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石家庄市商业用地集约利用水平很低,存在布局不均衡、规划建设指标不完善、大型零售市场建设过剩和社区商业设施配套规划不完善的问题。针对这些问题,石家庄市商业用地在区位选择上应加强规划引导,并调整用地结构、控制商业用地开发规模、积极开展商业用地的统计工作,以提高商业用地的集约利用水平。  相似文献   

四川省蚕桑区域布局的调整与优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析上个世纪80年代四川省蚕桑区域布局,并对四川省自然生态条件、社会经济及蚕业发展规律进行研究,按照最适生态和最佳效益的原则,2000年重新调整了四川省蚕桑区域布局,优化发展3个优势产业带,并配套相应的措施和蚕品种区域布局,从而稳定了四川省蚕业基础,提升了蚕业整体水平。  相似文献   

三江县柑桔生产现状及优化区域布局建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、三江县柑桔生产现状及存在问题(一)生产现状总体情况三江侗族自治县地处广西壮族自治区北部,是一个山区农业县,耕地面积1.34万hm2,仅占全县土地总面积的5.5%。其中,水田面积0.87万hm2,旱地面积0.47万hm2,素有"九山  相似文献   

本文结合最新批准实施的《泰兴市优化镇村布局规划》,从国家、江苏省关于镇村布局规划工作最新要求作为出发点,从打造独具本土地方文化和产业特色的美丽乡村、康居乡村、环境整洁村作为最终目的,梳理规划编制过程中的一些亮点,期望能对相似工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

张莉 《蚕桑通报》2007,38(1):63-64
合理的养蚕布局是提高蚕茧产量、质量和增加蚕桑经济效益、社会效益的重要保证.由于生产形势、社会条件等方面发生新的变化,宿豫区蚕农的养蚕布局也发生了改变.  相似文献   

新疆塔里木河中下游面临严峻的生态危机,实施退耕还林还草工程是恢复该区域受损生态系统的有效途径,符合生态规律。根据塔里木河中下游独特的自然地理条件和社会经济条件,进行实地调查测定,结合遥感数据分析和数学模型研究,将土地沙漠化程度、土地盐碱化程度和皮棉单产作为指标界定适宜退耕区域。依据植物区位和景观生态学等理论,结合当地实际,提出退耕还林还草5类生态景观的优化布局模式,即沙漠前沿、绿洲外缘已毁林草开垦农田构建荒漠乔灌草生态安全防护模式;重度盐碱化低产农田构建发展当地特种经济植物和荒漠草种模式;绿洲腹地盐碱化相对较轻农田构建优质饲草料基地,发展养殖业模式;绿洲内部低产棉田构建名优特经济林模式;沿农田灌溉渠系构建农田防护林网模式。  相似文献   

随着行业竞争的加剧,越来越多的企业在终端投入重兵,集中力量搞开发。不管是企业直接经营终端还是通过经销商经营终端,都不约而同地采取了密集开发终端策略.希望通过掌控数量庞大的终端实现区域占位、挤压竞争对手、掌控市场。但从实际效果看,终端战略布局失当,数量庞大的终端就会出现不仪不能帮助企业实现终端目标和终端的协同效率的情况。而且还会出现诸如加大终端管理的难度,造成终端成本上升、效益下降等严重问题。主要表现在两点。  相似文献   

周洪文 《畜牧市场》1999,11(6):11-12
结构问题和增长问题是经济研究和实际工作中的两大基本问题,合理的结构是持续增长的前提和基础。农业的可持续发展,其内涵便包含了农村产业结构和农业生产结构的不断优化。因此,农村经济结构问题历来成为理论研究的热点,也是各级政府部门工作的重点之一。本文利用北碚...  相似文献   

牛舍多采用自然通风,舍内环境参数空间分布规律与密闭式机械通风的猪舍和鸡舍有所不同.针对牛舍环境监测传感器布局问题,该研究分别采用传统均匀布点和谱聚类布点两种布局方法,分析了1~8个传感器共27种布局在夏、冬、过渡3个季节共12组试验数据下的传感器部署方案.研究结果表明:在牛舍环境监测传感器部署过程中,传统布局中蛇形(无...  相似文献   

There may be a great potential in the use of diagnostic "markers" of osteoarthritis in synovial fluid to diagnose the disease in an earlier stage and perhaps assess the severity of the disease and monitor the effect of a treatment. In the present study, potential markers are characterized, discussed, and grouped according to the latest knowledge on the etiology, pathogenesis, and pathology of osteoarthritis. They are grouped according to their origin as either cartilage degradation products, or related to the mechanisms of cartilage degradation, or related to chron-drocytic anabolic activity during disease, or related to genetic disorders. Also potential markers that have not yet been studied clinically or experimentally are discussed. Examples of the progress that has been made in human medicine approaching reliable diagnostic markers that should also be tried in veterinary medicine are described.  相似文献   

