon Agrocultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 10109.  相似文献   

This study explores the diversity in sensitivity to drought of moist tropical forest tree species. Yearly tree growth records collected over a ten-year period in two one-hectare 70-year-old damar agroforest plots in Sumatra are analysed. These agroforests are mixed tree plantations, dominated by Shorea javanica K. & V., a dipterocarp tree cultivated and tapped for its commercially valuable resin (damar). Many indigenous fruit tree species grow in these agroforests, as well as timber tree species originating from the nearby natural forest. During the census period the multi-species stands were subjected to three El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)-related droughts (1994, 1997 and 2002). At the tree community level, these droughts were associated with a marked decrease in radial stem growth. Multilevel modelling was used to explore the relative contribution of species, tree size and individual tree characteristics to the observed response to drought.All tree species appeared to be sensitive to drought but the amplitude of the response varied significantly across species. Predicted species mean decrease in stem radial growth rate on drought years (i.e. years with 6 months with less than 50 mm/month rainfall) ranged from less than 5% to more than 80%. Shared species were ranked consistently between plots indicating that the results were robust. Stem diameter significantly affected tree sensitivity to drought in two species only, but in opposite ways: in S. javanica, larger trees appeared to be less sensitive while the opposite was true for Lansium domesticum, an abundant fruit tree. Individual tree sensitivity to drought contributed significantly albeit to a small extent to the overall response to drought. This individual tree effect did not show any pattern of spatial correlation and hence could not be related to topographic features. It is likely to reflect the individual's unique history and genotype.  相似文献   

Concerns about sustainable management and conservation of multipurpose trees in their habitat have led to increased number of studies on the ecological characterization of their population. Such knowledge on Faidherbia albida, the most used tree in agroforestry parklands in Ethiopia, is limited. F. albida population was characterized in and compared between two agroforests having different conservation status in Northern Ethiopia. Population structural parameters along with environmental factors and human activities were assessed in 42 randomly installed plots using a transect method. Size class distribution was used to describe and analyze the species long-term population dynamics. Adult density was almost three times higher in Zongi agroforest (19.9 ± 2.9 trees ha?1) where the species has been conserved and managed for longer time compared to Abraha-atsbeha agroforest (7.9 ± 2.5 trees ha?1). The same trend was observed for tree morphological parameters which were significantly higher at Zongi than Abraha-atsbeha. However, size class distributions coefficient of skewness and the median diameter indicated a declining and vulnerable population at Zongi and an increasing population at Abraha-atsbeha. Species population characteristics were influenced by environmental factors such as altitude, stone cover, erosion severity, slope, and human-related disturbances including land use, fodder harvesting, distance away from the center of the village and proximity of household to the plots. The study confirms the impact of conservation, environmental factors and human disturbances on shaping F. albida population and recommends the consideration of the trade-offs between them to design effective conservation and management strategies to sustain F. albida agroforests.  相似文献   

Resource sharing between tree and forage plant components in silvopastoral systems includes a complex set of facilitative and competitive interactions. To the extent that facilitation exceeds competition, agroforests are expected to outyield monocultures of their components. Pasture and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) tree production of young agroforests was compared to pasture and forest monocultures under both grid and cluster patterns of tree planting near Corvallis, Oregon, USA, during 1983–1987. The height and diameter growth of forest and agroforest trees was similar, regardless of tree planting pattern. Five-year average annual forage production was 6500, 5800, and 2800 kg ha–1 on pasture, agroforest, and forest plots, respectively. The total cumulative 1982–1987 above-ground phytomass yield of forage plus trees was similar for pasture and conventional grid forest monocultures. The total productivity of agroforests, however, was over 30% greater than either pasture or forest components grown in monoculture. Approximately 1.6 ha (0.96 ha forest + 0.64 ha pasture) of monocultures would be needed to equal the productivity of 1 ha of agroforest.Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 10, 825.  相似文献   

The cultivation of different plants around homesteads for subsistence and cash income has been a long tradition in Bangladesh. This study explores stand structure, composition, and biodiversity within the homestead agroforests of the drought-prone, northwestern region of Bangladesh. In 96 randomly selected homesteads within 3 study villages, we identified 56 tree species. Among those, Mangifera indica (mango) was the most popular fruit bearing species. Four non-parametric diversity indices were derived to provide a characterization of biodiversity. The Sørenson similarity index was also used to compare the similarity of species among different landholding size classes. The overall Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index and Pielou's evenness index values were 1.82 and 0.45, respectively. This study confirms that the farmers had strong preference for fruit species over timber yielding ones, and because of better growth performance natives were preferred over exotics.  相似文献   

