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The risk of infection with avian influenza viruses for poultry workers is relatively unknown in China, and study results are often biased by the notification of only the severe human cases. Protein microarray was used to detect binding antibodies to 13 different haemagglutinin (HA1‐part) antigens of avian influenza A(H5N1), A(H7N7), A(H7N9) and A(H9N2) viruses, in serum samples from poultry workers and healthy blood donors collected in the course of 3 years in Guangdong Province, China. Significantly higher antibody titre levels were detected in poultry workers when compared to blood donors for the most recent H5 and H9 strains tested. These differences were most pronounced in younger age groups for antigens from older strains, but were observed in all age groups for the recent H5 and H9 antigens. For the H7 strains tested, only poultry workers from two retail live poultry markets had significantly higher antibody titres compared to blood donors.  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic influenza A virus subtype H5N1 causes significant poultry mortality in the six countries where it is endemic and can also infect humans. Egypt has reported the third highest number of poultry outbreaks (n = 1084) globally. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to identify putative risk factors for H5N1 infections in backyard poultry in 16 villages in Damietta, El Gharbia, Fayoum, and Menofia governorates from 2010–2012. Cloacal and tracheal swabs and serum samples from domestic (n = 1242) and wild birds (n = 807) were tested for H5N1 via RT-PCR and hemagglutination inhibition, respectively. We measured poultry rearing practices with questionnaires (n = 306 households) and contact rates among domestic and wild bird species with scan sampling. Domestic birds (chickens, ducks, and geese, n = 51) in three governorates tested positive for H5N1 by PCR or serology. A regression model identified a significant correlation between H5N1 in poultry and the practice of disposing of dead poultry and poultry feces in the garbage (F = 15.7, p < 0.0001). In addition, contact between domestic and wild birds was more frequent in villages where we detected H5N1 in backyard flocks (F = 29.5, p < 0.0001).  相似文献   

On 19th July 2007 re-occurrence of the H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus was noticed in Europe. The index strain of this novel H5N1 lineage was identified in the Czech Republic where it caused historically the first HPAI outbreak in commercial poultry. In the present study we performed molecular and phylogenetic analysis of the index strain of the re-emerging H5N1 virus lineage along with the Czech and the Slovak H5N1 strains collected in 2006 and established the evolutionary relationships to additional viruses circulated in Europe in 2005-2006. Our analysis revealed that the Czech and the Slovak H5N1 viruses collected during 2006 were separated into two sub-clades 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, which predominated in Europe during 2005-2006. On the contrary the newly emerged H5N1 viruses belonged to a clearly distinguishable sub-clade 2.2.3. Within the sub-clade 2.2.3 the Czech H5N1 strains showed the closest relationships to the simultaneously circulated viruses from Germany, Romania and Russia (Krasnodar) in 2007 and were further clustered with the viruses from Afghanistan and Mongolia circulated in 2006. The origin of the Czech 2007 H5N1 HPAI strains was also discussed.  相似文献   

雉鸡自然感染高致病性禽流感的病理组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对已经确诊为自然感染发生高致病性禽流感的病死雉鸡的各组织器官进行病理学观察。结果发现,该养殖场的病、死雉鸡出现明显和广泛的出血和组织损伤,腹部、腿部皮下肌肉、肺、脾出血,心肌条索状坏死,胰腺、脾、肾、肝脏等器官灶状坏死。组织病理学变化以典型的病毒性心肌炎、淋巴细胞性脑炎、间质性肺炎、间质性肾炎,急性出血性肠炎,以及胰腺、肝脏、脾脏的变质性炎症等为主要特征。  相似文献   