Reports of Cl. perfringens as a pathogen for cattle are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Cyclosporine is an immunomodulatory drug used to treat an increasing spectrum of diseases in dogs. Cyclosporine is a calcineurin inhibitor, ultimately exerting its inhibitory effects on T‐lymphocytes by decreasing production of cytokines, such as interleukin‐2. Although, in the United States, oral cyclosporine is approved in dogs only for treatment of atopic dermatitis, there are many other indications for its use. Cyclosporine is available in 2 oral formulations: the original oil‐based formulation and the more commonly used ultramicronized emulsion that facilitates oral absorption. Ultramicronized cyclosporine is available as an approved animal product, and human proprietary and generic preparations are also available. Bioavailability of the different formulations in dogs is likely to vary among the preparations. Cyclosporine is associated with a large number of drug interactions that can also influence blood cyclosporine concentrations. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) can be used to assist in attaining consistent plasma cyclosporine concentrations despite the effects of varying bioavailability and drug interactions. TDM can facilitate therapeutic success by guiding dose adjustments on an individualized basis, and is recommended in cases that do not respond to initial oral dosing, or during treatment of severe, life‐threatening diseases for which a trial‐and‐error approach to dose adjustment is too risky. Pharmacodynamic assays that evaluate individual patient immune responses to cyclosporine can be used to augment information provided by TDM.  相似文献   

Urethral obstruction is a potentially fatal condition and in cases of recurrent obstruction or an identified cause that is refractory to medical management, a urethrostomy may be performed for definitive treatment. Perineal urethrostomy is the surgical creation of a permanent stoma in the wider pelvic urethra via anastomosis to the perineal skin. Diagnosis of the underlying cause of obstruction, proper perioperative treatment, and an understanding of the anatomy and surgical technique, are imperative to the success of this procedure. This review intends to highlight these aspects, as well as the common complications and expected prognosis to aid decision making in the management of these cases.  相似文献   

A sixteen year old cat was examined because of polyphagia and weight loss. On the basis of elevated thyroxine levels and the clinical presentation a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism was made. The cat was treated presurgically with propylthiouracil and propranolol. Surgical excision of the grossly affected thyroid lobe, and partial excision of the apparently normal contralateral lobe was carried out. The cat improved clinically after the surgery but elevated thyroxine levels persisted. This case and the literature review, which is presented also, stress the necessity to either demonstrate unilateral involvement via extensive presurgical work-up, or to do bilateral, or staged bilateral thyroidectomies in cases of feline hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

近年来,旅游地项目同质化等原因导致了旅游地之间的竞争日益加剧,忠诚游客的价值得以持续彰显,国内外关于旅游地重游意愿的研究逐渐增多,本研究通过对相关文献进行分类、整理、分析,指出国外研究的成果主要集中在重游意愿与忠诚度关系研究,重游意愿影响因素以及测度方法等方面;国内研究主要集中于重游意愿概念的界定和测度方法,影响因素等方面。最后,研究对于国内外重游意愿研究做了全面的总结,并且提出了日后的研究建议。  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) has been used in veterinary medicine in experimental surgery and to address congenital and acquired diseases. We review the veterinary literature and expose common challenges of CPB in dogs and cats. Specifically, we describe the most specific elements of this technique in veterinary patients. The variety in animal size has made it difficult to standardize cannulation techniques, oxygenators, and priming volumes and solutions. The fact that one of the most common cardiovascular disorders, mitral valve disease, occurs predominantly in small dogs has limited the use of bypass in these patients because of the need for small, low prime oxygenators and pumps that have been unavailable until recently. Coagulation, hemostasis, and blood product availability have also represented important factors in the way CPB has developed over the years. The cost and the challenges in operating the bypass machine have represented substantial limitations in its broader use.  相似文献   

基于全机有限元模型建立了下壁板维修孔细节有限元模型。在细节有限元模型基础上定义了自由尺寸优化设计模型。以机翼整体柔度最小为目标进行自由尺寸优化设计。优化结果表明,为最小化翼盒整体柔度,下壁板维修孔两侧需要多分布材料以加强设计,而维修孔之间需要少分布材料以减弱设计。  相似文献   

The randomized clinical trial (RCT) is a valuable research method for the evaluation of new treatment and prevention regimens in veterinary medicine. Reporting of clinical trials in other disciplines has not been complete. Without complete information on the conduct and results of a clinical trial, readers cannot optimize their use of the information presented. This report represents an objective review of randomized clinical trials in the veterinary small animal literature from 1986 to 1990. Results indicate that RCT reports in the small animal veterinary literature are incomplete. The importance of reporting on particular aspects of RCT research is described.  相似文献   

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