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决定母猪窝产仔数的其中一个主要因素是产前死亡率,最常发生于妊娠的头几周,这是由于胚胎发育过程(包括滋养层伸长和胚泡着床)出现异常。人们一直试图利用表型选择的方式提高产窝产仔数,然而,另一个有希望实现此目的的有效方法是利用基因型信息。一般而言,繁殖性状很适合使用标记辅助选择(MAS),在分子水平确立选择标准可以缩短世代间隔,因为能够在动物生命周期中较早地作出选择。此外,考虑到繁殖性状受性别限制的这一特性,基因型信息可以在不能直接观察到性状的性别上进行选择。据此,人们对参与繁殖性状调控的基因进行绘制和识别以及对基因表达图谱进行阐述产生了极大兴趣。本文就该领域目前所进行的大量研究与所采取的方法进行综述:一种方法是因其编码的蛋白质的生理重要性和其在其它哺乳动物繁殖中的作用而被选为候选基因。然后,通过各候选基因的基因多态和繁殖性状表型之间的相关研究鉴定候选基因的有效性。本文讨论的另一种方法是利用已存在或设想的家系作连锁分析,对感兴趣的繁殖性状绘制数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL)图谱。虽然各研究所报道的结果不一致,但检测到的QTL区域对将来利用分子遗传学研究识别定位候选基因可能会有帮助。然而,要更好地了解猪繁殖性能,这些功能基因方法须与蛋白组的详细分析相结合和整合,以便在遗传因素与生理学之间建立连锁关系。  相似文献   

上期回顾:上一期简要介绍了决定梅山猪与欧洲猪种窝产仔数的因素、窝产仔数与相关繁殖性状、采用传统选育与分子遗传学方法提高窝产仔数和与窝产仔数有关的候选基因.  相似文献   

Nellore is the main cattle breed used in Brazil, being the largest commercial herd in the world. Beyond the importance of male reproductive efficiency for farm profit, the use of reproductive techniques, mainly artificial insemination, turns the evaluation of male reproductive traits even more important. Estimation of genetic parameters increases the knowledge on traits variances and allows envisaging the possibility of the inclusion of new traits as selection criterion. Genetic parameters for fifteen traits that can be classified as testicular biometry or physical and morphological semen traits were estimated for a Nellore bull population ranging from 18 to 36 months. Single-trait and bi-trait animal models were used for (co)variance components estimation. The contemporary group was considered as fixed effect and age at measurement as covariable. Scrotal circumference presented heritability of 0.47 ± 0.12. This value is similar to the heritabilities found for all testicular biometry traits (0.34–0.48). Sperm progressive motility, which has a direct effect on bull fertility, presented low heritability (0.07 ± 0.08). Major and total sperm defects presented moderate to high heritabilities (0.49 ± 0.18 and 0.39 ± 0.15, respectively), indicating that great genetic gain can be obtained through selection against sperm defects. High and positive genetic correlations were observed among testicular biometry traits, which also presented favourable genetic correlations with physical and morphological traits of the semen with magnitude ranging from high to low. Scrotal circumference presented moderate to high and favourable genetic correlations with sperm progressive motility, sperm turbulence, major sperm defects and total sperm defects. Thus, the selection for scrotal circumference results in favourable correlated genetic response for semen quality. The results show that the use of scrotal circumference as reference trait for bull fertility is appropriate, since it presents high heritability and favourable genetic correlation with semen quality.  相似文献   

