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Resumption of feeding, growth, and pigmentation of sexually mature female Arctic char was accelerated by stripping fish of their eggs. Feed type was a secondary factor in the reconditioning of females, with moist food showing highest acceptance. The rate of reconditioning of males depended solely on feed type (moist feed providing most rapid recovery); stripping them of milt had no effect. Both egg stripping of females and the use of moist feed helped to re-initiate the feeding response in a shorter period of time.  相似文献   

嗜水气单胞菌引致的金钱鱼细菌性疾病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分离鉴定实验室养殖的金钱鱼暴发性疾病的病原,利用传统病原分离的方法,从病鱼肝脏分离得到一株G–短杆菌(Ah201416),对其进行电镜观察和生理生化鉴定,对病鱼组织进行病理切片分析,并根据科赫法则,用分离株对健康金钱鱼进行人工感染。结果显示,该菌株电镜下观察细菌大小为0.8~1.0μm×1.0~2.0μm(宽×长),无芽孢和荚膜,生理生化特性与嗜水气单胞菌基本一致;16S r RNA序列(登录号:KR006248)与Gen Bank中嗜水气单胞菌(Aeromonas hydrophila,Ah ATCC7966)的16S r RNA基因序列的同源性高达99%,系统进化树与Ah聚为一支。病理切片分析发现,发病金钱鱼与正常金钱鱼相比,鳃小片细胞不同程度地脱落,伴有白细胞浸润;肠绒毛结构消失,肌肉层疏松明显;肾脏中肾小管细胞脱落,管腔中有坏死细胞,并出现不同程度的颗粒变性;肝脏细胞形态不规则,伴有血细胞浸润等病理损伤。人工感染实验表明,其对健康金钱鱼96h的半数致死剂量(LD50)为7.35×107 CFU/m L。研究表明,发病金钱鱼中分离的Ah201416菌株为嗜水气单胞菌,丰富了金钱鱼细菌性病原的研究,此结果为金钱鱼细菌性疾病的防治和养殖业的健康发展提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   

Captive Lates calcarifer broodstock at Tigbauan, Iloilo (Philippines) were implanted with cholesterol-based pellets of the LHRH analogue D-Trp6-desGly10-LHRH ethylamide or D-hArg(Et2)6,Pro9-NHet-LHRH at doses between 9.0 and 23.5 μg/kg body weight. In May, one of ten LHRH-treated females released partially hydrated ova into the tank 4 days after implantation. In July, at least one (and probably four) of five LHRH-treated females spawned in the tank 2 days after implantation; 2.6 million hatchlings were collected. In August, both LHRH-treated females spawned in the tank 2 days after implantation; 978 000 hatchlings were collected. None of the sham-operated control fish spawned in any of the experiments.Captive Siganus guttatus broodstock implanted with silastic-based pellets of the LHRH analogue D-Nal (2)6 LHRH spawned 1–2 days earlier than sham-operated controls.  相似文献   

以初始体重(3.23±0.06)g的军曹鱼为研究对象,以酪蛋白(不含维生素)、明胶、鱼肉浓缩蛋白为蛋白源,在基础饲料中分别添加0、2、4、8、16和32mgPN/kg,配制出6种实验饲料,使饲料中吡哆醇的水平分别达到0.22、1.89、3.87、7.54、14.75和29.88mgPN/kg,研究军曹鱼对吡哆醇的需要量。养殖实验在室内流水系统中(250L)进行,每个处理设3个重复,每个重复放养军曹鱼25尾。养殖实验过程中,海水盐度为30~34,水温28~32℃,溶氧>7mg/L,养殖实验持续9周。实验结果显示,在0.22~3.87mgPN/kg水平范围内,随着饲料中吡哆醇含量的升高,实验鱼特定生长率显著升高,当饲料吡哆醇水平达到或高于3.87mg/kg时,各饲料组实验鱼的特定生长率(2.68~2.71%/d)无显著差异,而都显著高于0.22和1.89mg/kg饲料组的特定生长率(1.17~2.06%/d)P<0.05)。军曹鱼肝脏吡哆醇含量、吡哆醛含量、谷丙转氨酶活力、谷草转氨酶活力均与特定生长率有相似的变化趋势,即在3.87mg/kg饲料组接近或者达到最大值,在达到或超过3.87mg/kg时达到或近似达到一...  相似文献   