Most umbrella pine (Pinus pinea L.) stands are managed as agroforestry systems, whose main production is fruit, due to the edible and highly nutritious kernels, and are frequently associated to natural or seeded pastures and grazing. The stands have low density, in order to enhance crown growth and fruit production. Nevertheless, cone production, both with regard to number and weight, varies greatly between stands, trees and years. In this study were selected three agroforestry systems, representative of umbrella pine stands whose main production is fruit, and one stand representative of the timber production system, where fruit is the secondary production. It was evaluated the variability in cone production as a function of the tree’s diameter at breast height and crown diameter and the individual tree’s competition status. The results indicate that stands managed in agroforestry systems with lower competition and individuals with larger diameter at breast height and crown diameter tend to produce more and heavier cones per tree. The first two principal components of the principal component analysis explain 84 % of the variance in cone production, trees’ dimensions and competition index. Tree competition status has a negative impact on production per tree.  相似文献   

The shortened fallow period in traditional slash and burn agriculture of the Maya of Quintana Roo, Mexico, has reduced soil fertility, crop yields, biodiversity, and mature forest vegetation. Studies have shown that agroforests that mimic local ecosystem processes can be used to provide for the farmers' well-being while protecting and preserving forest resources and biodiversity. The objective of this investigation was to identify, describe, and evaluate Mayan crop plants that could be used as analog species in agroforest design. We used participant observation, interviews with farmers, and field measurements to collect information on the social, agricultural, and ecological aspects of the plants. We identified five horizontal and one vertical strata in mature homegardens: the herbaceous stratum, the low shrub stratum, the tall shrub stratum, the fruit tree stratum, the timber tree stratum, and the viny stratum. We categorized 77 forbes, shrubs, and vines identified for their temporal and spatial placement in an agroforest. The plants evaluated can be placed in one of the four developmental stages of an agroforest: the herbaceous stage, and the shrub stage, the fruit tree stage, and the timber tree stage. By using the identified plants and the analog hypothesis, we can design an agroecological system that provides for the farmers' needs, and efficiently utilizes the resources on-site for the production of food, timber, medicinal plants, and nontimber products in a manner that protects the natural resource base of the region. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a valuable tree species Uganda and elsewhere in semi-arid Africa—for fruit, timber, leaves and shade—but like other indigenous species has been subject to decline in recent years. The success of steps to assist natural regeneration and rehabilitation will depend on the net financial benefits to the rural households, hence there is a need for improved financial information on the costs and returns of growing tamarind trees. This paper compares the financial performance of T. indica production in the open woodland and cropland areas in Uganda. Household surveys were carried out in Kamuli and Kaliro districts in eastern Uganda from July 2004 to February 2005. The estimated mean production of T. indica was 127 and 84 kg/ha/year from open woodland and cropland areas, respectively, a statistically significant difference. The net present value from T. indica products was US$ 893/ha in woodland and US$ 684/ha in cropland. In terms of foreign export earnings, T. indica juice from woodland and cropland was estimated to generate US$ 0.03/ha and US$ 0.02/ha, respectively. Returns from alternative land-use activities of agricultural cropping were highest for maize and lowest for finger millet in both open woodland and cropland sites. Sensitivity analysis revealed that an increase in the real discount rate from 9.86% (base case) to 15% decreases the financial NPVs of both the open woodland and cropland areas by 24%.  相似文献   

The Homestead agroforestry system is very important in the economy of Bangladesh. The many woody species grown in the homesteads are a significant source of fuelwood; they also provide fodder, building materials and other forms of wood. In the context of the prevailing shortage of fuelwood and excessive deforestation in Bangladesh, this homestead agroforestry system needs to be strengthened. A field survey was undertaken to assess the prospects and feasibility of initiating a programme for the improvement of homestead agroforestry systems. It showed that the prospects for improving homestead agroforestry systems are good because most respondents own their homesteads and believe there is room for more trees on them. Although they know that raising trees is relatively difficult and requires special practices, they are familiar with the government nurseries and local agricultural extension officers, and are confident about the success of the programme. Results also indicate that multipurpose trees and specific modules for involving women in the farm operations are likely to enhance success of the programme.  相似文献   

