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Canopy water use efficiency of winter wheat in the North China Plain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Canopy water use efficiency (W), the ratio of crop productivity to evapotranspiration (ET), is critical in determining the production and water use for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the North China Plain, where winter wheat is a major crop and rainfall is scarce and variable. With the eddy covariance (EC) technique, we estimated canopy W of winter wheat at gross primary productivity (WG) and net ecosystem productivity (WN) levels from revival to maturing in three seasons of 2002/2003, 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 at Yucheng Agro-ecosystem Station. Meanwhile we also measured the biomass-based water use efficiency (WB). Our results indicate that WG, WN and WB showed the similar seasonal variation. Before jointing (revival-jointing), WG, WN and WB were obviously lower with the values of 2.09-3.54 g C kg−1, −0.71 to 0.06 g C kg−1 and 1.37-4.03 g kg−1, respectively. After jointing (jointing-heading), the winter wheat began to grow vigorously, and WG, WN and WB significantly increased to 5.26-6.78 g C kg−1, 1.47-1.86 g C kg−1 and 6.41-7.03 g kg−1, respectively. The maximums of WG, WN and WB occurred around the stage of heading. Thereafter, WG, WN and WB began to decrease. During the observed periods, three levels of productivity: GPP, NEP and aboveground biomass (AGB) all had fairly linear relationships with ET. The slopes of GPP-ET, NEP-ET and AGB-ET were 4.67-6.12 g C kg−1, 1.50-2.08 g C kg−1 and 6.87-11.02 g kg−1, respectively. Generally, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and daytime vapor pressure deficit (D) had negative effects on WG, WN and WB except for on some cloudy days with low PAR and D. In many cases, WG, WN and WB showed the similar patterns. While there were still some obvious differences between them besides in magnitude, such as their significantly different responses to PAR and D on cloudy and moist days.  相似文献   

Selecting more water efficient cultivars is an important way to reduce water use in a water-scarce region. The objectives of this study were to measure the grain yield and water use efficiency (WUE) of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars to understand the genetic gains in yield and WUE and their associated physiological and agronomic traits in Hebei province, North China Plain (NCP). Two groups of winter wheat cultivars were tested. Group 1 included 16 winter wheat cultivars that were released between 1998 and 2002 and were tested during the 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 seasons under two water regimes. Group 2 included 10 cultivars released between 1970 and 2000, and were tested during the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 seasons under three water regimes. Results showed that WUE increased substantially from 1.0-1.2 kg m−3 for cultivars from the early 1970s to 1.4-1.5 kg m−3 for recently released cultivars. There was also a variation in yield and WUE of about 20% among Group 1 cultivars. Most of the cultivars in both groups had similar responses to water supply. WUE was greater for less irrigated treatments and maximum grain production was achieved with moderate water deficit. The genetic gains in grain yield were associated with increasing in biomass, harvest index and kernel numbers per spike for cultivars released in different years. Among the Group 1 cultivars, the ones with higher yield generally had higher WUE. No significant correlations were found between WUE and physiological traits such as ash content, chlorophyll content, or relative water content among the cultivars released recently. However, a significant relationship was found between stomatal conductance or ash contents and WUE or grain yield among the Group 2 cultivars. Relationships were apparent between WUE and date of anthesis and harvest index (P < 0.05) in Group 1. Earlier flowering cultivars tended to have higher grain yield. In Group 2, flowering date was advancing by about 4 days over the 30 years of crop breeding. The positive relationship between grain yield and WUE for all the cultivars indicated that using a higher yielding cultivar has the potential to improve WUE and thereby to save water.  相似文献   