A study of gonad development and spawning in Anadara granosa (L.) from the west coast of West Malaysia was carried out between September 1977 and November 1978 based on (a) changes in the condition of the whole animal and (b) histological changes in the gonad. Gonads did not develop until a length of 17.5 mm had been attained and the first spawning probably occurred at a length of 24–25 mm. There was evidence of a low level of spawning activity throughout the year but the largest size group spawned in October in 2 consecutive years. There was inconclusive evidence for a second spawning in May/June. A condition index of dry/wet weight of tissue adequately reflected spawning in specimens longer than 30 mm. There was no deviation from a 1 : 1 ratio of males to females in any of the size classes studied.  相似文献   

以初始体质量(8.00±0.20)g的鲈为实验对象,在海水网箱(1.5 m×1.5 m×2.0 m)中进行为期8周的摄食生长实验,研究鲈对饲料中苏氨酸的需要量。通过在半精制基础饲料中添加晶体L-苏氨酸使饲料中苏氨酸含量分别达到0.75%、1.03%、1.36%、1.67%、2.04%和2.31%,配制成6水平等氮等能饲料(41.83%粗蛋白质,19.68 kJ/g总能)。每种饲料设3个重复,每个重复随机放养30尾鲈。实验采用表观饱食投喂方式,每天投喂2次(06:00和17:30),实验期间水温为26~32℃,盐度为22~28,溶解氧含量在7 mg/L左右。实验结果表明,各饲料处理组成活率(94.4%~98.9%)无显著差异。随着饲料中苏氨酸含量的增加,鲈的增重率显著升高(150.3%~256.9%)(P<0.05),且在1.67%苏氨酸饲料组达到最大值(256.9%),然而,随着饲料中苏氨酸含量的进一步增加,增重率有下降的趋势。鲈的氮累积率随着饲料中苏氨酸含量的增加而显著升高(13.18%~26.36%)(P<0.05),且在1.67%苏氨酸饲料组达到最大值(26.36%),随着饲料中苏氨酸含量的进一步增加,氮累积率有下降的趋势。饲料苏氨酸含量对鲈鱼体粗蛋白、粗脂肪和灰分含量无显著影响。以增重率和氮累积率为评价指标经二次回归分析得出,鲈对饲料中苏氨酸的需要量分别为1.77%和1.88%,占饲料蛋白质的4.21%和4.47%。  相似文献   

为评定大鲵幼体对饲料蛋白质的需求量,以鱼粉为主要蛋白源配制6种蛋白质水平(干样基础)的实验饲料:D1(43.7%)、D2(47.1%)、D3(51.3%)、D4(55.7%)、D5(59.9%)和D6(64.4%),饲喂初始体质量为(20.99±0.15) g的大鲵幼体92 d。结果显示,①饲料蛋白质水平对大鲵增重率有显著影响,在D4组达到最大值,较D1组增加了276.4%,且全鲵蛋白质沉积率和肌肉RNA、RNA/DNA值、胃蛋白酶、H+-K+-ATPase、胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶和Na+-K+-ATPase、肝脏超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)均在D4组达到最佳,而肝脏和肠道丙二醛(MDA)在该组均达到最低;②随饲料蛋白质水平增加,肌肉粗蛋白线性增加,全鲵脂肪线性下降,全鲵水分和粗灰分在各组间差异不显著,全鲵粗蛋白先增加后趋于稳定,在D4组达到最大;③大鲵皮肤胶原蛋白含量在D4组达到最高,较D1组增加了27.83%。研究表明,以增重率、肌肉RNA/DNA值、蛋白质沉积率和皮肤胶原蛋白含量为评价指标,通过二次回归...  相似文献   