为系统评估禽流感病毒(AIV)H5N1变异株灭活疫苗(Re-4株)对家禽的免疫效果,本研究将Re-4株油乳剂灭活疫苗免疫SPF鸡和商品蛋鸡、商品鸭及商品鹅。免疫后每周采集血清测定HI抗体,绘制抗体消长曲线,免疫SPF鸡在免疫后2周、3周和50周时以105EID50剂量的强毒株(CK/SX/2/06)进行攻毒。研究结果显示,该疫苗对蛋鸡、鸭、鹅均具有良好的免疫效果,而且SPF免疫鸡血清HI抗体在4log2以上时能够完全抵抗CK/SX/2/06强毒的攻击。因此,根据实验结果推荐该油乳剂灭活疫苗的对上述禽类的免疫程序:商品蛋鸡10日龄颈部皮下注射0.3mL,60日龄和110日龄(开产前)时依次胸肌注射0.5mL和1.0mL进行免疫;商品鸭、鹅在2周龄均以0.5mL首免,5周龄和4月龄左右时以1mL的剂量肌肉注射方式进行加强免疫。  相似文献   

Live bird markets can become contaminated with and become a source of transmission for avian influenza viruses including the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain. Many countries affected by the H5N1-virus have limited resources for programs in environmental health, sanitation and disease control in live bird markets. This study proposes five critical control points (CCPs) to reduce the risk of H5N1-virus contamination in markets in low resource settings. The CCPs were developed based on three surveys conducted in Indonesia: a cross-sectional survey in 119 markets, a knowledge, attitudes and practice survey in 3 markets and a microbiological survey in 83 markets. These surveys assessed poultry workflow, market infrastructure, hygiene and regulatory practices and microbiological contamination with the H5N1-virus. The five CCPs identified were (1) reducing risk of receiving infected birds into the market, (2) reducing the risk of virus spread between different bird flocks in holding cages, (3) reducing surface contamination by isolating slaughter processes from other poultry-related processes, (4) minimizing the potential for contamination during evisceration of carcasses and (5) reducing the risk of surface contamination in the sale zone of the market. To be relevant for low resource settings, the CCPs do not necessitate large infrastructure changes. The CCPs are suited for markets that slaughter poultry and have capacity for daily disposal and removal of solid waste from the market. However, it is envisaged that the CCPs can be adapted for the development of risk-based programs in various settings.  相似文献   

本实验对经反向遗传方法构建的重组禽流感H5N1亚型变异株灭活疫苗种毒Re-4株的生物学特性及免疫效力进行研究.将Re-4株接种SPF鸡胚后37℃培养72 h,鸡胚存活,无病变,HA滴度达29;以0.1 mL(106.0EID50/0.1 mE)的剂量鼻腔感染4周龄SPF鸡7 d后血清HI抗体转阳,无任何症状,也不排毒;SPF鸡静脉致病指数(IVPI)为0;以Re-4重组株为种毒制备灭活疫苗,免疫SPF鸡后,3周后平均HI抗体效价达8.75 log2:免疫鸡对亲本强毒株CKSX/06,以及变异株CKNX/06和流行株GSGD/96攻击提供完全保护.以上结果表明变异株灭活疫苗种毒Re-4株对SPF鸡胚和SPF鸡无致病性、适合鸡胚增殖、抗原针对性强,并且以该毒株制备的灭活疫苗具有良好的免疫效力,是研制预防H5N1亚型禽流感病毒山西变异株的理想疫苗种毒株.  相似文献   

禽流感病毒RT-PCR及多重RT-PCR检测技术的建立   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
研究建立了禽流感病毒(AIV)A型、H5、N1、H9、N2亚型特异性RT-PCR及HS/N1、H9/N2、A/H5/Nl多重RT-PCR检测技术,用于检测或同时检测和鉴别A型及H5N1、H9N2亚型AIV。所建立的RT-PCR和多重RT-PCR从核酸提取、基因扩增到产物分析在3~4h内即可完成,经对36株AIV及相关病毒分离物检测,与病毒分离鉴定的结果完全一致,且与相关病毒或其他亚型无交叉反应。采用多重RT-PCR检测80份棉拭子样品,并与病毒分离鉴定方法比较,二者H5N1、H9N2亚型的鉴定结果完全吻合。结果表明,该方法具有快速、敏感、特异等优点,为临诊样品中AIV型及H5N1、H9N2亚型鉴定和诊断的有效方法。  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus was first detected in Cameroon in February 2006. Analysis of NA sequences of the virus demonstrated that it is closely related to the H5N1 isolates from Northern Nigeria, Sudan and Ivory Coast, suggesting a common virus ancestor.  相似文献   