Hungary has a long-standing tradition in Merino breeding and improvement. During the past decades several attempts have been made to introduce a number of other sheep breeds. Although this effort was not in vain the majority of the sheep population is still the Hungarian Merino breed. The adaptability, endurance and excellent wool-producing ability of this breed is first rate and is worth preserving (V eress et al. 1997). The profitability of a sheep production system is determined by both fertility and production traits. Reproduction performance is usually defined as litter weight per dam per year. Progress can be achieved through various ways. One of them is frequent lambing which also has the advantage that lamb production becomes more consistent throughout the year. Another possibility is producing larger litter sizes (LS), and yet a another opportunity for increased production is having lambs with larger weights (WT). Simultaneous enhancement can also be achieved if there is no antagonism between these traits. From these several fertility traits LS from the first to the fifth parity was chosen for analysis as LS is one of the most important traits concerning reproduction performance. Of the production traits, WT measured at various ages, greasy fleece weight (GFW) from the first five shearings, staple length (SL) and fibre diameter (FD) at the age of 1 year were taken into the analysis. According to other studies there are several factors influencing the above mentioned traits, namely age, season of previous lambing (PLS), type of birth (TOB), and sex. In general, LS increased with advancing age (L ong et al. 1989; B unge et al. 1990; A p D ewi et al. 1996). For GFW the peak of production was achieved in a relatively early age of 3 years, reported by V eress (1969) and by T urner and Y oung (1969). The effect of PLS on LS was that smaller litters were observed with previous lambing seasons of summer and autumn (L ong et al. 1989). TOB and sex effect on WT have been investigated by several authors (T urner and Y oung 1969, p. 46, 51.; S hrestha and H eaney 1985; M avrogenis 1988; B unge et al. 1990; J urado et al. 1994; V eress et al. 1995; S hrestha et al. 1996). Single-born lambs are heavier than multiples although this difference decreases with age. All authors also agree that male lambs are heavier than females. TOB and sex effect on GFW were reported by T urner and Y oung (1969). T urner and Y oung labelled the TOB effect as a ‘maternal handicap’ as the effect is noticeable even in maturity but decreasing by age. T urner and Y oung (1969) also observed that the WT and GFW of male animals exceeds that of the females, but, unlike with the previous effect, the difference increases with age. There was a negligible difference between sexes in SL and FD. Studying the results of numerous authors, estimates of the genetic parameters of LS, WT, GFW, SL, and FD were found to be generally consistent. Heritabilities of LS ranged from 0.05 to 0.08 (A l -S horepy and N otter 1996; A p D ewi et al. 1996; for litter size at first parity only). A p D ewi et al. (1996) found very high (>0.9) genetic correlations between the first and adult litter size. Heritabilities estimated for WT were higher than those of the fertility traits and ranged in the interval of 0.05–0.47 (S hrestha and H eaney 1985; L ong et al. 1989; B unge et al. 1990; K umar and R eheja 1993; J urado et al. 1994; A l -S horepy and N otter 1996). Genetic correlations between yearling and adult WT were high (J urado et al. 1994; 0.85; A l -S horepy and N otter 1996; 0.85–1.0). GFW heritabilities reported by B lair et al. (1985); T urner and Y oung (1969) were about 0.2 thus also exceeding those of the fertility traits. Regarding the genetic parameters of SL & FD, N otter and H ough (1997); M orris et al. (1996) reported that the heritability of SL and FD was higher than that of GFW (026–0.34; 0.47–0.58). Genetic correlations among production traits were mainly low (M orris et al. 1996; and T urner and Y oung 1969). The objectives of this paper were to determine whether the characteristics of the Hungarian Merino sheep population correspond with the features given in the literature review. Thus the objectives were to obtain the factors influencing the traits examined and to estimate genetic parameters of LS, WT, GFW, SL, and FD, respectively.  相似文献   

Records for a total of 732 daughter-dam pairs were analyzed to estimate the genetic correlations of pig performance traits with sow productivity traits, with implications to the development of specialized sire and dam lines for use in crossing. Major pig performance traits analyzed included average daily gain from 56 d of age to a final weight of 90.7 kg (ADG), average backfat thickness at 90.7 kg (BF) and a performance index (PI) consisting of ADG and BF. Major sow productivity traits included number of pigs born alive in a litter (NA), litter size (N21) and litter weight (W21) at 21 d of age and two sow productivity indexes, one with NA, N21 and W21 (SPI-3) and one with NA and W21 (SPI-2). All records were expressed as deviations from breed-line-year-season means of this population. Genetic correlations were computed from daughter-dam covariances. The mean genetic correlation of PI with SPI consisted of two correlations, that of daughters' PI with dams' SPI and that of dams' PI with daughters' SPI. The mean genetic correlation of PI with SPI-3 and SPI-2 was .07 +/- .12, suggesting that concurrent improvement in both PI and SPI would not be restricted by selection within a single composite line. The genetic correlation of daughters' PI with dams' SPI (-.18 +/- .13) was appraised as more critical than the reciprocal correlation of dams' PI with daughters' SPI (+.28 +/- .13). This appraisal is based on the fact that only one generation separates a daughter's PI from her dam's SPI, as compared with two generations in the reciprocal covariance. However, the -.18 correlation was not significantly different from zero, indicating that formation of specialized sire and dam lines for use in crossing would be only marginally more effective at best for improving the overall efficiency in pork production than use of a single composite line, aside from the heterosis effects from crossing the lines. Indexes were proposed for combining PI and SPI for use either in specialized sire and dam lines or in a single composite line.  相似文献   