Optimizing irrigation scheduling for winter wheat in the North China Plain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the North China Plain (NCP), more than 70% of irrigation water resources are used for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). A crucial target of groundwater conservation and sustainable crop production is to develop water-saving agriculture, particularly for winter wheat. The purpose of this study was to optimize irrigation scheduling for high wheat yield and water use efficiency (WUE). Field experiments were conducted for three growing seasons at the Wuqiao Experiment Station of China Agriculture University. Eleven, four and six irrigation treatments, consisting of frequency of irrigation (zero to four times) and timing (at raising, jointing, booting, flowering and milking stage), were employed for 1994/95, 1995/96 and 1996/97 seasons, respectively. Available water content (AWC), rain events, soil water use (SWU), evapotranspiration (ET) and grain yield were recorded, and water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) were calculated.The results showed that after a 75-mm pre-sowing irrigation, soil water content and AWC in the root zone of a 2-m soil profile during sowing were 31.1% (or 90.7% of field capacity) and 16.1%, respectively. Rainfall events were variable and showed a limited impact on AWC. The AWC decreased significantly with the growth of wheat. At the jointing stage no water deficits occurred for all treatments, at the flowering stage water deficits were found only in the rain-fed treatment, and at harvest all treatments had moderate to severe soil water deficits. The SWU in the 2-m soil profile was negatively related to the irrigation water volume, i.e. applying 75 mm irrigation reduced SWU by 28.2 mm. Regression analyses showed that relationships between ET and grain yield or WUE could be described by quadratic functions. Grain yield and WUE reached their maximum values of 7423 kg/ha and 1.645 kg/m3 at the ET rate of 509 and 382 mm, respectively. IWUE was negatively correlated with irrigated water volume. From the above results, three irrigation schedules: (1) pre-sowing irrigation only, (2) pre-sowing irrigation + irrigation at jointing or booting stage, and (3) pre-sowing irrigation + irrigations at jointing and flowering stages were identified and recommended for practical winter wheat production in the NCP.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted at the Luancheng Agro-Ecosystem Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences during the winter wheat growing seasons in 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. Experiments involving winter wheat with 1, 2, and 3 irrigation applications at jointing, heading, or milking were conducted, and the total irrigation water supplied was maintained at 120 mm. The results indicated that irrigation during the later part of the winter wheat growing season and increase in irrigation frequency decreased the available soil water; this result was mainly due to the changes in the vertical distribution of root length density. In ≤30-cm-deep soil profiles, 3 times irrigation at jointing, heading, and milking increased the root length density, while in >30-cm-deep soil profiles, 1 time irrigation at jointing resulted in the highest root length density. With regard to evapotranspiration (ET), there was no significant (LSD, P < 0.05) difference between the regimes wherein irrigation was applied only once at jointing; 2 times at jointing and heading; and 3 times at jointing, heading, and milking. Compared with 1 and 3 times irrigation during the winter wheat growing season, 2 times irrigation increased grain yield and 2 times irrigation at jointing and heading produced the highest water-use efficiency (WUE). Combining the results obtained regarding grain yield and WUE, it can be concluded that irrigation at the jointing and heading stages results in high grain yield and WUE, which will offer a sound measurement for developing deficit irrigation regimes in North China.  相似文献   

In the semi-humid to arid loess plateau areas of North China, water is the limiting factor for rain-fed crop yields. Conservation tillage has been proposed to improve soil and water conservation in these areas. From 1999 to 2005, we conducted a field experiment on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to investigate the effects of conservation tillage on soil water conservation, crop yield, and water-use efficiency. The field experiment was conducted using reduced tillage (RT), no tillage with mulching (NT), subsoil tillage with mulching (ST), and conventional tillage (CT). NT and ST improved water conversation, with the average soil water storage in 0–200 cm soil depth over the six years increased 25.24 mm at the end of summer fallow periods, whereas RT soil water storage decreased 12 mm, compared to CT. At wheat planting times, the available soil water on NT and ST plots was significantly higher than those using CT and RT. The winter wheat yields were also significantly affected by the tillage methods. The average winter wheat yields over 6 years on NT or ST plots were significantly higher than that in CT or RT plots. CT and RT yields did not vary significantly between them. In each study year, NT and ST water-use efficiency (WUE) was higher than that of CT and RT. In the dry growing seasons of 1999–2000, 2004–2005 and the low-rainfall fallow season of 2002, the WUE of NT and ST was significantly higher than that of CT and RT, but did not vary significantly in the other years. For all years, CT and RT showed no WUE advantage. In relation to CT, the economic benefit of RT, NT, and ST increased 62, 1754, and 1467 yuan ha−1, respectively, and the output/input ratio of conservation tillage was higher than that of CT. The overall results showed that NT and ST are the optimum tillage systems for increasing water storage and wheat yields, enhancing WUE and saving energy on the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important component of the water cycle at field, regional and global scales. This study used measured data from a 30-year irrigation experiment (1979-2009) in the North China Plain (NCP) on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) to analyze the impacts of climatic factors and crop yield on ET. The results showed that grass reference evapotranspiration (ETo, calculated by FAO Penmen-Monteith method) was relatively constant from 1979 to 2009. However, the actual seasonal ET of winter wheat and maize under well-watered condition gradually increased from the 1980s to the 2000s. The mean seasonal ET was 401.4 mm, 417.3 mm and 458.6 mm for winter wheat, and 375.7 mm, 381.1 mm and 396.2 mm for maize in 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, respectively. The crop coefficient (Kc) was not constant and changed with the yield of the crops. The seasonal average Kc of winter wheat was 0.75 in the 1980s, 0.81 in the 1990s and 0.85 in the 2000s, and the corresponding average grain yield (GY) was 4790 kg ha−1, 5501 kg ha−1 and 6685 kg ha−1. The average Kc of maize was 0.88 in the 1980s, 0.88 in the 1990s and 0.94 in the 2000s, with a GY of 5054 kg ha−1, 7041 kg ha−1 and 7874 kg ha−1, respectively, for the three decades. The increase in ET was not in proportion to the increase in GY, resulting improved water use efficiency (WUE). The increase in ET was possibly related to the increase in leaf stomatal conductance with renewing in cultivars. The less increase in water use with more increase in grain production could be partly attributed to the significant increase in harvest index. The results showed that with new cultivars and improved management practices it was possible to further increase grain production without much increase in water use.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 3 consecutive years (2007–2009) to study the effects of two different irrigation methods, that is, level-basin irrigation (BI) and drip irrigation (DI), and different treatment levels on crop growth, yield, and WUE of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the North China Plain (NCP). The results indicate that irrigation methods and treatment levels had significant effects on crop growth and yield of winter wheat. Irrigation amounts significantly influenced plant heights, LAI, and winter wheat grain yields (P < 0.05 level) for both irrigation methods. Further, the DI method significantly improved yield and WUE compared with the BI method (P < 0.05 level) under conditions of deficit irrigation. Without irrigation system investment consideration, crop water productivity was highest when DI was used and irrigations were scheduled when soil water was depleted to 60 and 50 % of field capacity.  相似文献   