H.Tynsong  B.K.Tiwari 《林业研究》2010,21(3):281-286
在南梅加拉亚邦摈榔复合农林生态系统内,农民种有多种具有重要经济价值的植物。调查了摈榔复合农林生态系统内植物组成情况,共发现160种植物,其中木本植物83种,灌木22种,草本41种,攀缘植物14种。研究表明,摈榔复合农林生态系统为当地农民带来了经济收入,提供医药、木材、燃材和食用品以及外售。这些复合农林生态系统有利于保护重要经济价值的植物物种、保持生物多样性,并在结构组成和生态经济功能上模拟自然森林。  相似文献   

An agroforestry and soil conservation needs assessment survey conducted in southern Zambia revealed valuable insight into needs, constraints and development options as perceived by smallholders themselves. Inadequate efforts to conserve soil are due to technical and socio-economic factors, they do not result from a lack of awareness of the widespread erosion threat. Fruit tree planting, windbreak establishment as well as the protection of the natural Faidherbia albida regeneration in cropland are popular agroforestry interventions whose positive effects are widely acknowledged. Forty-two perennial species were found to directly contribute to people's diet. Although local fuelwood and fodder shortages as well as the need for fencing are recognized only few respondents envisage agroforestry solutions such as fuelwood and fodder tree planting or live fencing. Most smallholders are interested in tree planting but have so far only planted few trees. Those planted are usually exotic fruit trees. Drought hardly, termite and browse resistant perennials adapted to smallholder tree planting must be provided by the extension services. The widespread exclusion of women from decision making and the lack of tenure security hampers female participation in agroforestry development and consequently threatens sustainable development altogether.  相似文献   

Livestock may provide important service and production functions in agroforestry systems. However, use of livestock in conifer/improved pasture agrosilvopastoral systems is currently limited by concerns about potential damage to trees by livestock. Effects of sheep grazing on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees in two patterns of sheep/pasture/conifer agroforest (cluster and grid plantations) were studied from 4 years after planting (1983) until the first precommercial thinning at age 10 years (1988). Trees averaged over 1 m in height when grazing began in summer 1983. Some browsing of tree lateral branches by sheep occurred regardless of grazing season in 1983–1985. However, the 2 to 10% of current year's lateral branch growth removed by grazing sheep was too low to impact tree growth. Sheep removed the terminal leaders from only 3 to 9% of trees each year during 1983–1985. Most browsing of terminals occurred in the summer when other forages had become mature and were relatively unpalatable to sheep. Less than 13% of agroforest trees were debarked by sheep each year during 1983–1987. By the end of grazing in 1987, less than 8% of agroforest trees had sustained a level of debarking likely to impact future growth (>50% of tree circumference debarked). Grazing had no discernible effect upon tree diameter or height in any year (P > 0.05). Total tree mortality attributable to sheep grazing during 1983–1987 was only 0.9%, including three trees girdled by sheep and two debarked trees which were subsequently attacked by insects. Overall, grazing had no detrimental impact on timber stand growth or mortality.Submitted as Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 9628.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the cultural and financial management techniques of betel leaf based agroforestry system practiced in or near homegardens of Khasia community in Jaintapur Upazila in the district of Sylhet, Bangladesh. The Khasia is an educated community where 100% of Khasia people were literate, a stunning fact for this ethnic community in Bangladesh. The average family size in the study area was 7.68, with a ration of male and females of 141:100. The homegardens of the Khasia are rich in species composition, which 15 timber species, 22 horticultural species, six medicinal species, 13 annual crops including leafy vegetables, seven species of spices and five species of bamboo were identified along with betel leaf. The Khasia is an economically prosperous community with the minimum family incomes of Tk 4000 per month (Tk. 70=1 US Dollar). Betel leaf based agroforestry is very common being a prevalent source of income. About 95.45% of the households are involved in betel leaf husbandry. The mean annual income from one hectare of betel leaf plantation was estimated to be Tk. 80979. This practice was proven to be a profitable business where the benefit cost ratio was calculated to be 4.47. Moreover, the species composition in the betel leaf plantation area (the forest area once utilized by Khasia for shifting cultivation) was found to be very promising to play the significant role in conservation of biological diversity making the practice a sustainable agroforestry system.  相似文献   