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Genetische Analyse von Fruchtbarkeits- und Produktionsmerkmalen bei italienischen Schwarzbunten in verschiedenen Laktationen Produktions- und Reproduktionsdaten von italienischen Schwarzbunten sind für die Analyse von Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den Merkmalen Zwischentragzeit, Rastzeit, Tr?chtigkeitsrate bei Erstbesamung, Anzahl von Besamungen je Tr?chtigkeit einerseits und der 305 Tage Milchleistung andererseits verwendet worden. Die Milchleistung der Kühe wurde für Laktationsnummer, Kalbealter und Zwischentragezeit korrigiert. Die Analyse wurde für die ersten drei Abkalbungen getrennt durchgeführt. Die Sch?tzwerte für die Heritabilit?t liegen für die Fruchtbarkeitsmerkmale zwischen .01 und .03 und für die Milchleistungsmerkmale zwischen .16 und .22. Für die Wiederholbarkeiten wurden Werte zwischen .02 und .08 (Fruchtbarkeit) bzw. .49 und .59 (Milchleistung) gesch?tzt. Die genetische Korrelation zwischen Milchmenge und Zwischentragezeit, zwischen Milchmenge und Rastzeit sowie zwischen Tr?chtigkeitsrate bei Erstbesamung und Anzahl Besamungen je Tr?chtigkeit betr?gt .70, .92 und -.98, resp. Zwischen Fruchtbarkeits- und Milchleistungsmerkmalen wurden generell negative Korrelationen gesch?tzt, was als Antagonismus zwischen Fruchtbarkeit und Milchleistung interpretiert werden mu?. Dies bedeutet, da? bei ausschlie?licher Selektion nach Milchleistung negative Auswirkungen bezüglich der Fruchtbarkeit der Kühe zu erwarten sind. Als m?gliche Selektionsmerkmale für die Zuchtwertsch?tzung auf Fruchtbarkeit werden Tr?chtigkeitsrate bei Erstbesamung und Rastzeit (oder alternativ Anzahl Besamungen je Tr?chtigkeit) vorgeschlagen. SUMMARY: A data set of production records with breeding information was used to analyse the relationship between open period, days to first breeding, conception rate at first service, number of services per conception and 305 day milk yield adjusted for age/month of calving and open period in the Italian Friesian Cattle Breed. Separate analyses were performed for the first three parities. Heritability estimates for reproductive traits varied from .01 to .03 and for productive traits from .16 to .22 depending on parities. Repeatabilities for fertility traits were .02 to .08 while for milk yield they were between .49 and .59. Open period and days to first service were found to be highly correlated (genetic correlation: +.70 / +.92) as were conception rate at first service and number of services per conception (-.98). An antagonistic genetic relationship was found between all reproductive traits considered and production. The magnitude of the antagonistic genetic association between production and fertility indicate that genetic deterioration of fertility is to be expected if selection pressure continues to be applied to milk production only. For multiple trait selection, the reproductive measures which complement each other are days to first service and first service conception rate (or number of services per conception).  相似文献   

Fertility health disorders from the early lactation period including retained placenta (REPLA), metritis (MET), corpus luteum persistence (CLP), anoestria/acyclia (AOEAC) and ovarial cysts (OC), as well as overall disease categories (disorders during the postpartal period (DPP), ovary infertility (OINF), overall trait definition “fertility disorders” (FD)), were used to estimate genetic (co)variance components with female fertility and test‐day traits. The disease data set comprised 25,142 Holstein cows from parities 1, 2 and 3 resulting in 43,584 lactations. For disease traits, we used the binary trait definition (sick or healthy) and disease count data reflecting the sum of treatments for the same disease within lactation or within lactation periods. Statistical modelling included single and multiple trait repeatability animal models for all trait combinations within a Bayesian framework. Heritabilities for binary disease traits ranged from 0.04 (OC) to 0.10 (REPLA) and were slightly lower for the corresponding sum trait definitions. Correlations between both trait definitions were almost one, for genetic as well as for permanent environmental effects. Moderate to high genetic correlations were found among puerperal disorders DPP, REPLA and MET (0.45–0.98) and among the ovarian disorders OINF, AOEAC, CLP and OC (0.59–0.99). Genetic correlations between puerperal and ovarian disorders were close to zero, apart from the REPLA–OC association (0.55). With regard to fertility disorders and productivity in early lactation, a pronounced genetic antagonistic relationship was only identified between OC and protein yield. Genetic correlations between fertility disorders and test‐day SCS were close to zero. OINF and all diseases contributing to OINF were strongly correlated with the female fertility traits “interval from calving to first service,” “interval from service to pregnancy” and “interval from calving to pregnancy.” The strong correlations imply that fertility disorders could be included in genetic evaluations of economic fertility traits as correlated predictors. Vice versa, a breeding focus on female fertility traits will reduce genetic susceptibility to OC, CLP and AOEAC.  相似文献   