宋博文  杨航  李小勤  王璞  何明  徐禛  杨品贤  冷向军 《水产学报》2021,45(10):1715-1725
为确定大口黑鲈幼鱼对饲料锌的适宜需求量,以酪蛋白、明胶和鱼粉为主要蛋白质源,以ZnSO_4·H_2O为锌源制作半精制基础饲料,分别向基础饲料中添加0、25、50、100和200 mg/kg锌,制成5种含不同锌水平饲料(24.8、48.8、78.9、126.1和223.6 mg/kg干物质)(命名为Zn-25、Zn-49、Zn-79、Zn-126和Zn-224),投喂初始体质量为(10.99±0.07) g的大口黑鲈幼鱼8周。结果显示,饲料中补充25 mg/kg锌(Zn-49)显著提高了大口黑鲈增重率,降低了饲料系数,进一步提高锌的添加量后,各组增重率和饲料系数趋于稳定。当饲料锌含量为25~49 mg/kg时,T-SOD和CuZn-SOD活性增加,锌含量达到49 mg/kg后,其活性保持基本稳定,而AKP活性在Zn-79组最高。大口黑鲈全鱼和脊椎骨中的锌含量随饲料中锌含量的增加而上升,当饲料锌含量达到126 mg/kg (Zn-126)后,全鱼和脊椎骨中的锌含量不再显著增加,而全鱼铁、骨铁、骨锰含量和全鱼铁、锌沉积率则随饲料锌含量的增加而下降。研究表明,在半精制饲料中补充锌可以显著改善大口黑鲈的生长和饲料利用,提高血清免疫能力、全鱼锌和骨锌的沉积,以增重率、饲料系数、全鱼锌和骨锌为指标,基于折线模型确定大口黑鲈幼鱼对饲料中锌的需求量分别为45.5、44.6、121.8和130.5 mg/kg干物质。  相似文献   

Murray cod, Maccullochella peeli, originally captured from the wild, underwent normal gonadal development in earthen ponds. Handling of broodfish in the 3 months before a breeding season caused atresia and resorption of oocytes in most females. Cod were removed from the ponds when the water temperature reached 20°C during spring, and final oocyte maturation and ovulation were induced in mature females by injecting 1000 or 2000 IU/kg human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) or 2–5 mg/kg of a preparation of the pituitary gland from common carp (CPG). Control treatments and dosages of 100–750 IU/kg HCG did not induce ovulation. Broodfish were held at 21 ± 1°C in 2000-l tanks after injection. The time of stripping and fertilization of Murray cod eggs was an important factor determining their hatchability. There was generally high post-fertilization mortality of eggs stripped within 1 h or between 4 and 6 h of ovulation, but high hatchability of eggs stripped 2–3 h after ovulation. The mean hatchability of eggs stripped 48.5–49.5 h after the injection of 1000 IU/kg HCG was 79.8%, but there were significantly lower mean hatchabilities of eggs stripped after 46–48 h and 50–52 h, as well as after the injection of 2000 IU/kg HCG. Results using CPG were variable. Possible reasons for the high post-fertilization mortality of Murray cod eggs are discussed, and techniques for broodfish handling, injection, stripping and the fertilization and incubation of eggs are presented.  相似文献   