A homestead is an integrated production system where trees, crops, livestock and poultry are found in and around the household residence in Bangladesh. It is a potential production unit that provides various product, service and ecological functions. Almost all people in Bangladesh including landless households have homesteads in which they grow trees and crops even in a small piece of land. This study characterizes the species composition, diversity and productivity of the homestead production system in the Teknaf peninsula, southeastern Bangladesh. Survey data collection was from a total of 180 homesteads covering five household categories: large, medium, small, marginal and landless. Vegetable, fruit, timber, and livestock and poultry were common components in the homestead production system. Various types of plants were mainly concentrated in back yards, front yards, boundaries and corners of homesteads. The mean number of tree species per homestead was about 15. In total, 189 tree and shrub species were recorded, and were distinctly high and low in the large (363.7) and landless (55.7) household categories. Species composition, diversity and productivity of homesteads were found to be related to household categories. Richness and diversity of tree and shrub species increased with household size. Betel nut was the dominant tree species followed by mango, jackfruit and coconut. Annual income from homesteads also varied among the household categories, with a mean contribution of the homestead to annual income of about 25 %. A large portion of homestead income came from betel nut trees. There is scope to increase species diversity and income by designing homesteads with the engagement of women and other family members.  相似文献   

Tree removal in Latin American coffee agroforestry systems has been widespread due to complex and interacting factors that include fluctuating international markets, government-supported agricultural policies, and climate change. Despite shade tree removal and land conversion risks, there is currently no widespread policy incentive encouraging the maintenance of shade trees for the benefit of carbon sequestration. In facilitation of such incentives, an understanding of the capacity of coffee agroforests to store carbon relative to tropical forests must be developed. Drawing on ecological inventories conducted in 2007 and 2010 in the Lake Atitlán region of Guatemala, this research examines the carbon pools of smallholder coffee agroforests (CAFs) as they compare to a mixed dry forest (MDF) system. Data from 61 plots, covering a total area of 2.24 ha, was used to assess the aboveground, coarse root, and soil carbon reservoirs of the two land-use systems. Results of this research demonstrate the total carbon stocks of CAFs to range from 74.0 to 259.0 Megagrams (Mg)?C ha?1 with a mean of 127.6?±?6.6 (SE)?Mg?C ha?1. The average carbon stocks of CAFs was significantly lower than estimated for the MDF (198.7?±?32.1?Mg?C?ha?1); however, individual tree and soil pools were not significantly different suggesting that agroforest shade trees play an important role in facilitating carbon sequestration and soil conservation. This research demonstrates the need for conservation-based initiatives which recognize the carbon sequestration benefits of coffee agroforests alongside natural forest systems.  相似文献   

Uptake and management of agroforestry technologies differs among farms in Rwanda and needs to be documented as a basis for shaping future research and development programs. The objective of this study was to investigate current agroforestry practices, farmers’ preferences, tree management and perspectives for agroforestry technologies. The study consisted of a combination of a formal survey, a participatory tree testing, farmer evaluation and focus group discussions in the Central Plateau (moderate altitude) and the Buberuka (high altitude) agro-ecological zones. A survey and a tree testing exercise with a range of species: (timber species—Eucalyptus urophyla, Grevillea robusta; legume shrubs - Calliandra calothyrsus, Tephrosia vogelii; and fruit species—Persea americana and Citrus sinensis) were carried out in Simbi (Central Plateau) and Kageyo (Buberuka) with farmers from different wealth status who received tree seedlings for planting, managing, and evaluating. Simbi had more tree species farm?1 (4.5) than Kageyo (2.9). Fruit trees occurred most frequently in Simbi. Grevillea robusta, Calliandra calothyrsus and Tephrosia vogelii were mostly established along contours, fruit trees in homefields and Eucalyptus urophyla trees in woodlots. Survival was better on contours for Grevillea robusta (58–100 %) and Calliandra calothyrsus (50–72 %). Tree growth was strongly correlated with the total tree lop biomass in Eucalyptus urophyla (R 2 = 0.69). Grevillea robusta was most preferred in Simbi and Eucalyptus urophyla and Calliandra calothyrsus in Kageyo. The study provided information useful for revising the national agroforestry research and extension agenda and has important implications for other countries in the highlands of Africa.  相似文献   

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