Background As pre-cut and pre-packaged chilled meat becomes increasingly popular, integrating the carcasscutting process into the pig industry chain has become a trend. Identifying quantitative trait loci(QTLs) of pork cuts would facilitate the selection of pigs with a higher overall value. However, previous studies solely focused on evaluating the phenotypic and genetic parameters of pork cuts, neglecting the investigation of QTLs influencing these traits. This study involved 17 pork cuts and 1...  相似文献   



Several studies have been published where sperm plasma membrane integrity correlated to fertility. In this study we describe a simple fluorometer-based assay where we monitored the fluorescence intensity of artificially membrane-ruptured spermatozoa with a fixed time staining with fluorescent DNA dyes.


Membrane-impermeant fluorescent dyes Hoechst 33258 (H258) and propidium iodide (PI) were used to measure the fluorescence of the nucleus in artificially membrane ruptured spermatozoa and membrane-permeant dye Hoechst 33342 (H342) was used to measure fluorescence of intact spermatozoa. The concentration of spermatozoa in insemination doses varied from 31.2 × 106/ml to 50 × 106/ml and the average value was 35 × 106/ml. Each boar was represented by three consecutive ejaculates, collected at weekly intervals. Nonreturn rate within 60 days of first insemination (NR %) and litter size (total number of piglets born) of multiparous farrowings were used as fertility measures.


Sperm fluorescence intensity of H258 and H342, but not the fluorescence intensity of PI-stained spermatozoa correlated significantly with the litter size of multiparous farrowings, values being r = - 0.68 (P < 0.01) for H258, r = - 0.69 (P < 0.01) for H342 and r = - 0.38, (P = 0.11) for PI.


The increase in fluorescence values of membrane-ruptured H258 and unruptured H342-stained spermatozoa in boar AI doses can be associated with smaller litter size after AI. This finding indicates that the fluorescence properties of the sperm nucleus could be used to select for AI doses with greater fertilizing potential.  相似文献   

Sperm quality is often evaluated through computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA) and is an indicator of boar fertility. The aim of this research was to study the relationship between CASA motility parameters and fertility results in pigs. Insemination records and semen parameters from a total of 45,532 ejaculates collected over a 3-yr period were used. The statistical model for analysis of fertility data from these inseminations included factors related to sow productivity. The boar- and semen-related variance (direct boar effect) were corrected for the effects of individual boar, genetic line of the boar, age of the boar, days between ejaculations, number of sperm cells in an ejaculate, number of sperm cells in an insemination dose, and AI station. The remaining variance was analyzed if semen motility parameters had a significant effect. This analysis revealed significant (P < 0.05) effects of progressive motility, velocity curvilinear, and beat cross frequency on farrowing rate (FR). Total motility, velocity average path, velocity straight line, and amplitude of lateral head displacement affected (P < 0.05) total number of piglets born (TNB). Boar- and semen-related parameters explained 5.3% of the variation in FR and 5.9% of the variation in TNB. Motility parameters, measured by CASA, explained 9% of the boar- and semen-related variation in FR and 10% of the boar- and semen-related variation in TNB. Individual boar and genetic line of the boar affected (P < 0.0001) the variation in FR and TNB. No differences (P > 0.05) were observed between effects of AI stations on fertility outcome, underscoring the objectivity of the CASA system used. Motility parameters can be measured with CASA to assess sperm motility in an objective manner. On the basis of the motility pattern, CASA enables one to discriminate between the fertilizing capacity of ejaculates, although this depends on the genetic line of the boar used in AI stations.  相似文献   