In the months of January 2001 and 2002, female cachara Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum were selected during their first and second gonadal maturation (2 years and 7 months old and 3 years and 7 months old, respectively) with an of oocyte diameter of 937.5 μm (82.5% with central nuclei and 17.5% with peripheral nuclei). Nine females in first maturation received two doses of carp pituitary extract (CPE), 0.5 mg/kg and 5.0 mg/kg; seven received two doses of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 5 and 10 IU/g; five received doses of 0.5 CPE mg/kg and 5 hCG IU/g (CPE+hCG); and four received 0.9% saline (saline). Nine females from CPE and seven from hCG presented oocytes with the same diameter at the moment of oocyte release (100% with germinal vesicle breakdown and fertilization rate of 53.44±18.3 and 54.81±11.8%; larvae number of 165,330±94.1 and 158,570±20.6, respectively). The five females from CPE+hCG did not respond to the hormonal treatment. The four females from the saline group did not ovulate. In January 2002, 6 of 15 selected females that were going through the second reproductive cycle received CPE (five received hCG and four received saline), showing oocyte diameters similar to the ones in the first maturation. At stripping, CPE females had an oocyte diameter of 1062.5 μm (the hCG females had oocyte diameters ranging from 937.5 to 1125.0 μm; fertilization rates of 56.08±30.9 and 81.90±17.3%; 364,547±244 and 633,129±190, larvae, respectively). The fertilization rates and larvae number were higher in the second gonad maturation, both for CPE and hCG.  相似文献   

为研究圆斑星鲽早期发育过程中色素细胞的形态和分布,实验对1~72日龄的圆斑星鲽鱼苗进行了连续的显微观察,并绘制了早期发育生长曲线。结果显示,圆斑星鲽从20日龄开始进入快速的增长期,在水温12~19.5°C时完成变态发育需要50 d,黑色素细胞最早出现,数量最多,黄色素细胞次之,虹彩细胞最后发育,数量最少。变态前黑色素细胞密度先升高后降低,在9日龄密度最大为1390个/mm~2,色素细胞逐渐密集鱼体两侧对称分布;变态开始后鱼体两侧色素不对称,有眼侧体表黑色素细胞逐渐溶解消退,由成体黑色素细胞代替,体色变深,黑色素细胞密度稳定在150个/mm~2;无眼侧黑色素细胞逐渐消溶退化,体色逐渐变白。白化个体在变态开始后出现,有眼侧不能形成成体黑色素细胞,形成白化。  相似文献   

Ide, Leuciscus idus, breeders in Polish fish farm are cultured or are collected from the wild. The data about differences in reproduction of different ide forms in captivity are limited. In the present paper domesticated and wild stock are reproduced artificially. Cultured fish do not require application of spawning agents. For obtaining good-quality oocytes only stimulation with temperature and photoperiod is necessary.  相似文献   

宋博文  杨航  冷向军  徐禛  姚文祥  李小勤 《水产学报》2023,47(5):059613-059613
为确定大口黑鲈幼鱼对饲料中锰的需求量,在含锰5.2 mg/kg的半精制饲料中分别添加0、4、8、16、32和64 mg/kg锰(以MnSO4·H2O形式),制成6种不同锰水平的饲料(5.2、9.6、13.5、20.7、 38.3和67.9 mg/kg),投喂初始体重(16.00±0.07) g的大口黑鲈幼鱼10周。结果显示,在基础饲料中添加锰,可显著提高大口黑鲈幼鱼的增重率,降低饲料系数,各组增重率与饲料系数在锰含量达到13.5 mg/kg后基本稳定。随饲料中锰含量的增加,血清T-SOD、Mn-SOD活性和全鱼、脊椎骨中的锰含量上升,并在饲料锰含量达到20.7mg/kg后趋于稳定,而血清丙二醛含量则表现为下降的趋势。全鱼铁、骨铁、骨锌和全鱼锰沉积率随饲料锰含量的增加而下降。研究表明,在半精制饲料中补充锰可以促进大口黑鲈幼鱼生长、提高饲料利用率、血清抗氧化能力、全鱼和骨锰的沉积。以增重率、饲料系数、全鱼锰和骨锰为评价指标,经折线回归分析,大口黑鲈幼鱼对饲料中锰的需求量分别为18.3、20.5、21.1和23.4 mg/kg干物质。  相似文献   