H9N2亚型禽流感病毒(Avian influenza virus, AIV)通过为其他流感病毒提供内部基因或直接跨越种间屏障感染人,而活禽市场是H9N2亚型AIV传播的主要传播途径之一。为了解吉林省长春地区城乡活禽市场H9N2亚型AIV流行特点和趋势,对2021年9月至2023年4月在4个城乡活禽市场分离到3株代表性H9N2亚型AIV进行了分子遗传进化分析。结果显示3株毒株HA蛋白裂解位点均为PSKSSR↓GLF,其受体结合位点的第226位氨基酸由Q突变为L,可与α,2-6唾液酸受体结合,具有感染人的特性。分子遗传进化分析显示3株毒株的HA基因归属于BJ-94谱系中h9.4.2.5亚分支;NA基因归属Y280谱系;PB2、M基因均属于G1谱系;剩余内部基因均属于F-98谱系。研究结论丰富当前国内H9N2亚型AIV的流行病学研究,提示需加强病毒变异监控和新疫苗研发。  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIV) of the H5N1 subtype have spread since 2003 in poultry and wild birds in Asia, Europe and Africa. In Korea, the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza outbreaks took place in 2003/2004, 2006/2007 and 2008. As the 2006/2007 isolates differ phylogenetically from the 2003/2004 isolates, we assessed the clinical responses of chickens, ducks and quails to intranasal inoculation of the 2006/2007 index case virus, A/chicken/Korea/IS/06. All the chickens and quails died on 3 days and 3-6 days post-inoculation (DPI), respectively, whilst the ducks only showed signs of mild depression. The uninoculated chickens and quails placed soon after with the inoculated flock died on 5.3 and 7.5 DPI, respectively. Both oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs were taken for all three species during various time intervals after inoculation. It was found that oropharyngeal swabs showed higher viral titers than in cloacal swabs applicable to all three avian species. The chickens and quails shed the virus until they died (up to 3 to 6 days after inoculation, respectively) whilst the ducks shed the virus on 2-4 DPI. The postmortem tissues collected from the chickens and quails on day 3 and days 4-5 and from clinically normal ducks that were euthanized on day 4 contained the virus. However, the ducks had significantly lower viral titers than the chickens or quails. Thus, the three avian species varied significantly in their clinical signs, mortality, tissue virus titers, and duration of virus shedding. Our observations suggest that duck and quail farms should be monitored particularly closely for the presence of HPAIV so that further virus transmission to other avian or mammalian hosts can be prevented.  相似文献   

Avian Influenza (AI), caused by Alphainfluenzaviruses (AIVs), is a contagious respiratory disease in birds and mammals. AIVs have been reported in poultry worldwide and the impact of AIVs on human health is immense. In this study, a serological survey of AIV subtype H5 and H9 was conducted in a live bird market (LBM) in Yangon, Myanmar during February 2016 to September 2016. A total of 621 serum samples were collected from chickens (n = 489) and ducks (n = 132) from 48 vendors in the LBM. The samples were examined for antibodies against influenza viruses by using NP-ELISA and specific antibodies against AIV-H5N1 (Clade 2.3.4) and AIV-H9N2 (Clade 9.4.2) by using Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) assay. The result of NP-ELISA assay showed that 12.88 % (80/621) of poultry in LBM was positive for AIV antibodies. In detail, 38.06 % (51/134) of layers, 7.08 % (8/113) of backyard chicken, 2.07 % (5/242) of broilers and 12.12 % (16/132) of ducks were AIV positive. The HI test for specific antibodies against AIV-H5N1 and AIV-H9N2 were 1.77 % (11/621) and 4.51 % (28/621), respectively. Our findings revealed the evidence of AIV-H5N1 and AIV-H9N2 exposure in both chicken and ducks in the LBM in Yangon, Myanmar. Risks of influenza infections and transmission among poultry and humans in the LBMs could not be ignored.  相似文献   