Based on evaporation from a 20 cm diameter pan placed above the crop canopy, sprinkler irrigation scheduling of winter wheat was studied in the North China Plain (NCP) in the 2001–2004 winter wheat seasons. Results showed that pan evaporation (E pan,C) was closely related to actual evapotranspiration (ET) measured using weighing lysimeters. The combined pan–crop coefficient (K c,pan), the ratio of ET to E pan,C, was closely related to leaf area index (LAI ) and plant height. Data from the 2002–2003 season were used to establish the relationships between K c,pan and LAI (method A) or plant height (method B), and used to determine the crop coefficient (method C). ET computed by the three methods was compared with measured ET using lysimeters in the 2001–2002 and 2003–2004 seasons. Mean relative error of estimated daily ET by the three methods ranged from 20 to 30%, and the relative error in cumulative ET in the experimental periods ranged from 1 to 19%. Among the three methods, results from methods A and B were not significantly different from each other (P > 0.01), and were closer to the lysimeter data than results from method C (P < 0.001). Method B, being easier to measure, was recommended for ET estimation in NCP.  相似文献   

The factor limiting the increase in winter wheat yield was not the deficiency of light radiation but the low radiation use efficiency (RUE). In 2004-2005 and 2005-2006, an experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Station of Shandong Agricultural University to study the effects of irrigation and different planting patterns on the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) capture ratio, PAR utilization, and winter wheat yield. In this experiment, winter wheat was planted in four patterns as follows: uniform row planting (U; row spacing, 30 cm), “20 + 40” wide-narrow row planting (W), “20 + 40” furrow planting (F), and “20 + 40” bed planting (B), which are very popular in North China. The results showed that under different irrigation regimes, there was no significant difference (less than 15.93%) between any of the planting patterns with respect to the amount of PAR intercepted by the winter wheat canopies. However, significant differences were observed between different planting patterns with respect to the amount of PAR intercepted by plants that were 60-80 cm above the ground surface (53.35-225.16%). This result was mainly due to the changes in the vertical distributions of leaf area index (LAI). As a result, the effects of the planting patterns on RUE and the winter wheat yield were due the vertical distribution of PAR in the winter wheat canopies. During the late winter wheat growing season, irrespective of the applied irrigation, the RUE in case of F was higher than that in case of U, W, and B by 0.05-0.09, 0.04-0.08, and 0.02-0.12 g/mol, respectively, and the yield was higher by 238.39-693.46, 160.02-685.96, and 308.98-699.06 kg/ha, respectively. Only under the fully irrigated conditions, the RUE and winter wheat yield significantly (LSD; P < 0.05) increased in case of B. This experiment showed that in North China, where the water shortage is the highest, application of planting pattern B should be restricted. Instead, F should be used in combination with deficit irrigation to increase the RUE and grain yield of winter wheat.  相似文献   