澳洲鲭太平洋群系的资源评估与管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张畅  陈新军 《水产学报》2020,44(2):206-212
澳洲鲭是西北太平洋重要的经济种类,了解和掌握澳洲鲭太平洋群系资源开发状况对确保其可持续利用具有重要的意义。根据日本中央水产研究所提供的1995—2015年澳洲鲭太平洋群系的生产统计和资源调查资料,利用基于年龄结构的实际种群模型和单位补充量产量模型等进行资源量评估,分析澳洲鲭太平洋群系资源利用情况及其管理策略。结果显示,历年澳洲鲭太平洋群系资源量虽有波动但仍保持在较高水平,2015年资源量最高约为65万t;年平均捕捞死亡系数呈波动下降趋势,2015年捕捞死亡系数只有0.15,近五年平均捕捞死亡系数Fcur=0.33,单位补充量亲体量是未开发时的32.7%,不存在生长型捕捞过度,也不存在补充型捕捞过度,处于可持续开发状态。研究还探讨了水温变化引起自然死亡波动以及不同开捕年龄对澳洲鲭太平洋群系资源状况的影响。研究表明,该渔业目前开发和利用程度合理,建议使用F0.1做为管理参考点进行渔业资源的管理。  相似文献   

The effects of extended photoperiods, mimicking the longest day of the year, were studied in 1- and 2-year seabream. The photoperiod regimes started in late July, 36 and 39 days after the summer solstice and continued for 11 months, well beyond the natural reproductive season of December–March. Regime 1 (long day, 15.5L:8.5D), which used natural and fluorescent light, reduced the incidence of maturity in both year classes and females did not spawn although some gonadal development was observed. Among all 1-year sampled fish of regime 1, a maximum of 5% became spermiating males (March) and 5% reached the yolk granule stage of vitellogenesis (VO3; 250–400 μm diameter) by May. Among 2-year sampled fish of regime 1, 45% became spermiating males and 25% were females, which reached the advanced vitellogenesis stage (VO4; 400–600 μm) by April. Regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod), consisting of natural light and a 1.5-h pulse of fluorescent light during the period 14–15.5 h after sunrise, postponed gonadal development and spawning for up to 3 months. In this regime, a maximum of 80% of 1-year sampled fish were spermiating males in February and a maximum of 10% were VO3 stage females in March. In the sampled 2-year fish, the maximum levels were 50% spermiating males in February and 25% VO3 stage females in March. Control fish, which were exposed to the natural photoperiod (29°34′N), spawned during their natural season. The maximum levels for 1-year sampled control fish were 95% spermiating males and no females in December, while among 2-year sampled fish, maxima of 75% males in February and 45% VO4 stage females in November. Final average weights of photoperiod treated fish (1-year=430 g—regime 1, 400 g—regime 2; 2-year=582 g—regime 1, 518 g—regime 2) were significantly greater (p<0.05) than control fish (1-year=341 g; 2-year=476 g). Daily feed consumption (g/100 g fish) dropped from an average of 1.83 to 0.93 g for 1-year fish during August–December and from 0.88 to 0.54 g for 2-year fish during the same period. This was correlated with reduced autumn and winter water temperatures (26–20°C summer to winter change) and increased fish weight in all treatments. Daily feed consumption was also affected by the onset of spawning in the control and regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod) treatments of both 1- and 2-year fish. The efficiency of feed utilization (FCR) and protein and energy retention were all affected by the photoperiod regimes and followed the same pattern of decrease as weight gain, regime 1 (long day)>regime 2 (skeleton photoperiod)>control.  相似文献   