H5N1亚型禽流感病毒NS1基因的克隆及表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用RT-PCR扩增了2株H5N1亚型禽流感病毒NS1基因,并将其克隆到pMD 18-T载体上,进行序列分析.结果显示,这2株禽流感病毒NS1基因核苷酸序列的同源性为70.2%,分别属于NS等位基因群A和等位基因群B.再将克隆的NS1基因插入到pET-28a质粒中构建原核表达载体,将其转化到DH5α大肠埃希氏菌感受态细胞中,经双酶切鉴定及序列分析,表明获得了重组质粒pET-52NS1和pET-174NS1.经SDS-PAGE分析,重组质粒转化BL21(DE3)(pLysS)感受态细胞后,经IPTG诱导,获得了分子质量约为30 ku的NS1融合蛋白.用AIV多克隆血清做Western-blotting分析,发现来自2个等位基因群的NS1蛋白都具有较好的抗原活性.  相似文献   

为了研究家禽粪便环境对常用化学消毒剂杀灭H5N6亚型禽流感病毒的影响,依照《消毒技术规范》,评估5种消毒剂在粪便环境下对目前我国流行的H5N6亚型高致病性禽流感病毒的杀灭效果.结果:与无粪便环境组相比,家禽粪便对5种消毒剂的消毒效果均造成一定程度的影响,需要提高消毒剂工作浓度.其中:过硫酸氢钾复合物溶液、二氯异氰脲酸钠...  相似文献   

为模拟哺乳动物感染H5亚型高致病性禽流感病毒(HPAIV)的发病进程,本研究采用对哺乳动物高度致病的H5N1亚型HPAIV株A/bar-headed goose/Qinghai/3/05 (BHG/3/05),以低剂量鼻腔接种小鼠,观察发病、存活、病毒复制及组织病理损伤情况.结果显示,100.4 EID50即能够100%感染小鼠,但发病表现缓慢,死亡延迟至8d以后,存活达60%;体内病毒复制可持续10 d以上,感染后前3d病毒的增殖限于呼吸道,随后扩散至脑、脾、肾等其他器官;组织病理学观察肺脏早期表现出渗出性炎症,第10d发展为典型的间质性肺炎.本研究结果为探讨人禽流感的病理发生机制提供了具有价值的模型.  相似文献   

为构建禽流感病毒(AIV) H5N1亚型非结构蛋白NS1的真核表达载体,并鉴定其在哺乳动物细胞中的表达与分布,本研究采用RT-PCR技术,从甲型流感病毒的总RNA中扩增NS1全长基因,并将其克隆于pXJ40中,构建真核表达载体pXJ40-HA-NSl.将该重组质粒转染293T细胞,通过western blot方法鉴定表达的NS1蛋白;并以免疫荧光技术观察NS1在H1299细胞中的分布与定位.Western blot结果显示NS1基因编码蛋白获得表达,免疫荧光检测显示NS1蛋白主要存在于细胞核中.本研究为NS1蛋白功能和H5N1亚型AIV致病机制的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Indonesia continues to report the highest number of human and poultry cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1. The disease is considered to be endemic on the island of Bali. Live bird markets are integral in the poultry supply chain on Bali and are important, nutritionally and culturally, for the rural and urban human populations. Due to the lack of biosecurity practiced along the supply chain from producer to live bird markets, there is a need to understand the risks associated with the spread of H5N1 through live bird movements for effective control. Resources to control H5N1 in Indonesia are very limited and cost effective strategies are needed. We assessed the probability a live bird market is infected through live poultry movements and assessed the effects of implementing two simple and low cost control measures on this risk. Results suggest there is a high risk a live bird market is infected (0.78), and risk mitigation strategies such as detecting and removing infected poultry from markets reduce this risk somewhat (range 0.67–0.76). The study demonstrates the key role live poultry movements play in transmitting H5N1 and the need to implement a variety of control measures to reduce disease spread.  相似文献   