Diagrams for analyzing the economics of sow and fattening farms are described and discussed. The diagrams are used to quantify the economic significance of a change in technical results for pig farms in the Netherlands. Sensitivity analyses show the importance of taking into account feed savings of piglets and sows due to, for instance, less litters per sow per year. To see whether there was an effect of the economic environment and the structure of the fanning system, the same calculations were carried out for Minnesota (USA). The economic effect of a change in results (e.g. days open) was smaller for Minnesota, but economic effects were similarly influenced by specific factors, such as feed intake and price. Subsequently, several scientific publications on the estimation of the costs of Aujeszky's disease in pigs were compared with respect to the economic methods used and the outcomes obtained. Because of different estimation procedures, the costs of the disease varied significantly. Differences are mainly due to the loss items that were taken into account, the way the loss items were calculated and the structure of the farming system that was included. There is a need for a standardized framework of how to conduct a sound economic evaluation, in order to make the outcome of different calculations more comparable and interpretable.  相似文献   

Fertility is a key factor in the economic success of horse farms. However, it has received little attention due to the difficulty of measuring fertility objectively. Since its studbook creation (1912), the Pura Raza Española (PRE) breed has been a closed population and become high in-bred resulting in inbreeding depression (poor phenotypic values). Nevertheless, heterogeneous effects of inbreeding depression have been detected among founders and nonfounders. The aims of this study were (1) to analyze the genetic parameters for reproductive traits in mares of the PRE horse breed and (2) to estimate, for the first time, the inbreeding depression load associated with common ancestors of the breed. A total of 22,799 mares were analyzed. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.05 (interval between first and second foaling) to 0.16 (age at first foaling), whereas inbreeding depression load ratios ranged from 0.06 (parturition efficiency at 6th foaling) to 0.17 (age at first foaling), for a partial inbreeding coefficient of 10%. Although heritability is related to the variability expressed in the population, inbreeding depression load ratios measure the potential variability, whether expressed in the population or not. Most correlations between additive and inbreeding depression load genetic values were significant (P < 0.001) and of low to moderate magnitude. Our results confirm that individual inbreeding depression loads allow us to select horses that have a genetic value resistant to the deleterious effects of inbreeding.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The pedigree information on bulls was collected from Frozen Semen Bank (FSB). Male reproductive data on seminal characters (semen volume (SV), sperm...  相似文献   

Improvement in litter traits is the key to profitable pig farming that directly enhances the economic standing of the farmers in developing countries. The present study aimed to explore oestrogen receptor (ESR), epidermal growth factor (EGF), follicle-stimulating hormone beta subunit (FSHβ), prolactin receptor (PRLR) and retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) genes as possible candidate genetic markers for litter traits in indigenous pigs of India. The breeds included in the study were Ghungroo, Mali, Niang Megha and Tenyi Vo, and the reproductive traits considered were litter size at birth (LSB), number born alive (NBA), litter weight at birth (LWB), litter size at weaning (LSW) and litter weight at weaning (LWW) at their first parity. PCR-RFLP and primer-based mutation detection methods were used to identify polymorphism, and associations between the genotypes and the traits were analysed using a general linear model. The Ghungroo pigs recorded the best litter performances among the breeds (p < .05, LWB p < .01). Different alleles and genotypes of the genes under study were detected. Short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) −/− genotype of FSHβ revealed significantly higher litter traits (p < .05, LSB p < .01). The LWW was also found to be significantly influenced by ESR BB and AB, EGF AB and BB, and PRLR CC genotypes (p < .05). Although we did not find statistically significant and consistently superior litter traits with respect to different genotypes of other studied genes than genotype SINE −/− of the FSHβ, PRLR CC genotype demonstrated superior performances for all the litter traits. Our study revealed the FSHβ as a potential candidate genetic marker for litter traits in indigenous pig breeds of India.  相似文献   

Data comprising 7211 lactation records of 2894 cows were used to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for milk production (lactation milk yield, LMY and lactation length, LL) and fertility (calving interval, CI; number of services per conception, NSC and age at first calving, AFC) traits. Genetic, environmental and phenotypic trends were also estimated. Variance components were estimated using univariate, bivariate and trivariate animal models on based restricted maximum likelihood procedures. Univariate models were used for each trait, while bivariate models were used to estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations between milk production and fertility traits and between LMY, LL, CI and NSC within each lactation. Trivariate models were used in the analysis of LMY, LL, CI and NSC in the first three lactations. Heritability estimates from the univariate model were 0.16, 0.07, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.01 for LMY, LL, CI, AFC and NSC, respectively. The heritability estimates from trivariate analysis were higher for milk production traits than those from univariate analyses. Genetic correlations were high and undesirable between milk production and fertility traits, while phenotypic correlations were correspondingly low. Genetic trends were close to zero for all traits, while environmental and phenotypic trends fluctuated over the study period.  相似文献   

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