采用肌醇水平分别为0 mg·kg–1、100 mg·kg–1、200 mg·kg–1、400 mg·kg–1、800 mg·kg–1和1 600 mg·kg–1饲料的6组等氮等能实验饲料,养殖初始体质量(74.36±5.32) g的吉富罗非鱼(GIFT Oreochromis niloticus) 12周,通过测定生长、鱼体成分以及血清指标来综合评价饲料肌醇水平对罗非鱼的影响,以期获得大规格吉富罗非鱼对饲料肌醇的需要量。结果表明,饲料中添加肌醇可显著提高罗非鱼增重率、采食量和饲料系数(P<0.05);对增重率与饲料肌醇水平作二次回归分析,得出其需要量为847 mg·kg–1饲料;罗非鱼全鱼、肌肉和肝脏中的粗脂肪含量均随饲料肌醇添加量的增加而降低;添加肌醇对罗非鱼肌肉、肝脏粗蛋白含量均无显著影响(P>0.05)。当肌醇水平为800 mg·kg–1和1 600 mg·kg–1饲料时,血清谷丙转氨酶和谷草转氨酶活性均较对照组显著降低(P<0.05);随饲料中肌醇含量的升高,总胆固醇和甘油三酯含量呈现先降低后升高的趋势,而血糖呈现先升高后降低的趋势。综上所述,大规格吉富罗非鱼饲料中肌醇的需要量为847 mg·kg–1饲料,且饲料中添加肌醇有利于降低组织脂肪蓄积,并可改善肝功能。  相似文献   

金钱鱼(Scatophagus argus)是我国东南沿海名优养殖鱼类, 具有 XY 性别决定系统, Dmrt1 是其性别决定候选基因。金钱鱼生长具有性别二态性, 雌鱼生长快于雄鱼。目前缺乏快速鉴定金钱鱼遗传性别的分子标记, 阻碍了其性别控制育种技术的建立。本研究以公布的金钱鱼基因组数据, 在 Dmrt1 附近设计多对标记引物, 并通过 PCR 扩增验证标记的性别特异性。其中, 标记引物 Dmrt1-Marker-4-F/R 在雌鱼中仅扩增出一条 593 bp X 染色体条带, 而在雄鱼中能扩增出 593 bp 和 693 bp 两条条带, 分别来自 X 和 Y 染色体, 表明该标记为共显性标记。利用该标记检测我国南海沿岸 3 个不同地理群体 213 尾金钱鱼的遗传性别与表型性别完全一致。此外, 快速 DNA 提取试剂盒提取的片段较短 DNA 样品也可用于该对标记引物准确鉴定遗传性别。本研究建立了一种快速、准确、经济可靠的金钱鱼遗传性别鉴定方法, 将旨为促进金钱鱼性别控制育种技术的建立, 并为金钱鱼性别决定与分化机制研究提供依据。  相似文献   

为确定三疣梭子蟹幼蟹对大豆卵磷脂(SL)最适需要量,进行了为期8周的生长实验。实验以鱼油和豆油为脂肪源,红鱼粉和豆粕为蛋白源,添加不同含量的SL(0、10、20、40、60、80 g/kg),配制成6种等氮等脂饲料。每个处理60只蟹,设3个重复,每个重复放养平均体质量为(3.68±0.02)g的三疣梭子蟹20只,养殖于长方形塑料筐中。结果发现,当SL添加量为0~40 g/kg时,增重率(WGR)、蜕壳率(MR)、蛋白质效率(PER)、特定生长率(SGR)和成活率(SR)显著升高,而WGR、FCR显著而降低;当饲料中SL添加水平为40~80g/kg时,三疣梭子蟹的WR、MR和SGR无显著性变化,而FCR显著升高,PER显著减低。饲料中适宜水平的SL可以提高三疣梭子蟹幼蟹的生长性能和饲料利用率。血清中总蛋白(TP)、甘油三酯(TG)和高密度脂蛋白(HDL)不受SL添加量的影响;当SL添加量为0~40g/kg时,血清中胆固醇(CHO)、葡萄糖(GLU)的含量显著升高,而随着SL添加量继续增加时,血清中CHO、GLU的含量无显著性变化;SL添加量为0~20 g/kg时,低密度脂蛋白(LDL)含量显著性升高,但随着SL添加量的增加,LDL含量显著性降低。饲料中添加不同含量的SL对三疣梭子蟹幼蟹中肝胰腺的总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、丙二醛(MDA)及溶菌酶活性无显著性影响,但当SL添加量为0~60 g/kg时,肝胰腺中过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性显著升高;当SL添加水平为0~40 g/kg时,谷胱甘肽过氧化物(GPX)的含量显著性上升。饲料中添加不同的SL对三疣梭子蟹幼蟹肌肉中C20:5(EPA),C22:6(DHA),n-3PUFA和C18:2脂肪酸含量无显著性影响。但当SL添加量为0~40 g/kg时,肝胰腺中C18:2的含量极显著降低,DHA和EPA含量显著上升,而肝胰腺中n-3PUFA的含量虽然无显著性差异,但当SL的含量为40 g/kg时,n-3PUFA的含量高于其他组;随着SL添加量的继续增加,C18:2显著性升高,而n-3PUFA极显著性降低,DHA和EPA含量显著降低。研究表明,当大豆卵磷脂添加量在一定范围内可以提高三疣梭子蟹肝胰腺中不饱和脂肪酸的含量,特别是n-3PUFA、DHA和EPA。以SGR为指标,通过折线模型得出三疣梭子蟹幼蟹饲料中大豆卵磷脂的适宜需要量为41.96 g/kg。  相似文献   