Drought and fresh water shortage are in the way of sustainable agriculture development in the North China Plain. The scarcity of fresh water forces farmers to use shallow saline ground water, which helps to overcome drought and increase crop yields but also increases the risk of soil salinization. This paper describes salt regimes and crop responses to saline irrigation water based on field experiments conducted from October 1997 to September 2005. It was found that use of saline water causes the ECe of the topsoil (0–100 cm, Cv: 0.196∼0.330) to be higher and more variable than the subsoil (100–180 cm, Cv: 0.133∼0.219). The salt load rapidly increased, notably in the upper 80 cm and especially during the season of October 1999 to June 2000. It was concluded that the maximum soil depth to which the soil was leached during the wet season was about 150 cm. The relative yields of winter wheat could be ranked Fresh Sufficient (FS, 100%) > Fresh Limited (FL, 91.80%) > Saline Sufficient (SS, 91.63%) > Saline Limited (SL, 88.28%) > Control (C, 69.58%) and for maize FS (100%) > FL (96.37%) > SS (93.05%) > SL (90.04%)> C (89.81%). The best irrigation regime was Saline Limited for winter wheat and maize, provided rainfall is sufficient. The experiments confirm that saline irrigation water appears to be economically attractive to farmers in the short term and ecological hazards can still be controlled with proper leaching.  相似文献   

The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the most water stressed areas in the world. The water consumption of winter wheat accounts for more than 50% of the total water consumption in this region. An accurate estimate of the evapotranspiration (ET) and crop water productivity (CWP) at regional scale is therefore key to the practice of water-saving agriculture in NCP. In this research, the ET and CWP of winter wheat in 83 counties during October 2003 to June 2004 in NCP were estimated using the remote sensing data. The daily ET was calculated using SEBAL model with NOAA remote sensing data in 17 non-cloud days whereas the reference daily crop ET was estimated using meteorological data based on Hargreaves approach. The daily ET and the total ET over the entire growing season of winter wheat were obtained using crop coefficient interpolation approach. The calculated average and maximum water consumption of winter wheat in these 83 counties were 424 and 475 mm, respectively. The calculated daily ET from SEBAL model showed good match with the observed data collected in a Lysimeter. The error of ET estimation over the entire growing stage of winter wheat was approximately 4.3%. The highest CWP across this region was 1.67 kg m−3, and the lowest was less than 0.5 kg m−3. We observed a close linear relationship between CWP and yield. We also observed that the continuing increase of ET leads to a peaking and subsequent decline of CWP, which suggests that the higher water consumption does not necessarily lead to a higher yield.  相似文献   

A groundwater crisis is going on in the North China Plain (NCP), due to the excessive water consumption of the traditional winter wheat (WW)/summer maize (SM) double cropping system (two harvests in one year). In order to improve the water use efficiency in this particular cropping system and to evaluate the sustainability of water usage in Chinese agroecosystems, two field experiments were conducted from October 2004 to September 2006 at two sites of the North China Plain. The field experiments included four treatments: (1) farmers’ practice (FP) with two harvests in one year (WW/SM rotation), (2) FP with reduced input (RI) of water and nitrogen (WW/SM rotation), (3) three harvests in two years (TW, 1st year: WW/SM; 2nd year: spring maize), and (4) continuous spring-maize monoculture (CS) with one harvest per year (spring maize). In the treatments RI, TW and CS, the amount and timing of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization was optimized using TDR based soil moisture measurements and the Nmin-method, respectively. Data showed that the utilization efficiency of irrigation water can be improved by optimizing soil water management compared to the traditional water management (FP). However, the groundwater net consumption required for RI still surpassed 300 mm yr−1. Both FP and RI, still overused groundwater resources. The groundwater consumption in the continuous spring maize (CS) was on average 139 mm yr−1. Therefore, the CS system can show the potential to use groundwater sustainably in the long term. Water usage of the TW treatment was in between the water usage of the other treatments. The grain yields in the double cropping systems (FP and RI) were higher than that in the two other systems (TW and CS). But the CS treatment showed the higher WUE than others.  相似文献   