The continuing outbreaks of avian influenza A H5N1 virus infection in Asia and Africa have caused worldwide concern because of the high mortality rates in poultry, suggesting its potential to become a pandemic influenza virus in humans. The transmission route of the virus among either the same species or different species is not yet clear. Broilers and BABL/c mice were inoculated with the H5N1 strain of influenza A virus isolated from birds. The animals were inoculated with 0.1 mL 106.83 TCID50 of H5N1 virus oronasally, intraperitoneally and using eye drops. The viruses were examined by virological and pathological assays. In addition, to detect horizontal transmission, in each group, healthy chicks and mice were mixed with those infected. Viruses were detected in homogenates of the heart, liver, spleen, kidney and blood of the infected mice and chickens. Virus antigen was not detected in the spleen, kidney or gastrointestinal tract, but detected by Plaque Forming Unit (PFU) assay in the brain, liver and lung without degenerative change in these organs (in the group inoculated using eye drops. The detection results for mice inoculated using eye drops suggest that this virus might have a different tissue tropism from other influenza viruses mainly restricted to the respiratory tract in mice. All chicken samples tested positive for the virus, regardless of the method of inoculation. Avian influenza A H5N1 viruses are highly pathogenic to chickens, but its virulence in other animals is not yet known. To sum up, the results suggest that the virus replicates not only in different animal species but also through different routes of infection. In addition, the virus was detection not only in the respiratory tract but also in multiple extra‐respiratory tissues. This study demonstrates that H5N1 virus infection in mice can cause systemic disease and spread through potentially novel routes within and between mammalian hosts.  相似文献   

Swine influenza viruses H1N1 and H3N2 have been reported in the swine population worldwide. From June 2008 to June 2009, we carried out serological and virological surveillance of swine influenza in the Hubei province in central China. The serological results indicated that antibodies to H1N1 swine influenza virus in the swine population were high with a 42.5% (204/480) positive rate, whereas antibodies to H3N2 swine influenza virus were low with a 7.9% (38/480) positive rate. Virological surveillance showed that only one sample from weanling pigs was positive by RT-PCR. Phylogenetic analysis of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes revealed that the A/Sw/HB/S1/2009 isolate was closely related to avian-like H1N1 viruses and seemed to be derived from the European swine H1N1 viruses. In conclusion, H1N1 influenza viruses were more dominant in the pig population than H3N2 influenza viruses in central China, and infection with avian-like H1N1 viruses persistently emerged in the swine population in the area.  相似文献   

为筛选H5N1禽流感病毒(AIV)血凝素蛋白(HA)特异性中和抗体,本研究构建了表达HA蛋白的重组质粒,利用该重组质粒及缺失表达人免疫缺陷病病毒1型(HIV-1)囊膜蛋白基因的骨架质粒,构建了表面整合有H5亚型AIV HA蛋白的HIV假病毒。利用该假病毒系统,筛选得到一株具有中和活性的单克隆抗体(MAb)。经测定,该MAb与纯化的全病毒具有较好的反应性,其对HIV-H5HA假病毒的中和效价为64。中和试验表明该MAb能够有效阻断野生型病毒对鸡胚的感染。本研究结果为开发H5N1 AIV的被动免疫治疗方法奠定了基础,同时对亚单位疫苗的研制也具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

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