The potential of carp pituitary powder (CPP) at one dose, or the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) analogue, des–Gly10,(d–Ala6)–LH-RH–ethylamide, at three different doses to stimulate spermiation in paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) was tested. Single injections of the LH-RH analogue at 0.2, 0.1, or 0.05 mg·kg–1 increased the number of spermatozoa per kilogram of body weight (kg–1 b.w.) by 4.7, 3.4, and 3.4 times respectively compared to control, but the number of spermatozoa per kilogram of body weight decreased with CPP (4 mg·kg–1) by 1.7 times compared to the control. The LH-RH analogue prolonged active spermiation, with numbers of spermatozoa ranging from 7.69 to 1.19 × 109 kg–1 b.w. up to 96 h after treatment. Analysis of variance showed significant influence of experimental groups on volume of sperm per male and per kilogram of body weight, and the total number of spermatozoa per kilogram of body weight, but insignificant influence on the total number of spermatozoa per male. The percentage of motile spermatozoa was not different between experimental groups for sperm collection at different times after injection. A very high positive correlation (r = 0.93) was obtained between sperm concentration and sperm transmittance measured with a spectrophotometer. This relationship was described with the following linear regression: sperm concentration (× 109 mL–1) = 1.3244 X–0.9969, where X is the percentage of sperm transmittance.  相似文献   

The response of mature female captive milkfish to mammalian and salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (mGnRH-A and sGnRH-A) was investigated. Prior to spawning, six groups of three females received (1) 10–16 μg mGnRH-A from an osmotic pump implanted intraperitoneally (IP); (2) 100 μg mGnRH-A from a cholesterol/cellulose pellet implanted IP; (3) 10 μg/kg mGnRH-A as an intramuscular (IM) injection; (4) 10–16 μg sGnRH-A from an osmotic pump implanted IP; (5) 100 μg sGnRH-A from a cholesterol/cellulose pellet implanted IP, and (6) a cholesterol/cellulose pellet without analogue implanted IP.

The most effective treatment was 100 μg sGnRH-A/fish given in a cholesterol/cellulose pellet; all (3/3) of the fish spawned. However, mGnRH-A was more effective (2/3) compared with sGnRH-A (1/3) if osmotic pumps were used to administer GnRH-A. If the dose and method of administration were not considered, then the salmon and mammalian GnRH analogues were equally effective (62–67%) for induction of ovulation and natural spawning in milkfish. Gonads of control fish regressed.

At the doses tested, injections or pellet implantations were more effective compared with osmotic pumps. All pellet-implanted and injected females responded to treatment and 75% (6/8) spawned; half (3/6) of the pump-implanted females spawned. Spawning occurred from 18 to 36 h after treatment.  相似文献   

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