Based on future climate change projections offered by IPCC, the responses of yields and water use efficiencies of wheat and maize to climate change scenarios are explored over the North China Plain. The climate change projections of 21st century under A2A, B2A and A1B are from HadCM3 global climate model.A climate generator (CLIGEN) is applied to generate daily weather data of selected stations and then the data is used to drive CERES-Wheat and Maize models. The impacts of increased temperature and CO2 on wheat and maize yields are inconsistent. Under the same scenario, wheat yield ascended due to climatic warming, but the maize yield descended. As a more probable scenario, climate change under B2A is moderate relative to A2A and A1B. Under B2A in 2090s, average wheat yield and maize yield will respectively increase 9.8% and 3.2% without CO2 fertilization in this region. High temperature not only affects crop yields, but also has positive effect on water use efficiencies, mainly ascribing to the evapotranspiration intensification. There is a positive effect of CO2 enrichment on yield and water use efficiency. If atmospheric CO2 concentration reaches nearly 600 ppm, wheat and maize yields will increase 38% and 12% and water use efficiencies will improve 40% and 25% respectively, in comparison to those without CO2 fertilization. However, the uncertainty of crop yield is considerable under future climate change scenarios and whether the CO2 fertilization may be realized is still needed further research.  相似文献   

The yield of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), one of the major crops planted in the Loess Plateau, China, is mainly affected by available water. Straw mulch and irrigation are efficient ways of influencing wheat yield and water-use efficiency. To develop better semiarid crop and water management practices, a 13-year experiment in spring wheat monoculture was conducted at the Dingxi Soil and Water Conservation Institute of the Loess Plateau. The influence of rainfall during the growing season (March–July) on yields of rain-fed wheat was studied for 13 years (1982–1992 and 1997–1998). The influence of straw mulch and irrigation on wheat yield, and water-use efficiency, was studied for 2 years (1997–1998). We found that growing season rainfall had a significant (P < 0.05) influence on biomass and grain yield of spring wheat in rain-fed conditions during the 13 years. Both biomass and grain yield were very low and varied significantly due to the low and significant variability of growing season rainfall. Straw mulch increased wheat yields significantly during both dry (1997) and wet (1998) years. It increased biomass and grain yield by 37 and 52%, respectively, in 1997, and by 20 and 26%, respectively, in 1998. Straw mulch also significantly decreased evapotranspiration (P < 0.05), soil water depletion (P < 0.01), and increased water-use efficiency (P < 0.001). Biomass and grain yield both increased (P < 0.01 orP < 0.001) with increasing irrigation in 1997 and 1998. The three irrigation levels increased the biomass yield from 34 to 66% in 1997, and from 34 to 77% in 1998. The irrigation levels also increased grain yield from 53 to 102% in 1997, and from 22 to 57% in 1998. Water-use efficiency for biomass and grain yield also increased with increasing irrigation. On the other hand, irrigation water-use efficiency for biomass and grain yield decreased with increasing irrigation. The results suggest that higher crop yields in the semiarid Loess Plateau may be achieved by using irrigation, or a proper combination of straw mulch and irrigation.  相似文献   

Limited precipitation restricts crop yield in the North China Plain, where high level of production depends largely on irrigation. Establishing the optimal irrigation scheduling according to the crop water requirement (CWR) and precipitation is the key factor to achieve rational water use. Precipitation data collected for about 40 years were employed to analyze the long-term trend, and weather data from 1984 to 2005 were used to estimate the CWR and irrigation water requirements (IWR). Field experiments were performed at the Luancheng Station from 1997 to 2005 to calculate the soil water consumption and water use efficiency (WUE). The results showed the CWR for winter wheat and summer maize were similar and about 430 mm, while the IWR ranged from 247 to 370 mm and 0 to 336 mm at the 25% and 75% precipitation exceedance probabilities for winter wheat and summer maize, respectively. The irrigation applied varied in the different rainfall years and the optimal irrigation amount was about 186, 161 and 99 mm for winter wheat and 134, 88 and 0 mm for summer maize in the dry, normal and wet seasons, respectively. However, as precipitation reduces over time especially during the maize growing periods, development of water-saving management practices for sustainable agriculture into the future is imperative.  相似文献   

本文研究目的是探究北方小麦种植中高产高效关键技术的实施,通过对小麦种植过程中不同阶段的技术要点进行分析,得出的结果是北方小麦种植中的高产高效关键技术要做好优良品种选择、播种等环节的工作,确保小麦高产。最终的结论为要想提升小麦的品质与产量,就要从优良品种的选用开始做好关键技术推广。  相似文献   

Serious water deficits and deteriorating environmental quality are threatening agricultural sustainability in the North China Plain (NCP). This paper addresses spatial and temporal availability of water resources in the NCP, identifies the effects of soil management, irrigation timing and amounts, and crop genetic improvement on water use efficiency (WUE), and then discusses knowledge gaps and research priorities to further improve WUE. Enhanced irrigation and soil nutrient (mainly nitrogen) management are the focal issues in the NCP for enhancing WUE, which are shown to increase WUE by 10-25% in a wheat-maize double cropping system. Crop breeding has also contributed to increased of WUE and is expected to play an important role in the future as genetic and environmental interactions are understood better. Agricultural system models and remote sensing have been used to evaluate and improve current agronomic management practices for increasing WUE at field and regional scales. The low WUE in farmer's fields compared with well-managed experimental sites indicates that more efforts are needed to transfer water-saving technologies to the farmers. We also identified several knowledge gaps for further increasing WUE in the NCP by: (1) increasing scientific understanding of the effects of agronomic management on WUE across various soil and climate conditions; (2) quantifying the interaction between soil water and nitrogen in water-limited agriculture for improving both water and nitrogen-use efficiency; (3) improving irrigation practices (timing and amounts) based on real-time monitoring of water status in soil-crop systems; and (4) maximizing regional WUE by managing water resources and allocation at regional scales.  相似文献   

Irrigation needs to be scheduled properly for winter wheat, the main food crop in North China where the water resources are limited. We optimized the irrigation timing of crops under limited water supply by integrating a soil water balance model, dated water production function with cumulative function of water sensitivity index, and a nonlinear search method. The optimization produced the optimal irrigation date series with the predetermined irrigation quota for each application, which aims to obtain higher crop yield with limited irrigation water and be convenient for irrigation management. This simulation–optimization model was used to investigate the irrigation scheduling of winter wheat in Xiaohe irrigation Area in North China. Results show that optimal irrigation date series, corresponding relative yield and relative evapotranspiration are all closely related to the irrigation quota and initial soil water conditions. For rich and medium initial soil water conditions in medium precipitation year, it takes four times of irrigation (60 mm each time) after greening in order to obtain higher crop yield. But it increases to five times for poor initial condition. With limited irrigation water, irrigation should generally be applied in the preferential sequence of early May or late April (in the jointing stage), then mid and late May (in the heading stage), and finally March (in the greening stage). Irrigation should be applied earlier with lower initial soil water storage. Higher irrigation quota increases the crop yield but tends to decrease the marginal value, especially when irrigation quota exceeds 180 mm. The study also indicates that the optimized relative yield is generally higher than that obtained in field experiment. Based on the optimization, we proposed to use the quadratic polynomial function to describe the frontier water production function, which shows the mathematical relationship between optimized relative yield and relative evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

Water is the most important limiting factor of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) double cropping systems in the North China Plain (NCP). A two-year experiment with four irrigation levels based on crop growth stages was used to calibrate and validate RZWQM2, a hybrid model that combines the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) and DSSAT4.0. The calibrated model was then used to investigate various irrigation strategies for high yield and water use efficiency (WUE) using weather data from 1961 to 1999. The model simulated soil moisture, crop yield, above-ground biomass and WUE in responses to irrigation schedules well, with root mean square errors (RMSEs) of 0.029 cm3 cm−3, 0.59 Mg ha−1, 2.05 Mg ha−1, and 0.19 kg m−3, respectively, for wheat; and 0.027 cm3 cm−3, 0.71 Mg ha−1, 1.51 Mg ha−1 and 0.35 kg m−3, respectively, for maize. WUE increased with the amount of irrigation applied during the dry growing season of 2001-2002, but was less sensitive to irrigation during the wet season of 2002-2003. Long-term simulation using weather data from 1961 to 1999 showed that initial soil water at planting was adequate (at 82% of crop available water) for wheat establishment due to the high rainfall during the previous maize season. Preseason irrigation for wheat commonly practiced by local farmers should be postponed to the most sensitive growth stage (stem extension) for higher yield and WUE in the area. Preseason irrigation for maize is needed in 40% of the years. With limited irrigation available (100, 150, 200, or 250 mm per year), 80% of the water allocated to the critical wheat growth stages and 20% applied at maize planting achieved the highest WUE and the least water drainage overall for the two crops.  相似文献   

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